EDA Agenda 04-10-2019AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, April lOth, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — March 13, 2019 b. Consideration of approving Special Workshop Meeting Minutes (1) — March 13, 2019 c. Consideration of approving Special Meeting Minutes (2) — March 21, 2019 d. Consideration of approving payment of bills Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of GMEF Loan in the amount of $118,500 for DNS Investments/Monticello RV Center 6. Consideration of Update of Arts Program Activities - Sue Seeger 7. Consideration of Authorizing Picnic Table Location Improvement Plans — Sue Seeger 8. Consideration of Authorizing Solicitation of Quotes for Soil Borings in Block 52 9. Consideration of Update of Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program 10. Director's Report 11. Closed Session — Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Property Address: 300 4th Street East - PID #155-019-008010 12. Adj ourn MINUTE S REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: 011ie Koropchak-White Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. � 4. Consent A�enda BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. TRACY H1NZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Februarv 13, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — February 13, 2019. b. Consideration of approvin� Special Workshop Meetin� Minutes (1) — Februarv 13, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Special Workshop Meeting Minutes (1) — February 13, 2019 c. Consideration of approvin� Special Workshop Meetin� Minutes (2) — Februarv 13, 2019 Recommendation: Approve Special Workshop Meeting Minutes (2) — February 13, 2019. d. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through February, 2019. Re�ular A�enda 5. Consideration of GMEF Loan Request Preview — Lake Re�ion RVs Jim Thares introduced the staff report for a request by Monticello RV for GMEF loan funds in the amount of $109,000. Thares noted that Monticello RV is working on relocating their business from Elm Street to Chelsea Road (across from Camping World). He noted that the applicants have a$218,000 funding gap and have requested half of the funds be covered through the Monticello GMEF loan program and half be covered by the Initiative Foundation. Economic Development Authority Minutes — March 13�', 2019 Page 1 � 4 Thares introduced the Monticello RV team including: Scott Kunz, Nicole Borstad, and Dale Borstad. Kunz gave a short overview of Monticello RV and their plans for opening a new location in the community. He estimated that the number of employees and the amount of sales would double with the new location. He also emphasized that the business would like to give back to the Monticello community by participating in different events throughout the City and also holding their own celebration. Kunz stated that the amount of money they would apply for through the Initiative Foundation would be under $99,500 due to financial guidelines. Bill Tapper asked if the EDA was being asked to consider a larger loan amount. Kunz confirmed the request would be for $118,500 if that is acceptable. Jon Morphew asked if the existing site would be still utilized following the construction of the new facility. Kunz confirmed stating that the facility along Elm Street would be utilized for service and rentals. Steve Johnson asked for clarification on the GMEF. Thares stated that the proposed equity contribution would be 5 percent. Johnson asked Kunz to explain the difference between their business and Camping World. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF A GMEF LOAN AGREEMENT AND RELATED DOCUMENTS 1N THE AMOUNT OF $118,500 BETWEEN THE EDA AND MONTICELLO RV FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE APRIL OR MAY 2019 EDA MEETING. