IDC Agenda 12-21-1989 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVE OPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, December 21, 1989 - 7:00 AM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelley J hnson, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Dennis Taylor, Lowell Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Linda Mielke, Harvey Kendal , Ken Maus, Dale Lungwitz, Ron Hoglund, Rick Wol steller, Dave Peterson, Dale Pogatchnik, John McVay, and Ollie Koropchak. CITY STAFF: Jeff O'Neill 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 21 1989 IDC MINUTES AND APPROVAL OF THE IDC DECEMBER I, 1989 MOTION. 3. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS: REMMELE ENGINEERING GENEREUX K-MART RUSS MARTIE BRIDGE WATER TITAN RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS HPG ARCHITECTURAL GLASS - JERRY O'LEARY . 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN IDC BAN UET FINANCIAL UPDATE. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN INDUSTR AL BUSINESS RETENTION VISIT SUMMARY. 6. CONSIDERATION OF 1990 IDC E ECTION OF OFFICERS AND SETTING OF 1990 IDC GOALS. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. 8. ADJOURNMENT. . . IDC SPECIAL MEETING Friday, December 1, City Hall . Arve Grimsmo made a motion dir cting city staff to obtain a written commitment from Remm Ie Engineering, stating that Remmele Engineering commi s to a City of Monticello site location for their propos d 1990 construction of a 20.000 square foot building wi h an approximate 50 semi- skilled to highly skilled jobs and includes a future planned building expansion of 40,000 a ditional square feet and an approximate 100 additional sem skilled to highly skilled jobs within an estimated five ears from the initial Monticello construction. Upon receipt of a commitment from Remmele Engineering, the IDC will reco end to the City Council for consideration to proceed with he purchase of Remmele Engineering's existing 68.5 ac es of undeveloped land in the Monticello Township (zo ed agricultural) based upon the fair market appraisal less selling costs in the interest of job creation a d for future engineering benefits to the City of Montie 110. The motion further recommended to City Council fo consideration the purchase of the Mel Wolters' undevelope land in the Monticello Township for future drainage a d ponding site development, and to avoid the possible increase of future land acquisition costs. The IDC will assist the City in marketing the Remmele 68.5 acres to a speculative la d developer. The motion was seconded by Dennis Taylor and passea 13-0. Yeas: Arve Grimsmo Dennis Taylor Shelley Johnson Don Smith Rick Wolfsteller Dave Peterson Jay Morrell Lowell Schrupp Harvey Kendall Dale Lungwitz Ron Hoglund John McVay Ollie Koropchak Nays: None . . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEV LOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday. November 21. 1989 - 7:00 AM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Sh Morrell. Denni Grimsmo. Linda Dale Lungwitz. and Ollie Koro lley Johnson. Don Smith. Jay Taylor. Lowell Schrupp. Arve Mielke. Harvey Kendall. Ken Maus. Ron Hoglund. Rick Wolfsteller. chak. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Peterson. Dale Pogatchnik. and John McVay. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Shelley Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 19. 1989 IDC MINUTES. . Corrections or additions to Ken Maus was not present at referred to his opinion tha Engineering was not smooth perspective. Don Smith mad minutes with the above name Ron Hoglund. the minutes we the October 19th minutes were the meeting and Don Smith the presentation to Remmele eant from a graphical a motion to approve the October corrections, seconded by e approved as corrected. IDC John McVay having a previou commitment with a client outside of the area was una Ie to attend the IDC meeting. 3. WELCOME OF NEW IDC MEMBER: JOHN MCVAY. 4. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECTS: . a. Remmele Engineering - c ntinues to research the comparisons between the communities of Elk River and Monticello. Remmel's desire to expand in another location than B g Lake Township is because of the concern f safety for employees or trucking onto Highwa 10. Elk River's biggest edge on Montice 10 is the availablity of metro phones. John MeV y continues to work with Remmele on compara ive electrical rates within Minnesota and the industrial reduction rate programs offered by NSP. Koropc ak has prepared comparative property taxes between lk River and Monticello, prepared building fees. ook-up fees which are suggested to be waived or written into TIF plan. Monticello's industrial sites with easy access to Interstate 94 are a plus. b. Genereux - is also conti uing their research for a site relocation betwee St. Michael area and Monticello. Decision to be made within the next . 4. CONTINUED. IDC Minutes - 11/21/89 Page 2 b. few months. Bill and B rb Tapper attended the IDC in October which may in icate an interest in Monticello. . . c. Cardinal IG - Koropchak pay-as-you-go option wi reduction per square fo square foot building. for construction of a b Building Corporation an first quarter of the ye will make a decision on their West Lake _ d. Bridge Water Telephone prepare a financial pro to consider relocating from West County Road 3 to better conform with Anderson is to prepare sq ft structure in acco e. Andersen Corporation - on a lead that Andersen their operation. I con possible inside contact name of the President. plans to expand at thei f. Bondhus Corporation - K Koropchak worked on a r expansion of a heating house the furnace. All Lois informed us that t John Bondhus to give no collateral was reduced Mr. John Ingve. Arve Gr met and reviewed the GM Mr. Ingve. Chairman of advised John Bondhus no because of the strength the small amount of the the policy from the per It was Mr. Ingve's deci applicable for this Bon maybe in the future. g. Cargill - based on a Ie Mike Westphal who has m a site