HRA Minutes 01-20-1999 . . . MINUTES .JOINT HRA, COUNCIL, PARKS, PLANNING, EDA AND DAT WORKSHOP Wednesday, January 20,1999 - 6:00 p.m. Prcscnt: COUNCIL: Mayor Roger Belsaas, Bruce Thiclen, Clint Herbst and Roger Carlson Mike Cyr, Rita Ulrich, Susie Wojchouski and Gail Cole Chair Ron Hoglund, Bill Demeules and Ken Maus Chair Steve Andrews, Bob Murray, Brad Barger and Darrin Lahr Chair Larry Nolan, Gregg Engle, Jennifer Fearing, Earl Smith and Fran Fair Rod Dragsten, Dick Frie, Richard Carlson and Roy Popilek DAT: FDA: HRA: PARKS: PLANNING: Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director Wanda Kraemer, Administrative Assistant Dawn Grossingcr, City Staff Guest: Barb Esse, MCP Marianne Khauv, Chamber of Commerce Michael Schroeder, Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. Jerry Kimball, Past Planning Director, City of Duluth Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty Pat Sawatzke, Walnut Street Property Owner Paul & Evelyn Wurm, Park Place Apartments Michelle Ewing, Riverstreet Station Onn Khauv, Best Western Scott Douglas, Golden Valley Furniture Diane Lange, Riverfront Owner Woodrow Lange, Riverfront Owner Brent Morningstar, Wright-Hennepin Electric & Security 1. Call to Order. liRA Chair Stcve Andrews called the Joint Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. He introduced Michael Schroeder, Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. 2. Introductions Mr. Schroeder asked everyone to introduce themselves and which group they represented. Introductions were made. -1- . . . Minutes Joint HRA, Council, Parks, Planning, EDA and DAT Workshop - 1/20/99 3. Workshop Purpose Mr. Schroeder presented a brief overview of the Revitalization Plan for the downtown and riverfront area and reviewed the purposc of the workshop. 1. Review the Monticello's Revitalization Plan for the downtown and riverfront area. 2. Input from others on how they view Monticello. 3. Provide City Board and Commission members with an opportunity to provide input relating to the development ofthe downtown and riverfront area. 4. Is there a need for broader community input relating to development of the riverfront and downtown's north anchor. 5. Consider a plan on how to proceed. Mr. Schroeder stated that the Comprehensive Plan provides only guidelines and is not meant to lock the City into a set plan. .He stated that Mr. Jerry Kimball, Past Planning Director, of Duluth will share perspectives on the value of riverfront improvements. Mr. Brad Johnson, Lotus Realty, will share perspectives on what a developer looks for in a redevelopmcnt project. 4. Overview of the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan (Michael Schroeder). Mr. Schroeder reviewcd the City's Riverfront Revitalization Plan which was adopted in 1997 as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. This Plan gives directions for the development of the riverfront. It was felt that a mix of uses in the downtown/riverfront area is important. A key to a successful downtown is a good mix of compatible uses, and the City will need to find a way for a new mix to work together. The value of the riverfront was also emphasized and the need for development along the river to be done with great care to preserve this precious resource. Mr. Schroeder stated that there are three components critical to the Plan: 1. Revitalization of the mall, 2. Civic/governmental core area, 3. Downtown/Rivcrfront Bridge Park. It is important to remember the Revitalization Plan is not specific it is mcant only to give directions. -2- . . . Minutes Joint liRA, Council, Parks, Planning, EDA and DAT Workshop - 1/20/99 Mr. Selrroedcr introduced Jerry Kimball of Duluth. Mr. Kimball reiterated thc value of thc riverfront stating he has traveled around the Midwest telling people of the advantages of the waterfront. As Planning Director of Duluth, he traveled around the country to see what other cities were doing along their lakes and river fronts. Mr. Kimball reminded the board and commission members to always remcmber that what they are doing is for a noble cause. There is no casier way to increase economic or quality ofJife than to capture the magic of urban lakes or rivers. Waterfront redevelopment has done so much good for so many cities. Mr. Kimball felt that cities arc changing; they are losing their identity which makes for sameness. This hurts economy and it hurts city pridc. He felt that the commissioners needcd to ask whethcr or not they are committed to this project and ask the question "Why do we want to do this?" When people think of rcvitalization, they have onc of two impressions: 1) Revitalization means more individual and private business or 2) Community pride and spirit and a sense of place. He asked the question, "What comes to mind when you refer to City Revitalization? Business development or community spirit?" Mr. Kimball asked for a show of hands and the majority felt community spirit. Rcvitalization means renewal of life. The ingredients for revitalization are: 1) Resist steam roller effect. 2) Identify uniquc strengths and nurture thcm. Cities should emphasis their uniquencss. Duluth began the process of revitalization in the early 1980's with a vision. As a result of this vision, Duluth has cxperienced a rccord number of conventions, some national, more industry, and growth in local businesses. But the most important benefit of all is thc pride thc City now has in itself. Mr. Kimball had two suggestions for the boards and commissions. 1. You need a Comprehensivc Plan; but also you need to do other planning to get more specific ideas. However, it is important not to let the pressure oftime get to you. Implcmenting a plan takes timc. 2. It takes a lot of partnerships between various entities. 4c. A Proposal for Monticcllo's North Anchor (Brad Johnson). Mr. Johnson stated that, as a developer, he saw the downtown revitalization area as taking a non-earning asset and making it an earning asset. Many times the asset in question is not privately owned and thcrefore it is cssential to have the community's involvemcnt. He statcd that development will usually take place along the freeway or a major highway. He felt that the park was a key clcment to making the downtown revitalization work. A -3- . . . Minutes Joint HRA, Council, Parks, Planning, EDA and DAT Workshop - 1/20/99 park brings people and people mean security. The baby boomers wanted density and they want activities that are close by. It is important to have people living by the river or lake. A restaurant would be key to a successful retail business. Also, a hotel would help bring in people. There must be a vision to implement a revitalization plan. However, it must be remembered that it is only a vision. 