Police Advisory Commission 06-13-2001MINUTES QUARTERLY MEETING - MONTICELLO POLICE COMMISSION VN'ednesdav, June 13, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Liz DesN-larais. Brian Stumpf. Dick Slals and Brad Fyle. Members Absent: Dave Gerads Also Present: Chief Deputy Don Lindell. Lt. Dan Anselment. City Administrator. Rick Wolfsteller. 1. Approval of minutes. MOTION WAS MADE BY DICK SLAIS, SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE AND CARRIED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE POLICE COMMISSION MEETING HELD OCTOBER 25, 2000. 2. Review of current hours of coverage and recommendations for 2002 budget year. Lt. Anselment and Chief Deputy Lindell reviewed with the Police Commission members statistical data showing the number of calls for service that are now occurring in the City of Monticello over the past year which indicates that the calls for service continue to rise as our population has increased. Calls for service generally peak during the hours of 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. daily with the summer months, especially August, experiencing the highest number of calls. Sheriffs representatives noted that the additional four hours per day added January 1. 2000 to the coverage level was much needed and the additional four hours that will be increased on July 1, 2001 should help the response time of the deputies. With the continued population growth expected in the Monticello area. the Sheriffs Department highly recommended that the Police Commission and City Council continue with the program of adding an additional four hours per day coverage each year until the coverage level reaches the equivalent of two officers per day year round. Currently the coverage level amounts to 36 hours per day, and if the City continues to add four hours per year this goal would be reached in three years. Although the hourly rate for 2002 had not yet been set by the County Board it was anticipated that a 3%-5% increase would likely occur. The current annual contract amounts to $542.240 for 13,556 hours of coverage. and if an additional four hours was added next year, this would bring the total hours of coverage to 15,016 hours and would likely amount to a annual budget of around $620.000. It was the consensus of the Police Commission that the City should include in its preliminary budget the additional four hours of coverage per day and that a proposed budget of around $620.000 should be prepared for Council consideration. Police Commission Minutes - 6/13/01 THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS A MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator 3. Review of current hours of coverao—e and recommendations for 2003 budayet vear.. (Rw-) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the 2001 budget, the City Council agreed to increase the hours of coverage by four hours a day starting in January 1, 2001 and to add an additional four hours a day beginning July 1, 2001, which effectively brought the daily coverage total to 36 hours per day, not counting the additional hours we also had on Fridays and Saturdays. As part of the 2002 budget, the City Council agreed to increase the hours of coverage by an additional four hours per day beginning in January 1, 2002, which now brings our total daily coverage to 40 hours plus the additional 416 hours a year for Fridays and Saturdays. This was in line with what the Police Commission had set as a goal a few years back in that we would try to add four hours per day to the coverage each year in an attempt to provide coverage for an expanding community not only in population, but also in land area. With city staff now beginning preparation of the 2003 budget for the City, the Police Commission members should discuss with the Sheriffs Department how the current level of coverage is working out, and to decide what type of recommendation we should make to the City Council for police protection services next year. Questions we should discuss include whether the present 40 hours per day average coverage is sufficient, or whether we should continue to look at recommending an increase in the daily coverage. As some background, our current 40 hours per day coverage plus the additional 416 hours during the summer for additional coverage on Fridays and Saturdays totals 15,016 hours annually. For 2002, the hourly rate set by the County is $41.75 which equals a total cost this year of $626,918. Our contract with the County calls for a 4.2% increase in the hourly rate next year which has been set at $43.50 per hour. Without any increase in the hours of coverage next year, the