IDC Agenda 01-23-1990 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday. January 23. 1990 - 7:00AM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley ohnson. Don Smith. Jay Morrell. Dennis Taylor. Lowel Schrupp. Arve Grimsmo. Harvey Kendall. Ken Maus. D le Lungwitz. Ron Hoglund. Dave Peterson. Dale Pogat hnik. John McVay. and Tom McDermott. STAFF: Rick Wolfsteller. Je f O'Neill. and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 2 . 1989 IDC MINUTES. 3. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS TAPPER. INC. REMMELE ENGINEERING. INC. CARDINAL IG CARGILL FEED MILL HPG ARCHITECHURAL GLASS VICWEST STEEL COMPANY RUSS MARTIE BRIDGE WATER TITAN RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS. INC. K-MART . 4. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 199 IDC OFFICERS: CHAIRPERSON VICE CHAIRPERSON TREASURER 5. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW FO RECOMMENDATION AND ADOPTION 1990 IDC GOALS. 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW YE REND IDC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND PROPOSED 1990 BUDGET. 7. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW CT Y COUNCIL ACTION ON THE AIRPORT. 8. CONSIDERATION OF STAR CITY RECERTIFICATION PRESENTATION DATE. 9. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE MONTICELLO EAS PETITION. 10. OTHER BUSINESS. 11. ADJOURNMENT. . . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, December 2 , 1989 - 7:00 AM City Hall. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Shelley Johnson, Ken Maus, Harvey Kendall, Dennis Tayl r, Lowell Schrupp, Don Smith, Jay Morrell Arve Grimsmo, and Dale Lungwitz. MEMBERS ABSENT: Linda Mielk , Ron Hoglund, Dave Peters n, Dale Pogatchnik, and John McVay. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfst ller. Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. The IDC meeting was calle to order by Chairperson Shelley Johnson at 7:05 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 1, 1989 IDC MINUTES AND APPROVAL OF THE IDC DECEMBER 1, 19 9 MOTION. . Arve Grimsmo made a motio IDC minutes and December seconded the motion and w minutes and motion were a 3. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT to approve the November 21, 1989 , 1989 IDe motion, Lowell Schrupp th no further discussion the proved as written. a) Remmele Engineering - Koropchak reported that a letter was addressed to Mr. ed Heitkamp informing Remme1e Engineering of the ID 's December 1, 1989 recommendation and motion. At this oint, the City hasn't received a letter of commitmen , however, continue to work with our prospect who has great interest in Monticello. An appraisal of the e isting 68.5 acres of Remmele property in the Monti el10 Township was completed by Mr. Jack Maxwell. ea1ty World-Maxwell, for the IDC. The appraisal c me in at $55,000 based on a recommendation that t e property is best suited for its present use ( gricultural) because of the power line and natura gas line easements and the existing trailer park adjourning the south property line. The IDC suggested not volunteering the appraisal report to Remmele, on y upon request. Mr. Red Heitkamp has expresse to City Staff the biggest fear of the Monticello Industrial Park is the fear of the neighborhood (aesthetic value.) The company is most interested in Lot 6. Block 1. alP; Fallon Avenue; ad 2-3 acres of Jim Boyles property. The company estimates approximately 4 acres of the 6.5 acres of Lot 6 is buildable because of the swale. . . 