IDC Minutes 11-15-1990 . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE Thursday. November 15 City Hal ELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1990 - 7:00 AM MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Shelley Johnson. Don Smith. Tom Pogatchnik. Lowell Schrupp. Bob Dawson. Arve Grimsmo. Ha vey Kendall. John McVay. Linda Mielke. Ron Hoglund. Ken Maus. and Dale Lungwitz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jay Morrell Dennis Taylor. Dave Peterson. and Tom McDermo t. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropch k. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelley Johns n called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 1 . 1990 IDC MINUTES. Tabled. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR IDC FINANCIAL REPORT. 3. . Treasurer Ron Hoglund rep rted an IDC total balance of $10.136.09. W.C.S.B. che king. $4,152.37; W.C.S.B. money market, $$1,901.21; and Security Financial, $4,082.51. 4. PROSPECTS: 1.2 million s ft distribution center - Koropchak rea a letter received from Mr. Terrell Towers, Minn epart of TED, on the update of this project. The company representatives did not return as planned on October 25, their returned visi to Minnesota to view additional communities a ong the eastern state border was rescheduled f r today, November 15. The communities bing Cottege Grove, Hastings, and Stillwater. r. Towers is encouraging the company to el minate the site location to three communities a d encourages the company to disclose of their name Mr. Towers will get back to me on an update fter Mr. Drake's visits. . Koropchak pre requirements the 1984 and Highway 25 So advised the I was submitted west of 1-94 Also noted wa when the comp & Common Carr driver privat employee priv ented the IDC with the basic or the project and a copy of 988 traffic counts along State th as prepared by MDOT. Koropchak C that a fourth site from Monticello to the company, this site to the nd south of West County Road 39. the estimated traffic numbers ny is in full operation: Prospect er Truck, 400 round trip/day; truck ly owned vehicle, 215 round trip/day; te1y owned vehicle, 750 round trip/day, IDC Minutes 11/15/90 Page 2 . 4. CONTINUED. Jeff Easte - The company's quarterly financials results in a decl ne of sales, therefore, at present the company will not proceed with bank financing until a couple major issues are reso ved. Once the company can substantiate the resolution -of these issues fui.ding will be sought. Circuit Technologies, Inc. _ a prototype "job shop" for th layer circuit boards. They e tech jobs within the first to With the need for financial a plan is currently being revie Mr. Corson, Mr. Pelstring, an 29, 1990 to discuss the busin strategy to proceed or not pr is needed to verify projectio are to lease from M & P Trans his start-up company is production of multi- pect to create 15 high second year of business. sistance their business ed by BDS, Inc. Mr. Adams, Koropchak will meet on November ss plan and determine the ceed. Additional information s and business plan. Plans orts. Aroplax - Koropchak reminded IDC members of this company as their initial contact with onticello was through an real estate agent looking for easeable/option to purchase industrial space. The company looked at the previous Best- In-Webb building, however, the father preferred the location of Lester Prairie. Time has p ssed and the family ideas have changed, they are now looking 0 build a 20,OOO-25,OOO.sq ft facility and are very interested in Mon icello. The company is a 40 year old plastic injection olding company which will employ 20-22 people at $7.00-$ .00 per hour. All site location maps and landowners have been rovided to the company. The company plans to be in Mon icello within the weeks to view properties. . John McVay reported that Federal Cartridge may have scaled their project back and are looking to locate a satellite facility. Arve Grimsmo inquire on the statis of Cardinal GI. Koropchak will ma e inquiries of each. 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE TIRE SERVI E E UIPMENT MANUFACTURING, INC. RECEPTION AND TOUR. Koropchak reminded IDC members 3:30 PM at the Tire Service Equ is anxious to inform the commit Cake and coffee will be provide 6. CONSIDERATION OF BAN UET FOLLOW-UP. . It was the general feeling of th best banquet ever and created a participants and community. A d will be given members in the nea reception today at Company. Mr. Schmidt ee of their products. by the IDC. IDC that this was the ood feeling among the tailed financial report future. . IDC Minutes 11/15/90 Page 3 7. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR OF ON LEASEABLE INDUSTRIAL S FOR IDC CONCEPT PLAN Koropchak reported that t e HRA has approved the concept of the TIF/SPEC Building Pre-plans and the use of TIF Pay-As-You-Go Assistance. The request for proposals will be drafted and viewed by staff, city attorney, Pat Pelstring, and a few IDC members for additions or corrections. The joint marketing effort between the selected developer and the City will reduce a time of 60-90 days for TIF Plan and building pIa s development and preliminary approval. Joint marketing is the availability of a 15,000, 20,000, or 25,000 sq ft 1easeab1e building within construction time at a TIF reduction rental rate. Plans are to have the request for proposals submitted to developers prior to the end of 1990. 8. CONSIDERATION OF IDC MEMBERS CHOICE ON BUSINESS RETENTION AND EXPANSION VISITS. Koropchak having provided IDC members with a list of Monticello industries to visit asked embers of their preferred choice. Ken Maus, NSP Nuclear Plant; Tom Pogatchnik and Don Smith, Sunny Fresh; Dale Lungwitz and Ron Hoglund, FSI; Linda Mielke, Bondhus Corporatio ; Shelley Johnson, ABK, Inc.; Tom Pogatchnik, NSP Traini g Center; Bob Dawson, Electro Industries; Arve Grimsmo, he H-Window Company; Ron Hoglund, Jones Manufacturing; Lowell Schrupp, Automatic Garage Door; Harvey Kendall, Rainbow Enterprises; and Shelley Johnson, WEB Precision Machining. ohn McVay volunteered to visit any three companies howeve preferably in one day. Koropchak plans to set visits up for the last week in November and first weeks i December. Each IDC member will be contacted to confi m appointment date and time. . 9. OTHER BUSINESS. IDC members were invited t the K-Mart Grand Opening scheduled at 8:00 AM today. Also Ch mber meeting today at 12:00 noon, Legion Club. 10. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned t 7:40 AM. ~ \<nl"..Q~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Secretary .