City Council Minutes 09-09-1985MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - CITY COUNCIL September 9, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Dan Blonigen, Jack. Maxwell. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes. Councilman Bill Fair requested that the minutes of item number four regarding reimbursement to Mel Wolters for part of Meadows Pond construction, last paragraph be amended to read that the City initially made a good will offer rather than good faith offer. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Jack Maxwell, and unanimously carried to amend this last paragraph of the Council minutes to read good will. As a result, motion was then made by Fran Fair, seconded by Jack Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting August 26 as amended. 3. Citizens Comments. Mr. Jeff War was, property owner within the Meadows subdivision, noted that at the recently held informational meeting on the proposed zoning map, developer John Sandberg was requesting that portions of the Meadows property be rezoned to R-3 for multiple family structures. Mr. War was questioned whether the residents of the area will be informed of additional public hearings regarding his request for this area to be rezoned. Mr. Warwas was informed that if the area is considered for R-3 zoning, the Council would be holding a public hearing on the final zoning map proposal and a notice of hearing would be published. 4. Consideration of Granting a Conditional Use for Outdoor Auto Sales in a B-4 Zone - Applicant, Clarence McCarty, DBA Monti Motors. At the previous Council meeting, Mr. McCarty was directed by the Council to prepare a site plan showing location of parking stalls and the area proposed for the sales of vehicles. The site plan was prepared by the City staff after reviewing the property which showed that a possible 19 total spaces could be available for both parking and sales of vehicles. It was also noted by the staff that approximately six variances would be required by Mr. McCarty if this conditional use was granted for a sales lot including variances for the driveway aisle width, a reduced turning area for parked vehicles, the proximity of the parking area to the building, the number of spaces required, parking in front of a curb cut opening and a variance to increase the outdoor sales area square footage. Council Minutes - 9/9/85 Mayor Grimsmo noted that some concerns were expressed by neighboring residents during the recent informational zoning hearing concerned over the possible display of vehicles at Dr. McCarty's residence if the conditional use was granted since his home is only a block away from this site. It was noted that currently Dr. McCarty has had up to 30 vehicles for sale at his present sales lot site and it is apparent that the property in question could not support a sales lot in excess of approximately 12 cars at most. Council members Fran Fair, Bill Fair and Blonigen all felt that too many variances would be required to make this site suitable for a sales lot. As a result, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair, to deny the conditional use request for the Minor Auto Repair and Outdoor Sales facility requested by Dr. McCarty. Voting in favor was everybody but Maxwell who was opposed as he felt the property should not remain vacant. 5. Consideration of Adopting Amendments to Title 11 of the City Code Relating to Subdivisions. An ordinance amendment was prepared by City staff that clearly defines the position of the City in the future cases where one subdivider installs permanent improvements which may be of benefit to subsequent subdividers. The proposed amendment yDrohibits refunds and reimbursements to any original developer for improvements that may be utilized by a later developer. The amendment would also preserve the right of the City to levy surcharge or some other fee against later developers for the purpose of collecting monies to maintain or upgrade the public improvements that were installed by the original developer. A motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and uiianimously carried to adopt ordinance amendment #148 which amends the subdivision ordinance regarding refunds for subdividers/developer installed improvements. An additional ordinance was recommended that would clarify that a simple subdivision is not allowed when a parcel of land of less than 2 1/2 acres is subdivided by metes and bounds descriptions. A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to adopt ordinance amendment #147 which clarifies that no subdivision shall take place that creates a lot or parcel less than 2 1/2 acres by a metes and bounds description. 