City Council Minutes 10-15-1985MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, October 15, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Mayor Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Jack Maxwell and Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held September 23, 1985. 3. Citizen's Comments/Petitions/Complaints. Mr. Ken Larson appeared before the Council to request that the Council hear his request for a conditional use permit to allow for a two-family dwelling expansion to his home at the corner of Washington and 4th Street. Mr. Larson noted that the Planning Commission, at their previous meeting, tabled action on his request due to insufficient information regarding parking requirements. It was recommended by the City Administrator that since there was some opposition to the conditional use request at the Planning Commission level, and because the item was tabled by the Planning Commission, it was recommended that the item be heard again by the Planning Commission at their next regular meeting before the Council considers this item. As a result, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair, unanimously carried to direct the applicant to return to the Planning Commission first for their comments before Council consideration. Mr. Kurt Corrow of Corrow Sanitation, appeared before the Council to provide information substantiating their increase that was granted in May of 1985 to offset the landfill taxes that was required starting in May. At the time the increase was granted, the Council requested that in six months Corrow Sanitation provide sufficient records that would indicate the additional amount granted was justified. The Council directed Mr. Corrow to provide the information to the Public Works Director or City Administrator and that it was not necessary for the Council to discuss this item at the Council meeting at this time. -1- Council Minutes - 10/15/85 4. Public Hearing - 1986 Budget and Revenue Sharing and Consideration of Adopting 1986 Annual Budget and Setting the Tax Levy. As required by law, the City Council held a public hearing on the 1986 annual budget and on the proposed Revenue Sharing uses as part of the budget. No comments were heard from the public regarding the budget except that joint Fire Department Representative Paul Kline requested that the Council consider increasing the training allowance for the Fire Department from the proposed $1,800.00 to approximately $2,700.00 to allow for additional men to attend the recommended training sessions each year. Mr. Kline noted that at least nine men should go to training sessions each year and the average cost has been close to $300.00 per man. Council members noted that the City has never denied a Fire Department member from attending a training session and felt the budget could remain as is and actual expenditures will be again reviewed next year. Mr. Kline also requested that the Fire Department's hourly wages be raised from the present $7.00 per hour for the first hour and $5.00 thereafter, to $10.00 per hour for the first hour and $7.00 thereafter as the department has not had a raise in 6 years. Mayor Grimsmo noted that the Fire Department is supposed to be a volunteer organization in that the department should not expect to receive raises equivalent to what full time employees receive and felt the City compensationis comparable to other communities. Mr. Kline also noted that the Fire Department would like to raise its retirement benefits from $500.00 per year of service to $700.00 per year of service, which would require approximately a $138.00 levy by the City to fund their liability. The City Administrator noted that a Fire Department can raise its own retirement benefits provided they have a 10% surplus which, at the present rate of income should occur in the next few years. The proposed, budget as presented would require a tax levy to be certified for collection in 1986 of $1,577,250.00. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, unanimously carried to adopt resolution setting the tax levy at $1,577,250.00. (See Resolution 1985 # 16) 5. Public Hearing - A Proposal to Issue Revenue Bonds - Raindance Partnership and Consideration of a Resolution Granting Preliminary Approval for the Issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for a Commercial Development Project for Raindance Partnership. In August, the City Council gave approval to Raindance Partnership to apply to the State of Minnesota for authority to issue Industrial Revenue Bonds in the amount of $1,500,000.00 for the purpose of building a 33,000 square foot commercial facility situated on Block 15 adjacent to the railroad tracks and Hwy. 25. -2- Council Minutes - 10/15/85 The State of Minnesota granted the allocation and the Partnership was now requesting preliminary approval of the issuance of the Bonds. Incorporated with the overall project is a proposed Tax Increment District which will allow for the Monticello HRA to acquire the parcels currently owned by Wilbur Eck and the parcels owned by the City and sell them to Raindance Partnership at a reduced rate to allow the development to occur. As part of the Tax Increment proposal, the City would construct an e aPn.sion of 6th Street from Hwy. 25 to Cedar Street and the.;ost of the improvement being paid for by the taxes generated from the new building under the Tax Increment Plan. Hearing no public comme.zts regarding the project, motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution granting preliminary approval to the project in authorizing preparation of necessary documents for the issuance of the Bonds. (See Resolution 1985##17 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of Adopting Assessment Roll for Delinquent Sewer and Water Bills. Minnesota Statutes allow cities to certify as special assessments all delinquent sewer and water bills past due. A list of 12 individual accounts delinquent more than 60 days was presented to the Council for certification. Hearing no comments from the public, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution establishing the assessment roll for certification to the County Auditor for collection with 1986 taxes. (See Resolution 1985 ##18) 8. Consideration of a Resolution Setting a Public Hearing Concerning Tax Increment District and Tax Increment _ Finance Plan - Raindance Partnership. On October 10, the Monticello HRA approved a Tax Increment Finance Plan for the Raindance Partnership proposal to build a 33,000 square foot retail complex on Block 15. The Plan calls for the sale of $350,000.00 in Tax Increment General Obligation Bonds that will be used by the HRA to acquire the property and make improvements to 6th Street as part of the project. The Finance Plan projects that annual Tax Increments of approximately $41,000.00 shall be collected from the project over 18 years to retire the $350,000.00 bond issue with no tax levy required from the general public. -3- Council Minutes - 10/15/85 A motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution setting a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 28, for the purpose of receiving public input regarding the proposed Tax Increment Plan and District #6. (See Resolution 1985 #19) 10. Consideration of Change Order #1 - Fire Hall Construction Project. The Fire Hall Bulding Committee recently learned that a slightly higher efficiency gas furnace was available for the Fire Hall construction project that would cost an additional $122.00 for the two furnaces. A motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to approve Change Order #1 on the Fire Hall construction project with Fullerton Lumber Company for an additional $122.00 for the two higher efficiency Lennox gas furnaces. 