City Council Minutes 01-27-1986MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 27, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigen. Members Absent: None. 2. Approval of Minutes. A motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held January 13, 1986. 4. Consideration of a Replat - Applicant, Doug Pitt. The applicant requested that this item be tabled for two weeks to allow for completion of the final plat. 5. Consideration of Defining Lines on the Proposed Zoning Map and Setting a Public Hearing. The City Administrator briefly explained that two additional information meetings have been held to receive input regarding the proposed zoning map alterations and that citizens' comments centered basically on two areas of concern in regards to the map. One request was made to extend the B-4 commercial district one block west along Broadway to accommodate a proposal to convert a residential home into a real estate office. It was suggested by the City Planner that possibly this block, along with a strip that abuts the B-4 zone adjacent to River Street, be proposed as PZ -M which would allow for limited commercial operations. The Planner felt this zoning would be appropriate, as it would provide a buffer between the commercial and residential areas. The City Administrator noted the second major concern centered on the zoning of East and West River Street areas. The past proposed zoning maps have indicated the area for PZ -R zoning which would allow for single family uses, along with multiple buildings provided a conditional use is granted. Concerns have been noted by residents of East River Street who would like to see the zoning remain R-1 for single family only; and as a result, the Administrator recommended that the final public hearing and publication of the proposed zoning maps be scheduled for February 10, 1986, with two proposed zoning maps being published. One map would show River Street as R-1 single family zoning, and the other map would show the property north of River Street as PZ -R. This would allow the Council the opportunity to adopt an ordinance map at the February 10 meeting regardless of which option would be finally voted on. Motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Fra carried to authorize the City Administrator zoning maps for the scheduled public hearing and note that the Council will adopt one of this meeting. Council Minutes - 1/27/86 n Fair, and unanimously to publish two proposed on February 10, 1986, the maps published at 6. Consideration of a Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications, Specifying the Scope of Work to be Done and Ordering an Advertisement for Bids for a Sewer Interceptor Improvement Project. Mayor Grimsmo noted that Councilmember Blonigen suggested that the sewer interceptor project, along with possibly the water improvement project proposed for later in 1986, be tabled until a special meeting could be conducted to discuss these items and what direction the City will take on financing the proposed improvements. Public Works Director, John Simola, noted that any delay in reviewing the plans and specifications for the interceptor sewer project could delay the project for bidding purposes and result in higher construction cost and possibly construction over a longer period of time and felt the Council should review and discuss the proposed interceptor sewer project separately from the water improvement project which would not have plans and specifications completed until late spring. After further discussion, Public Works Director Simola reviewed the proposed interceptor sewer project plans and specifications with the Council and recommended that at a minimum, the interceptor sewer be completed from its existing point on Washington Street to the Sixth Street area west of Highway 25. This portion of the project would eliminate approximately 15% of the flow that now exists along Front Street and the lift station in Bridge Park. It was noted that if the sewer project was constructed from the Sixth Street point to Elm Street, approximately 200 of the flow could be eliminated from the Front Street lift station and diverted through the interceptor sewer line. Finally, if the entire interceptor sewer was constructed from Washington to Elm Street and the balance of the force main was constructed to tie into the Chestnut Street lift station on River Street, an additional 30% of the flow could be diverted from the Front Street lift station eliminating a total of approximately half of the flow now occurring through this line. It was noted that if only the first segment is completed during 1986, it is assumed that in a matter of two or three years, the balance of the interceptor sewer would have to be constructed to eliminate problems from the Front Street lift station. By completing the entire project at one time, it is estimated the City could save 15-20% in the bid price. As part of the sewer project, additional appurtenant work was recommended which would include additional water main along Fifth Street, along with street paving and curb and gutter of Fifth Street and Chestnut Street. These streets were eliminated from the 1977 Street Project for the purpose of the interceptor sewer construction; and it is -2- Council Minutes - 1/27/86 recommended that these streets be improved with curb and gutter, etc., at this time if the project was entirely done during one season. The total project cost for the entire interceptor sewer line from Washington to Elm Street, along with force main improvements and lift station improvements on Chestnut and River Street, would total approximately $1.4 million. It was noted that portions of the street improvements, along with some sewer or water extensions, would be assessable which would be determined later at an assessment hearing. Councilmember Blonigen questioned whether the force main proposed along Elm Street to Chestnut may cause sewage to leak into the ground water but was informed by the Engineer that sewage leaking out would not be a possibility, but actually what occurs is that some ground water may leak into the pipe. After further discussion on the project, motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution approving the plans and specifications for the interceptor sewer project and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the entire project with all appurtenant work such as street improvements and water main extensions to be bid as alternates. Motion was also made by Blonigen, seconded by Maxwell, and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing on the proposed improvement in regards to the appurtenant work that would be related to the interceptor sewer project that could be assessable. A public hearing would be held on February 10, 1986. See Resolutions 86-1 and 86-2. 