City Council Minutes 08-25-1986 SpecialSPECIAL MEETING - Monday, August MINUTES MONTICELLO CITY 25, 1986 - 5:45 COUNCIL p.m. A special meeting of the Monticello City Council was duly held at 5:45 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room for the express purpose of interviewing computer consultants. Members Present: Arve A. Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Jack Maxwell, Dan Blonigen. Absent: None. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Ms. Anne Carroll, representing Carroll, Franck & Associates, was present. Ms. Carroll provided a brief background of her company and a list of previous clients she has served. She then provided a brief summary and presentation addressing the in-depth proposal that had been presented in response to the City's request for proposals (RFP). Upon completion of her presentation, Ms. Carroll responded to questions. City Administrator Eidem inquired as to why Phase IB, System Analysis, was scheduled to only take one week. Ms. Carroll responded that the one week time line indicated when that phase would be completed after the completion of the previous phase. She noted that Phase IB would be happening concurrently with Phase IA. She also stated that based on her history and experience, systems analysis was occurring virtually at all times. Mayor Grimsmo asked Ms. Carroll whether or not she would be looking to install state of the art systems or pre -established systems which might be limited in use in the near future. Ms. Carroll indicated that, at this point, it was impossible to say, since the evaluation had not been done. She noted that the objective was to find a system that performed the tasks the City desired, and not just buy a system that could do many tasks. Dan Blonigen indicated his preference that she evaluate a system that would be expandable so that the City could stay close to the state of the art technology. Blonigen also expressed concern that any system the City acquire be well proven in a government setting. Councilmember Fran Fair asked what role Anne Carroll would play once the system was selected and installed. Ms. Carroll responded that part of her proposal indicated that she would be available for a full year to assist with implementation and assimilation. She went on to note that her objective is to phase herself out gradually, not suddenly terminate the contract and leave the City to its own devices. At the end of the questions, Mayor Grimsmo gave Ms. Carroll an opportunity to sum up her proposal. Upon completion of the summary statement, Ms. Carroll was excused, and the Mayor recessed the meeting for approximately five minutes. Upon reconvening, the Council invited Mr. Bob Carlson of Gruys Johnson and Associates and Mr. Jim Snyder of Management Advisors, Inc., into the Conference Room. Mr. Carlson made the opening presentation on the Gruys Johnson proposal. He noted that Gruys Johnson wished to expand their capabilities in the computer field and had established an affiliation with Management Advisors, Inc. He noted that Management Advisors, Inc., would be the computer consultants, but Gruys Johnson, on Special Council Minutes - 8/25/86 as the City Auditors, would lend their financial expertise into evaluating the needs assessment and the final RFP for a system. Mr. Snyder provided some brief background on Management Advisors, Inc., noting that they had worked for cities both in Minnesota and in Colorado. He went on to indicate that MAI was not exclusively a computer consultant, but also offered the expertise of performing management audits, management evaluation, and team building. Mr. Snyder was asked if his home office was located in Colorado, and he indicated it was. All Council members expressed a concern about being able to respond promptly in times of need. Mr. Snyder indicated that the personnel at Gruys Johnson would respond if he were not in Minnesota. The question was then raised as to who would handle a problem if the personnel at Gruys Johnson were not able. Mr. Carlson responded that he would simply call Colorado to discuss the issue. The Council inquired as to whether or not in staff interviews any departments were identified as perhaps being more troublesome than others. Mr. Snyder responded that he felt the assessing department might be problematical since the County Assessor's Office was not fully computerized as yet. He also noted that the deputy registrar's department might be a problem since he had not seen any municipal packages that tied directly in with the State system. Mr. Snyder also indicated that there might be some training problems with respect to staff reluctance to learn the system. Mr. Carlson and Mr. Snyder were given a brief opportunity to summarize their position, and the interview was then ended. During deliberation, Mr. Eidem responded that reference checks on both firms indicated a high level of excellence and expertise. He noted that all cities checked were extremely satisfied with performance. He noted that the proposals submitted in response to the RFP were, in his judgement, relatively equal. It was noted that the Carroll, Franck & Associates proposal was $3,025.00 less than the Gruys Johnson proposal. Some concern was expressed with respect to the Colorado location of MAI, even though Gruys Johnson is located both in Monticello and Buffalo. Motion by Blonigen, second by Fran Fair, and carried unanimously to award the contract for computer consulting services to Carroll, Franck & Associates for the stipulated price of $8,975.00. There being no other business for the special meeting, the meeting was adjourned. 4L= Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator -2-