Police Advisory Commission Agenda 07-21-2010AGENDA
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
7 p.m.
Academy Room
Monticello Community Center
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of minutes of April 21, 2010 Police Advisory Commission meeting.
3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
4. Wright County Sheriff's Office updates / Q&A session.
5. Consideration of recommending appointment of Charles Fradella to the Police Advisory
6. Consideration of 2011 budget recommendations for Wright County Sheriff's Office.
7. Update on Sheriff's Deputies office relocation.
8. Update on TH 25 Emergency Vehicle Preemption systems.
9. Discussion of added items.
10. Schedule next meeting.
11. Adjourn.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
7 p.m.
Academy Room
Monticello Community Center
Members Present: Brad Fyle, Brian Stumpf, Jim Roberts, and Jason Roubinek
Members Absent: Leila McCarty
Ex -Officio Representatives: Lt. Dan Anselment — Wright County Sheriffs Department
Bruce Westby, City Engineer/Secretary
Others Present: Tom Moores, Cathy Shuman, and Karen Ludvigson (minutes) —
City staff
Tom Perrault — Council member
Patty Salzwedel — Animal Control Officer
Mike Holker — City resident
1. Call to Order
Commissioner Brad Fyle called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. It was noted that a
quorum was present.
2. Approval of minutes of January 20, 2010 regular Police Advisory Commission
3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
• Commissioner Fyle — Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award nominee.
• Commissioner Roberts — Resigning his seat after tonight's meeting.
• Commissioner Stumpf — Concerns about Mn/DOT project on I-94.
• Commissioner Stumpf — Drivers not stopping at Dundas/Edmonson stop signs.
• Tom Moores — Speed trailer update.
4. Monticello Downtown Business Association introductions.
Lynne Dahl -Fleming, Secretary of the MDBA Board of Directors, intended to attend
tonight's meeting but something else came up at the last minute so she provided a 2 -page
handout for the Police Advisory Commission members to review. The handout explained
the purpose of the MDBA, as well as its geographical boundaries (41h Street, River Street,
Elm Street, and Washington Street). Mr. Westby noted that if anyone had any questions
on the materials they could contact Lynne Dahl -Fleming at the number on the handout.
5. Review of amended dangerous dop- ordinance, City Ordinance No. 6-2-25.
Cathy Shuman summarized the ordinance and noted that tonight's discussion was just
meant to be an update since the ordinance was already adopted by the City Council.
Commissioner Fyle asked if Wright County had a similar ordinance. Cathy Shuman
confirmed that they do, and that we made changes to our ordinance to coordinate with
their ordinance. Patty Salzwedel described that Wright County contracts with the
Crossroads Animal Shelter, a non-profit animal shelter, on 3 -year terms. Lt. Anselment
noted that the dog's owner is supposed to pay the boarding fees.
Lt. Anselment briefly explained the Wright Co. Sheriff's Office process for enforcing the
ordinance. Lt. Anselment then discussed an issue they had with a pit bull near a group
home on Marvin Elwood. The Commission then asked for clarification on what the
definition of a dangerous dog is. Patty Salzwedel explained that if a dog shows signs of
aggression, or if a neighbor calls in to alert them (the Sheriff's Office or Patty) about an
aggressive dog, then that dog can be labeled as potentially dangerous. As an example, if
a dog shows signs of aggression toward someone when away from its owners property, or
even if a dog jumps against a fence in an aggressive manner when someone walks by the
fence, that is reason enough to label a dog as potentially dangerous. At that time a
warning and/or a ticket could be issued to the dog's owner. On average, there are about
10 dangerous dog reports a year.
It was noted that the City of Buffalo has a similar ordinance. Commissioner Fyle stated
that he felt this was a good ordinance to adopt.
Lt. Anselment noted that he forwards all dog reports to Patty. He also said that Patty has
jurisdiction within Montissippi Park.
Lt. Anselment then mentioned there have been several calls regarding a mountain lion
sighting within the City limits, but that as of today no pictures had been taken to confirm
that it is actually a mountain lion. Lt. Anselment also said the Sheriff's Office has not
received any complaints lately about animal control issues in Monticello.
(Item #8 was presented before agenda item #6 so Cathy Shuman could attend to provide
information related to this item.)
8. Relocation of Sheriffs Deputies office to Prairie Center building.
Lt. Anselment said he has not seen their new office at the Prairie Center building yet, so
he wasn't sure of what would be needed for office furniture yet. However, he noted that
the Wright County Sheriff's Office will supply their own computers, phones, and other
electronic equipment. That said, he noted that they do need a 2 -way radio scanner.
