City Council Minutes 04-25-1983MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL April 25, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Ken Maus, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, and Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: None 2. Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maus and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 11, 1983. 4. Consideration of a Resolution Relating to Quality of Service Provided by North Central Public Service. Previously, Council Members discussed how difficult it was for some area customers of North Central Public Service to contact them regarding service related questions over the phones as customers were put on hold and then also would have to pay for long distance charges. As a result, Council consensus was to have the City Admin- istrator draft a resolution to be sent to North Central Public Service requesting that North Central consider in- stalling a toll free telephone line to benefit customers. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maxwell and unani- mously carried to adopt the resolution to be sent to North Central Public Service provided that the word discourteous be taken out of the resolution under item #1. (See Resolu- tion #70-1983) . S. Consideration of Constructing a Railroad Crossing at Cedar CtrnPt The City of Monticello recently obtainined an easement from Burlington Northern Railroad to open Cedar Street. The City Engineer has negotiated an 80 foot wide easement at a cost of $500. The railroad has also agreed to a request for a simple crossing rather than one requiring signal lights. The Burlington Northern Railroad requested $2,250 for in- stallation of the flange rails, new ties and crossing signs with stop signs. The city crews would perform the necessary drainage work and tree, brush and barricade removal. - 1 - Council Minutes - 4/2.5/83 The remaining work in the roadway would involve the grading, Class V and paving, which Public Works Director, John Simola received quotes on from Richard Knutson, Inc. for $7,200 and from Buffalo Bituminous for approximately $5,700. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Blonigen and unani- mously carried to approve the construction of a railroad crossing at Cedar Street and obtaining an easement from Burlington Northern Railroad with the Class V and paving quote of approximately $5,700 being accepted from Buffalo Bituminous. The total cost would be estimated at approxi- mately $8,500. 6. Consideration of Preliminary Plat of Victoria Square - A PUD - Mi_ke Reher_ Mr. Mike Reher, who owns approximately 13 acres of land south of Cedar Street and Dundas Road south of I-94 presented to the Council his revised concept plan for townhouses, office condos and commercial retail space. As part of the revised concept plan, an adjacent property owner, Mel Wolters, has agreed to join in on the plat and to provide the property for extending Dundas Road directly onto Hwy 25. In lieu of the proposed Dundas Road extension, Cedar Street lying south of Dundas Road would be vacated in the future as it would no longer be needed by the City. The vacated street would then be incorporated into the plat as additional property for one of the parcels. As part of the development stage of his PUD, Mr. Reher also presented a preliminary platting of the entire property into two large blocks and two outlots. As part of the preliminary plat process, Mr. Reher presented a preliminary plat for Block 1 which consisted of 27 townhouse units. In addition to the development stage and preliminary platting for the townhouse units, the Planning Commission also approved pre- viously the realignment of the zoning districts within the Victoria Square development. Currently, most of the land lying south of Dundas Road is zoned R-1, single family residential and according to the concept plan and pre- liminary_plat presented, Block 1 for the townhouse units was recommended to be rezoned to R-3 with the land directly west of this block or Block 2, being rezoned entirely to B-3, highway business. Mr. Reher also noted that the large parcel (Outlot B) located directly north of Dundas Road, when developed, will have a street through the property that will be. known as Cedar Street to coincide and line up with the dedicated Cedar Street south of Dundas Road. - 2 - Council Minutes - 4/25/83 The Cedar Street dedication south of Dundas Road lies between Blocks 1 and 2 and is intended to replace the old Cedar Street that the Council would vacate in the future. The Council discussed with the developer the park dedication fees and subdivision fees that are required of the developer before the final plat can be recorded. Mr. Reher requested that since his only development at the present time would be Phase I consisting of 27 townhouse units, he requested that the park dedication fees applicable to Block 1 be charged to the 27 townhouse units as assessments. It was noted that as each additional phaseis developed, additional park dedication fees would be determined at that time. In regard to the sub- division fees, which is intended to cover expenses incurred by the City through its consulting planner and consulting engineer, it was the Council's consensus that these billings should be paid by the developer at the time of platting. It was estimated that the cost of the subdivision fees would be in the neigh- borhood of $3,500 to $4,000, which would be payable by Mr. Reher prior to the final platting. A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Maus and unani- mously carried to: 1. Approve the revised concept plan for the entire Victoria Square development that includes four parcels. 2. Approval of the preliminary plat for the entire Victoria Square as presented consisting of Out - lots A and B in Blocks�.l and 2. 3. Approval of the revised development and preliminary plat plan for Phase I (Block 1) consisting of 27. townhouse units. 