3. CONTINUED. b) Tapper. Inc. - Bill a interest in a Monticello sites in the Oakwood Indu include a sit~ solectionw are for an approximate 25 warehouse facility. They distribute cabinet hardwa Michael area, they will em c) K-Mart - Jeff O'Neill complex because the storm and ponding. and requeste access to the Horning pro which means alternative 0 The Lincoln Companies rep agreement with K-Mart. ho not seen a copy of the Ie not received their financ . c) Russ Martie - The HRA for the use of TIF at the has a contract for deed 0 Lot 1. Block 3. Oakwood of an approximate 7.000 s agricultural warehouse. IDe Minutes - 12/21/89 PAGE 2 d Barb Tapper continue their ite location looking at various trial Park. Their plans are thin a couple of weeks. Plans 000 square foot office/manufacturing/ manufacturer fine cabinets and e. A relocation from the St. loy a total of 50 people. reported that the project is sewer study indicates major piping road elevation allows no erty off Seventh Street tions must be looked at. rts they do have a lease ever. the city staff has se. Lincoln Companies has ng for the project. will review Mr. Martie's project r January meeting. Mr. Martie the westerly portion of dustrial Park for the construction ft commerical display! d) Bridge Water Telephon Company - Upon encouragement of the HRA. the city staf is to further negotiate a land swap with Bridge W ter for their property on West County Road 39 with ot 6. Block 1. Oakwood Second Addition. This ne otiation as an incentive for Bridgewater to expand their 12.000 sq ft storage facility in proper zoning (illegal non-conforming use in PZM - West County Road 39) and to market the city's smaller lots. City staff's reco endation is not to swap land but to offer TIF pay-as-yo -go option for the city lot which then allows the est County Road 39 property to remain on the tax rolls. The West County Road 39 property would be continge t upon sell of property as a legal conforming use f PZM zoning. Staff will meet with Mr. Rierson. e) Titan Recreational Pro reported that in September of financing through the however. the bank and Tita purchase price. Titan was Cloud for the property in . Vicwest Steel Company from exterior of the building. Dale or George. This was of Economic Development fo space. ucts. Inc. - Dale Lungwitz Titan were inquiring MEF and Wright County Bank. haven't reached an agreeable seeking SBA financing in St. ig Lake. Canada did stop and look at the owever. never made contact with contact made through the local Office 20.000-25.000 sq ft of leasable . 3. CONTINUED. f) HPG Architectural Gla Mr. Jerry O'Leary upon a that HPG (former Hordis B at various sites for futu facilities are located in He would appreciate an in including the common ques This would be considered g) Cardinal IG - Renato before Cardinal IG Board to approve the expansion site on West Lake Street. IDC Minutes - 12/21/89 Page 3 s - Koropchak contacted ommunity lead and he indicated others) is constantly looking e expansion. Most of their the southeastern states. ormational package of Monticello ions asked by industries. or future expansions. izardo will bring his proposed expansion plans f Directors in January for their consideration r relocation from their existing h) Larson Manufacturing the local facility in the Oakwood Industrial Park will be c osing the office portion in January with the warehouse/distri ution area to remain in operation. i) NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. candidates for his replac company may expand into t e door line. approximately a year b hind initial . j) Fulfillment Systems, BRE survey to FSI, st 500 companies (holdin about 240 people in t - Erik Fjerdingsted has been interviewing or a manager. The Plant productions are projections. Smith reported on his contract with approximately money or goods) and employ eir homes. k) Fingerhut Corporation - the IDC inquired of potential rumors of Fingerhut moving t eir office and leasing the Monticello office space. Kor pchak was aware that Dan Jackson was no lmng~ employed at this facility for over a year, however, still lives in the ar a. Dale Lungwitz reported they had inquired of leasi g space last summer. 