IDC Agenda 04-20-1989 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, April 2 , 1989 - 7:00AM City Hal MEMBERS: Chairperson Shelly J hnson, Vice Chairperson Don Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Ken aus, Rick Wolfsteller, Dale Lungwitz, Arve Grims 0, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Ron Hoglund, Linda ielke, Dennis Taylor, Jim Kruger, Dale Pogatchnik, Dave Peterson, and Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Tom Dolly 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF THE IDC MARCH 9, 1989 MINUTES. 3. TOM DOLLY: "MONTICELLO C 4. REPORTS OF PROSPECTS: UN ISCLOSED COMPANY CE AR LAKE ENGINEERING CU TOM SHEET METAL Fa D PROCESSING GA ENT SEWING MANUFACTURING NS CO STRUCTION FIVE . 5. CONSIDERATION OF UPDATE 0 THE EDA AND THE GMEF. 6. CONSIDERATION TO ENDORSE RAMP AT INTERCHANGE 118. 7. CONSIDERATION OF AN AIRPO T UPDATE. 8. CONSIDERATION OF THE BROC URE DESIGN PROGRESS UPDATE. 9. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENDED AREA PHONE SERVICES UPDATE. 10. CONSIDERATION TO SET A DA E FOR THE JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS. 11. OTHER BUSINESS. 12. ADJOURNMENT. . . MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, March 9, 1989 - 7:00AM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Shelly Johnson, Don Smith, Ken Maus, Dennis Taylor, Ron Hoglund, Arve Grimsmo, Jay Morrell, Harvey Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Dave Peters n, Linda Mielke, Jim Kruger, and Ollie Korop hak. MEMBERS ABSENT: Rick Wolfste ler, Dale Pogatchnik, and Lowell Schrupp. 1. CALL TO ORDER. The Industrial Developmen Committee (IDC) meeting was called to order at 7:04AM by Cha'rperson Shelly Johnson. 2. APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 1 , 1989 IDC MINUTES. . Arve Grimsmo made a motio IDC minutes, seconded by approved as written. to approve the January 19, 1989 on Smith, the minutes stood CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS HE PROCEDURE TO UPGRADE OR NOT UPGRADE THE INDUSTRIAL PA K ROADS. 3. . Early summer of 1988, the City Council approved an evaluation study of the Oakwood Indu trial Park street system in regard to pavement strength. Th s testing was performed in July by Braun Pavement Techno ogies and Council directed staff to upgrade and overlay those areas of lower strength last fall because the winter time t ble would make it difficult to complete the entire proje t, however, this was not completed. Because of the fast appro ching spring and the potentiality of axle road limit posting i the park the IDC should consider a recommendation to the C ty Council to proceed with upgrading or not upgrading the Indu trial Park roads and secondly, to discuss the potential of osting the roads this spring. Jay Morrell presented his viewpoint on spring road posting noting that most streets ere installed when the standard was 7 ton and that the St te of Minnesota raised that capacity of some state hi hways simply by posting higher weight limits. In additi n, he felt that posting would restrict most current Ind strial Park businesses and would be a hindrance for arketing and resale of the park property. Dale Lungwitz "nformed the IDC that the IP was created approximately 18-19 years ago and the first portion of Chelsea Road w s gravel. Life expectancy of . . . 3. CONTINUED. IDC MINUTES - 3/9/89 a road similiar to Chelse is 20 years. The committee briefly discussed potenti 1 financing of the roads from 100% assessmment, 80 20 ad valorem and assessed. excess Tax Increment Fina cing or wait for a project. Chairperson Johnson state, financing the project is a Council decision. With a ditional comments of speed and weight as the most de. riment to breaking up of the roads and a large percent of the industrial roads today are concrete the IDC was sked to consider a motion for recommendation to the Council. Arve Grimsmo made a motion recommending the City Council authorize a cost analysis inclusive 0 a comparative cost between upgrading the currently p ved streets and/or replacing the streets with concrete to achieve the la-ton all weather road standard. A so to include the probability to complete the prject in a two-year phase; and if found necessary, to request Wri ht County to upgrade the streets to and