6. Consideration of Design Criteria and Financial Participation in Wright County Plans to Improve Co. Rd. 39. In July of 1984, the City had received a request from residents along Golf Course Road (West County Road 39) requesting that the road be widened to form a pedestrian and bicycle path area along the shoulders. -2- Council Minutes - 9/9/85 Since this road is a County road, Public Works Director John Simola requested that the County look into the possibility of widening Golf Course Road in conjunction with the resurfacing and grading of West County Road 39 outside the City limits during 1986. The County has indicated a willingness to include this portion of the project with their proposed county road improvement. A cost study was prepared by the City Engineer using two options, a forty foot rural design estimated at $157,000 and an urban design with curb and gutter and storm sewer improvements at a cost of $424,000. Under the rural design, the cost of the project would be 70% paid by the County with 30% payable by the City, estimated at approximately $47,000. Under the urban design, it was assumed that all costs above a rural design would be the responsibility of the City which in this case could amount to over $300,000. In regard to the proposed improvement of West County Road 39 from Broadway to Mississippi Drive, the Council previously had indicated a desire for an urban design street with curb and gutter which would result in a City expenditure of approximately $38,000. The urban design with curb and gutter was requested by the property owners along East County Road 39 and it was proposed that this additional cost to the City be assessed to the property owners as they would be directly benefited by the curb and gutter and storm sewer drainage facilities. Public Works Director John Simola noted that the West 39 improvement may have additional costs involved if the electric power poles have to be moved because of the extra slope required for the wider road and also some additional easements may be necessary from some of the abutting property owners for the wider ditch. It was the consensus of the Council to have the Public Works Department discuss with the abutting property owners along 39 where additional easements might be necessary that if the additional easement area can be obtained at no additional cost to the City that the improvements along 39 would not have to be assessed to the property owners. It was noted by the Council that if additional costs result from the easement purchases and relocation of power poles, the project might have to be assessed in part to the benefiting owners along 39. A motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Jack Maxwell and unanimously carried to accept the County's proposed design for West County Road 39, Golf Course Road, as a rural section and to formally request that the County Highway Department include this portion with their proposed project during 1986. A motion was also made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to request that East County Road 39 be of the urban design with curb and gutter rather than the rural design with the City to participate in the project by paying the additional cost involved of the curb and gutter and storm sewer improvements but with no other participation in the planned improvement cost. -3- Council Minutes - 9/9/85 7. Consideration of a Proposed Extension of Public Services - Petitioner, H. Ruff. Mr. Harold Ruff and Mrs. Lela Panter had petitioned the City for sanitary sewer and water services for their parcel located along Elm Street just south of Sixth Street. A proposed extension of sewer and water services would be to serve the residence of Lela Panter and her proposed single family dwelling foL Mr. Randy Ruff. Public Works Director John Simola noted that in reviewing the proposed sewer extension, it was noted that a forced main for sanitary sewer was directly in line with the proposed sewer and water services and noted that the force main pipe would have to be lowered a few feet for the project to be feasible. The additional cost for the parts to lower the force main was estimated at less than $400 which could be included as part of the project cost estimated at about $8,000. The cost of the project would be assessed at 100% to the two benefiting property owners with the amount being payable within 30 days after completion of the project except in the case of Mrs. Lela Panter whose assessment would be deferred under the senior citizen's hardship statute. The deferral would remain as to such time as Mrs. Panter does no longer qualify for the hardship status. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to authorize a sewer and water extension and to solicit bids provided the cost is less than $10,000. 8. Consideration of a Resolution Requesting MN/DOT to Establish Recognized RR Crossings at Cedar Street and at Jerry Liefert Drive. The MN/DOT has requested the City pass resolutions for the authorization of two public railroad crossings in Monticello. The resolutions are needed as a formal declaration for these crossings which have recently been installed. A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to adopt resolutions #14 and 15 requesting the Department of Transportation to establish railroad crossings at Jerry Liefert Drive and Cedar Street. 