HRA Minutes 04-05-2000 . . . HRA Minutes 04/05/00 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMIi:NT AUTHORITY Wednesday, AprilS, 2000 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall- 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Bob Murray, Dan Frie, Brad Barger and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf MEMBERS ^BSENT: Vice Chair Darrin Lahr and Steve Andrews. OFFICERS PRESENT: Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller, Executive Director Ollie Koropchak, and Recorder Lori Kraemer. GUESTS: Steve Dejong, President, Profile Powder Coating Brad Stevens, Security State Bank, ^lbertville. 1. Call to Order. Chair Bob Murray called the meeting to order at 7: 15 PM. 2. Consideration to approve the lIRA minutes of March 1. 2000. and special meeting of March 14. 2000. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGlJLAR HRA MEETING OF MARCH 1,2000 AND THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL HRA MEETING OF MARCH 14,2000. Motion carried. '"' -) . Consideration of adding agenda items. None 4. Consent Agenda. None 5. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None 6. Public Hearing - Consideration to approve the Lease ^greement between the l-lRA and SPS Services. Inc. Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director, advised the HRA that they were required to hold a public hearing upon leasing of property with the exception ofresidentialleases. Upon -1- . . . liRA Minutes 04/05/00 the approval of the conditional use pcrmit by the Planning Commission and the City Council, Attorney Bubul was contacted to prepare the Lease Agreement per the HRA motion of March I, 2000, and the City Council approval of March 13, 2000. Scott Rolfe, Skippcrs Pools, contacted Koropchak on April 5,2000, advising that his insurance company would not supply him with a certificate of insurance, but assuring that Rolfe had sufficient coverage. Rolfe stated he would continue with trying to get this certificate, but if he was unable to secure this he may not proceed with the agreement. The members discussed the possibility of approving the lease, subject to the issuance of the Certificate oflnsurance. Chair Murray opened the public hearing, and hearing no response, the public hearing was closed. Koropchak attached a copy of the Lease Agreement prepared by Attorney Bubul via the direction of the I IRA and the City Council, noting a copy was also faxed to Skippcr's and given to Jeff O'Neill for review and comment. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO APPROVE THE LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HRA AND SPS SERVICES, INC. AS PREPARED AT A LEASE RATE OF $610.80, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT REGARDING THE RECEIPT OF THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. Motion carried. 7. Continuation - Consideration of an update relative to the Tax Increment Guarantee within the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the HRA and Jerald and Mary Schoen and consideration to take action relative to the deficiency. Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director, provided the staff report noting that Jerald and Mary Schoen were unable to attend the meeting. The tax increment deficiency increascd significantly in years 1998 and 1999 bccause of the following combination: Decreasc in classification rates, tax rate frozen at time of certification, and minimum increase to market value. However, if not for the rcduction of classification ratc, the property taxes would have increased significantly in 1998 and 1999. Koropchak advised that shc had received a telephone call from ^ttorncy Tebelius shortly after the last BRA meeting. With further explanation ofTlF, noting the I IRA had mailed letters annually to the developer relative to the annual deficiency since January 1996, and that the HRA would consider a payment schedule similar to another district; thc Attorney appcared to be satisfied. Koropchak did call Paul Schocn on March 29 to inform him of the I-IRA meeting of April 5 and that this item would appcar on the agenda. He would -2- . . . lIRA Minutes 04/05/00 proceed to contact their attorney since he had not heard from him. According to Steve Bubul the correct decertification date is June 10,2001, ten years from the date the TI F Plan was approved. This means the last year the HRA will receive tax increment is for payable 2000. Again, the cumulative amount of the tax increment deficiency through calendar year 1999 is $12,426.80. It is estimated the tax increment deficiency in year 2000 will be about $5,000. For consistency with the negotiated ofler to Bill Tapper, the HRA may suggest payment of $6,213.40 (one-half the $12,426.80) due and payable in 30 days from the HRA meeting or May 5, 2000, with the remaining balance 01'$6,213.40 due and payable May 5,2001, and the tax increment deficiency of year 2000 due and payable May 5, 2002. Payment schedule without interest. Koropchak did note that HRA member Steve Andrews was consistent with his position stated at the March meeting. He would not be in favor of the payment schedule without interest. This was noted when Council Liaison Stumpf inquired why the payment schedule would be without interest. It is estimated upon decertification, the district will have a shortfall of between $5,000 to $15,000. Koropchak stated that Steve Schoen was comfortable with the payment schedule as noted in this report as alternative # 1. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF THE TAX INCREMENT GUARANTEE DEFICIENCY THROUGH CALENDAR YEAR 1999 IN THE AMOlJNT OF $12,426,80 WITHOUT INTERI~ST AS FOLLOWS: : $6,213.40 Due and payahle May 5, 2000 $6,213.40 Due and payahle May 5, 2001 Calender Year 2000 Due and payable May 5, 2002 Motion carried unanimously, 8. Consideration to approve the Preliminary Development Agreement between the HRA and Profile Powder Coating, Inc. authorizing the financial and legal consultants to begin preparation for establishment of I'IF District No. 1-27. Ollie Koropchak, Executiye Director, provided the report introducing Steve Dejong, President of Profile Powder Coating and Brad Stevens, Secruity State Bank of Albertvi lIe. Brad Stevens provided a description of the building and its location, noting that it is a wood powder coating company employing 30 to 50 cmployees. He also provided a brcak down of sources and uscs in Exhibit A. He noted they are requesting TIF to continue with the project. -3- . HRA Minutes 04/05/00 Steve DeJong described the type of milling work that would be done at the new facility. He noted there would be approximately 16 to 24 unskilled positions and thc remainder of the positions would be on a higher level. At the HRA meeting of March 14, the commissioners suggested a range of $100,000 to $125,000 of TIF pay-as-you-go assistance to Profile Powder Coating based on the wage and job goals, proposed project, and TIF Cashflow. The Monticello TIF offer does not includc soil correction or site improvcment costs. The EDA will consider approval of a $150,000 GMEF loan. DeJong did commit to Monticello on March 29. Commissioners Barger, Frie, and Murray either toured the existing facility or met with the company president and lender. . Charlie Pfeffer has a draft copy of the purchase agreement for the 3.15 acres on the corner of Chelsea and Fallon Avenue and will begin the platting process as required. At prcsent the lender has not completed the analysis of the business plan; however, DeJong is aware upon execution of the Preliminary Development Agreement and payment of the $5,000, the risk becomes his. However, the lender and his accountant have been a part of the recruitment process as well as the delegates from the Initiative Fund and State. The Central Minnesota Initiative Fund and the State are both interested in providing funds. Lenny Kirscht will prepare the State application on behalf of the City of Monticello. The TIP Plan and establishment of TIP District No. 1-27 will eome before the HRA for approval in May. This will be an Economic Distriet for creation of jobs and increase in tax base for a manufacturing facility. The proposed tax increment assistance is land write-down $110,250 and Public Utilities (WAC/SAC) $20,575. The Trunk Fecs of $25,450 are proposed to be forgiven by the City as the 10% Local Match. However, if the City is successful at reeeiving another State Grant, the HRA ean consider reimbursing the City for the local match from tax increment. This is an item for negotiation between the City and the HRA and was agreed upon for the Twin City Die Castings project. The $130,825 NPV TIf assistance is the pay-as-you-go finance method at an 8% interest rate. You will note on the TIF CashHow, the net tax increment over the life of the district totals $194,318 NPV. Bob Murray questioned the agreement in alternative 1 with the motion naming Profile Powder Coating, Inc. rather than 1.1 Companies, LLC as stated in more reeent paperwork. Mr. DeJong advised that the company, 1.1 Companies, LLC was just approved on April 4, 2000. This was so noted. . -4- . . . l-IRA Minutes 04/05/00 A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIF.: AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO APPROVE TlIF. PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HRA ANI> .J.J COMPANIES, LLC, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCIAL AND LEGAL CONSULTANTS TO BEGIN PREPARATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-27. Motion carried unanimously. 9. Consideration to approve the election of HRA officers for 2000 and approve the appointment of commissioners to committees. Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director, advised the liRA members that in accordance with the lIRA Bylaws, the chair and vice-chair shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners from among the Commissioners of the Authority and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Secretary- Treasurer shall be appointed at the annual meeting of the Board of Commissioners by the Commissioners. At the annual meeting in 1998, the commissioners discussed available time to volunteer and agreed to rotate the HRA of11cers among the commissioncrs suggesting the Vice- Chair move up to Chair. So being, the Vice Chair for 1999 was Daffin Lahr and Darrin has agreed to move up to Chair for 2000. 