from the industria park. The motion was seconded by Jay Morrell and passed 12-0 with Ken Maus abstaining. A second motion was made "in the spirit of promoti and out of courtesy of th industrial park, the indu posted this spring." Th not marketable; 2) most c roads; 3) not strictly en and weight cause road bre County Road 118, a 5-ton the motion and passed 12- y Jay Morrell recommending g new industrial business existing businesses in the trial park roads not be reasons being: 1) if posted, mmunities don't post industrial orced; 4) combination of speed kup; and 5) school buses travel oad. Dennis Taylor seconded with Ken Maus abstaining. 4. CONSIDERATION OF FINAL D FT OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ORDINANCE AND T E GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND GUIDELINES. Assistant Administrator O'Neill advised the IDC that all drafted documents for the creation of the EDA. Joint Powers Agreement, and the GMEF Guidelines were reviewed by the City Attorney. His opinion was he had no major problems with the concept but suggested language change to include non-discrimination on basis of race, sex, etc. Koropchak questioned why DAG repayment was not included and Mr. O'Neill responded he thought the repayment went to the general fund. Dale Lungwitz suggested the leverage minimum be set at 70% for Private/Public non-GMEF and 30% Public (GMEF). He further expressed his concern of the general public impression that the local banks indirectly will receive free money (line their pockets). . 4. CONTINUED. The IDC suggested the Coun such a program and supply from other communities to how the GMEF Guidelines mi include the need for such good deals (financial deci and the importance of conf made a motion to recommend cosemetic changes suggeste Council at the Public Hear March 13. 1989. The motio and passed 12-0 with Ken M IDC MINUTES - 3/9/89 i1 agenda stress the risk of upporting data with examples hy loans failed and cletai1 imize those risks. Also. to program and the need for ion versus job creation decision) dentia1ity. Ron Hoglund the draft presented with the by the IDC to the City ng scheduled for Monday. was seconded by Harvey Kendall us abstaining. 5. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A R SOLUTION AUTHORIZING CO-SIGNATURES ON ALL IDC DEPOSITS. Don Smith made a motion ad Lowell Schrupp. Ron Hoglun co-signatures onall IDC fi with the requirement of tw transaction. The motion w passed unanimously. . 6. CONSIDERATION OF OFFICERS FOR THE pt the resolution authorizing . and Shelly Johnson as eligible ancia1 holdings on deposit signatures for any financial s seconded by Jim Kruger and NAL ITEMS: 1989 GOALS AND MEMBERSHIPS/ RA. AND THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Chairperson Johnson infor ed the IDC that no action was needed on this agenda item but for the IDC to view this information as very valuable. The co ittee briefly discussed a date for the joint meeting bet een the HRA. IDC. Planning Commission. to be established EDA. City Council. and city staff with potential dates of Monday. June 5 or 19. 1989. This to be on the April agenda. 7. CONSIDERATION TO DISCUSS OTENTIAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Mr. O'Neill advised the c company had presented the covering their company's on facilities expansion. Graham at Business Develo . After City Council's reco Construction Five Develop the proposed installed st border of Outlot A. Const meet city parking space a called Mr. LaFromboise to and to set a time for ren mmittee that an undisclosed city with a very brief outline ackground and current thinking This was turned over to Deb ment Services. Inc. endation to ren~gotiate with rs to reduce the length of rm sewer along the easterly uction Five Addition and still d set back requirements. Koropchak report on the Council's recommendation gotiation and review site plans. IDC MINUTES - 3/9/89 . 