Police Advisory Commission Minutes 09-28-2005MINUTES QUARTERLY MEETING - MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Dick Slais, Jon Hoff, Brad Fyle, Dave Gerads and Wayne Mayer Members Absent: None Others Present: City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller and Councilmember Tom Perrault 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. and a quorum was present. 2. Approval of minute of April 20,2005 Police Commission meeting. JON HOFF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 20, 2005 POLICE COMMISSION MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Review of Council action regarding School Boulevard speed limits and pedestrian crosswalk locations. Commission members reviewed the results of a traffic study that was conducted by the Sheriff's Department along School Boulevard from April 29, 2005 to May 5, 2005. The study noted that of the 27,000 vehicles that traveled School Boulevard during that time frame, the average speed was 47.85 mph in the posted 45 mph zone. Commission members were updated on a recent City Council action that authorized the City Engineer to conduct a pedestrian study along School Boulevard that has resulted in a decision to add an additional crosswalk near the high school across School Boulevard and to also construct temporary low cost improvements of additional signing, striping and pedestrian ramps providing bump -outs along School Boulevard to see if this will slow traffic in the pedestrian crosswalk areas. As part of this discussion, the consensus of the Police Commission membership was to also request that the City Council consider adding a pylon in the center of School Boulevard at the crosswalk locations which identifies the crosswalk and the state law that requires motorists to stop for any pedestrian in the crosswalk. Commission members felt this would be a low cost improvement that would provide advance notice to motorists of the crosswalk locations which should help slow traffic in the area. Commission members also discussed the traffic concerns along the entire length of School Boulevard from Highway 25 easterly and noted with the recent opening of Wal-Mart and the additional commercial development that is occurring in the area, it was their recommendation that the City Council consider adding a four-way stop at the intersection of Cedar Street and School Boulevard, one block east of Highway 25. Commission members were informed that Police Commission Minutes - 9/28/05 future plans did call for the installation of a traffic signal at this location if the traffic warranted, but a motion was still made by Dick Slais, seconded by Jon Hoff and unanimously carried to request City Council to establish a four-way stop system at this intersection as soon as possible. This request will be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration. 4. Discussion on ueneral traffic speeds and enforcement procedures throughout the Citv. Commission members noted the main concern that they have heard from citizens is in regards to traffic enforcement for speeding. It was the consensus of the Commission members that additional enforcement regarding traffic speeds needs to be conducted by the Sheriffs Department, even if that means the City will have to add additional hours of coverage in the future to provide officers for this purpose. Recognizing that the preliminary budget proposal for 2006 has already been established by the Council, Commission members felt it is important that the City Council consider adding at least four hours of additional coverage next year (2007 budget) and possibly even up to eight hours a day, with this additional officer being responsible for traffic control enforcement. In the meantime, Commission members directed the City Administrator to contact the Sheriff s Department to have them step up enforcement along Broadway to at least get the message out to the general public that traffic speeds are a concern in the area. 5. Consideration of establishinLy a ioint meetinLy between Police Commission, Citv Council and Sheriff Department representatives to discuss basic law enforcement procedures. Councilmember Tom Perrault reviewed with Commission members his idea of establishing a joint meeting between the Police Commission, City Council and Sheriffs Department representatives that would present background information to the general public at an open forum meeting. With the City's population growing at a rapid pace, Mr. Perrault felt that many citizens may not be aware of why the City has contracted for police protection services through the Wright County Sheriffs Department and it would give the Sheriff s Department an opportunity to explain what their role has been in law enforcement for Monticello and why the City continues to use their services. This open forum could also provide the Police Commission with the opportunity to provide cost comparisons of using the Sheriffs Department for law enforcement compared to having our own police department. A study was completed a number of years ago that found it to be more cost effective for the City of Monticello to have its own police department, but it was recommended that the staff try to update this information and have it available for such a meeting. Originally a public forum date of Thursday, October 27, 2005 was discussed, but Commission members felt that additional time would be necessary to prepare a proper agenda for topics to discuss and in order to complete any type of comparison survey of police department costs from surrounding communities. In order to provide proper public notice of this meeting, the idea was suggested to use our City quarterly newsletter and to use the Monticello Times or Shopper for advertising the meeting. 7 Police Commission Minutes - 9/28/05 In preparation for a public informational meeting, it was the consensus of the Commission members that the Sheriff s Department should be contacted to see if they would be available for having a planning meeting on October 27, 2005 that includes Police Commission members, City Council members, Fire Department representatives and the Sheriff s Department. This planning session could establish what type of agenda might be appropriate for this public meeting which would then be held at a later date to be determined. If this date is appropriate for the Sheriff s Department representatives, this date for a planning meeting would be brought to the City Council for approval. 6. Miscellaneous In regards to speed enforcement procedures, Commission members felt it would be appropriate for City of Monticello to obtain its own radar trailer device which could be placed in various locations throughout the community to advise motorists of their speed. While it was noted that Wright County has two of these trailers available for use throughout the County, more and more communities are utilizing them making it difficult to obtain one for a specific area in Monticello without advance notice. With the cost of these devices in the $7,000 to $10,000 range, Commission members requested that the City Council consider acquiring its own device through next years budget. 7. Adiourn BRAD FYLE MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:40 P.M.. MOTION WAS SECONDED JON HOFF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 3