'fherefore, if the oHice of Chair is to rotate it is the suggestion that Dan Frie be considered for Vice Chair in 2000. Rick Wolfsteller serves as the Secretary- Treasurcr and delegates the recording of minutes to Lori Kraemer. Koropchak is employed as the Executive Director. COMMITTEES .. The HRA, annually or as need be, appoints a commissioner(s) to various committees. The only committee with By-Laws is the MCP, the othcrs are establishcd for a specific rcsearch or purpose. The MCP Bylaws read the various city commissions annually appoint their representative to thc MCP Board of Directors. Length of term is three years. Steve Andrews was appointcd a three-year term in February 1998 following Al Larson's resignation; therefore, Andrews three-year term is up f ebruary 2001. Current committces and appointees remain as follows: Stcvc Andrews - MCP Community Center Small Group - Bob Murray Marketing - Darrin Lahr/Brad Barger -5- . . . IIR^ Minutes 04/05/00 OFFICERS A MOTION WAS MADF. BY BOB MURRAY AND SECONDF.D BY BRAD BARGER TO APPROVE THE ELECTION OF DARRIN LAHR AS CHAIR AND DAN FRIE AS VICE CHAIR OF THE HRA FOR THE YEAR 2000, AND APPROVF. THF. APPOINTMENT OF RICK WOLFSTF.LLER AS SECRETARY- TREASURER FOR 2000. Motion carried unanimously. COMMITTEES A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOB MURRAY AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMF.NT OF THE FOLLOWING COMMISSIONERS TO THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEES: Steve Andrews MCP Bob Murray Community Center Small Group Darrin Lahr/Brad Bar~er Marketing Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration to rcview HRA Bvlaws for amendment. Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director provided a copy of the HRA Bylaw for thc HRA members review for the annual mccting. There was no recommendation from staH of a need to amend the Bylaws. The HRA members noted the only update to the Bylaws should be the change in the address of the City Hall to he 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BRAD BARGER AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO CHANGE THE ADDRESS OF THE MONTICELLO CITY HALL TO 505 WALNUT STREET, SlJITE l. Motion carried unanimously. After further discussion by the liRA members it was recommcnded the members bring the compensation issue noted in the Bylaws to the next regular meeting of the HRA in May. 11. Consideration to hcar and accept the 1999 Year-End Financial Reports for the Tax Increment District Fund and the lIRA General Fund. Rick W olfstelIer. HRA Trcasurcr, submitted the reports stating that none of the intercst income has been submitted to thc districts at this point but that he is in the process of -6- . . . BRA Agenda - AprilS, 2000 12. doing so. Wolfstcllcr provided a print out of the numhcrs for thc members to review. He advised that there will most likely be some changes to this report whcn it is finished. lie also stated that this is comparable to the numbers of last year, although there may he a slightly larger amount of rcvcnuc this ycar. Koropchak also noted the districts that were decertificd. Last ycar NSP was decertified. In 2000, thc $19,000 from NSP would go into 11- Window as well as the Martie and Polycast surplus. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAN FRIE ANI) SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO ACCEPT THE 1999 YEAR-END FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR THE TIF DISTRICT FUN I) AND THE HRA GENERAL FUND, SUBJECT TO THE SECRETARY-TREASURE'S ADJUSTMENTS. Motion carried unanimously. Consideration to authorizc cxtending an invitation to Local Lenders to attend the BRA Mav meeting for discussion relative to Downtown Redevelopment. Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director, advised that the Marketing Committce hostcd a I,cndcrs Rreakfast a couple of months ago for thc purposc of marketing the public financial assistancc programs to thc ncw lenders within the community. At that meeting, thc community concerns of the old downtown Amoco station surfaced and downtown redevelopmcnt in gcnCfal and it was suggcsted to invite the lenders to meet with the HRA. Additionally, at thc March IDe meeting, although, not their purpose, thc Amoco station came up again. Koropchak suggestion that the BRA also consider inviting the Council members to a meeting with the Lenders and perhaps another date othcr than the regular meeting date of the HRA would be more appropriate. The members agreed to Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 5 :30 p.m. Brian Stumpf and Koropchak noted they would advise the City Council mcmbcrs. Koropchak further suggcstcd one of the HRA commissioners volunteer to call the owner of the Amoco property to discuss acquisition price as she'd heard rumors the price had decreased from the $250,000. Shc will chcck on potential redevelopment dollars through the Department of Trade and Economic Dcvelopment. There was discussion among the members as to the possibility of dcmolishing the Amoco site and paying for it. At the time the property is sold, Amoco would pay the City back for the cost of the demolition. Dan Frie volunteered to call the propcrty owner, Paul Bjorkland. regarding the Amoco site. -7- . . . HRA Agenda - April 5,2000 13. Consideration to accept the hourly rate increase reCjuest from the'HRA financial consultants. Ollie Koropchak provided a memo from Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates, requesting an hourly fee increase from $105 to $125. From the prospective ofthc HRA Exccutivc Dircctor, Ehlers & Associates has served the Monticello HRA well and the combination team of Ehlers and Kennedy & Graven expedites the TIF preparation and the Contract preparation. Ehlers has been helpful in advising the liRA in matters relative to prevention of audits by the Officc of thc State Auditors. Their turn around time of phone messages and request for infcmnation or cashflow is good. Koropchak suggested the mcmbers come up with a number possibly between the $105 and $] 25. BOB MURRAY MOVF=D AND DAN FRIF: SECONDED A MOTION REQUESTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR RESEARCH OTHER FIRMS FOR COMPETITIVE PRICES AND SERVICES, TABLING ANY ACTION UNTIL THE REGULAR BRA MEETING IN MAY. Motion carried unanimously. 