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 6. Consideration of First Amendment to Propertv Mana�ement and Lease A�reement — BIFF'S Gara�e, LLC (112 West River Street) Jim Thares indicated that he received notice that Union Speed and Style (USS) would like to seek an extension to their lease agreement. Under the current agreement, the tenant should vacate the premises by April 1, 2019, though there are provisions for an extension until June 30, 2019 if it is mutually acceptable and agreed to by both parties. Jordan Dickenson, USS confirmed the desire to remain in the premises until June 30, 2019. Thares stated an extension would not be problematic as to potential redevelopment planning efforts. Mr. Dickenson explained that they are in the process of remodeling their new building in Osseo, Minnesota and waiting for their Certificate of Occupancy. Lloyd Hilgart asked if there were any needs for the building by the City. Angela Schumann noted that the City originally anticipated placing the bikes in the facility for the Walk `N' Roll. It could find a different site for that event if needed. The EDA discussed the terms of extending the lease. Concerns regarding having the tenant vacating the premise before June 30th, 2019 was discussed at length especially as it relates to property taxes being due after June 30th, 2019. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2019-02 APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND LEASE Economic Development Authority Minutes — March 13�', 2019 Page 2 � 4 AGREEMENT WITH BIFF' S GARAGE, LLC ALLOWING THE CONTIN UED USE OF THE PROPERTY FOR AN ADDITIONAL 75 DAYS UNTIL JUNE 15, 2019 AND THAT BIFF'S GARAGE LLC WILL 1NCUR ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FIRST AMENDMENT OF THE LEASE AGREEMENT. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. Discussion regarding rent to be paid by the tenant occurred. MOTION FAILED, 3-3 WITH LLOYD HILGART, BILL TAPPER, AND JIM DAVIDSON OPPOSING. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2019-02 APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BIFF' S GARAGE, LLC BE1NG ALLOWED THE CONTINUED USE OF THE PROPERTY FOR AN ADDITIONAL 75 DAYS UNTIL JUNE 15, 2019 WITH THE RENT TO BE $1,500 PER MONTH. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-2 WITH TRACY H1NZ AND JON MORPHEW OPPOSING. 7. Consideration of Comprehensive Plan Review Committee Angela Schumann introduced the item and stated that she was looking for an EDA member to sit on review committee (to meet up to three times) for the comprehensive plan update. The recommendation of the subcommittee would be subject to the City Council review and action. JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO NOMINATE COMMISSIONER TRACY H1NZ AS THE EDA REPRESENTATNE TO 2040 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY VISION & COMPREHENSNE PLAN PROPOSAL REVIEW SUB-COMMITTEE, PENDING COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A SUB-COMMITTEE. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. It was noted that Hinz could only make meetings that are scheduled early in the morning. 8. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's Report as noted in the agenda. It was noted that no amendment to the TIF Contract for Redevelopment for the Briggs Companies' project is necessary relative to the early partial reimbursement of funds for construction of the underground parking lot. The EDA effectively waived that particular language in the agreement when it approved the partial reimbursement to the materials vendor at the February meeting. Thares also explained that he attended the Economic Development Day at the Capitol. He reported on the top priority funding programs that discussed with the legislators. They were in general open and receptive to supporting the funding levels for the MIF and Economic Development Authority Minutes — March 13�', 2019 Page 3 � 4 JCF programs, the two primary economic development tools offered by MN-DEED. 9. Adiourn TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:02 P.M BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: April 10, 2019 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — March 13�', 2019 Page 4 � 4 MINUTE S SPECIAL MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 — 4:30 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, and 011ie Koropchak-White Staff Present: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, Jeff O'Neill, Tammy Omdal (Northland Securities), and Martha Ingram (Kennedy & Graven) 1. Call to Order Bill Tapper called the Special Meeting to order at 4:47 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. 