location for a s Mr. Westphal was not at until after the first 0 informed the IDC that i Belegrade which employe prepared information on the TIF h a carry through for a lease t on an approximate 130.000 o contractors were contacted ild-to-lease option: Winkelman Peterson Assoicates. In the r. Cardinal's Board of Directors whether to expand or relocate ompany - Koropchak is to osal to encourage Bridge Water heir service storage building into the industrial park he City Ordinance. Gary layout of the 12.000 dance with City Ordinance. oropchak followed through Corporation was expanding acted Mr. Lizardo for a person and was given the Andersen Corporation only Bayport location. vin Doty. Lois Payne. and vo1ving loan fund for Bondhus' urnace and the addition to was placed in order. until e Board of Directors advised personal guarantees and o not meet GMEF guidelines. msmo. Ken Maus and myself F guidelines and policies. he Bondhus Board of Directors. to give personal guarantees of the company compared to loan. Mr. Ingve understood eption of City loaned dollars. ion that the GMEF was not hus' project. however. d. Koropchak contacted Mr. ved to Monticello to research ed mill (corn meal and sweetner). liberty to discuss details the year. Chairperson Johnson would be a relocation from 16-20 people and they were . 4. CONTINUED. g. looking at sites east 0 Monticello areas. h. K-Mart - Rick Wo1fste11 the process of obtainin of the new structure ra to refinance the existi The City Council has co approving a subdivision at the existing wall wi has ever been received plans are for a spring site ponding, and stree being completed which m level of assistance. 1. Sunny Fresh, Inc. - Ma that the City recently for a strong disposal i almost killed the bacte Plant. NSP may also be Sunny Frssh is under ne been very cooperative w the IDC that Rick Wolf and herself had rece production/management q program. . IDC Minutes - 11/21/89 Page 3 St. Cloud, Elk River and r reported that K-Mart is in financing for the portion her than their first plan g mall plus the new addition. perated in this manner by dividing the property line h no setbacks. No word hat K-Mart is not coming, onstruction. Storm sewer, feasibility studies are y alter the TIF plan or or Ken Maus advised the IDC eavi1y fined Sunny Fresh to the sewage system which ia at the Water Treatment a contributing factor. management and has not th the City. Koropchak informed teller, Linda Mielke, Bob Voecks, t1y attended Sunny Fresh's a1ity control kick-off 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE BUSINE S RETENTION SURVEY VISITS. Koropchak informed the IDC of the Business Retention S industrial businesses in Mo IDC volunteers to accompany complete Part II of the sur Monday, November 27 10:00 L 11 : 15 M Tuesday, November 28 10:00 1:30 3:00 Wednesday, November 29 10:0 8:0 1:0 Thursday, November 30 9:00 10:00 1:30 Friday, December 1 8:00 Sun . hat a cover letter and Part I rvey was mailed to seventeen ticello and asked for her on the plant visit to rson Manufacturing - Bud Schrupp & P Transports - 1ectro Industries - Ron Hoglund SP - Linda Mielke AWCO - Ken Maus Automatic Garage Door Rainbow Enterprises - Ken Maus WEB Precision Machining - Shelley Johnson SI Don Smith low Stamping Harvey Kendall ondhus Corporation - Ken Maus y Fresh - . . . IDC Minutes - 11/21/89 Page 4 6. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE EAS ETITION. Koropchak informed the IDC that the E S petition was mailed to the Public Utilities Commission, the Bridge Water Telephone Company, and Northwes ern Bell. The telephone companies have 30 days to c ntest the petition which is highly unlikely because all etition signatures were validated for duplicate and exis ing numbers on software at the Bridgewater Telephone Company. 7. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE AIR ORT ISSUE. Chairperson Johnson informed the IDC hat Mr. Bob Voecks and his son are interested in the fut re of the existing airport. Bill, his son, is conductin a survey of business and residents interest to es ablish a need to upgrade the current facility. The data collected is part of a class project at the Avi tion School, University of North Dakota. Lee Hurd at Busch Travel is interested in expanding the airpor . 8. CONSIDERATION TO EVALUATE THE IDC BAN UET. Koropchak reported a decrease in tick Suggestions to evaluate for the futur quality of speaker, maybe time for so Koropchak will prepare a financial re t sales this year. are ticket price, ething new. ort on the banquet. 9. CONSIDERATION TO UPDATE THE MARKETING PROGRAM PROGRESS. Koropchak reported that the prelimina which was targeted for presentation i not complete because the specific dat Henning & Associates wasn't complete. staff received three pages of request will immediately work on it. 10. OTHER BUSINESS. The IDC further discussed the K-Mart recalling a statement by Mr. Da1hgre " a healthy mall is a healthy downto expressed that the community will ha businesses when the community can su Kendall expressed that a community 0 always have this opportunity. Don S view that we are in a business world Monticello is in the middle of it: larger businesses expanding as they aggressive, and growing. Their need square footage buildings which we do reality we may have larger square fo owners and also maybe reason for a d banquet ticket sales. The IDC agree y hard copy print November was required by The city d data. Staff issue, Arve Grimsmo , City Planners, " Mayor Maus e the retail/commerical port it. Harvey r size does not ith expressed his change and acant buildings, re strong, vital, is for larger 't have. In tage and less crease in IDC that their focus ) . 10. CONTINUED. IDC MINUTES - 11/21/89 Page 5 would continue on industri 1 recruitment and retention, however, do support the re ail/commerical sector. Dale Lungwits reported he on the Titan Recreational 11. ADJOURNMENT. ould have more information roducts project next month. The IDC meeting adjourned t 8:10AM. ~/ \:(til.I!l&~ Ollie Koropchak IDC Executive Secretary . .