City Council Minutes 05-02-1983
May 2, 1983 - 7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Arve A. Grim mo, Fran Fair, Dan Blonigen,
Jack Maxwell, Ken Maus.
Members Absent:
1. Annual Board of Review.
Mr. Orlan Krietlow of the Wr'ght County Assessor's office
was present to answer questio s that property owners had
regarding valuations for taxe payable in 1984.
Mr. Bud Kline, who owns a dup ex on lDts 8 and half of 9,
Block 9, questioned why his d plex was valued higher than
an adjoining 4 unit rental dw lling. The 4 unit building
he previously owned is now va ued at approximately $83,000
while his duplex, although ne er, is valued at $86,000.
Mr. Kline felt that his dupl x which does not have a base-
ment was valued too high in c mparison to both the 4 plex
and other duplexes in the Cit. Mr. Krietlow explained
that his valuation was based n schedules provided by the
state and on square footage.
Council Member, Jack Maxwell,
opinion the valuation for thi
high based on the type of con
consists of a flat roof.
by Maxwell, seconded by Bloni
to lower the valuation for t
of 9, Block 9 for taxes payab
of its architectural style an
would tend to make the value
a similar type duplex.
also agreed that it was his
duplex property was too
truction of the duplex which
a result, a motion was made
en and unanimously carried
e duplex on lDts 8 and half
e in 1984 to $70,000 because
construction which they felt
f this property lower than
The City Administrator, Tom E'dem, also had questions con-
cerning the valuation on his orne, but no acticn was taken
by the Council to reduce the aluation.
Hearing no other comments, th
payable in 1984 as set by the
as presented.
- 1 -
valuations for 1983, for taxes
assessor's office was accepted
ouncil Minutes - 5/2/83
Ea ement for utilities for
the developers of the Meadow
roval from the Council to es-
ot easement for the purposes
Meadow Oak Subdivision with
dinances require that elect.ric
be installed underground but
by Northern States Power
k plat, the request was made
oot span of overhead power
located in the southwest
a d would be 25 feet wide and
onded by Fair and
to the Meadow Oak
of overhead power
ff of County Road
lines on the
Mr. Dick Knutson, representin
Oak Subdivision, requested ap
tablish approximately a 300 f
of allowing NSP to service th
overhead power lines. City 0
utilities to serve a plat mus
due to the high cost estimate
Company to serve the Meadow 0
to allow approximately a 300
lines to be used to serve the
The proposed easement would
corner of the existing plat
300 feet long.
A motion was made by Maus, se
carried to approve a variance
allowing for the installation
300 feet by 25 feet easement
3. Consideration of Change Order #97 - Wastewater Treatment
Plant_Construction Project.
A motion was made by Blonigen
unanimously carried to approv
Paul A. Laurence Company on t
Construction Project for an a
to convert the boiler to meth
- 2
seconded by Maxwell and
Change Order #97 with the
e v.1astewater Treatment Plant
ditional amount of $7,774.00
ne gas conversion.