City Council Minutes 05-18-1987 . MINUTES MONTICELLO OARD OF REVIEW May 18, 19 7 - 7:00 p.m. Board Members Present: Dan Blonig n, Bill Fair, Warren Smith, Fran Fair Board Members Absent: Arve Thomas Eidem, Rick Wolfsteller Staff Present: Gary Ander county Staff Present: Doug Grube , Wright County Assessor The 1987 Board of Review was calle to order by Acting Mayor, Fran Fair, at 7:02 p.m. 1. James Eisele 713 West Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-026030 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: $51,600 $61,900 . Motion by Bill Fair, seconded y Warren Smith, to leave the total Estimated Market Value for 1987 at $61,900. Motion carried with Dan Blonigen opposed and Arve Grims 0 absent. 2. James Eisele 706, 712, 718, and 724 West Fo th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-023070 #155-010-023080 #155-010-023090 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: Total EMV 1987: $15,000 $30,000 $20,000 ed) Motion by Bill Fair, seconded b total market value applied on t $30,000 total to $20,000 total. with Arve Grimsmo absent. Dan Blonigen, to reduce the ese three parcel numbers from The motion carried unanimously 3. Roman Svoboda 325 West Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-030021 . Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: Total EMV 1987: $47,300 $53,600 $52,000 (adjus ed) -1- . Board of Review Minutes - 5/18/87 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded y Warren Smith, to reduce the total estimated market value f om $53,600 to $52,000. Motion carried unanimously with Arve rimsmo absent. Larry Kanthak 209 Kevin Longley Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-048-001060 4. Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: $ 700 $88,700 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded total estimated market value 0 carried unanimously with Arve y Dan Blonigen, to approve the $88,700 on this parcel. Motion rimsmo absent. 5. Walnut Plaza 309 South Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-031060 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: Total EMV 1987: . $128,900 $168,600 $153,000 (adj sted) Motion by Bill Fair, seconded in the estimated market value carried unanimously with Arve y Dan Blonigen, to approve a reduction rom $168,600 to $153,000. Motion rimsmo absent. 6. Harry Bebo 224 West Third Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-031010 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: Total EMV 1987: $305,900 $338,800 $310,500 (adj sted) Motion by Bill Fair, seconded y Warren Smith, to approve the reduction in total estimated m rket value from $338,800 to $310,500. Motion carried unanimously wit Arve Grimsmo absent. 7. Janelle lano 412 East Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-015-036060 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: Total EMV 1987: . $41 ,300 $69,000 $66,100 (adju ted) Motion by Bill Fair, seconded y Dan Blonigen, to reduce the total estimated market value f om $69,000 to $66,100. Motion carried unanimously with Arve rimsmo absent. -2- . Board of Review Minutes - 5/18/87 8. Russell Lovegren 1205 West Broadway Monticello. MN 55362 Parcel #155-012-002080 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: Total EMV 1987: $83.500 $83.500 $81.900 (adju Motion by Warren Smith. second d by Fran Fair. to reduce the total estimated market value f om $83.500 to $81.900. Motion carried with Bill Fair opposin and Arve Grimsmo absent. 9. Moon Motors 414 South Pine Street Monticello. MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-016010 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: Total EMV 1987: $124.500 $172.600 $124.500 (adj sted) There was no motion presented on this. as County Assessor Doug Gruber indicated it was a clerical error on the County's part and extended the numbers down f r the 1987 assessment. The total 1987 Estimated Market Value will be $124.500. . 10. Gary DeBoer 220 Marvin Elwood Road Monticello. MN 55362 Parcel #155-035-001131 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: $42.500 $42.500 Motion by Dan Blonigen. seconde by Bill Fair. to leave the total estimated market value as liste for 1987 at $42.500. Motion carried with Warren Smith oppos'ng and Arve Grimsmo absent. 11. Gary DeBoer 1009 Golf Course Road Monticello. MN 55362 Parcel #155-500-101203 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: Total EMV 1987: $57.600 $57.600 $49.200 (adjus ed) Motion by Dan Blonigen. seconde by Warren Smith. to reduce the total estimated market value fr'm $57.600 to $49,200. Motion carried unanimously with Arve G imsmo absent. . . 12. Caro~ Pitt 225 East Fourth Street Montice~~o, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-071050 Total EMV 1986: Tota~ EMV 1987: Tota~ EMV 1987: $29,600 $48,000 $45,000 (adju ted) Board of Review Minutes - 5/18/87 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded y Dan Blonigen, to reduce the total estimated market value f om $48,000 to $45,000. Motion carried unanimously with Arve rimsmo absent. 13. Al Larson 213 West Fourth Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-031031 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: $186,100 $185,900 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded y Warren Smith, not to change the total estimated market val e for 1987 of $185,900. Motion carried unanimously with Arve rimsmo absent. . 14. Dave Peterson's Monticello For 100 West Oakwood Drive Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-500-113413 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: Total EMV 1987: $271,400 $624,100 $573,300 Motion by Fran Fair, seconded y Bill Fair, to reduce the 1987 total estimated market value f om $624,100 to $573,300. Motion carried unanimously with Arve rimsmo absent. 15. Dan Blonigen 405 Vine Street Monticello, MN 55362 Parcel #155-010-023060 Total EMV 1986: Total EMV 1987: $50,800 $54,700 Motion by Bill Fair, seconded b Warren Smith, to have the City Assessor, Gary Anderson, and th County Assessor, Doug Gruber, review the property with Mr. Da Blonigeni and whatever they come up with for a total estima ed market value will be agreeable with the City Council members. . Motion carried unanimously with Arve Grimsmo absent. . . Board of Review Minutes - 5/18/87 Motion by Dan B1onigen. seconded by Bill Fair, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4~~ (;ary Anderson City Assessor . . 5-