4. Approval of rezoning all of Block 1 for the townhouse units from R-1 to R-3 and Block 2 from R-1 to B-3, highway business. S. Approval of spreading the cost of the park dedication fees pertaining to Block 1 over the 27 units with the subdivision fees being payable immediately upon approval of final plat before construction of any model homes. 6. Approval of the construction of eight (8) townhouse units to be used as model homes in Phase I. - 3 - Council Minutes - 4/25/83 7. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to Allow an Auction Sales/Consignment. Sales Facility in a B-3 Zone - Bob Davis. Mr. Bob Davis, who owns the property across the street to the west of Heskin's Electric on Oakwood Drive, reapplied for a conditional use permit to again allow an auction sales facility at his home. Mr. Davis has a 32 foot by 72 foot building that he would like to operate as a sales auction facility. Mr. Davis plans to meet City parking requirements for this business and would install 66 parking spaces on his property. City ordinances require that the parking area be black topped and have curb and gutter, but the Council discussed whether this requirement should be immediately imposed until it is certain that this business will be established and continue to operate more than a few months. Mr. Davis previously indicated that he would be willing to black top the parking lot this summer but he asked for a variance to eliminate a concrete curb and gutter at the present time as he felt the area had adequate drainage without curb and gutter. Concerns were expressed regarding the width of the driveway access unto County Road 117 as it is currently only approximately 10 feet wide. It was the consensus that if this conditional use permit was granted, Mr. Davis should provide a driveway that would allow two cars to meet which would require approxi- mately 20 to 24 foot wide driveway. To allow time for determining whether the business would be successful, a motion was made by Maus, seconded by Fair and unanimously carried to approve the conditional use permit for an auction sales facility for approximately 4 months until September 1, 1983 provided the following conditions were met. 1. That no outside storage or sales of items would take place. 2. That the parking areas for 66 cars be constructed with a Class V base and that the driveway approach off of Cty Rd. 117 be wide enough for two cars to meet. 3. That the conditional use would be reviewed by September 1, 1983 and if continued, would require black topping of the parking lot at that time. - 4 - Council Minutes - 4/25/83 8. Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to Allow Outside Sales and Equipment Rental (U -Haul Trailers) - Maus Tire g4:1Y77i rP _ �. Mr. Jim Maus,of Maus Tire Service, requested a conditional use permit to be allowed to have outdoor storage of U -Haul trucks and trailers located at his tire service building for rental purposes. As part of the conditional use, equipment rental is limited to 30% of the gross floor area of the principal building which Mr. Maus indicated would not be a problem. A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen to approve the conditional use permit for outside storage of U -Haul rental trailers and trucks. Voting in favor were Blonigen, Grimsmo, Fair and Maxwell. Ken Maus abstained. 9. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for a Minor Auto Repair Facility and Consideration of a Variance From Hard Surfacing of Parking Area - Pat Townsend. Mr. Pat Townsend recently obtained a conditional use permit to operate a minor auto repair shop at his home located at 107 Locust Street. Mr. Townsend has now reapplied for a conditional use permit to open a minor auto repair facility in a portion of the former Monticello Ford Garage located across the street from his present home. Mr. Townsend would be using the former body shop portion of the Ford Garage located on the north end of the building which has access to an alley off of Locust Street. The body shop would be rented from Mr. Larry Flake and is 30 feet by 52 feet in size. City Ordinances require that a conditional use be granted for an auto repair facility in a B-4 zone even though the present location was previously used as an auto repair facility. The parking area for the body shop site is currently not hard surfaced and Mr. Townsend requested that a variance be granted from hard surfacing of the parking area required from Mr. Townsend's repair shop as the building owner, Mr. Flake does not wish to improve the facility as he does not know the future of the entire building complex. Concerns were expressed by the Council about Mr. Townsend's lease from Mr. Larry Flake which may cause problems should the City through the HRA eventually acquire this building for redevelopment. Mr. Townsend indicated a willingness to agree to a lease from Mr. Flake that would note that if the property was sold, the lease could be broken as long as the City would be willing to re-establish his old con- ditional use for a repair facility at his home, if necessary. - 5 - Council Minutes - 4/25/83 As a result, a motion was made by Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the issuance of a con- ditional use permit for an auto repair facility in the body shop area of the old Monticello Ford building contingent upon: 1. That the parking area for his business be located behind the building only. 2. That a variance on the black topping be granted for one year. 3. That the old conditional use permit granted to Mr. Townsend at his home be considered expired. 3. That the lease Mr. Townsend has from Larry Flake indicate that if the property is sold to the City, the lease would expire within 60 days along with the conditional use for that facility. 