total cost is estimated to be $653,196, or an increase of $26,278. If an additional four hours per day was added to the coverage, this would add 1,460 hours to the total or 16,476 hours. Total contract with the additional four hours per day would then equal $716,706, an $89,788 increase over the 2002 budget. This would be a 14.3% increase in total cost for the police department budget(4% for the rate increase and 10% because of increase in hours). Enclosed with this agenda is a copy of the Sheriff s Department Annual Report for the City of Monticello comparing years 1998 through 2001. The report will give you an idea of the amount of activity that takes place in the City and may be a useful tool during our discussions on whether an increase in hours is necessary at this time. It is anticipated that Sheriff s Department representatives will be in attendance at the meeting to provide further input and recommendations on what they think is necessary to continue an adequate level of service for the City. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Commission members could make a recommendation on the hours of coverage that should be included in the preliminary budget for the year 2003. Don Lindell Chief Deputy Dave Miller, Captain Operations Gary Torfin, Captain Jail Administrator Date : April 2, 2002 WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE GARY L. MILLER SHERIFF 10 2nd St. NW, RM 170 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1197 1-800-362-3667 To Rick Wolfsteller, Monticello City Adminstrator From Gary Mille Re Annual Report JNT Y C) � 2 I i M �6 O dy 7855 Non -Emergency 763-682-1162 Administration 763-682-7620 Records 763-682-7622 Civil 763-682-7645 Warrants 763-682-7688 Investigation 763-682-7633 Jail Admin. 763-682-7662 Fax 763-682-7610 Enclosed is the 2001 year end report of law enforcement related activity for the City of Monticello. I should have some additional comparative data available soon for your City Council and Police Commission. I will forward it as soon as the demographics material is available from the Auditor. I would be happy to attend either the Commission meeting or a general council meeting if they wish to discuss the data provide or any other issues with me. 7000 -- 6000 5000 4000 - - 3000- 2000- 1000 000-2000-1000 0 -- Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2001 Total Calls Reported Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 Average Calls Reported 5984 5793 5927 6660 6091 1998 1999 2000 2001 0 Total Calls Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2001 Service Calls Type of Service Call 1998 1999 2000 2001 Alarm 429 423 423 442 Harassment 129 103 126 120 Fire 72 77 77 73 Check Welfare 109 86 81 89 Medical/Deceased I 246 I 291 I 308 I 389 Animal Complaint I 81 I 47 l 94 I 74 Disturb Public Peace I 135 I 144 I 134 126 House/Business/Area Check 78 I 104 56 48 Juvenile Complaint 292 I 243 226 I 235 Suspicious Incident 184 I 206 l 227 I 275 Citizen/Motorist Aid I 124 I 101 I 98 I 112 Lost/Found Property I 111 I 117 130 I 139 Total ( 1990 I 1942 1980 I 2122 2500 I 2000 1500 i 1000 500 0 1998 1999 0 service calls 2000 2001 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2001 Type of Traffic Call Speeding Careless/Reckless Driving Stop/Semaphore Violation DAR/DAS/DAC Drivers License Violations Vehicle Registration No Insurance Equipment Violation D.U.I. Miscellaneous Traffic Total 1600 ---- - - - 1400- i 1200 1000 800 600 400 200- n 1998 Traffic Calls _ 1998 1999 2000 2001 173 239 262 321 7 11 12 19 75 66 60 67 86 70 80 114 50 40 41 68 99 87 60 109 180 116 101 178 20 23 33 31 41 74 44 68 434 490 540 520 1165 1216 1233 1495 1999 N Traffic Calls 2000 2001 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2001 Motor Vehicle Crashes Type of Crash _ 1998 1999 2000 Property Damage 195 227 270 Personal Injury 31 22 16 Car/Animal 7 4 7 Hit & Run 47 64 37 Fatality 0 1 0 Total 280 318 330 350T - 6W - - i 250 200 -�--- 150 - 100 - 50 --� 1998 1999 2000 0 MV Crashes 2001 265 12 3 51 1 332 2001 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2001 Part I & II Crimes Crime Part _ 1998 1999 Part I Crimes 286 249 Part II Crimes 744 657 Total Part I & II Crimes 1030 906 1600 1400 1200 - 1000 800 i - i 600 i 400 rt -- i 200 0 1998 1999 2000 Part I & 11 Crimes 2000 435 627 1062 2001 495 908 1403 2001 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2001 Part I Crimes Part I Crime 1998 1999 2000 2001 Murder 0 0 0 0 Criminal Sexual Conduct 2 0 2 3 Robbery 1 I 0 0 I 1 Aggravated Assault 8 I 2 17 I 7 Burglary 43 25 42 40 Larceny/Theft 212 195 348 ( 403 Motor Vehicle Theft 20 25 25 I 40 Arson 0 I 2 1 1 Total 286 249 435 495 500 ------- - --- - - - - - i 400 - --- -- - -- - - 300 286 - -- 249 200 100 , 0 - 1998 1999 0 Part I Crimes 2000 2001 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2001 Part II Crimes Part II Crime 1998 1999 2000 2001 Other Assaults 51 60 67 50 Forgery/Counterfeit 35 51 39 32 Theft/Fraud 5 7 8 26 Stolen Property Crimes 6 6 9 16 Criminal Damage to Property 212 156 153 207 Weapons Violations 4 8 4 10 Other Sex Crimes 6 4 6 3 Narcotics 78 62 66 115 Family/Children 10 2 7 11 D. U. 1. 