City Council Minutes 05-26-1988 I I I MIN TES SPECIAL MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Thursday, May 26, 1988 - 7:30 a.m. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Fran air, Warren Smith, Dan Blonigen, Bill Fair Members Absent: None 1. consideration of Appointment to osition of water/Wastewater Collection system Operator. Public Works Director Simola rep rted that the city received 40 applications for the position of Water/Wastewater collection System Operator. He went on to say tha Tony Strande is recommended by staff for the position by virtue of hi overall excellent experience in the field. In addition, Tony perfor ed well for the City as a wastewater Treatment Plant Operator prior t being laid off due to organizational change. Simola then reviewed a proposed agreement which requires that Tony Strande reside within 10 mi; the city of Monticello. At the moment, Tony lives in palmer, Mi nesota. The employee agreement requires that Tony comply with t e residency requirement within six months of his start date. The e loyee agreement also calls for Tony starting at 90 percent of union age with an increase to 100 percent of union wage after successful comp etion of a probationary period. Finally, the employee agreement tipulates that Tony will receive credit for years worked with the city i calculating the accrual of vacation time. council reviewed the qual'fications of the other candidates with city staff and discussed the ter s of the proposed employment agreement. After discussion, motion was mad by Fran Fair to approve the appointment of Tony Strande to t e position of water/Wastewater Collection system operator and t approve the employment agreement with the stipulation that there will e no extensions to the time line associated with the residency r uirement contained in the employee agreement. Motion seconded by Bill Fair. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ J~ Ne~ll Assistant Administrator