September 22, 1975 -- 7:00 P.M.
Present: Denton Erickson, Stan Hall, Dick Martie, Gene
Absent: Con Johnson.
Acting Mayor Denton Erickson presided over meeting in absence of
Mayor Con Johnson.
1. Complaint regarding washed away gravel and leaves.
Mr. Vernon Strand stated he had a problem in his yard
due to washed gravel coming from abutting property owner,
Mr. Clifford Olson, and also with leaves from same prop-
erty owner.
It was explained that this was a civil matter, as the
city ordinances are not that specific in a case such as
this. Council consensus, however, was to notify property
owner and seek voluntary compliance in resolving problem.
2. Request for rezoning - by Mr. Pat Donahue.
Decision tabled on rezoning request until city attorney
could be consulted for his opinion on legality of re-
zoning parcel for one particular use only.
3. Consideration of bids on maintenance building.
Consulting engineer John Badalich recommended that bid be
awarded to lowest bidder, Donlar Corporation, to include
alternate A (fuel tnaks), total bid $87066.
Motion by Martie, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried
to award bid to Donlar Corporation, however, alternate A
of $7800.00 not to be included. Donlar's base bid was
$79266. (See supplement 9-22-75 #1 for bid tabulation.)
4. Review of feasibility report on proposed liquor store
by John Badalich.
Mr. Badalich reviewed a report presented to the council
indicating a building with a basement 60 by 100 feet would
run approximately $290,000 and a building 80 by 80 feet
without a basement would run approximately $198,300.
Regular meeting of the Council
September 22, 1975 - continued.
Mr. Badalich indicated the soil borings for the future
site would dictate a building without a ba. lent would be
most feasible and he had no preference to type of con-
Council consensus was to refer matter back to liquor com-
mission for specific recommendations.
Step 1 Facilities Planning Study Grant Application.
Informational meeting to be held with representatives from
Central Minnesota Regional Development Commission, Wright
County Zoning Office, Big Lake Township, City of Big Lake
and Monticello Township, September 24, 1975 at 3:00 P.M.
Assessments - 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improve-
ment Project.
John Badalich estimated the total cost of the original con-
tract (not including change orders) with Hood Inc. would be
approximately $498,000 which is lower than the original con-
tract of $504136 because of quantity and depth changes.
Using the method of assessing the property owner 100% of
laterals and trunks being paid by ad valorem taxes, John
presented the following assessments to be paid by property
Original Contract
Change Order
Change Order
Change Order
Change Order
'�;3 nU G GU
$471612 157
Mr. Badalich explained that the original contract and
each change order could be treated separately or the cost
of $471612 could be shared equally by 157 parcels giving
a per parcel assessment of $3004.
Motion by Erickson, seconded by Walters and unanimously
carried to adopt uniform per parcel average assessment con-
cept with two exception; the 48 unit Monticello Apartment
and the River Terrace Trailer Park. Assessment to the
apartment would be the cost of change order #2 less on
average per parcel assessment (only one other parcel served
as a result of extension). Trailer court to be assessed
average per parcel assessment plus any specific costs
incurred as a result of specific requirements for lateral
extending into trailer court.
Regular meeting of the Council
September 22, 1975 - continued.
Two Public Hearings to be held, one October 27, 1975 on
assessment polli�--and one November 17, 1975 on final
assessment rolls.
Motion by Walters, seconded by Martie, and unanimously
carried to have engineering firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron
and Associates, Inc., prepare assessment rolls at 1% of
final construction costs. Assessments to be collected
starting with 1976.
7. Discussion of city owned property on SW corner of Broadway
and Highway #25.
J. W. Miller's estimate for basic work to be done following
concept of Howard Dahlgren and Associates was $8000 not in-
cluding heater, stucco, paneling inside, or insulation.
Council consensus was to have Mr. Miller obtain various
quotes and also include above items and council would re-
view costs. Mr. Miller stated if he were to do masonry work
he would act as general contractor and if he didn't receive
job he would still serve as manager/coordinator of the pro-
ject for 5% of total construction costs.
8. Transfer approval.
Motion by Hall, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried
to approve transfer of $20,000 from the Liquor Fund to the
General Fund to cover the land acquisition cost of the pro-
perty on the SW corner of Broadway and Highway #25.
9. Preliminary Budget - 1976.
Budget to be reviewed in detail at October 6, 1975 special
10. Approval of minutes.
Motion by Hall, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried
to approve minutes of September 8, 1975•
11. Approval of bills.
Motion by Martie, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried
to approve bills as presented. (See supplement 9-22-75 #2).
Regular Meeting of the Council
September 22, 1975 - continued.
12. Resolution authorizing filing of application for grant to
support residential property owner subsidies under the pro-
visions of Minnesota Statutes Section 18.023.
Motion by Walters, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried
to adopt resolution. (See supplement 9-22-75 #3).
13. Compliance with Uniform Building Code pertaining to building
City administrator to contact city attorney to expedite
action against Mr. Timm Crandall.
14. Informational Big Lake -Monticello Airport meeting.
Joint Big Lake -Monticello Airport Committee and respective
councils of Big Lake and Monticello along with engineer on
project to hold public informational meeting at Monticello
City Hall on October 2, 1975 at 7: 30 P. M.
Motion to adjourn by Martie, seconded by Hall and unani-
mously carried.
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City ' Administrator
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