City Council Minutes 12-11-1975 SpecialSPECIAL MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL December 11, 1975 - 4:00 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, Denton Erickson, Dick Martie, Stanley Hall, Gene Walters. Members absent: None. Phil Pesola reviewed the bids received on the Monticello Liquor Store December 8, 1975 Following are the categories and low bids: 1. Earthwork Veit & Co. ,$ 9969.13 2. Bituminous NDH, Inc. 6340.00 3. Concrete Construction Gresser, Inc. 9210.00 4. Precast Concrete Fabcon, Inc. 40292.00 5. Carpentry KGC , Inc. ( including alternate 1 ) 16315.00 6. Painting & Decorating Smith Bros. 2860.00 7. Roofing & Sheet Metal Bernick Roofing & Siding 6744.00 8. Entrances, Glass & Glazing Freeway Glass Co. 4740.00 9. Floor Covering Kj ellberg of Buffalo 2558.00 10. Walk -in -Cooler & Conveyor Country Cabinets (Including alternate 2) 19664.94 11. Plumbing Mechanical Contractors 3025.00 Special Meeting of City Council Dec. 11 , 1975 - cont' d. 12. Heating & Ventilation Environ Con, Inc. $15300.00 13. Electrical Heskins Electric (Includes alternate 1) 11017.00 BASE BIDS ,$148035.07 Alternates 1 & 2 Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by Stanley Hall and unanimously carried to award contracts to low bidders including alternates 1 & 2. Phil Pesola thought completion date should be about May 15, 1976. Meeting adj ourned. W Ga y W eber, City Administrator GW/m j q