4. Purpose a. Prepare for Developer Meetin�s on March 21st, 2019 Jim Thares noted that two interviews with the EDA and potential developers would occur on March 215t, 2019 starting at 4:15 p.m. He noted that two more interviews with developers could be scheduled to occur within the coming weeks. The purpose of the meetings would be to get to know the developers and to review concept plans for the block. b. Review Goals for Block 52 i. Public Purpose ii. Development Use, Densitv, Desi�n, Phasin� iii. Return on Investment Angela Schumann explained the agenda page to the EDA and reminded the board of their past work on Block 52. Images from the Small Area Study were provided with the agenda. 5. Discuss EDA Tools & Developer Goals a. Land i. Square foota�e ii. Value Jim Thares provided a spreadsheet that staff developed and explained four different development scenarios. Staff envisioned the area to be a mixed-use destination with upper level apartments, commercial retail, and a signature restaurant. Discussion regarding parking occurred and the need to understand the use of an underground parking system for the block. Economic Development Authority Workshop Minutes — March 13�', 2019 Page 1 � 2 The spreadsheet highlighted conceptual costs and returns on investments. b. Tax increment – Redevelopment District i. EDA capture ii. Interest Rate iii. Parking Funds iv. Other Tammy Omdal explained in detail how TIF could be utilized per each of the four development scenarios. 6. Other Considerations a. Ri�ht of wav – need and use b. Public space c. Parking/underground parking and location Discussion by staff and the EDA pursued regarding the above topics. 7. Scenarios for Baseline Comparison � - Section 7. was covered in the above items. 8. Adiourn JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:57 P.M. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARR�D, 4-0. � Recorder: Jacob Thunander � Approved: April 10, 2019 Attest: � Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Workshop Minutes — March 13�', 2019 Page 2 � 2 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Thursday, March 21St, 2019 — 4:00 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Jon Morphew and Tracy Hinz Angela Schumann, Jacob Thunander, Jeff O'Neill, and Jim Thares Steve Johnson called the special meeting of EDA to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Biff s Gara�e, LLC (112 West River Street) Lease Extension The EDA discussed a lease extension of Biff's Garage at 112 West River Street. Jordan Dickenson, business owner was present. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2019-02 APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BIFF' S GARAGE, LLC ALLOWING THE CONTIN UED USE OF THE PROPERTY FOR AN ADDITIONAL 75 DAYS UNTIL JUNE 15, 2019. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. Discussion pursued with Dickenson regarding the June 15 deadline. Dickenson indicated that their new property in Osseo has not received their Certificate of Occupancy due to Xcel Energy needing to move the service line 30 feet. The project has been on hold by Xcel due to other priorities. It was clarified that thirty-days' notice to vacate would be provided by the EDA. BILL TAPPER AMENDED THE MOTION TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2019-02 APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BIFF' S GARAGE, LLC ALLOWING THE CONTINUED USE OF THE PROPERTY FOR AN ADDITIONAL 90 DAYS UNTIL JUNE 30, 2019. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE AGREED TO THE AMENDDED MOTION AND FURTHER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Steve Johnson removed himself from discussion regarding Block 52. 