11. Consideration of Making Final Payment on Public Improvement Projects 84-1, 84-2, 84-3 and 85-1. The above projects have been recently completed and recommended for final payment by the City Engineer and City Public Works Director. Projects 84-1, 84-2 and 84-3 consisted of County Road 75 improvement, Cedar Street improvement and Hart Boulevard improvements, with a final construction cost of $587,896.67. The final payment due is $110,882.00 to Buffalo Bituminous. The 85-1 project consisted of interceptor sewer work by LaTour Construction which has a balance due of $2,500.00. A motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the final payment in the amount of $110,882.00 to Buffalo Bituminous for Projects 84-1, 84-2 and 84-3 and to also approve final payment in the amount of $2,500.00 to LaTour Construction as final payment on 85-1 interceptor sewer project. 12.. Considertion of Entering a Lease with Northern States Power Company for the Development of Softball Fields. Previously, Northern States Power Company has agreed to lease lands lying west of the training center on West River Street to the City for the new softball field development complex that is being partially constructed with a State Grant. In order to submit the final grant application to the State, the City must enter into the lease agreement to demonstrate that the property is under the control of the City of Monticello. Council Minutes - 10/15/85 A motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to authorize the execution of the lease agreement with Northern States Power for the property to be used as the City's Softball Field Complex. 13. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Final Grant Application for Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources Grant Funds. Recently the City of Monticello has been approved for funding for the softball field project. The City expects to receive $27,500.00 in grant monies that must be matched with City funds in the development of the softball field complex and must submit this final grant application by October 25, 1985. (See Resolution 1985 #20) A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution authorizing the filing of the final grant application for the LAWCON Grant funds to the State Department of Natural Resources. 14. Consideration of Construction of a Portion or All of the Interceptor Sewer. For the past several years, the City has been considering the construction of an interceptor sewer running west to east through the community adjacent to the railroad tracks for the purpose of diverting sewage flow from the Bridge Park Lift Stations to eliminate overloading conditions on the lift stations in the Bridge Parks. During the past number of years, a portion of the interceptor sewer line has been constructed from the Wastewater Treatment Plant to Washington Street and also a segment was installed under Hwy. 25 during the summer of 1985. Recently, the Public Works Department performed a small amount of flow testing on the sewer line near West Bridge Park and determined that the capacity of the line is reaching near maximum flow at certain times necessitating the construction of the interceptor sewer in the near future. It has been roughly estimated that the interceptor sewer construction from Hwy. 25 to Washington Street and from Hwy. 25 westerly to Linn Street would cost in the neighborhood of $600,000.00 and could eliminate approximately 30% of the flow now going down River Street through the lift stations. It was estimated that the entire interceptor sewer project from Washington Street westerly to Elm Street would cost approximately $1,000,000.00. The Public Works Director recommended that the Council consider building approximately 70% of the interceptor sewer line from Linn Street to Washington Street to alleviate part of the problem of near capacity flowage on the Bridge Park lift stations. The City Council discussed whether doing the entire project in one year would result in a better price for the City rather than doing the project in two or three phases and it was suggested that possibly plans and specifications regarding the interceptor sewer -5- Council Minutes - 10/15/85 be prepared for the entire project now and then a decision could be made as to whether only 70% should be constructed in 1986 or whether the entire project should be done. It was noted that the plans and specifications for the entire sewer line will be necessary in the future even if only part of it is constructed in 1986. As a result, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to authorize the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the entire interceptor sewer line from Elm Street to Washington Street. It was noted that funding for the project could be partially financed by available City funds with the balance coming from a bond sale. (See Resolution 1985 ##21), 15. Consideration of a Request for a Conditional Use Allowing a Day-care Center - Applicant, NRM Partnership. NRM Partnership, a St. Cloud based firm is proposing to construct a 46 x 64 foot 2,944 square foot day-care center in a lot of the new Victoria Square Addition. The Planning Commission recently approved the Conditional Use Permit for the day-care center. Motion was made by Fill Fair, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to approve the ;:onditional use request to allow the day-care center in a B-2 limited business zone contingent upon the recording of the final plat of the Victoria Square Addition by the developer with the appropriate fees being paid to the City of Monticello for the Plat recording. 16. City Hall Roof Construction. Mr. Greg Vetsch, the labor contractor on a recently completed City Hall roof project, appeared before the Council to request that final payment in the amount of approximately $7,000.00 be remitted. Mr. Vetsch indicated that it was his understanding the City of Monticello had all the necessary insurance coverages regarding the reroofing project and felt he was only a. subcontacto to do the labor portion of the project an;'. that th;: City was the general contractor and should now hold hiw responsible for damage that occurred because of a rainstorm during the project. Mr. Vetsch noted that matei:i�i= were not available on site for closing in the roof prior to the rain damage and that it should not have been his responsibility to get the material. Mr. Vetsch claimed he wa:3 unaware that his contract required insurance coverag: and requested that the matter be settled soon. Council members informed Mr. Vetsch that the matter has been turned over to the City Attorney and without his advice the Council was not able to respond to Mr. Vetsch's comments at this time. As a result, no action was taken regarding Mr. Vetsch's request. -6- Rick Wolfstellgi-, Assistant Administrator