1) NSP Maintenance Facil'ty - Shelly remarked on the new impressive facility c nstructed by NSP this fall which employs 10 people, S me of the IDC members had attended the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony in December. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN IDC B UET FINANCIAL UPDATE. Koropchak pr.esented the I C with a written financial report on IDC Banquet. With the de rease in ticket sales the IDe will evaluate banquet age da. ticket prices, and other options at a later date, . . IDC Minutes - 12/21/89 Page 4 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN INDUS RIAL BUSINESS RETENTION VISIT SUMMARY. Koropchak thanked IDC mem BRE visits and felt the e benefit to both members a coded and mailed into the Development. Koropchak w the visits. One company men meet on an informal b ers who had participated in the change of information was a d industries. The surveys were Department of Trade and Economic 11 summary comments made on uggested the industrial business sis. 6. CONSIDERATION OF 1990 IDC ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND SETTING OF 1990 IDC GOALS. . . Chairperson Johnson and K ropchak will meet to establish a list of 1990 IDC goals to be reviewed by IDC members at the January meeting. Electio of officers will also be tabled. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. Jeff O'Neill reported he ad received a letter from Mr. Jim Ha11ila requesting munici al assistance for one-half snow plow cost and purchase of a pilot controlled receiver. Jeff referred to the low riority (no support) given this item at the joint meeting held in June. Mr. Ha1lila further indicated of his otential interest to sell the abutting property for residential development if no support is given to op rate the airport. Big Lake currently pays one-half t e snow plow cost in exchange for sludge disposal. Als, Jeff referred to the survey done by Bob and Bill Voec s which shows private support for the airport remaining open. Harvey Kendall said Clow Stamping would be a otential user of the airport. The IDC recognizes once t e property would be sold the potential for an airport would be null. The IDC supported bringing the airport issue to city council. The IDC inquired of the co unity brochure process, Koropchak indicated that staff has not responded to all the questions asked by Henning & Assoicates. Potential of the preliminary hard copy review for the January meeting. It was decided to hold off for a presentation on bio- developer. A bio-medical public hearing for a non-c Council placed a one year Staff becomes more concern Industrial Park as Remme1e main objective to a Montic a traffic problem by havin park via the Elk River Sch on the Floyd Markling invitation edical waste by he and a potential aste facility would require nforming use in 1-2. The City onitorium on ordinance. d about the aesethic value of the Engineering clearly states this as 110 location. Elk River presents to exist and enter the industrial ols. their IDC Minutes - 12/21/89 Page 5 . 7. CONTINUED. Jay Morrell expressed mos rural communities allow metal structures in their industrial parks (Rogers and Elk River for examples.) The IDC meeting will be h Id January 25 not the regular date of January 18 becaus of a conflict of schedules. 8. ADJOURNMENT. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 AM. ~ \(d\.O" Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary . . 1990 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVE OPMENT COMMITEE GOALS . A. To host or visit at least during 1990. 1D new business/industry prospects B. To continue working with xisting industries in Monticello. 