City Council Minutes 07-13-1987MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 13, 1987 - 7:30 p.m. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran Fair, Bill Fair, Dan Blonigan, Warren Smith Members Absent: None The regular meeting of the Monticello City Council was duly held on Monday, July 13, 1987, in the Monticello City Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. 2. Approval of Minutes. Motion by Bill Fair, second by Dan Blonigen, and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of June 22, 1987. 4. Consideration of Awarding Bids for the Purchase of a Dump Truck and Ancillary Equipment. John Simola, Monticello Public Works Director, reviewed the specifications and the bid tabulations received on Thursday, July 9, for the purchase of a dump truck and snowplow equipment. The following bids were received and presented to the City Council: PRICE TABULATION - Bid Opening Thursday, July 9, 1987, 2:00 p.m. Truck Dealer Manufacturer Base Bid 1. Monticello Ford Ford $36,731.84 2. Hoglund Bus Co. International $37,375.00 3. 4. Snowplow Equipment Vendor 1. MacQueen Equipment 2. Boyum Equipment 3. Boyum Equipment 4. Boyum Equipment 5. Crysteel TK & Equip 6. Trade-in Net Delivery $4,900.00 $31,831.84 140 days $5,250.00 $32,125.00 100 days Bid Bid Bid Total Item 111 Manufacturer Alt. 112 Manufacturer Alt. 113 Manufacturer Item 114 Delivery $5,318 Falls $4,634 Viking $2,365 Monroe $12,317 60-90 days $11,550 Frink $6,206 Frink $2,243 Monroe $19,999 15-30 days $3,890 Universal $6,210 Frink $2,243 Monroe $12,343 15-30 days $3,890 Universal $4,711 Universal $2,243 Monroe $10,844 15-30 days $4,856 Falls $3,346 Falls $2,062 Monroe $10,264 60-90 days + 250 + 180 + 110 $10,804 w/paint paint paint paint specified Dump Body, Hoist, and Hydraulics Vendor Manufacturer 1. MacQueen Equipment Heil 2. Crysteel TK & Equip. Crysteel 3. 4. -1- Quoted Price Delivery $9,762 75-90 days $8,271 6-8 weeks Council Minutes - 7/13/87 After reviewing the bids, Mr. Simola made the following recommendations for purchase: 1) Award the purchase of the dump body, hoist, and hydraulics to Crysteel for the low bid price of $8,271; 2) Award the purchase of a Universal wing, wing hitch, and plow hitch and the purchase of a Monroe sander to Boyum Equipment for the combined price of $6,133. 3) Award the purchase of a dump truck to Monticello Ford for a Ford truck at a base bid of $36,731.84 with an offer to trade in an old unit of $4,900 for a net price of $31,831.84. Mr. Simola asked that the Council not award the purchase of a snowplow at this time so that additional negotiations could take place. Mr. Simola also requested that 'the City put its older truck up for sale in an effort to gain more money than the trade-in which was offered. In the event that the outright sale does not generate $4,900, the trade-in offer will. still be effective. Public Works Director Simola did note that in reviewing the specifications, the staff originally had had some concerns with the Ford product but found that all of those concerns were abated when clarified. He indicated that he had received excellent recommendations and references on the Ford product and that the three year extended warranty exceeded the industry standard because the engine was still relatively new. Mayor Grimsmo inquired as to whether or not there was any advantage to having all vehicles the same in the City fleet. Mr. Simola responded that in a very large fleet with a maintenance department that stocked all of its own parts, that would be true. But for the City of Monticello, it would be negligible advantage. Mr. John Holker, representing Hoglund Bus, was present. He spoke to the Council encouraging them to accept the International unit proposed by Hoglund Bus Company. He noted that it had an American made engine and could be serviced locally. Motion by Bill Fair, second by Fran Fair, and