Cathy Shuman mentioned that Gary Anderson had one and that it should still be around
somewhere so she will look for it. Lt. Anselment reiterated they don't need a phone, just
a phone line for their computers. Cathy asked about their copier/printer needs. Lt.
Anselment said the Wright County Sheriff's Office is moving towards being a paperless
agency so they don't need a copier/printer to be provided for them. Cathy Shuman said
they could use City Hall's copier whenever they needed to. Cathy also said there are
several cubicles left over from the community center renovation that can be provided if
Commissioner Fyle asked about the type of keys they prefer to use. Lt. Anselment said
they prefer a touch pad system over keyed locks since there will be over 20 deputies
using the building. He noted they can look at any potential security issues related to the
use of a touch pad system during the walk-through after tonight's meeting.
Cathy Shuman asked if they'd need a bulletin board. Lt. Anselment thinks they have one
from the fire hall. Mr. Westby asked about their use of the parking lot at the Community
Center. Lt. Anselment said they still plan to use the parking lot at the Community Center
to park cars when not in use. Mr. Westby asked how many cars would typically be
parked in the MCC lot. Lt. Anselment thought about two to six cars would be present at
any given time. Mr. Westby noted that at a recent City Council meeting, Kitty Baltos,
MCC Director, said that sometimes their parking lot is filled to capacity during special
events so space is at a premium. Lt. Anselment said they normally have about 2 to 6 cars
in the MCC lot. Tom Moores said that for snow plowing purposes he prefers the squad
cars to keep parking at the Community Center.
Cathy Shuman asked about their mailbox at City Hall. She noted that FiberNet has a
mailbox there. Lt. Anselment didn't think it would be a problem to pick their mail up at
City Hall.
Commissioner Fyle asked about the availability of the office space. Mr. Westby said it's
unoccupied at present, but that there may be a delay while it is wired for telephone and
computer hook-ups. Lt. Anselment said they would like a sign, and that he'd look at the
building tonight, take some pictures, and see where their sign could be placed. He wants
the public to know where they're at and to feel that they are welcome to stop in.
6. Wright Countv Sheriffs Department updates/O&A session.
Lt. Anselment presented crime and service call statistics from 2009. Overall, 2009 was a
quiet year. Crime was down about 17% in Monticello, and the total number of service
calls dropped from 3,080 in 2008 to 2,878 in 2009. The lower number of calls is likely
due to the bad economy, which has reduced discretionary income. Lt. Anselment noted
there was not as much construction traffic going through town last year, and that
residents were calling in less to complain about speeding in neighborhoods. However,
there was a small increase in vandalism, which again was likely due to the bad economy.
Traffic crashes were also down.
Lt. Anselment noted that vehicle thefts were up slightly last month but that several arrests
were made in Otsego, Saint Michael and Delano, but none in Monticello.
Lt. Anselment stated that their deputies are being directed to have more community
involvement. This might include stopping to talk to people on street, or even joining in
on a game of basketball. More neighborhood drive-throughs are also being promoted to
increase visibility.
Commissioner Fyle inquired about their working relationship with school liaisons. Does
the Sheriff's Office contact them on a regular basis? Lt. Anselment said they do keep in
constant contact with both school liaisons. He also noted that while there have been
several larger fights lately, nothing else outside the ordinary has been happening in the
schools recently.
Mike Holker, who lives at 537 East Broadway, voiced his concern regarding traffic
speeds on East Broadway. He thought speeds weren't being enforced enough, especially
on East Broadway. Lt. Anselment said East Broadway is the most enforced street in the
City. Mr. Holker said he has attended council meetings to state his concerns before, with
little or no results. Tom Moores said he will place the City's speed trailer in front of Mr.
Holker's house. Lt. Anselment asked Mr. Holker for his e-mail address so he could send
him a copy of the speed trailer results, and noted that the average speeds are typically less
than the posted speeds.
7. Consideration of parkinp- issues including:
a. Winter on -street parking ban issues
i. Warnings versus tickets
ii. Private streets versus public streets
Mr. Westby discussed that staff had recently been receiving complaints from residents
about people parking on the streets overnight, even though the winter parking ban is still
in effect. Lt. Anselment said their Sheriff s Deputies gave out 229 parking tickets since
the first of the year. Lt. Anselment said they hand out a lot of warning tickets before the
snow flies in an attempt to educate people about the parking ban. After the snow flies,
the deputies have discretion as to whether tickets are issued. This is the same for private
and public streets.
Commissioner Stumpf mentioned he received a call from a resident on 6t1i & Maple.