41 74 44 68 Liquor Law Violations 93 68 49 90 Disorderly Conduct 73 55 52 81 Other 130 104 123 199 Total 744 657 627 908 1000 — — - - - - I 800 -- 7,4 600 ---- 400 -- -- - i i 200- 0 — 1998 1999 N Part 11 Crimes 2000 eos 2001 1000 :oIj 600 � �J 200 I Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Gary L. Miller City of Monticello Annual Report - 2001 Criminal Arrests Type of Crime 1998 1999 2000 2001 Part 1 45 30 96 90 Part 11 458 439 421 658 Warrants 106 133 130 125 Total 609 602 647 873 609 1998 602 1999 2000 Criminal Arrests 2001 4. Review and discussion of traffic speed enforcement actions within the Citv., (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The purpose of this item is to get an update and discuss any specific traffic enforcement activities the Sheriff's Department has conducted over the past year or feels is necessary in the City. The most commonly received comments regarding police activities seems to relate to concerns over excessive speeding in various area of the community, most notably CSAH 75. As you may recall, the City also had received concerns from some residents along Gillard Avenue on the eastern edge of the community relating to the perception of excessive speeds in that area also. After the Gillard Avenue complaints were received, the Sheriff s Department did conduct a brief traffic survey along Gillard Avenue for a few hours over a two day period of time last August. A summary of that activity is enclosed in the agenda, but as you can see the majority of the vehicles surveyed appeared to be traveling at a reasonable rate of speed. Although it is hard to say whether this is a good representation of daily traffic in this area, the Police Commission may want to discuss whether additional enforcement activities should be instituted on a periodic basis, or whether present enforcement activities are sufficient. I have also asked the Sheriffs Department to provide any additional reports or summaries of any speed or traffic surveys they have done in other areas of the community last year. If any information is available, they will bring it to the meeting to share with the members. There is no specific recommendation regarding this item other than to discuss 'with Sheriffs representatives whether additional enforcement activities are warranted. JUN -17-2002 MON 10:05 AM WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF I k Don Lindell Chief Deputy Dave Miller, Captain Operations Gary Torfin, Captain Jail Administrator O V E R S H E E T FAX NO, 763 682 7610 WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE GARY L. MILLER SHERIFF 10 2nd St. NW, RM 170 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1197 1.800-362-3667 FAX #: (763) 682-7610 7c: 3% a.cn. �:Ck w0'CC ler, Fax#: S—`7`1Qy Subject: - Date:�2- Pages including this cover sheet: P. 01 7855 Non -Emergency 763-682-1162 Administration 763.662-7620 Records 763-682-7622 Civil 763-682-7645 Warrants 763-6822-7688 Investigation 763-682-7633 Jail Admin. 763-682-7662 Fax 763-6a2-7610 FAX Comments: e V"e ham.'L, - � %tom* Clef r I Q�zl �; e-4AO, -(t i -F-,, � /a S, -t4 sce-2w /iI Attention: The information contained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information solely for the use of the persons or entities named above. if you are not such persons or entities, you are hereby notified that any distribution or reproduction of this facsimile message is strictly prohibited. if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original to is at the above address via U.S. Mail. /h A ■ ■ w& ■ Z JUN -17-2002 MON 10:05 AM WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF FAX N0, 763 682 7610 To Lt. Anselment REGAROJ MG: Gillard Avenue, Monticello U ANN0161— P, 02 GARY L. MILLER Wright County Stwrlff 10 2nd Stroat NW, RM 170 Buffalo, MN 55313-1197 DATE: 080601 This is in response to the independent traffic survey done by the City of Monticello. I ran stationary radar on Gillard Avenue just north of 95th Street for approximately 2 1/2 hours on 08-01 and 08-02. I documented the speed of the vehicles traveling southbound only, due to the fact that the northbound