5. Commission Input. Sa. Development of Monticello's North Anchor and Riverfront. Michael Schroeder opened the meeting for input regarding the goals and visions for this area. Responses. Steve Andrews felt there was an attitude that the City was waiting for the developers to bring concept plans to them to approve or disapprove. We need to let the developers know what the City envisions for that area. Our relationship with the developers needs to be enhanced. Bruce Thielen stated that there was a perception that the City was selling park property. This is not the case. Our goal is to enhance the park perhaps even enlarge it. Hopefully, in the end, it will be a win for both sides. It was felt that the desires of the residents that live down along the river should be considered. City officials need to make a decision while keeping the residents informed. Some felt that there has been a lack of communication between the boards and commISSIOns. The question was asked whether or not we should be focusing on just this narrow area or working on a vision for a greater area. Some felt that Brad Johnson. proposal was just a starting point. The Revitalization Plan is broad and the North Anchor is just the engine driving it. Mr. Schroeder asked the question, "What needs to go on in the park? Something to enhance the City? What is going to enhance the City?" The boards and commissions need to ask these questions. It must be determined what we want to see at West Bridge Park and what will surround it. Gregg Engle stated that he did not want to lose the activity that now takes place at the park like hockey and -4- . Minutes Joint HRA, Council, Parks, Planning, EDA and DA T Workshop - 1/20/99 skating because it attracts a lot of people. Also festivals, music, etc., should be added to draw people. Roy Popilek stated thc importance of protecting the watcr source and perhaps a buffer should be added between the river and the development. Ollie Koropchak felt that we must look long-term. Once this area is developed it's gone. We need to look long range and take shorter steps. Private development must be quality development. What about the swans? Susie Wojchouski stated that the river has historical significance and perhaps this could be utilized. Perhaps a steamboat on land wclcoming people to Monticello. Also the islands could be used for activities such as treasure hunts since the water is only 3-4 feet deep and could easily be crossed. Perhaps a use of the water source could be paddleboating, tubing or canoeing in the summer and feeding stations in the winter for swans, etc. . It was felt that the pathway system should be incorporated and made an integral part of the area. Mr. Schroeder stated that what happens on one side of the river affects what happens on the other side. He felt that the river must be embraced and care must be given to whatever is done. The Rcvitalization Plan was formulated with the idea that Monticello was a great small town not a suburb or a bedroom community. He felt that the idcas that werc being presented were not that different from the Revitalization Plan. The City has to make a commitment to the plan and determine how willing it is to acquirc private property to dcvelop the plan. He acknowledged that in the proccss it may bc forced to make some difficult choices. But, something needs to be done to get started. Ollie Koropchak stated that the HRA has acquired three properties on Block 54, adjacent to the park. Healthy residential neighborhoods make for a better downtown. . -5- . . . Minutes Joint HRA, Council, Parks, Planning, EDA and DA T Workshop - 1/20/99 5b. The Need for Community Input. Mr. Schroeder asked for input regarding how to get to where we have a concept plan. Do we want just board members and commissioners' input or public input also. HRA - Would prefer commissioners decide what to do before going to the public. Go to the developers to see if feasible before going to the public. PLANNING - Sit down with commissioners and discuss before going to the public. Set- up parameters and then go to developers before the public. PARKS - Useful to work with other commissions. Get something more concrete before going to the public. It is important to get the commissions together as information is not being passed on. CITY COUNCIL - Have a concept before going to the public. The question was asked whether everyone has to be involved or can it be a smaller group. MCP - Have an inventory list of how the park is going to be used. For that we need public input. DA T - Residents should have input. A smaller group is okay but information must be passed on as mueh as possible to businesses and residents affected. Care must be given not to shut out public input. Mr. Schroeder suggested the tlrst step was to find out where the commissions agree. He suggested that at the next meeting of the various boards and commissions, they take 20 minutes to list the top 5 things that they want to achieve with the North Anchor and Bridge Park. Staff would then compile a list and distribute to all members. He encouraged only 1 or 2 from each commission work together and start sharing ideas. Work on finding areas of agreements. 6. Next Steps. Mr. Schroeder stated that thus far the City has only heard from one developer. The community has to decide ifthey want to open it up to other developers after it is decided how to proceed. It is imperative to start with a vision. Mr. Schroeder stated that the HRA is responsible for acquiring properties. The HRA should be talking with ai1ected homeowners about acquiring their properties. They need -6- . . . Minutes Joint HRA, Council, Parks, Planning, EOA and DAT Workshop - 1/20/99 to detlne a strategy and the Council needs to decide if it is willing to condemn properties if neeessary. The City must be ready to move on aequisitions. BRA stated that they have bought houses when they have come up for sale or the HRA has been approached. But they felt they needed directionfrom the Council. Mr. Johnson indicated that the first thing the groups must consider is where the money will come from to do this project. Mr. Schroeder and Mr. Kimball asserted that the issue of money should not be considered until the groups have strong agreement to a direction for the north anchor and riverfront; funding sources may vary depending upon the direction the groups pursue. HRA Chair Steve Andrews stated that a summary of the meeting would be sent to those present and adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. ~~~ Nancy Whale _ \J~(~Q~_. -7-