There is a duplex there and the complaint was that sometimes multiple cars are parked on
the streets overnight. Lt. Anselment didn't think they should target one particular
neighborhood. Tom Moores noted that many people are losing their homes and that more
people are living under one roof to be able to afford their home, which results in over -
parked driveways. There was some discussion about revising the parking ordinance to
better address this issue.
Lt. Anselment asked for some direction of what to do in this instance? Mr. Westby
thought maybe warnings should be issued in this instance, rather than tickets, at least at
first. It was also discussed that the Sheriff's Deputies should talk to the resident who was
complaining to provide them with a phone number for the sheriff's office in case this
issue persists.
b. Fallon Avenue on -street parking ban
Mr. Westby stated the city has received many calls from Little Mountain Elementary
school parents about trucks parking on Fallon Avenue while waiting to deliver or pick-up
their loads from IRT, and that this is a safety issue. City staff then visited IRT to discuss
these complaints. IRT said they'd have the trucks park on the south side of Dundas Road
while waiting to weigh-in and unload. This seemed to work for a little while, but then
the trucks started parking along Fallon Avenue again so the City posted Fallon Avenue as
"No Parking" on both sides of the street from Dundas Road to Chelsea Road.
Commissioner Stumpf brought up one of the added items at this time. Commissioner
Stumpf noted that many drivers run or roll through the stop signs at the intersection of
Edmonson Avenue and Dundas Road. Lt. Anselment made a note of this and said he
would pass this information along to the deputies and ask them to keep their eyes open.
C. Commuter lot parking violations
Tom Moores said he has observed numerous trucks parking at the City's commuter lot
overnight unhooked from the cab. The City has an ordinance that states trucks cannot
park trailers in the lot unless the cab is attached. Tom Moores noted that when the trucks
dolly down their trailers they leave large depressions in the asphalt, especially in the
summer. Lt. Anselment was asked to remind his officers about this ordinance and to
better enforce it.
9. Consideration of improvements for TH 25 pedestrian underpass.
Mr. Westby discussed the pictures that were included in the agenda packets in regards to
the existing TH 25 pedestrian underpass between East and West Bridge Parks. The main
issues with the underpass are that it has poor lighting at present, and that people often sit
on top of the abutment wall between the bridge beams so when pedestrians approach the
underpass they often see legs hanging down which doesn't make it feel very safe. As
such, this underpass is not utilized as often as it might be. It was also noted that the chain
link fence is not very appealing.
Improvements to this underpass are proposed to be bid with the 2010 Street
Reconstruction project and will include enhanced lighting, as well as replacing the chain
link fence with a more decorative style fence. Mr. Moores noted that staff from Public
Works frequently observes kids sitting between the beams. Mr. Westby noted that he
contacted Mn/DOT and that they are against boxing in the rafters with any permanent
device, but that they do occasionally install chicken wire between beams to prevent birds
from nesting there, but that this would not likely prevent kids from getting up there. Lt.
Anselment noted that enhanced lighting might also help deter graffiti.
Commissioner Fyle asked whether a security camera could be placed under the bridge.
Lt. Anselment said they could wire it into their office so they could monitor it, but he said
he wasn't aware of any issues at the underpass so he didn't think it was a big enough
issue to justify the expense. The consensus was to see what happens with the enhanced
lighting and if issues arise a camera could then be purchased and placed under the bridge.
10. Discussion of added items.
Outstanding Citizen Recognition Award nominee: Commissioner Fyle, who is also a
local fire fighter, stated there was a recent incident with a car driving off County Road 39
and plunging into the Mississippi River. A passerby waded about 30 feet into the river to
help rescue the driver and get her safely back to shore. Commissioner Fyle thinks this
citizen should be nominated for the OCRA award. He also said he hoped this could be
done quickly and that they shouldn't wait for the next meeting to do it. Lt. Anselment
will check his police report and get Commissioner Fyle the name and information of this
citizen. It was understood that both the driver and the rescuer are residents of Monticello.
Commissioner Fyle will e-mail this information to Mr. Westby once he receives it so they
don't have to wait until the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting to nominate
the person. It was discussed that if the information in known quickly enough maybe an
article could be run in the next city newsletter. It was also noted that the award is
presented during a City Council meeting so the award recipient will also be recognized
on local cable television, which is only fitting.
Upcoming vacancy for Police Advisory Commission: Commissioner Roberts stated that
he will not be unable to attend the PAC meetings over the next year so we will need to
fill his vacant seat on the Commission. He said he enjoys being on the Commission and
that he may apply for a seat on the Commission in the future when an opening exists.
