City Council Minutes 07-08-1985 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL July 8, 1985 - 6:30 P.M. A special meeting of the City Council was duly held at 6:30 P.M., Monday, July 8, 1985, in the City Council Chambers. The special meeting was called by Mayor Grimsmo for the express purpose of discussing goals and objectives for the 1986 Budget. Members present were Arve A. Grimsmo, Bill Fair, Fran Fair, Jack Maxwell, and Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: None. Also in attendance was City Administrator Eidem. Mayor Grimsmo opened the discussion indicating that it is the City Council's role to establish policy guidelines within which the staff can create an operating budget. He stressed that he would like the discussion to remain relatively general in scope and policy. He stressed that he did not want to see the meeting get bogged down with discussion over particular expenditures at this time. He went on to note that there would be additional budget meetings in the future as the budget took final form. Mayor Grimsmo opened his comments referring to several years ago when the sewer and water enterprise funds operated in the deficit when based upon their own rates. He noted that the sewer and water rates had been adjusted over the past couple of years to get these funds up to paying for themselves. Councilmember Bill Fair asked if the funds were currently paying for themselves. Eidem responded that sewer user charges and revenues were covering the cost of operations but that the water fund in 1984 was about $9,000.00 short. Grimsmo again stated his position that he believes that the enterprise funds should be self sustaining and operate without tax. He put the question to the other Council members for their opinion. Councilmember Blonigen stated that he felt user charges and fund revenues should cover all operating costs in the enterprise funds. He stated that to utilize ad valorem tax would be inappropriate in the enterprise fund. Fran Fair also was in favor of user charges sustaining the operations of the water and sewer enterprise funds. Councilmember Fran Fair went on to state that with respect to the 1986 Budget, she maintained continued support for a certain amount to be levied in the capital improvement revolving fund. She also stressed that some projects which seemed to be stalled be completed in 1986, for example, the ball fields, the downtown rehabilitation, and park expansion and beautification. Councilmember Fair went on to say that money should be budgeted to implement the early phases of the expanded water project and to get City Hall computerized. Councilmember Maxwell agreed that certain projects which seem to be not moving should be addressed early, and also supported the concept that user charges should totally cover enterprise funds. Special Meeting Council Minutes - 7/8/85 Mayor Grimsmo said he wished to interject one other concern with respect to budget. He indicated that he has long held that the greatest asset of the City is the people it employs. He stated that he would like to see the Council grant a larger slice of the pie for personnel expenses in the upcoming years. He acknowledged that Monticello is perhaps one of the better equipped cities in the area; but over the last few years, in his estimation, the Council has been lax on rewarding its personnel. Councilmember Bill Fair said that he had no trouble with satisfactorily rewarding employees, but felt that the City should rely on the results of the comparable worth study currently underway and that perhaps the City could achieve equity upon the completion of that study. Councilmember Blonigen responded to Arve's comments that City salaries are considered a bit low. Blonigen stated that he feels there is a duplication of duties and performance. He also stated that he would like to hear more from department heads in a direct way. Mayor Grimsmo, and Councilmembers Bill Fair and Fran Fair, all indicated that they didn't see the necessity of having each department head come to Council meetings to report on nuts and bolts. They concurred that it is the department head's responsibility to fully inform the Public Works Director, who will then carry the message either to the Administrator or to the Council. Mayor Grimsmo then turned the conversation back to the budget and policy statement. Administrator Eidem stated that the staff had already met to discuss goals and policies for 1986 and that increases at best were proposed to be moderate. Eidem stated that his main concern arose from the various loss of revenues being suffered by the City. Eidem indicated that Monticello would receive zero increase in local government aid. He also noted that there was substantial movement afoot on the federal level to terminate Federal Revenue Sharing. Eidem indicated that his goal was to hold the tax levy at a zero percent increase even though that may not reflect a zero dollar increase. He stressed, however, that such a freeze might be impossible in light of the various revenue cutbacks. Mayor Grimsmo responded that it might be somewhat unrealistic to want to hold the tax levy at the current level and that such efforts, while being desirable, could eventually result in a major increase rather than slight increases each year. Eidem responded that he saw it as his role to demonstrate sound fiscal management and careful restraint in spending while preparing the preliminary operating budget; and upon review of that preliminary budget, it should be the Council, as policy makers, to make those crucial decisions to increase and decrease in certain areas. Eidem said that staff could establish a priority list for capital improvements from which the Council could authorize additional expenditures, but that it is difficult for staff to come in with a long list asking for more money on an annual basis. Eidem stated that he thought the policy and the need had to be identified -2- Special Council Meeting Minutes - 7/8/85 and recognized by the City Council; and consequently, the expenditure would be authorized by the City Council. Mayor Grimsmo asked Eidem if he had a feel for the desires of the City Council and had received the kind of direction he hoped to get so that the budget preparation may get underway. Eidem indicated he did. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 P.M. Th mas A. Eide City Administrator -3-