1990 IDC Goals . 1990 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVE OpMENT COMMITTEE GOALS A. To host or visit at least 10 new bu iness/industry prospects during 1990. B. To continue working with existing i dustries in Monticello. 1) To establish Business Retent'on Survey Teams. C. To obtain prospects from existing ndustries/businesses. D. To attract one or more industries uring 1990 that will be placed on the tax rolls of the Monticello corrrouo' ty. E. To complete the industrial target need to revise and update the pro To continue our study of sewer and ater hookup charges and rates with the ul timate goals of recommending to he City Council appropriate changes in order for Monticello to compete wi h other communities within the state of Minnesota, when recruiting busine s and industry. brochure and to review the potential tional video tape. F. G. To make available financial packagi proposals, either in total or in part, to prospective businesses and industries as prepared by Business Development Services, Inc. . * Tax increment financing * State programs * Federal programs * Greater Monticello Ente prise Fund * Loans and grants from 0 her agencies: Central Minnesota Ini iative Fund H. To continue a positive, cooper tive working relationship between City staff and the Industrial Develo nt Committee. 1. To continue the "Star City" pr J. To make arrangements with a contractor for the construction of a speculative industrial building which has received prior building plan approval. To enhance our committee1s rela ionship with personnel of state agencies that are involved with industri 1 develOPment. 1) To host a joint meeting etween the IOC officers, the City Mayor, City Administration, Bill Coleman, Harry Rosefelt, Jerry Wenner, or others. Deadline April 990. To continue monthly Industria DevelOPment committee meetings and to schedule special meetings as n eded. K. L. . . M. To analyze and evaluate the annu 1 Industrial Development Cormni ttee Banquet. 1) 2) 3) To analyze and evaluate the f To analyze and evaluate the ne the program. To analyze and evaluate the the banquet. 11 banquet date. for local industrial testimonies on ed for local industrial displays at N. To continue utilization of the ub-cormnittee structure within the Industrial Development Committee. 1) Recommend for appointment as O. To spearhead a committee of local interested fliers to continue the preliminary research necessary for he existence of the local airport. P. To hold a joint meeting between the local Minnesota legislators and the lOC. Q. To continue the public utilities p ocess for Extended Area Service to Monticello. R. . S. T. U. V. W. x. - ., To continue the joint meeting betwe n the Planning Cormnission, the HRA, the EDA, the IOC, and the City Counc'l. Deadline before June 1990. To continue a positive relationship ith the Chamber of Commerce. To establish an annual audit of the roc financial books by City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller. To research the bio-medical waste is ue and rna.ke a recommendation to the City Council. To address and research the industria park aesthetic value for industrial siting. To host an industrial business To encourage the establishment ordinance/zoning guideline brochure n, social, or informational meeting. of a step-by-step basic or industrial development. City e 1989 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVEL PMENT COMMITTEE GOALS A. To host or visit at least en new business/industry prospects during 1989. B. To continue working with e isting industries in Monticello. 1) To establish Business . etention Survey Teams. industries/businesses. C. To obtain propsects from e D. To attract one or more ind stries during 1989 that will be placed on the tax rolls of the Mo ticello community. E. To revise and update promo ional and advertising literature including pamphlets or bro hures, and a video tape. F. To create effective ways the Labor/Market Survey Data. G. To continue our study of se er and water hook-up charges and rates, with the ultimate goal of recommending to the City Council appropriate changes in order for Monticello to compete with other communities, wit in the state of Minnesota, when recruiting business and ind stry. \- H. To finalize the financial i centives package that can be made available, either in total r in part, to prospective businesses and industries. This packa e will include: * Tax Increment Financing (Housing and Redevelopment Authority) * State Programs * Federal Programs * Greater Monticello Enter rise Fund (Economic Development Authority) * Loans and Grants from Ot er Agencies: Central Minnesota Init ative Fund Others I. To continue a positive, coo erative working relationship between city staff and the Industri, 1 Development Committee. J. To continue the "Star City" program. K. To encourage a developer to construct a speculative industrial building. L. To enhance our committee's elationship with personnel of state agencies that are involved ith industrial development. 1) To host a joint meeting between the IDC officers, the City Mayor, City Administrat on, and Bill Coleman, Development Resources, MTED. Dead1"ne April, 1989. e M. To continue monthly Industr"al Development Committee meetings and to schedule special meeting as needed. ...----...,....--- 1989 IDC Goals Page 2 - ,- .... N. To continue the annual Ind strial Development Committee Banquet. 1) To continue with a fal banquet date. 2) To continue with three local industrial testimonies on the program. 3) To continue with the 1 cal industrial displays after research to determine no compet tion with Expo. -.-------.- o. To continue utilization of the Industrial Development 1) Recommend for appointm P. To continue researching th the sub-committee structure within Committee. nt as need be. airport issue for Monticello. Q. To hold a joint meeting be ween the local Minnesota Legislators and the IDC. R. To continue the implementa to Monticello. of extended area metro services s. To continue the joint meet'ng between the Planning Commission, the HRA, the EDA, the IDC, and the City Council. Deadline before June, 1989. ~ T. To continue a positive reI tionship with the Chamber of Commerce. u. To establish authorized co Development Committee fina establish an annual audit City Administrator Rick Wo 3/2/89 . signatures for all Industrial cial holdings on deposit and to f the IDe financial books by fsteller.