City Council Minutes 12-27-1984 I MIN TES SPECIAL MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL December 27, 1 84 - 5:00 P.M. A special meeting of the City Cow was duly held at 5:00 P.M., Dece Members Present were: Grimsmo, Maxwell and Fair. Also present John Simola; City Attorney, Gary cil called by Mayor Grimsmo er 27, 1984, in the City Hall. us, Blonigen. Members Absent were: ere Public Works Director, Pringle; and Administrator Eidem. The Mayor called the meeting to rder and indicated that the sole reason for the meeting was 0 discuss the acquisition of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Block 12, Original Plat of Monticello, as a potential site for Fire Hal construction. The Mayor asked Public Works Director Simola to eport on the soils testing. Mr. Simola stated that the repor found that the site was primarily loose and sandy and would requir excess compaction in the area of the building and under portio s of the parking lot and driveways. He indicated that the testing fi m had recommended a stripping away of the top 1~ to 3 feet to e replaced by higher quality fill suitable for construction. Simola also noted that there had been some contamination disc vered and that the contamination was primarily fuel oil. He indi ated that the extent of the contamination cannot really be g uged without further testing, and perhaps some excavation. si ola stated that the type of clean up that would be required rom the Pollution Control Agency cannot be determined until the e tent of the contamination is known. He noted that some clean up may simply be a removal of the contaminated material and then stock piled at some place where it will not leach into the subsurface. He indicated that other processes have been to spr ad polluted material under roadways in thin layers. He noted that the worst case would be that the contaminated material would have to be hauled to a hazardous waste site. In his estimation, the severity of this problem would not require he latter type of solution. Simola did note that the City m st notify the Pollution Control Agency, and that if we chose no to contact them at this time, the soils testing lab is requir d by state regulations to notify PCA. I I There was a brief discussion of the area. It was the Council's report to the peA only insofar the City is interested in acqui it was not their position to re the basis of mere speculation d tests on this particular site. and initiates investigations of that is the PCA's responsibilit the other bulk fuel plants in position that the City would s it concerns the site that ing. The Council felt that ort any other bulk plants on rived from the results of the They agree that if the PCA responds the other bulk plants, then and not the City Council's. -1- I Special Council Minutes - 12/27/84 The Mayor asked City Attorney pr"ngle to go over some of his concerns about the transfer of t e parcel. Pringle noted that there is currently a mortgage ag inst the property, the status of which must be clearly determi ed prior to the closing of any contract for the land. prin le also noted that there are outstanding assessments against he property that the current owner, Jean Brouillard, has indi ated should be City responsibility. Mr. Pringle noted that there is lease agreement with Jim Moores, the operator of JM oil, who is c rrently occupying the site. Pringle noted that an agreement ill have to be drafted so that Jim Moores will legally release is right to use the land. There was a brief discussion wit respect to the City assisting in Mr. Moores' relocation effort. Eidem commented that he had met with Mr. Moores and indicate that the City would do whatever it could to help him secure an a ternate site for his bulk plant. Eidem indicated that a proposal ould be made to the HRA, who may be able to investigate a Ian trade. Councilmember Maus raised a question of the City p rchasing some land in the industrial park and leasing it to various ulk fuel operators. It was Maus's opinion that regulatory ontrol could be more closely monitored under a City owned pr ject and that a lease arrangement of this sort might further faci itate the relocation of not only the existing bulk plant, b t of all bulk plants encroaching on the Downtown Commercial Busi ess District. Eidem agreed to investigate this procedure f rther. With respect to actual relocation assistance for Mr. M ores, the Council authorized Pringle to offer a total of 8 h urs usage of the City'S loader, including an operator. Mr. Sim la felt that the assistance we could lend would be limited 0 use of the loader and stated that he was willing to provide hose 8 hours. I Pringle returned the discussion to the matter of the contamination. He indicated that Mr. Brouillar expected to receive his selling price with no future obligation. Pringle indicated that Brouillard wished to receive the selling p ice and be freed from any responsibility towards contamination clean up r other alterations that may have to be made to the site to ake it suitable for development. Concern was expressed by all Co ncil members as to the extent of clean up that might be required once the ground is opened up. councilmember Blonigen felt there should be some kind of spending limit dedicated to cl an up that the City would be responsible for, that should t e extent of the clean up exceed this particular limit, the cit would have the right to go back to the seller to recover some xpense. Pringle indicated that Mr. Brouillard simply wouldn't sign the contract under any other condition than as stated. pri gle noted that Brouillard has made an offer to the City and xpressed his terms. The City now has to react to that offer and choose to either accept or reject the conditions. Pringl stated it was his understanding from a meeting with Mr. Brouil ard that should the City reject the conditions at this time, t e sale is off. Mayor Grimsmo I -2- I turned the discussion back to co stated that the Council was face a site for the Fire Hall. He fe was a good site for Fire Hall 10 an acceptable one in spite of th contamination. Reiterating his taking the lead to secure clean he would like to see the Council He felt that constant debate ove the sale of the land and postpon Hall in the long run. He felt t into site selection and that a s and we should investigate the fi City Attorney pringle wished to he had with reference to certain in the abstract. Pringle indica accepted a deed when he bought t limitations, and that the deed c those same limitations. He note from a phrase that indicated the limitations which may not be rec by a survey. He indicated that from such a qualification to the I Motion by Maus to acquire Lots 2 original Plat of the City of Mon and further, authorizing City At and prepare a Contract for Deed and to be executed by the Mayor was duly seconded by Blonigen. and Blonigen. Voting in opposit Special Council Minutes - 12/27/84 sideration of the offer and with the decision of finding t that the site in question ation and that the offer was unknown factor relating to osition on governmental conscience p of the site, he indicated take action on this acquisition. every detail could jeopardize the construction of the Fire at enough time had been put itable site had been found, al sale. aise one more concern that qualifications that showed ed that Mr. Brouillard had e property subject to certain nveyed to the City would carry that his primary concern came property was subject to certain rded but which might be revealed e didn't anticipate any problems deed, and the Council concurred. 3, 4, and 5, in Block 12, icello, for the sum of $100,000.00, orney Pringle to negotiate ddressing all City concerns nd City Administrator. Motion oting in favor: Grimsmo, Maus, on: None. Motion passed unanimously. There being no other business to be held in this special meeting, the Mayor adjourned the meeting. Thomas A. Eide City Administrator I 3-