City Council Minutes 01-28-1985MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL January 28, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Mayor Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigen. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held January 14, 1985. 4. Consideration of a Proposal from Howard Dahlgren & Associates to do a Downtown Redevelopment Plan. Recently, representatives of the downtown retailers expressed concern over the deterioration of the downtown area, including some store front appearances along with the general upkeep. Mr. John Uban of Howard Dahlgren & Associates, the City's Consulting Planner, was present at the meeting to review with the Council a proposal from their firm for assisting in developing a study of the Commercial District. The general study would focus on pedestrian circulation and parking within the Downtown District along with plans for beautifying the downtown area, etc. Mr. Uban suggested the City proceed with a study in four phases. The first phase would be to determine the initial area of study, including preparation of base maps of the downtown area, and meet with merchants and City staff to identify improvement goals within the areas to be studied. The second phase would include conceptual sketches of the improvements proposed, and the third phase would be design development including detailed drawings for all improvements suggested. The final phase would be the development of actual construction drawings and documents. Although the initial concerns expressed by the Chamber related to the current beautification of downtown, including the sidewalks, tree planters and general upkeep and appearance, questions were raised by the Council as to whether the City should be initiating a study for improvements and then present the ideas to the retailers or whether the affected property owners should be contacted first to see if there is an interest in developing an improvement plan. The reason was that the property owners would be ultimately reponsible for carrying out the improvement plans and also for its cost. If it appeared that the majority of the retailers would not be receptive to the expenditures necessary, the City would be possibly wasting its time initiating the study. on Council Minutes - 1/28/85 After further review, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to authorize Howard Dahlgren & Associates to work with a committee of the Chamber of Commerce to present a proposal for planning improvements to the downtown retailers to see if there is an interest by the property owners in proceeding with a full -scaled redevelopment plan. An actual contract for developing a study would not be entered into until this initial response is received from the retailers. 5. Consideration of a Farmers Home Administration Financed Housing Proposal for Low and Moderate Income Families. Mr. Jim Metcalf was present to request preliminary approval of building a 33 -unit low and moderate income housing development on Lot 5 in Lauring Hillside Terrace. Mr. Metcalf, along with his partners Brad Larson and Ken Barthel, requested the preliminary approval of the concept so that they can apply to Farmers Home Administration for financing of the project. Preliminary Council approval is necessary since the project will have an assessed valuation based on 20% of the market value of the project rather than the current 28% for conventional housing. It was noted by the Council that another developer has recently requested similar concept approval; and in reality, only one project, if any, would be funded by Farmers Home Administration for the City of Monticello. Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to give preliminary concept approval to Mr. Metcalf and his partners for application to the Farmers Home Administration of a 33 -unit low and moderate income housing project for the City. 6. Consideration of Bingo License - Applicant, Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus recently applied for an annual bingo license to operate every other Sunday night at the Monticello VFW Club. Since recently passed state legislation has created the Charitable Gambling Control Board, who will be responsible for all gambling activities within cities effective March 1, 1985, this item was tabled for the present time, as all applications for licenses would be the State's responsibility. 7. Consideration of Supporting Monticello Township in their Opposition to a Turnback of a County Road. Mr. Franklin Denn, Township Chairman, was present at the Council meeting to request support from the City of Monticello in their opposition to the County's proposal to turn back to the Township and the City a stretch of Orchard Road from County Road 75 to -2- Council Minutes - 1/28/85 the intersection by the Orchard Flea Market. Wright County, going along with the program it initiated approximately a year ago, wishes to turn back the section from the overpass to the intersection by the Flea Market to the Township, and from the overpass to County Road 75 to the City. Although both the Township and the City have been repairing and maintaining this segment of road in the past, the Township opposes the turnback of the road until the intersection by the Flea Market is studied and upgraded. In addition, the Township requests that the County bring the road up to County road standards before turning it over to the Township. Mr. Denn requested the City's the City will also receive a would be in the same position Road in the future if needed. by the Township was because o is now currently using the ro operation, it is the Township will have to be initiated at Market to provide adequate tr support in the oppositio small segment of this road to maintain and upgrade Mr. Denn noted the prim f the high traffic volume ad; and because of the Fl 's concern that major imp the intersection near the affic flows in the future. n, as and Orchard ary opposition that ea Market rovements Flea The Public Works Director, John Simola, will be representing the City at the County Board Meeting Tuesday, January 29, for the City. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to support the Township's opposition to the turnback until a study is completed on the traffic volumes and possible improvements that will be needed and will request the County delay any revocations of this street until the study is completed. 8. Consideration of Developing Softball Fields. In 1984, the City Council indicated a willingness to work with the Softball Association in assisting them with developing the ball fields on the NSP property near the Montissippi Park. The City budgeted $3,500.00 for 1985 to be used for upgrading the existing well and to make minor improvements to the playing fields at the existing site. Public Works Director, John Simola, informed the Council that after testing the existing well, approximately $5,000.00 would be needed for improving the well to provide sufficient water for watering the ballfields. An additional $2,500.00 would be needed to make minor improvements to the playing field to bring the fields up to an acceptable level. Some concerns were expressed as to whether the City should be expending large sums of money at the NSP ball fields without IM12 Council Minutes - 1/28/85 a long term lease commitment from NSP. Possible alternatives included developing new softball fields at possibly the Meadow Oak Subdivision where the City will be acquiring park land in the future. Expenditures of similar amounts of money could be completed on City land in the Meadow Oak Subdivision, but one of the drawbacks was that there is only room realistically for two softball fields, whereas the ultimate goal would be to establish at least four softball fields. The present site of the existing softball fields on NSP property has sufficient room to develop two additional fields to provide a complex in one area. Although the Softball Association would also like to see four ballfields in operation in the future, they did not have a specific objection to either location. Before improvements are initiated, it was the Council consensus that the staff work with the Softball Association to determine what focus the City should take in developing softball fields either at the NSP location or at other sites within the City before funds are expended. 9. Department Head Reports. The Council heard quarterly Department Head reports from the Sheriff's Department, YMCA representative, Public Works Director, Building Inspector, and City Administrator. A summary of 1984 activities was presented along with projections and goals for 1985 for each department. 10. Consideration of Bills for the Month of January. Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month of January as presented. Rick Wolfstell r Assistant Administrator -4-