14. Consideration to authorize payment of thc monthly BRA bills. The invoice from Majirs Advertising & Design was costs associated. with the d.esign and. printing ofthc 900 brochures "At a Crossroad.s'?" by the MCP. 'fhe HRA approved contributing $2,367 toward thc estimated costs of $9,317 for design, printing, and mailing of the brochures. The $2,367 from the 10% Administration account of the Downtown TIF District No. 1-22. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BOB MURRAY AND SECONDED BY DAN FRIE TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF THE MONTHLY HRA BILLS. Motion carried unanimously. 1 5. Consideration of Execllti ve Director's Report. a) 3 Walnut Street - The two tenants at 3 Walnut Street stopped by to verify that the HRA had no problems with them getting a third roommate. The third roommate is Craig Reitan, son of Wright County Private Investigator Gary Reitan. They like the house and have added a garbage disposal. The house is a thrce bedroom house. The Lease Agreement states no sub-leasing. I told thcm fine, ifthc commissioners have other thoughts, please advise. TIF District 1-9 Tax Increment Deficiency - Attached for your information is a copy of the check in the amount 01'$9,299.58 from Tapper's Inc. for one-third the tax increment deficiency as agreed upon between the HRA and Bill 'rapper. The b) -8- . HRA Agenda - AprilS, 2000 g) . h) i) j) . c) deficiency amount was divided equally into three annual payments beginning and due the 15th of March, 2000. 200 I, and 2002, respectively, withollt interest. TI F District 1-15 - Copy of check to City of Monticello in amount of $2,426.59 received from Custom Canopy prior to release of the 1999 annual pay-as-you-go disbursement of$7,426.59 as per the Contract. Twin City Die Castings - Copy of cover letter attached to documents necessary for the Industrial Revenue Bond closing with the Minnesota Ag Board on March 30. The Contract for Private Redevelopment will also be recorded. The steel and panels should arrive April 3/4. The Grant Agreement and Loan Agreement fel[ the $500,000 CDBG are prepared and executed by the Council. EDA Loan Agreement also prepared, waiting to hear date of closing. 2000 Minnesota Business Assistance Forms are due April 1. These are the forms for reporting the status of the wage and job goals within the business subsidy provision of our contracts. HRA requested copies of the forms. Brad Johnson - He did call again about TIF assistance for the Locustl7 Street project proposed by Barry Fluth. Plans have been submitted to the Building Department. I'm unaware of who the tenants might be. Ken Barthel - Working on behalf of Veit Companies, Jeff and I've met a couple times with them relative to conccpt ideas for the previous Farrell Gas site and perhaps including renovation and expansion of the Liquor Store. Scminar + Attached is a flier on a seminar "A Sense of Place and Community". Any I-IRA members interested? Marketing - 30 brochures mailed March 29 and Industrial Breakfast scheduled for April 27, 7:30 a.m. Prospects: Adaboy Mfg, Inc. - Now renting from Morrell. Looking to construct 20,000 sq ft. Metal fabricator for store fixtures, Polaris, etc. Employs 9 people wages between $9 and $14 excluding benefits. Owners Ken Paumen and Tom Flodquist. * H&R Industries, Beecher, IL - Looking for immediate (4 months) lease space of 10,000 sq ft. The company is a plastic manufacturer of temperature control products and the proposed facility would market the electron industries such as Hoffman Engineering in Anoka. 12-17 jobs wages between $8.50 and $14 excluding benefits. Referred to and contacted Allied Companies. * Alliant Techsystems, Inc. - Attached letter, note Ictter based on an atiicle in City Business Journal. * Local developer - Looking to purchase land and construct a facility for lease to proposed tenant. * Allied Companies - Perhaps construction of Phasc I of a total 180,000 bay-type rental facility for light industrial and commercial use. East 7 Street. *Midwest Graphics - Attorney representing this company contacted Koropchak d) e) f) -9- . . . HRA Agenda - April 5,2000 stating Midwest Graphics is looking to sell the company to Merrill Corporation of St. Paul, thus the contract may be assigned once again to someone else. 16. Consideration of Committee Reports. a) City Council - Brian Stumpf - Nothing to report. b) MCP - Steve Andrews - Absent c) Marketing - Darrin Lahr/Brad Barger - Nothing to report. d) Community Center - Bob Murray - Revenues running 25% to 30% above what was expected. A handout was provided for the meeting by Kitty Baltos. Murray advised that there will be some repair work on pool tile in late June and possibly a new system for chlorinating the pool will be looked at. Air movement in the pool area will be lookcd at as well. 17. Other Business. Nonc. 18. Adiournment. A MOTION W AS MAilE BY DAN FRIE AND SECONDED BY BRAD BARGER TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9 P.M. Motion carried. ~~f#fl~ HRA Vice Chair _ ~,-!l^~ .:J.lb2_ t;I~1R~c~~~cretary -10-