7. CONTINUED. Mr. LaFromboise felt they had put in enough time on this plan between the HRA and he City Council. The developers are currently busy enough with other projects and do not look to develop the Monti ello project this year or may choose to consider anothe apartment project rather than the proposed office/wareh use facilities and mini storage. A given lead on the Unite Parcel Service expansion ended with a' conversation with of icals stating they had no plans for a relocation si e or expansion in this area at this time. 8. OTHER BUSINESS. TIle committee asked Mr. O'Neill about the progress on the airport issue, Mr. 0' eill responded that time hasn't permitted him to continue research or talks. However, the last conversation with Ji Hallila indicated he was taking the lead role. The IDC asked Jeff to report at the April meeting. 9. ADJOURNMENT. . The IDe meeting adjourne at 8:30 AM. GJ 0 .. ~~ \~ tS\ 0 ~ ...9. ~ Ollie Koropchak, IDC Executi e Secretary . IDC AGENDA - 4/20/89 9. CONSIDERATION OF EXTENDED REA PHONE SERVICES UPDATE. . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO One of the IDC goals for 1987-88 was to research the potentiality of Extended rea Service (EAS) to Monticello. Ron Hoglund as named chairperson of the subcommittee with Joy Swe son and Elaine Norin collecting petition signatures. This petition indicated "an interest only" which meant Montice 10 had a sufficient amount of interested residents or b sinesses in the EAS, cost for EAS was to be determined ater by pue and the affected telephone comp,<mies'. J y and Elaine's time, effort, and energy volunteered in collecting petition signatures was excellent, unfortunat ly, duplication of signatures per phone number, disconnecte phone numbers, and the unknown of the number of 295 phon exchanges in Monticello resulted in the local phone compan contesting the number of valid signatures of the submitt d petition. This was validated by the PUC and Monticello was informed it need only submit the needed gap of signatu es. Requirements are 15% of the total number phone exchan e signatures or 600 signatures whichever is less. The a ditional signatures were not submitted because of the ack of interest. . Recently in conversation they indicated to me that home sales in the Montice EAS. They asked that thi city staff and the city c to consult the original 0 EAS. The recent newspape interest. In contacting Diane Wells Joy Swenson had called he she had the additional ne requirements. She has n at the time of this typin required number of signat joins the communities of received after the origin At present the PUC is eva metro area, how to expand may want to request City Area Services. I will re meeting. B. SUPPORTING DATA. ith three local real estate agents, they felt 90-99% of their declined 10 area was due to the lack of information be passed on to uncil. The Mayor suggested ganization supporting the articles has generated resident's at the PUC today, she indicated that prior to my call and indicated ded signatures to validate the t responded to my telephone If Joy has submitted the res this would mean Monticello ontrose and Mayer for petitions 1 16 community cutoff by the PUC. uating the impact to the existing etc. At some time, the IDC ouncil endorsement of Extended ort on Joy's progress at the IDC Copy from the Monticello imes article. . . . 00 .) o -' . ..J ~ I I i l t \ ~ .~ ~ t: ~, . ~ _ I "'C:l"'C:l . ~C"" '" en':':-5 -d' ,n~::; 1\):2'0 0;\ d) <!.l ~ "'C:l.... 0 <!.l 1::;;:; .... c'" 0 - 5 '" ti .... <l.l'a '" c :;! ;::..... g 0;\ 0 0... '" ~ u:; ~ ~ ~"> rJ) \-I.. U ca S ~ en -.;j.~ cU ~ -t; "Outt:::;::<!.l",15o CUOI\) <l.l. e ~ ~ c 0 <<3 ~ ...::::.... .... O..t:: ~ ~ .... 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'-.::: ro"'C 0)0) (J')O) .- fJ) o. ...;'0; u> Q)mo ..... c: ~ (J') as-C:c: C,) - 0 0 c: -.;:::;.- Q)oro-- _Q).~~ro \;, ro 0) :>. .~.!:::!<( g 'l:I:Z c::ii 0) t':Ci3ccc as u... .~ ca r:mO"O :::~:2r- <<II- - . -1.60 :::3'=: ~c: .co (/)0 c"'C ;':0) roO) '-J 3: ,-l"- ocr ,.. M I N I"- _ 0') M 'II:t 0') M I LO 0) N .'!J. (j) as .r. o U) ~ tQ ~~ 1Il,s: cu_ c.'- oSt =St ~o 01_ :=Q- -gcu ~ oE a: c.8 : -~ .2~ :E - ~ IDC AGENDA - 4/20/89 . 10. CONSIDERATION TO SET A D TE FOR THE JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGR UND. At the March IDC meeting, the committee briefly had.a dicussion to establish a date for he joint meeting between the HRA, the EDA, the IDC, t e Planning Commission, the City Council, and the city st ff. Potential dates were Monday, June 5 or 19, 19 9. The IDC then tabled the item for the April meeti g. The IDC may now wish to establish that date. . .