1) To establish Business Retention Survey Teams. C. To obtain prospects from industries/businesses. D. To attract one or more in ustries during 1990 that will be placed on the tax rolls 0 the Monticello community. E. To review the potential promotional video tape. ed to revise and update the F. To continue our study of and water hook-up charges and rates, with the ultimate of recommending to the City Council appropriate chang s in order for Monticello to compete with other communities, w'thin--the:state:orMinnesota-,---when recruiting business and i dustry. G. To make available financi or in part, to prospectiv by Business Development S . * * * * * Tax Increment Financin State Programs Federal Programs Greater Monticello Ent Loans and Grants from Central Minnesota In 1 package proposals, either in total businesses and industries as prepared rvices, Inc. rprise Fund ther Agencies: tiative Fund H. To continue a positive, c operative working relationship between city staff and the Indust ia1 Development Committee. 1. To continue the "Star Cit " program. J. To encourage a developer to construct a speculative industrial building. K. To enhance our committee's relationship with personnel of state agencies that are i volved with industrial development. 1) To host a joint meeti g between the IDC officers, the City Mayor, City Administr tion, Bill Coleman, Harry Rosefe1t, Jerry Wenner or others. Deadline April, 1990. L. To continue monthly Industrial Development Committee meetings and to schedule special meetings as needed. . . M. To analy~ and evaluate Committee Ba~uet. 1) To analy and evalu 2) To analys~ and evalu testimonies on the pr 3) To analy~ and evalu displays at the banqu fall banquet date. need for local industrial annual Industrial Development need for local industrial N. To continue utilization 0 the sub-committee structure within the Industrial Dev lopment Committee. 1) Recommend for appoint ent as need be. o. To speerhead a committee the preliminary research local airport. f local interested fliers to continue ecessary for the existence of the P. To hold a joint meeting between the local Minnesota Legislators and the IDC. Q. To continue the Public Utilities Process for Extended Area Service to Monticello. R. To continue the joint meet"ng between the Planning Commission. the HRA. the EDA, the IDC. and the City Council. Deadline before June. 1990. . S. To continue a positive reI tionship with the Chamber of Commerce. T. To establish an annual aud"t of the IDC financial books by City Administrator Rick Wo fsteller. U. To research the bio-medica waste issue and make a recommendation to the City Council. v. To address and research th industrial park aesthetic value for industrial siting. W. To host an industrial busi ess luncheon. social, or informational meeting. . . . . ~ ~ H H H ~ o U HH Z~ ~g p.,~ 0j:Q ,...J ~Cl :>~ ~UJ ClO o p., O'\,...JO 0'\<0::: ..-iHp., 0::: ~5 ClZ ZH H;:;j H O,...J ,...J~ ,...JO::: ~p., U H H Z o ;:;j Cl ~ UJ o p., ~ p., o 0'\ 0'\ ..-i :;3 :::J H U < 0'\ CO 0'\ ..-i o CO ("") o 0'\ ..-i .-{ ~ 00 00 -<r o ("") o N ~ l>J U ~ ~ ~ ~ :::> Z ~ :> ~ 0::: ,.-, UJ H ~ ::.G U H H ,.-, ,....., 0'\ 0'\ 000 CO 00'\0'\ '-{..-i..-i '--' '--' '--' 0000 0000 . 0000 0000 I./') -<r CO I./') r--I./')N ~ ,....., tf.I H ~ ::.G U H H I./') r-- '--' o o r-- I./') r-- I./') "'>- z o H H :::> j:Q H 0::: H Z HO ~U :::> 0'>- ~~ j:QU z o H H :::> j:Q H 0::: E-i Z o U H O:::UJ I~ UH r-.... ..-i "'I "'I r-.... o 00 ("") o ..-i 00 N "'>- I./') o N o \0 \0 N -- ~ :::J Z ~ :> ~ 0::: :;3 H o H r--ooooo COOOOOO 0'\00001./') '-{OOOOO'\ r--N-<rNI./') ("")N .-{ -- ("")0 N r-- 00 \0 0("") \0 \0 N.-{ .-{ -- UJ ~ 0::: :::J H H Cl Z ~ ~ tiJ tiJ tf.I Z ~ p., ~fj~ Htf.I U ~~H,..JtiJ <g~~~ ~~p.,~~ UJj:Q~Hp., 1./')"'1 r-- r-.... 00 I./') .-{ -<r N .:l <'J (l o o ..... ~Ii; 01./')0 0000 01./')("") 1./')("") ..-i tiJ Z H N < ~ tiJ 0UJ O::::::J ~~ U~ UJ ~,..J tf.I U,...J tiJ HtiJOZ :>UtiJH O:::tf.lOtf.l tiJHH:::> UJ;:;j:>~ <<:l p., H p::l;Ii ~~ tiJZ j:QH ;:;j;:;j tiJtiJ ;:;jUJ z o H UJ Z tiJ H tiJ 0::: r-- CO -<r I./') -<r -<r N -- I./') N CO 0'\ \0 -<r ..-i -- UJ tiJ 0::: :::> H H Cl Z tiJ ~ tiJ ~ H o H ("") 0'\ CO -ct" \0 M ~ o CO M o 0'\ ..-i ..-i ~ ",. ",. tiJ U ~ :;3 j:Q ~ Z OtiJ P:::::J p.,UJ tiJUJ ,..JH ",. tiJ HH 0::: 000 tiJO:::p., ClHO::: H~H :>;:;j< 0'1 co 0'1 ..