After a brief discussion it was decided that staff should advertise the vacant seat for a
period of two weeks, as well as pull the applications from the previous vacancy and call
those people to see if they are still interested. Mr. Westby was instructed to contact
Chairman Fyle after the posting period was over to discuss whether a special
Commission meeting would be needed to expedite filling the vacant seat.
Concerns about 94 & 18 MN/DOT project: Commissioner Fyle said he noticed that
some Wright County Sheriff's Deputies were recently patrolling Interstate 94 and he was
curious why they were performing duties on I-94. Lt. Anselment said the state gets grant
money to enforce speed limits in construction zones, and that they enlist the help of
County Sheriff's Deputies from time to time, based on the number of construction
projects that are occurring at any given time. He also stated that only off-duty officers
are used to avoid the need to pay them overtime. Commissioner Stumpf said he's seen
the signs that say fines are doubled in work zones, and that people are driving way too
fast through the construction zone. Lt. Anselment said this law applies to the Mn/DOT
project in Monticello too.
Speed Trailer: Tom Moores briefly discussed the City's use of the speed trailer. He said
he used to prepare a schedule where the trailer would be located throughout the city
during the year, but that he now usually just moves it from site to site based on
complaints of excessive speed he receives from citizens, which are growing more and
more numerous. Commissioner Fyle asked if the speed trailer could help Mr. Holker
with his concerns. Tom Moores said he has placed the trailer on Broadway many times
in the past and that the average speed is generally right around 30 mph. He also noted
that the trailer needs to be placed directly in line with the cars coming at it for the trailer
to accurately pick up the vehicles speeds. Tom stated the trailer will be deployed soon.
11. Schedule next meeting.
The next regular Police Commission meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, July 21 st @
7 PM.
12. Adiourn.
Upon adjournment the police commission members walked over for a tour of the Prairie
West Building to verify that the proper amenities existed to support the needs of the
Sherriff's Deputies, particularly in regards to computers, telephones and other office
Bruce Westby, City Engineer
Recording Secretary
Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/21/10
4. Wright Countv Sheriffs Office updates / O&A session.
Representatives from the Wright County Sheriff's Office will update the Police Advisory
Commission on recent crime statistics, trends and other law enforcement issues affecting the
City of Monticello, and will respond to questions and/or concerns from the Police Advisory
Commission and others in attendance.
Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/21/10
5. Consideration of recommending appointment of Charles Fradella to the Police
Advisory Commission. (BW)
On April 21" the Police Advisory Commission discussed how to best fill the vacant seat on
the Commission. The Commission directed staff to advertise for applicants for a period of 2
weeks, and to call any previous applicants back to see if they were still interested in applying
for the vacant seat. Staff posted an advertisement at the Community Center, as well as on the
City's web site, for a period of 2 weeks as directed but nobody applied. Staff also called the
3 applicants who had recently applied for the commission, but only one of those applicants,
Charles Fradella, is still interested in the position. He asked that his original application be
used again, which is attached for your reference.
The Commission is therefore being asked to consider recommending the appointment of
Charles Fradella to the Police Advisory Commission to fill the vacant seat due to Jim
Robert's resignation on April 21, 2010. The Commission already interviewed Mr. Fradella.
Pending your recommendation, Mr. Fradella will be asked to submit to a criminal
background check. Upon passing the background check, your recommendation will be
presented to the City Council for ratification at the first regularly scheduled City Council
If appointed, Mr. Fradella's term on the Commission would expire on 12/31/2011.
Charles Fradella's PAC application
Name Charles Fradella
Address 9012 Farmstead Ave
Home Phone Cell Phone -
If not otherwise specified, you must be a resident of the City of Monticello to serve on the
following boards.
Please circle the board(s) on which you are interested in serving.
Industrial and Economic Development Committee (Does not require residency)
Fiber Advisory Committee
City Planning Commission
Monticello Community Center Advisory Board
Police Advisory Commission
Parks Commission
Economic Development Authority {May not require residency)
Highest Level of Education Grade 12 plus some college courses
Current Employer, if applicable, Retired
Dates of Employment (starting/ending).
Former Employer, if applicable CCI/Triad
Position/Title Technical Writer
Dates of Employment (startinglending). 1996-1998
Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of
I am an 11 vear resident of the Citv of Monticello and durinq this time I have seen
many chances take place.
Countina my eight vears as a member of the United States Air Force, since 1,
enlisted in the Air Force, I have lived in a total of eight cities and would have this
opportunity to relate to what I had experienced in the past.
