City Council Minutes 04-14-197529i Regular Meeting of Monticello City Council April 14, 1975 3 P.M. City Hall Meeting called to order by Mayor Con Johnson. Present: Con Johnson, Dick Martie, Gene Walters, Stanley Hall, Denton Erickson. Mayor Johnson announced meeting would be taped. 1. Report by City Attorney Gary Pringle on issuance of malt liquor license to Slow Pitch League. Attorney Pringle said two points are important. A. City should determine that the license is properly issued and all requirements and ordinances are observed. B. Determine that all establishments granted licenses are properly insured. It was council decision to approve license application pro- vided city's own insurance would cover the softball league. Acting City Administrator to review with insurance agent. 2. Presentation by Gary Pringle on handliAg bond procedures. 3. Procedures on sale of liquor store. Attorney Pringle felt best procedure was to put liquor store up for sale on bids. In addition he felt store could be sold on contract for deed by the city. 4. Approval of fiscal consultant. Motion by Hall, seconded by Martie to hire the firm of Spring- sted Incorporated as fiscal consultants, unanimously carried. 5. Proclamation by Mayor to designate April 21 - 27 as Earth Week in Monticello. 6. Proclamation by Mayor designating April 25, as Arbor Day. 7. Discussion on Group Health Insurance. Acting city administrator to review group insurance plans with various insurance agents and make recommendation to council. At that time the possibility of the city picking up employee's share for his or her dependents will be discussed. Regular Meeting of Council - April 14, 1975 - continued. Page 2. 8. Presentation by Dr. Kasper, Mr. Fred Leinbach and Vernon Wahlstrom on Functional Industries. Motion by Hall, seconded by Erickson to approve $1,000.00 donation. Voting in favor: Hall, Erickson and Johnson; opposed: Martie and Walters; motion carried. Money would come out of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. 9. Adoption of new set of liquor ordinances. Motion by Walters, seconded by Martie to adopt ordinances chapters 701-704 as presented, unanimously carried. (See supplement 4-14-75 #1•) 10. Discussion of sewer and water extensions. Ron White wanted to know when city sewer and water would run past his property at Block 5 and lot 4. Mr. White to get petition of affected property owners and a public hearing would follow once ,this was done. 11. Discussion of pavement on Vine Street between 5th and 6th Street and 5th Street between Vine and Elm Street. Mr. Bud Klein, property owner in the area, wanted to know when improvement would be made. Council informed him that area would be reviewed. 12. Discussion of Maintenance Building. City Engineer, John Badalich felt the site on County Road #39 was a good location. The City Planner, Howard Dahlgren, had previously stated it was an ideal location for a maintenance building. Motion by Martie, seconded by Erickson to excercise option and purchase property for $16,800 subject to presentation to Planning Commission, unanimously carried. In addition a motion was made by Martie, seconded by Hall, and unanimously carried to have soil bearing taken by Orr-Schelen- Mayeron and Associates. ME Regular Meeting of Council - April 14, 1975 - continued. Page 3. Specifications and preliminary plans will be drawn up by Orr- Schelen-Mayeron and Associates and to be reviewed with acting city administrator, street supervisor and both Gene Walters, and Denton Erickson who were appointed by Council to review. 13. Discussion with Jim Powers and Jack Bodine of Wright County Sheriff T s Department. Yield sign at 3rd and Locust to be put up by public works department. Council requested Jim Powers to review traffic signs in Monticello and specifically along 3rd Street. 14. Discussion of contract with City Planner. Council decision has to be made in light of fact that Howard Dahlgren was retiring from his position as president of Midwest Planning and Research. Motion by -Walters, seconded by Erickson, unanimously carried, to implement a new contract with Howard Dahlgren in lieu of Midwest Planning and Research, with Howard Dahlgren using the assistance of Midwest Planning and Research as he saw fit. In all other respects this new contract would be the same as the original contract signed with Midwest Planning and Research. 15. Approval of March 24, 1975 and April 9, 1975 minutes. Motion to approve minutes by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried. 16. Motion to a djourn by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unan- imously carried. Ga y W ' eber, Acting City Administrator GW/mj q