-l M M -<t 0 0 Lrl N CO p::; . ~ -<t " N M ~ N Lrl N 0 0'1 0'1 0'1 ~ U " M ..-l ~ ..-l A <iI3- <iI3- <iI3- -<FT . ~ ~ E-i E-t l-l ~ UZ o E-iCl.l ZH ~P::; ;:0::< p..,p.., 0;:0:: .....:l0 ~U :> ~.....:l A< H .....:lU <Z H< P::;Z E-il-l CI.lJ:>.. CI AA ZZ H~ 3~ .....:l~ ~:>-< U H E-i Z o ::8 . 0'1 CO 0'1 ..-l :>-< p::; < CI ~ I-) CO CO 0'1 ..-l :::I:: U 0:: ;<1 " CO 0'1 ..-l ::c ~ ~ ~ P=l t>J E~ 000 U :>-<U E-<< Z ;::::J0 OZ UH ~ E-<U ::C~ 0:::I:: HU ~ Lrl o -<t ..-l M <iI3- co CO -<t CO N -<FT o CO 0'1 Lrl ..-l -<FT ~ P=l ~ E-t ~ CI.l E-t :>-<t>J ~~ 8;<1 U :>-< E-<~ ::cZ 00 H;:8 ~ " 0'1 \0 0'1 N \0 ..-l -<FT \0 CO CO CO M -<t 0'1 0 \0 M .. .. M 0 N <iI3- -<FT \0 0'1 N o " o -<t \0 -<t -<t N M N Lrl Lrl M 0'1 -<FT <iI3- Lrl -<FT o N o \0 Lrl M Lrl Lrl 0'1 0'1 \0 \0 \0 CO M 0 M " -<FT -<FT <iI3- 00 o Z H ~ 00 "" o Z l-l ~ ~ P=l ~ U ~ ~ I'Q ~ E-< o E-< ~E-t ~i :>-< E-t:>-< Ht>J P:::Z ClO u;:o:: ~ 00 00 p::; < t>J :>-< ..!<: <1:1 ,.J:l U Q" o I-< a QI 'M ..-l ..-l o "0 QlO 1-<0'1 <1:1- Q"..-l QlN l-l_ P-f..-l . MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1989 YEAR END FIN NCIAL REPORT Wright County S ate Bank Checking Ac ount BALANCE, January 18, 1989 DEPOSITS: Transfer from Money Market August 9, 1989 Transfer from Money Market October 10, 1989 TOTAL DEPOSITS $ 300.00 1,500.00 $1,800.00 SUBTOTAL BALANCE WITHDRAWALS: MTED, 11298 Seminar, 6/2/89 $ 150.00 Koropchak, tl299 Prospect, 6/21/89 30.00 Thunderbird Motel, tl300 Prospect, 8/8/89 130.98 Dept of Public Service, 11301 Copies, 8/8/89 3.00 . Koropchak, 11302 Prospect, 8/8/89 30.00 Ken Maus, 11303 Mileage, 8/8/89 18.75 River Inn, 11304 Prospect, 10/10/89 54.74 Monticello Printing, 11305 Banquet, 11/15/89 34.66 Monticello Office Products, /'306 Banquet, 11/15/89 13.96 Lynn Smith, #307 Banquet, 11/15/89 54.00 Monte Club, #308 Banquet dinner, 11/15/89 1,334.08 Monte Club, #309 Gratuity, 11/15/89 200.00 TOTAL WITHDRAWALS $2,054.17 SERVICE CHARGES: January, 1989 $ 2.85 February, 1989 2.70 March, 1989 2.70 April, 1989 2.70 May, 1989 2.70 June, 1989 3.20 . July, 1989 2.90 August, 1989 3.50 September, 1989 2.80 October, 1989 3.05 November, 1989 3.75 December 3.00 TOTAL SERVICE CHARGES $ 35.85 $ 314.05 $2,114.05 . CONTINUED: 1989 Year End Financial Report Checking Account BALANCE, December 31, 89 TOTAL WITHDRAWALS AND SERVICE HARGES Prepared by Ollie Koropchak 1/21/90 . . $2,090.02 $ 24.03 . MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1989 YEAR END FI ANCIAL REPORT Wright County tate Bank Money Ma ket BALANCE, January 18, 1989 DEPOSITS: Banquet 1989 TOTAL DEPOSITS . INTEREST: January, 1989 February, 1989 March, 1989 April, 1989 May, 1989 June, 1989 July, 1989 August, 1989 September, 1989 October, 1989 November, 1989 December, 1989 TOTAL INTEREST TOTAL DEPOSITS AND INTEREST SUBTOTAL BALANCE WITHDRAWALS: City of Monticello, #518 Salary, 5/22/89 Transfer to Checking Account, 8/9/89 Transfer to Checking Account, 11/7/89 TOTAL WITHDRAWALS BALANCE, December 31, 1989 Prepared by Ollie Korphcak 1/21/90 . $1,100.00 2,375.00 2,100.00 $5,575.00 $ 51. 95 65.95 81. 62 69.60 59.34 20.25 18.44 18. 72 18.43 17.93 32.89 38.67 $ 493.79 $12,608.23 300.00 1,500.00 $14,408.23 $6,068.79 $16,296.97 $22,365.76 $ 7,957.53 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1989 YEAR END FIN ICAL REPORT . Security Federal Ban ing & Savings Money Mar et BALANCE, December 31, 1988 $3,693.86 DEPOSITS: INTEREST: January, 1989 $ 18.86 February, 1989 18.97 March, 1989 17.21 April, 1989 19.15 May, 1989 18.63 June, 1989 19.34 July, 1989 18.81 August, 1989 19.54 September, 1989 1 .64 October, 1989 1 .10 November, 1989 1 .84 December, 1989 1 .29 TOTAL INTEREST $22 .38 TOTAL DEPOSITS AND INTEREST $228.38 . BALANCE, December 24, 1989 $3,922.24 Prepared by Ollie Koropchak 1/21/90 . . .",~ (,..,,- MONTICELLO January 16, 1990 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362-9245 Phone: (612) 