City Council Minutes 03-05-1975 287 SPECIAL Meeting of Mo ticello City Council March 5, 1975 3 00 P.M. City Hall I Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Denton Erick.on. Present: Denton Erickson, stanle Hall, Gene Walter., Dick Martie. Absent: Mayor Con Johnson. Acting Mayor Erickson announded eting would be taped. 1. Review of Burnsville ordinanc s Title 1 for adoption by City of Monticell. Reviewed through Title 1, Chapter 6, section 18. All change. were recorded as approved. 2. Discussion of ro osed meetin state Aid di.tribution. Township on I On a motion by Martie, seconded b Hall, and carried unanimously, approved of the meet"ng with Acting City Administrator and City Attorney r presenting City of Monticello. 3. Motion made to adj~rn at P.M. b Hall, seconded b Martie and carried unanimousl . Gary Wiebe Acting City Administrator GW / mj q I