10. Consideration of a Variance Request for Permanent Banner and Permanent Portable Sign - McDonald's Corporation. McDonald's of Monticello applied for a variance to be allowed to display a heavy vinyl 2 by 23 foot banner on their roof overhang permanently. In addition, McDonald's also requested that they be allowed to use a 4 by 6 foot portable sign on their property that would advertise certain specials and promotional items. City ordinances do allow the use of banners and portable signs but only on a temporary basis of 10 days maximum and only twice a year (every 180 days). Jim Hesler, 11anager of the McDonald's Restaurant, noted that the banner they are proposing would be changed throughout the year and would not always be up every day, but would be used to promote different items or specialties. In addition, he noted that the reason for requesting a portable sign was to advertise specials that many of their customers may not be aware of. Mr. Hesler noted that approximately 700 of their business comes from freeway travelers and that the only way to advertise and inform the public of promotional items or specials was by a portable sign. In addition, many customers use the drive-in, facilities and do not come inside the build- ing where the specials are now advertised. The Planning Commission at the public hearing on this request 9 expressed concerns over the possible precedent this type of variance might set as it could open up requests for many businesses for similar type additional signs. As a result, - 6 - Council Minutes - 4/25/83 the Planning Commission did not recommend approval of the variance and as a result, the motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fair to deny the variance request for both the banner and the portable sign. 11. Consideration of a Variance Request to Allow for a Pre - Formed Curb - Silver Fox Motel. Reinert Construction Company of Sauk Rapids,on behalf of the Silver Fox Mote], requested a variance as part of their current expansion project to eliminate a portion of the permanent curb and gutter on a new area of their expanded parking lot on the south end of their building project and replace the curb and gutter with a pre -cast type curb and gutter that is joined together and placed on the black topping. City ordinances require curb and gutter to be concrete, contiguous and insurmountable and the pre- formed type of curbing would not meet these requirements. Mr. Bill Pritchard of Reinert Construction Company noted that their basic reason for requesting the use of a pre- cast type curb is that it could be easily removed in the future to allow for future expansion of the parking lot if the motel develops further. Mr. Pritchard indicated that if a permanent concrete curb and gutter had to be installed at this time, additional expense will be in- curred by the motel to remove and relocate the curb should the parking lot expand. The City Council and Planning Commission did approve approximately three years ago the installation of pre- cast type concrete curb at the Tom Thumb Store development on an experimental basis but Council Members were now con- cerned over the appearance of the curb as they can be easily moved by bumping and snow plowing operations. The Council also noted,,in their opinion, that permanent curb and gutter would not be that much more expensive than the pre -cast type. After discussion on the variance request, a motion was made by Maxwell to approve the variance to allow for the use of pre -cast curbing along the south edge of the parking lot only. Hearing no second, the motion died and as a result, the variance was not approved. - 7 - Council Minutes - 4/25/83 12. Consideration of Granting a License to Sell 3.2 Beer and a License to Sell Set-ups to the Monticello Lions. The Monticello Lions requested a one day 3.2 beer on -sale license and a one day set up license so that the Lions could host the Duck's Unlimited banquet at the Monticello Roller Rink. The Lion's Club also indicated they would be requesting a 3.2 beer license for the annual 4th of July celebration for West Bridge Park. A motion was made by Fair, seconded by Blonigen and unani- mously carried to approve the issuance of the 3.2 beer license and the set up license for the Duck's Unlimited banquet and also the 3.2 beer license for the 4th of July celebration to the Lion's Club. 13. Consideration of Purchasing Software for the Treatment Plant. The Wastewater Treatment Plant is currently using a computer for preventive maintenance of equipment within the plant. The Public Works Director, John Simola, requested approval to purchase additional software that would log data and assist in making determinations for operational changes at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mr. Simola estimated that approximately 3 man hours per week could be saved by the purchase of these two programs for $1,200. A motion was made by Maus, seconded by Maxwell and unani- mously carried to approve the purchase of additional computer software for the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $1,200. 14. Department Head Quarterly Reports. The Council held discussions with the following department heads: Mike Melstad, YMCA Detached Worker. Karen Hansen, Senior Citizens Center Director. Willard Farnick, Monticello Fire Department Chief. Don Hozempa and Buddy Gay, Wright County Sheriff's Department. John Simola, Public Works Director. Rick Wolfsteller, Assistant Administrator and Finance Director. Council Minutes - 4/25/83 15. Approval of Bills. A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Maus and unani- mously carried to approve the bills for the month of April as presented. The second regularly scheduled meeting for May 23rd will be held by the Council on Tuesday, May 24th due to the Business and Industrial Development Committee banquet scheduled for Monday evening. Meeting Adjourned. Rick Wolfstelle Assistant Administrator r