295-2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Mayor Kenneth Maus Ciry Council Dan Blonigen Fran Fair Shirley Anderson Warren Smith Administrator Rick Wolfs teller Assistant Administr3tor & Community Development Jeff O'Neill Public Works John Simola . Building Official Gary Anderson Economic Development Ollie Koropchak . Mr. Ron Lloyd Room 417 Transportation Building John Ireland Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55155 Dear Mr. Lloyd: As you recall, some mon hs ago we discussed the potential of expansion of the Pilot' Cove Airport into a full municipal airport. At that ti , you agreed to assist the City in determining the feasibi i ty of expanding the airport at its present location. I su ise that your study of the existing si te potential was not completed because City support of airport development was not clear. At a recent meeting of the City Council, airport d velopment was discussed. It appears that airport developmen has become a higher priority for the City. Please be informed that on January 8, 1990, the City Co unci 1 discussed the importanc of the pilot's Cove Airport to the community; and subseque t to the discussion, the City Council took action in support of airport development at the Pilot Cove site. Specificall, Council acted to invest City funds for the purchase of a pilot controlled receiver which will control the runway lig ts. Council also acted to pay for one-half the cost to plo snow. The City of Monticello that your organization assist with defining the po ential of expanding the pilot's Cove Airport facilities unde existing state programs. If it is determined that thi location is a feasible site for development of a mun. cipal airport, please describe the process involved in ompleting the expansion and provide estimates regarding the cost necessary for capital improvement and operations cost. inally, please outline the state and federal financing p ograms that could be utilized in conjunction with ex ansion operations of the proposed municipal airport. . Mr. Ron Lloyd January 16, 1990 Page 2 Also enclosed are copies of p evious correspondence for your assistance with this matter. If you should have any questions regarding this request, please feel free to call. Yours truly, CITY OF MONTICELLO f#'O'MP Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator RW/kd cc: Ollie Koropchak, Sheldon Johnson, Jim Halli1a File Economic Deve opment Director ,~ roc Chairpers n . . . Ten questions most commonly ask d by industrial businesses of the Minnesota Trade and Econ mic Development Department. 12/14/89 1. Availablity of community la or force? 2. State and local environment 1 factors? 3. Community quality of life? 4. Quality of Education? S. Transportation System? 6. Access to Support Services? 7. Overall cost to do business 8. Employment opportunities fo spouse (professional and technical)? 9. Local cooperation? 10. Availablity of industrial 1 nd and buildings? 11. Local inducements? Critical information for indust ial business site selection. . 1. Market access 2. Supply access 3. Financial assistance 4. Transportation S. Sites 6. Labor Force and Utilities Non-traditional information. 1. Labor production reliabi1it 2. Quality of Life. 3. Education. 4. Overall cost of doing S. Telecommunications. 6. Spouse employment. 7. Environmental factors 8. Local inducements. . Notes from Ollie Koropchak, St r City Conference . 1989 IDC BANQUET FIN CIAL REPORT REVENUE: 78 TICKETS SOLD EXPENSES: MONTE CLUB: 73 Hors D'Qyervres @ $2.75 37 Filet @ $11.95 21 Broiled Shrimp @ $12.95 11 Walleye Pike @ $10.95 4 Chicken Asparagus @ $7.95 Tax Bar SUBTOTAL GRATUITY MONTICELLO PRINTING MONTICELLO OFFICE PRODUCTS WOOD TYPE PLAQUE TOTAL EXPENSES . 1989 Banquet Profit . ~~-_.,.' $5,875.00 $7,800.00 (1988) (104) 200.75 442.15 271. 95 120.45 31. 80 51.98 215.00 1,334.08 200.00 34.66 13.96 54.00 1,636.70 $5,996.07 (1988) $5,935.83 (1987) (98)