9. Consideration of Authorizing the Acquisition of a Utility Tractor. As part of the 1985 budget, $9,000 was budgeted for the purpose ,)f replacing the old 1947 International tractor mower with a new piece of equipment. Public Works Director John Simola recommended that a new John Deere four-wheel drive tractor and rotary mower be purchased from Moon Motors at a cost of $5,888 and that the 1947 International tractor and mower be sold to the highest bidder. Council Minutes - 9/9/85 The estimated sale of the 1947 International would be in the range of $1,000 to $1,500. An additional quote was obtained for a Kubota tractor and mower at a cost of over $8,000. In addition, a request was made to purchase an additional flail mower that could be used with the present Allis Chalmers or Bolens tractor at an estimated cost of $1,800. A motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Blonigen and unanimously carried to authorize the purchase of the John Deere tractor for $5,888 from Moon Motors and to authorize the purchase of a rear mounted flail mower at a cost of $1,800 and to advertise for sale the 1947 International tractor to the highest bidder. 10. Consideration of Authorizing the Acquisition of a Snow Plow. The Public Works Department requests that the authorization be granted for purchasing a new snow plow that would be used on the recently acquired International Truck. The recommendation made by the Public Works Director was to purchase an additional STP snowplow at a cost of $2,675 installed. Other plows suitable for the International truck were in the $4 - 5,000 range. A motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Maxwell and unanimously carried to authorize the purchase of an additional STP snowplow in the amount of $2,675 and to authorize the advertisement for sale of the old Hinkey plow to the highest bidder. 11. Consideration of Making Final Appointment to the Position of Liquor Store Manager. The City Council interviewed three finalists for the Liquor Store Manager position at a special meeting held at 6:00 p.m. prior to the Council meeting. After interviews with the candidates, a motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to offer the position of Liquor Store Manager to Mr. Joseph Hartman Sr. of Blaine, Minnesota at a salary of $25,500 with the understanding that Mr. Hartman will relocate to the Monticello area and that the position will be reviewed after the six month probationary period. 12. Discussion Item - Zoning Map. The City Administrator Tom Eidem noted that the staff has held two informational meetings on the proposed revised zoning map for Monticello and Mr. Eidem asked direction from the Council on what further revisions the Council felt should be included in the proposed zoning map and whether the Council members had any specific zoning changes they would like to see incorporated into the map before the final public hearing is held before the Council. -5- Council Minutes - 9/9/85 Mr. Eidem noted that some of the comments received at the informational meeting have been already incorporated into the base map including comments by Jay Morrell regarding the Ready Mix plant property and also comments from Wrightco Inc. Council member Fran Fair felt the hearings previously held by the staff provided enough input and direction at the present time and did not think that the proposed PZR and PZM zones would continue to provide too much opposition from area residents along River Street and should remain in the proposed zoning map as new residential zones. Council member Bill Fair concurred that he did not see any major changes other than those proposed by the staff but would like to see the text part of the ordinance prior to any public hearing. Council member Blonigen felt that the proposed PZR zones which would allow in some cases multiple family structures to be erected along River Street will still cause problems and was not sure that the staff and future Councils should decide who gets to build an apartment or multiple family dwelling next to a residential structure. In regard to the expanded downtown B-4 commercial area as proposed, it was the general consensus of the Council to leave the expanded commercial zone as proposed noting that if development did not expand in the future, this area could always be rezoned at a later date. It was noted by the administrator that a request for multiple family zoning within the Meadows subdivision and the request for an expanded R-4 zoning for mobile homes by River Terrace Park be not included in the proposed zoning map at this time but could be considered on an individual basis when a petition is presented and a plat of the properties are submitted in the future. It was recommended by the Mayor that the staff prepare amendments and find:sh the zoning map with a hearing to be held in the near future, as soon as possible. 13. Misc. Items. 1. Veit Construction Co., developer of a proposed retail facility along Hwy. 25 requested that the Council set a public hearing for their industrial revenue bond proposal at the October 15 Council meeting. A motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair and unanimously carried to set October 15 for the public hearing date for the industrial revenue bond proposal from Veit Construction Co. Council Minutes - 9/9/85 2. Council members were informed of the recent lift station failure on Chestnut Street which resulted in sewer backing up into approximately four homes along West River Street on Tuesday, September 3. Public Works Director informed the Council that all information regarding the lift station failure has been turned over to the City's insurance representative to see if any claims are the responsibility of the insurance company. No further action was taken at this time. ze, �tl /Za t� Rick Wolfstel?nistrator r Assistant Adm -7-