vehicle's speeds would be affected from the squad presence. The north- bound traffic was very limited during the hours I was parked on Gillard. I also did not includi the sodthbound traffic that came from 97th Street or River Fosrest Drive, because the squad cal was visible to the drivers. You requested on your memo that we mark the citations issued with post it note, so you could report back to the city. I attached the speed record that I completf so you could advise the city that the average speed on Gillard Avenue is 29.75 mph. The averag speed for vehicles traveling 30 mph or more is 33.41 mph. I don't think this area is as big of a problem as they made it out to be. If remember coorectly their report stated that 60% of the vehicles were traveling above the posted speed limit. They failed to advise how fast they were traveling. I did write two citations one for 45 mph and the other for 46 mph. I wrote this mer, so you have something to report back to the city. Cooper JUN -17-2002 MON 10:05 AM WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF FAX NO, 763 682 7610 P. 03 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, Mn 55362 Attention: Rick Wolfsteller Re: Trak Watch Gillard Ave/95th Street Ne Rick, In response to your letter regarding additional traffic enforcement on Mud Ave, here are some of the speed results that we came up with. The Sheriffs Office had a fully marked pmol car park and run stationery radar on GMaFrd Ave just North of 95' Street for about 3 hours on two (2) separate dates in the beginning on August. We also have set up our radar trailer on GMard Ave just prior to the above dates and worked speed enforcement in conjunction with the trailer. Deputies have been issuing citations for speed and will continue to provide extra patrol to monitor the area. If there is any other information or assistw= that I can give you, please don't hesitated to call me at 763-682-7634. Lieutenant Dan Anselment JUN -17-2002 MON 10;06 AM WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF FAX NO. 763 682 7610 P. 05 Wright County Sheriff Activity Giiiard Ave South of Co Rd #39 09/01/01: 1547 hrs 26 mph 1652 hrs 29mph 1855 hrs 30 mph 1552 hrs 26 mph 1652 hrs 32 mph 1555 hrs 29 mph 1654 hrs 28 mph 08/02/01 1557 brs 36 mph 1744 hrs 32 mph 1502 hrs 31 mph 1558 hrs 28 mph 1746 hrs 33 mph 1508 hrs 20 mph '1559 hrs 28 mph 1746 brs 30 mph 1509 hrs 31 mph 1600 hrs 28 mph 1749 hrs 28 mph 1511 fns 31 mph 1601 hrs 28 mph 1759 hrs 25 mph 1512 hrs 32 mph 1601 hrs 27 mph 1803 hrs 25 mph 1514 hrs 35 mph 1602 hrs 26 mph 1807 tins 29 mph 1524 hrs 26 mph 1603 hrs 31 mph 1807 hrs 27 mph 1524 hrs 25 mph 1603 hrs 36 mph 1808 hrs 28 mph 1526 hrs 24 mph 1605 hrs 28 mph 1808 hrs 29 mph 1527 hrs 26 mph 1615 tars 28 mph 1809 hrs 32 mph 1529 hrs 32 mph 1621 hrs 45 mph *Citation Issued 1810 brs 27 mph 1536 hrs 46 mph 1628 hrs 33 mph 1813 hrs 27 mph *Citation Issued 1630 hrs 28 mph 1816 hrs 28 mph 1545 hrs 30 mph 1631 hrs 25 mph 1817 hrs 30 mph 1550 hrs 28 mph 1631 hrs 26 mph 1818 hrs 35 mph 1633 hrs 31 mph 1820 hrs 34 mph 1636 brs 22 mph 1822 hrs 19 mph 1642 hrs 29 mph 1823 hrs 32 mph 1644 hrs 31 mph 1827 hrs 38 mph 1647 hrs 37 mph 1829 hrs 31 mph 1647 hrs 31 mph 1833 hrs 25 mph 1647 brs 31 irph 1838 hrs 32 mph 1650 hrs 28 mph 1841 hrs 24 mph 1651 hrs 34 mph 1843 hrs 28 mph 1651 hrs 34 mph 1845 hrs 34 mph 1652 hrs 29 mph 1951 hrs 35 mph �. Review of Fire Hall No Parking regulation enforcement (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Recently volunteer fire department members have expressed concern to the City Council on an increase in vehicles parking at the fire hall site when using the Community Center facility. Currently the City has placed " Fire Department Member Parking Only" signs at the fire hall, but with the opening of the new bike park at the west end of the Community Center, the Fire Department has seen an increase in vehicles parking at the fire hall. Sheriffs Department representatives may have additional recommendations, but I assume that this will be a simple request to have more enforcement take place by the Sheriff's Department in citing vehicles that are parked illegally. It would appear that in order for the Sheriff's Department to enforce the Fire Department Only parking regulations, some form of identification will have to be provided to Fire Department members to allow the Sheriff's Department to distinguish between who is actually a Fire Department volunteer or official city representative versus some other vehicle parking for Community Center purposes. No additional recommendations are made at this time and the issue can be discussed further at the meeting.