carried unanimously to award the contract for purchase of a dump truck to Monticello Ford for a Ford truck in the amount of $36,731.84, holding the trade-in allowance in abeyance until the City pursues selling their own truck outright; to award the contract for the purchase of a Universal wing, wing hitch, and plow hitch, and a Monroe sander to Boyum Equipment for a total. cost of $6,133; to award the contract for the purchase of a dump body, hoist, and hydraulic system to Crysteel Company in the amount of $8,271; and lastly, that the Street Superintendent, Public Works Director, and Councilmember Blonigen pursue the acquisition of a snowplow alternative. For the motion, the total acquisition price including tax would reflect an expenditure of $48,145.75. 5. Consideration of Awarding Bids for Improvement Projects 87-1 and 87-2, Otter Creek Road and Liquor Store Parking. The construction bids for the realignment o the expansion of Hiway Liquors parking lot Works Director, John Simola. The following -2- f Otter Creek Road and was presented by Public bids were presented: Council Minutes - 7/13/87 SCHEDULE A: RCALICIN4rNr or orTEri cuu IlUAU /S.Y. . S BITUMINOUS CONSULTING C S /, L6 /S.Y. - S/ _W r' $ 25.00 STREET CUNSTRUCTION AtlU RESTORArlorJ BUFFALO BITUMINOUS CONTRACTING CO., INC. VALLEY PAVING, INC. (01) Lump Sum Bid Item 1-A P LUMP SUtI JO °-� ' S ,aS LUMP SUIT - S 1,800.00 LUMP SUIT - S_f�00 Grading and Mobilization (02) 150 L.F. Remove Curb and Gutter @ $ O ;--/L.F. - /S �o j 3.00 /L.F. . $ 450.00 S S "% /L.F. - $ (03) 100 C.Y. Granular Fill (Loose Volume) P S '00 /C.Y. - S G 0 c =� $ 12.50 /C.y. . $ 1,250.00 $ % 32 /C.Y. . S 73 o ' (04) 200 Tons Class 5 Aggregate @ $ /TON - S /.I°0S-!!- ($ 9.95 /TON . $ 1,990.00 S G �S /TON - $ /,-3-70`� (05) 150 Tons 12341 Modified Bituminous Nearing Course. Including Bituminous Material for Mixture so @ 527 _/TON - $.3�%Sf $ 27.75 /TON = $ 4,162.50 .� $ � /TON (06) 700 S.Y. Sod (Including 4' of Topsoil) P S -1 /S.Y. - $ /'/ o S 3'00 /S.Y. - S 2,100.00 S 3 S ' /S.Y. - S y So (07) 5.0 S.T. Repave Concrete Pavement P $ C % /S.T. - $ /S 0 =-6 $ 20.00 /S.Y. . $ 100.00 S 10.6-0 /S.Y. - S (08) 400 S.Y. Remove Bituminous Pavement P S /S -o /S.Y. - $ 00=-° i$ 2.75 /S.y. - $ 1,100.00 r S f„Sd S.Y. - S Goo - (09) 1 - Valve Box Adjustments @ S_(„IS °�° /EACH - $ /-1S � $ 25.00 /EACII - S 25.00 SJ(.2o'= /EACII - S (10 ) 1 - Manhole Adjustments @ $ : /EACII - do °i $5.00 /EACII $ 50.00 S /EACH - SUBT01AL FOR SCHEDULE -A- (ITEMS 1 - 10)....... - S 16 V- S. .0-0 SCHEDULE 8: III -HAY LIQUORS I'ARKING LOT PARKIRG LOT CONSTRUCTION AND RESIORATION (11) Lump Sum Bid item 2-A: @ LUMP SUM- S 00 Grading �- Grading and Mobilization (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (10) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 150 C.Y. Granular Fill (Loose Volume) P S ,S /C.Y. S %S o 800 Tons Class 5 Aggregate @ $ - /TON O 400 Tons 12341 Modified Bituminous Hearing Course, Including Bituminous Material for Mixture 450 L.F. 8618 Curb and Gutter $ 13,027.50 ....... - Z.-� ..o LUMP SUM = j 1,750.00 LUMP SUM S 2a 0 $ 9.00 /C.Y. . S 1,350.00 S 7-30 /C.Y. = S 1. 017 $ 5.95 /TGN - S 1, , 760.00 S G. 7S` /T OH = f S X00 `moi @ -3 so /TON - S1 0 O �° $ 24.75 /TON S 9,900.00 S 27.2-1" /Tort - S /O , 900 od e• @/L.F. S .1 % 00 f $ 8.15 /L.F. $ 3,937.50 S /C,20 /L.F. - 1 cf,- Yo 90 S.T. Concrete Driveway Entrances O 00 (8" Thickness) @ Ste_/S.Y. - S a�a5 r S 29.00 /S.Y. - S 2,610.00 S ,2'7, eo /S.Y. S .2, U3 700 S.Y. Sod (Including 4" of Topsoil) @ S - /S.Y. - $ / y 0 0 ° - S 3.00 /S.Y. S 2,100.00 S 3•s-70 /S.Y. S 600 S.F. Concrete Sidewalk (Including steel mesh and integral curb) 1,200 S.T. Remove Bituminous Pavement 1 - Valve Box Adjustments 1 - Manhole Adjustments 200 C.T. Common Excavation 1 - Catch Basin 25 L.F. 12" RCP Class IV ° @ S �o /S.F. - S /S 00 P S/S.Y. - S1a o0 oa P S_ /eIS ° /EACII @ S700 `__0/EACH @ S S%¢ /C.Y. = S /o° c 00 @ S Se I SSL/EACII - S S°0 0' @ S,7 /L.F. - S S 0d °-° SUBTOTAL FOR SCHEDULE "8' (ITERS 11 - 24)...... _ $ $ 0 00' GRAND TOTAL BID: Schedule 'A' and Schedule "B" - $ .3 P yG S a0 S H 2.50 /S.F. _ $ 1,500.00 1 3 5f0 /S.F. - S �2,/OO = . $ 1.25 /S.Y. . S 1,500.00 S /, L6 /S.Y. - S/ _W r' $ 25.00 /EACII - $ 25.00 S 7i0 /EACH - S $ 50.00 /EACII - $ 50.00 1 / II J /EACH - S_ILJ'5 $ 3.50 /C.Y. . S 700.00 S-�/ _/C. Y. - S 8 0 0 e_ $ 600.00 /EACII S 600.00 1 1 1 0 0 /EACII S 40.00 /L.F. $ 1,000.00 /L.F. S 1 000 . $ 31,782.50 S _3Z'330 $ 44,810.00 S q7, (QST- Having all been tabulated and rechecked, the apparent lowest responsible bidder is Buffalo Bituminous. Councilmember Bill Fair asked if there was a projected completion date. Chuck Lepak of OSM stated he requested -3- Council Minutes - 7/13/87 that 60 calendar days upon notice to proceed was inserted into the specifications. Motion by Bill Fair, second by Warren Smith, to award the contract for the realignment of Otter Creek Road and the expansion of the Hiway Liquors parking lot to Buffalo Bituminous of Buffalo, Minnesota, for the total amount of $38,465. 6. Consideration of Adopting Final Report to State on Pay Equity -Comparable Worth. City Administrator Eidem presented the final comparable worth/pay equity report to the City Council. He advised the Council that this was the report that would be mailed into the Department of Employee Relations at the State of Minnesota to demonstrate the City of Monticello's compliance with Minnesota Statute 471.991 to 471.999. Motion by Dan Blonigen, second by Fran Fair, and carried unanimously to adopt the pay equity plan as presented and authorizing the City Administrator to submit final forms to the Department of Employee Relations, State of Minnesota. 7. Consideration of Establishing Salary for New City Administrator. Mayor Grimsmo indicated that Councilmember Blonigen and he had met to discuss a salary proposal for the new City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller. He noted that during their discussion there had been some question concerning the auto allowance that had been established for the position in the past. Mayor Grimsmo recommended that Mr. Wolfsteller be offered an annual salary, beginning August 1, 1987, of $43,000 and that the allowances and benefits afforded the position of City Administrator remain unchanged at this time. Councilmember Blonigen indicated that he had disagreed with Mayor Grimsmo only concerning the vehicle allowance question. It was his contention that it was overpaying for mileage and that the Administrator should be paid on the direct mileage allowance. Resigning City Administrator indicated that he had a four-year average of mileage in excess of 10,000 miles per year and that the allowance, as such, did accurately reflect the use of a personal car for City business. Eidem noted that the City currently makes additional allowances for other members of the management staff, over and above the 25� per mile, and that it would be inappropriate to expect the City Administrator to accept less. Eidem noted that the allowance was put into place to ensure adequate reimbursement to the position of Administrator for use of personal vehicle in City business. Eidem noted that it was not intended to be a direct compensation to the individual filling the position, but rather an allowance for the position as defined. Motion by Bill Fair, second by Fran Fair, and carried unanimously to offer Mr. Wolfsteller an annual salary of $43,000 with all other benefits and allowances of the Administrator's position remaining intact. -4- Council Minutes - 7/13/87 8. Consideration of a Resolution Naming Delegates to the Joint Airport Commission. With the resignation of Tom Eidem, 011ie Koropchak noted that there would be a vacancy on the Joint Airport Commission. Motion by Dan Blonigen, second by Warren Smith, and carried unanimously to appoint new City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller as the regular delegate to the Joint Airport Commission and appointed Councilmember Bill Fair as the alternate director to the Joint Airport Commission. See Resolution 87-19. 