7. Consideration of Authorizing Repair/Replacement of Library Furnace/ Air Conditioning. Previously, the City Council authorized the staff to contract for the installation of a bypass duct type gas furnace in the storage room of the library to replace one of the larger rooftop heat pumps at the library. The largest heat pump had been giving the City a considerable amount of problems over the past few winters, and a quote was received from Bruce Wachter of Griefnow Sheetmetal for the replacement furnace. The Council was informed that Mr. Wachter had not fulfilled his initial bid; and as a result, the City was left with the choice of either awarding a contract to the next lowest bidder for the installation of a gas duct furnace, or to repair the existing rooftop unit. The two alternatives available were to award a contract to the second bidder for a duct type gas furnace at a cost of $3,598.00, and to also have the air conditioning unit repaired at a cost of an additional $2,000.00. The other alternative would be to replace the entire large rooftop combination heat pump/air conditioner with a new combination gas furnace/air conditioner at a cost of $8,960.00. -3- Council Minutes - 1/27/86 After further discussion, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Blonigen, and unanimously carried to authorize the Public Works Director to enter into an agreement with N.S. Services of Buffalo, Minnesota, to install a new combination gas furnace/air conditioner at a cost of $8,960.00 for the library. 8. Consideration of Amending the Fire Hall Construction Contract by Extending the Completion Date Four Days. Motion was made by Fran Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to stipulate that February 14, 1986, be the completion date per the original contract with Fullerton Lumber Company, and to grant a four day extension to February 18 to account for extra work that was not part of the bid award. 9. Consideration of a Proposed Residential Subdivision in the Orderly Annexation Area - Applicant, Kjellberg, Inc. Recently, Kjellberg's, Inc., has applied to the Orderly Annexation Board for approval of a residential subdivision located just south of the City limits. Mayor Grimsmo had requested Council input on this proposed subdivision for the purposes of passing along the City's concerns to the OAA Board, as Mayor Grimsmo is the City's representative to this Board. Mr. Kent Kjellberg had requested that the City Council table any discussion on his subdivision request until he had an opportunity to discuss with the Council his proposed development. As a result, no action was taken by the Council at this time, as the matter will not be heard by the OAA Board until March, 1986. 10. Consideration of Authorizing a Contract/Agreement with Monticello Township for Fire Protection Services. At the request of Monticello Township officials, this item was also tabled until the next Council meeting to enable Township officials to meet with City staff and Council members regarding the proposed new fire contract. 11. Consideration of Alternatives for Traffic Signal Construction for the Highway 25 Improvement. The Public Works Director informed the Council that currently there will be no federal funding of the three proposed traffic signals as part of the Highway 25 improvement project until the final bridge location is selected. The bridge siting has been delayed due to the inability to acquire the necessary soil borings for the design. Federal funding would be available if the Highway 25 improvement project is delayed until after the bridge funding is set, but this delay would mean that the Highway 25 improvement proposed for 1986 would not be constructed until 1987. If the Highway 25 improvement -4- Council Minutes - 1/27/86 is to be bid for 1986 construction, the City could just install the necessary underground wiring for the new traffic signals and wait until federal funding becomes available for the actual signal completions. This additional underground work would be funded only by the State of Minnesota at 50%, with the City and County splitting the other 50%. This alternative would increase the cost to the City by approximately $12,100.00 but would enable the Highway 25 improvement to start in 1986. It was also noted that the City and County share of the Highway 25 improvement may be lower than originally estimated in 1983 due to some recent changes in MN/DOT picking up more of the project cost. As a result, even with the increased cost for the signals being borne by the City and County, their total share of the project may actually decrease from the original estimate. As a result, motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Fran Fair, and unanimously carried to proceed with the Highway 25 improvement as scheduled for 1986 with the resulting additional cost estimated at $12,100.00 for the underground wiring of the three signal lights to be picked up by the City. 12. Consideration of an Increase in League of Minnesota Cities Dues to Help Fund the City Legal Exchange and Research (CLEAR) Service. Motion was made by Bill Fair, seconded by Dan Blonigen, and unanimously carried to accept a 5% increase in the League of Minnesota Cities dues to assist in the funding of the City Legal Exchange and Research Service, which was estimated at $64.00. 13. Consideration of Gambling License - Applicant, Monticello Youth Hockey Association. Monticello Youth Hockey Association had applied for a Class B gambling license to conduct raffles, paddle wheels, tip boards, and pull tabs at the Powers Strength and Health Club. The Council members discussed whether City approval should be granted to authorize gambling licenses other than those for the Legion and VFW Clubs. Some members felt that since the State Gambling Board is regulating all gambling licenses, the City should not interfere and approve all that are requested. Some members of the Council felt that granting approval of gambling licenses would open the door to every organization to have gambling licenses in all sorts of liquor establishments and other businesses and felt that this should be regulated to just a few. After further discussion, a motion was made by by Maxwell, to recommend to the Gambling Board Youth Hockey Association license be approved. Bill Fair, Maxwell, and Fran Fair. Opposed wa -5- Bill Fair, seconded that the Monticello Voting in favor was Blonigen and Grimsmo. Council Minutes - 1/27/86 14. Consideration of Bills for the Month of January. Motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Bill Fair, and unanimously carried to approve the bills for the month of January as presented. (: 7��' 0 W, - F" � Rick Wolf ste er Assistant Administrator