As a person with several vears experience as a reserve police officer/sheriff s
deputv I believe I could offer helpful feedback to the needs of the citv,,
Please describe your prior volunteer experiences (include organization names and
dates of service)
Parma Police Department -1967-1958
Mound Police Department - 1997
Wriaht County Sheriff's Deoartment 2000 - 2004
North Memorial Medical Center Lifeline Installation 2005 - Present
List your qualifications for this appointment:
Two years as a reserve police officer with the Parma Police Department - 1957-1958
One year as a reserve police officer with the Mound Police Department — 1997
Four years as a reserve sheriffs deputy Wright County Sheriffs Department — 2000-2004
Two years as a civilian bailiff for Wright County Sheriff's Department -- 2004-2005
Please list three non -family members who can provide references on your ability to perform this volunteer
Name Sheriff Gary Miller Phone Number 682-7619
Name Deputv Joel Mackereth Phone Number 682-7689
Name Deputv Brian Johnson Phone Number 684-2366
Please read the following carefully before signing this application:
I understand that this is an application for and not a commitment or promise of volunteer opportunity. I certify
that I have and will provide information throughout the selection process, including on this application for a
volunteer position and in interviews with the City of Monticello that is true, correct and complete to the best of
my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not
and will not withhold any information that would unfavorably affect my application for a volunteer position. I
understand that information contained on my application will be verified by the City of Monticello. I
understand that misrepresentation or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant for
a volunteer nnsiti n with the.-Ciht of onticello or my termination as a volunteer.
Signatur Date October 25, 2009
Return Completed Application to: Monticello City Hall, Attn: Human Resources, 505 Walnut
St, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 65362
Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/21/10
6. Consideration of 2011 budget recommendations for Wright County Sheriffs Office.
The City is in the process of preparing the budget for fiscal year 2011. Law enforcement is
one of the larger line items in the City's budget. This service is contracted through the
Wright County Sheriff s Office. The current contract term is 2 -years and runs through 2011.
To assist the City Council in approving the law enforcement budget item for 2011, the Police
Advisory Commission is being asked to provide a recommendation for the number of hours
to be provided by the Sheriff s Office in 2011. The Sheriff's Office recently indicated that
their current number of contract hours will be adequate for 2011, and that most other cities in
Wright County are not reducing their number of contract hours for 2011. However, the City
Council has requested that staff look at all means possible to reduce the City's budget for
2011. As such, the Commission is being asked to discuss the potential for reducing the
number of hours currently contracted for with the Sheriff's Office. And if a reduction in
hours is recommended, what would you recommend the number of hours be reduced to?
In fiscal year 2010, the City budgeted $1,091,350 for law enforcement services. This was
based on 18,980 hours, or 52 hours per day, at a rate of $57.50 per hour. This includes 24-
hour call and general service. However, the number of service calls has been declining since
2008, and as such there may be an opportunity to reduce the number of hours for law
enforcement without negatively impacting our current level of service. Please note that the
current level of calls for service shows activity that is roughly equal to the activity seen in
2007 when the number of hours contracted for amounted to 48 hours per day.
Additionally, staff is requesting input on whether there may be any service areas that could
be reduced to allow for a reduction in the number of hours needed for law enforcement in
2011? Examples might include reducing traffic violation enforcement, neighborhood and/or
park patrols, etc.
Sheriff's Office representatives are encouraged to provide feedback to the Police Advisory
Commission during the meeting on any issues, including a potential reduction in hours or
reducing any service areas that could cause the Sheriff's Office to have a hard time providing
the level of service previously requested.
1. Motion to City Council recommending that the City maintain our current law
enforcement service hours for 2011.
2. Motion to City Council recommending a decrease of hours per day for law
enforcement services for 2011.
Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7/21/10
7. Undate on Sheriffs Deputies office relocation. (BW)
Representatives from the Wright County Sheriff s Office will update the Police Advisory
Commission on the status of their office relocation from the Fire Hall to the Prairie Center
Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 7121110
8. Update on TH 25 Emergency Vehicle Preemption systems. (BW)
Mn/DOT recently informed the City that they will be installing new Emergency Vehicle
Preemption systems on all the signal systems on TH 25 through Monticello in the near future.
This update is simply intended to update the Sheriff's Office of this development in case they
were not aware of it, and in case it requires them to upgrade their vehicle or computers to
accommodate the new EVP systems, which would in turn impact their budget.
I recently spoke to Fire Chief Steve Joerg about this and he indicated that all the Fire
Department vehicles and equipment are EVP ready.