9. Consideration of a Proposal to Create a Group Known as the Directors of Monticello's Development. Mayor Grimsmo indicated that there was apparently some confusion over the role this group had hoped to play. He noted that he had talked with the people involved and that their only wishes were to coordinate efforts in order to minimize confusion. Director of Economic Development, 011ie Koropchak, indicated that Jim Ridgeway and Con Johnson had each called her to reaffirm that position. She noted that the outline that was originally presented was somewhat sketchy and that some follow-up conversations had raised some concerns such that the entire issue was taken to the City Attorney. The City Attorney had advised City staff that, as presented, certain proposals appeared to be illegal, and that he would prepare a memo whereby the structure would be in compliance. By consensus of the Council, this entire issue was agreed to be laid over until the July 27 meeting. 10. Consideration of Approving a Site and Design for the Construction of a Gazebo in Ellison Park. City Administrator Eidem advised the Council that they had received a check for $28,000 from MN/DOT to account for the loss of the gazebo/ bandstand in East Bridge Park. Eidem noted that staff had made a recommendation for a victorian gazebo to be placed in Ellison Park. The Council all agreed that the most effective place for this type of a facility should be Ellison Park at this time, but there was some disagreement on size and quality. Councilmember Blonigen felt that Ellison Park had received a great deal of financial attention, and it might better serve the citizens of Monticello to spread the $28,000 to some of the other parks. It was his position that the City could install a number of smaller units for the same money as putting in one _larger unit in Ellison Park. Councilmember Bill Fair indicated that the State had reimbursed us for a single unit and that the citizens had the right to expect a reasonable replacement. He indicated he was in favor of a high quality, classy, gazebo that would be an asset to the river setting of Ellison Park. Councilmember Fran Fair indicated that the most common use would very likely be outdoor weddings, and she felt it would be significant for the City to attempt to erect a structure that would enhance the setting of -5- Council Minutes - 7/13/87 beauty along the river. Councilmember Bill Fair, on the introduction of an alternate design, asked if the final. decision could be laid over until the July 27 meeting so that the Council could assemble more information about a gazebo in Brooklyn Park. The consensus was that it would be worthwhile to learn more about the Brooklyn Park gazebo. It was also felt to be beneficial for the Council to inspect Ellison Park together so that a final site can be determined. Motion by Bill Fair, second by Warren Smith, and unanimously carried to postpone final structure selection to July 27 and to recess this meeting for 5 minutes and reconvene at Ellison Park for the purpose of selecting a placement of a gazebo. The Mayor recessed the meeting. Upon all members arriving at Ellison Park, the Mayor reconvened the meeting and a site selection tour was conducted. By unanimous consent, a site was selected on the east end of Ellison Park east of the parking lot where there was a general open space that would be a natural siting. City staff made note of the Council's selection. There being no further business, the Mayor officially adjourned the meeting from Ellison Park. Thomas A. Eidem' City Administrator