4. Consideration of Discussion-Interview with Prospective Block 52 Developers: 4:15 p.m. The Beard Group, Hopkins, MN Economic Development Authority Workshop Minutes — March 21gt, 2019 Page 1 � 2 The EDA met with the Bear Group (Ben Beard and Bill Beard) to review a concept for Block 52. The concept showed redevelopment of the entire block with high density residential on the west of the site, with retail/commercial/restaurant space to the northeast and east on the site. 5:45 p.m. Alliance Buildin� Corporation-INH Propertv Partners Group The EDA also met with Alliance Building Corporation (Corey Gerads), Cole Architects (Dave Majchrzak), and INH Property Partners Group (Mike Stoebe). They proposed two different scenarios. The first scenario utilized only the north half of the block and only included high density residential. The second scenario also focused on the north half of the block with residential to the northeast corner. Under their plan, the commercial redevelopment on the south side of the block would be left to a different developer as a separate proj ect with its own timeline and approval process. 5. Adiournment � JINI DAVIDSON MOVED TO AJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:51 P.M. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander � Approved: April 10, 2019 � Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Workshop Minutes — March 21gt, 2019 Page 2 � 2 EDA Agenda: 4/10/19 4d. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through March, 2019. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through March, 2019 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements a 0 .� L U r� N I N O� a� N I � o I o � I � N I N �. o � � � � ��� � � � ��� � � ..'7 O � ..'7 ..'7 O N N N N N N � � T � � � � � O O O O O O O O � O �� N O � O � O N O � � � cv c� � M c� n-, � n-, � M c� o � � .o � M � M M M � C1 � c+1 � M � C1 O � O � O � O � O � O � O Q Q Q Q Q ,�, ,�, .O .,+ '�, ro .ro � :C aJ �e � :y 6, :C y .-, � ,'� � � o o r,� � � � � � � � a � y � � c^» � � v � y � y v� � ;� v� cr, w v, = ✓, °' L � � � �s � � �, � � � � � � � y � _ : x � M � M � O � � �i o � � v � ~ s � � v y ? ;� w �.� O ti en :n '� ' p G�' ^ � � d � � ''n o � > [� Q c x '� � = x �' � �, w N " " � C�' aL U �' r� � = y � L' � .� � � � y U �S. 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Total Serr+ices: Ho�r� Amaurt 1.�0 22�.0� � 22�.1j4 Tc�#2�1 S�ruf�es �nd Clisbursemer�ts: $ �� �2E.00 t ��� ��� �s ��`�,� �@I'lf'�E'.d�' � Cx�`�V�II, Ch��"��I'�C� �0� So;�tF ��xth ,�#re�t Suite 4?� Allin����olis, ftryN ���402 �5��j 337-��{�� �1-�2�569� Febru�ry 21, 2L�19 iteternent No 1�7184 �I�n�icell� EDr� 5fl5'�N�Inu[f�ue, i�ik� � f�Tc�nti�ello_ 1�1N i53�2 Trrough J�n�,ary 31 2(�1� MN325-�7C�+�38 11�"J�+. R�+�er�tr�et h�lh1325-0004D Busir��ss Faca�e �rant Pr�gr�m I decl�r�e, ur�tl�r ��nalty of I�v�, �het tFris �cenunt, elai�n �r d�m�nd �� jusl and �orr��# �r�C th�7 no p�Pt [�d it h�s �eeri �]�id. f1 ',1f,�!�.�+� . ����' �f� _ �1r�n�;Ufe Of �12iyjri�rlC I ; I �'� 95 +J0 9�r.0� �o#�I Curr�nt Bwl�in�: 19C�,�0 �i��!� �,� �� �x����.��� 4������ P�ge: 1 K�r�n�+��r � �r�vt�n, �harter�d 24�1 �outl� Sixth �tre�t. �ui:e ��'�� h�linn��p�E�s, Mi�l 55�i�� htrlonti��t o E[]r�. ,January 31. 2�D1'� MN32�-(lOC�B 112 1N. Ri��*r 5kree# Trrr�ugh ,��nua�y �1, �0�9 �or All Leg�l ��n+i��s As Falla�rrs: 1}23���1� h�'INl R�s��rch �u�est on �f �:xt�n5i�n �f le�s� fe�r ll�� �;1'�2 +Jk+�st Rpverj ur�ier Mon�i�ell�r a�re�m�e�[; ph€�rte cc�rve�s�tiot� w t� ,1 T��res r2+��rd �rg sam� 7otal Senri�es: Hours A�nr�unt 0.50 9�.��D ��� � 95,04 � T�ntal �en+ie�s and Oisburs�+tro'Mer7#�: � '�v.�#� � � P��e�- 2 hCerirleCiyr 8� Grar�ler�, C�'hartered 20�7 �oukh �ixth S.reek. ��� :� 47°�? Minne��olis, M�J ���1p2 MOn#�G�II� ��,A ,��nu�ry 31. 2015� MN���-O�C�4[� Busin�ss Faca�e �rant Prograrn Theo�gh Ja�ruary+ �1, 2Q1� For All Leg�l ��nri�es A� F�Il�t�v�� F�c�urs Arflou�rt i,��3r'2J19 MNI F�G�de imprflvement q�est.an re��rd�r�� di�burse°r7errt L� 5C1 95.00 requesk f�rm �rd mirroirr�u�n �m�unr of dra�v; �r�ft r*`��+�1e1 f�rrxt and r��Qse gr�rt �greerr�en#. Tota� �ervice�: � 9'�.�0� ir�tal �ervices and Disb�rs�rr're�#�= � 9i.Q0 �C�nn€+d�r � �ra�r�n, �I��rt�red ��� ��ut�, s���� ��r�et, ��,��� a r o r� nr��a�oi�s, r�rv ��aa� r���� ���-s��o ��-�225�sa Febru�ry2i. 2�1� ,�#a�8rt�ent No. i�}71 S3 C�ty �f f4�e�ntice'!� �te�co�nts P�yable ��� �1+a�nut �4verue, Su�t� 'I h�pn#iGeal� MN 5�3f� Throu�r, Jan�aryr �1, �o�s f+uiN1�0-��156 TIF GiStrl�� N4 4� (B��C�gS Hnus�n9� MN19Q-001+J1 �en��al �[�A 141�k#��s 1 de�cl�r�, under p�n�lly �f I�w_ #h2�t this ���caun�, �lalm qr d�r*i�nd is jus# �nd eorreet a�d tY��i no �r�r1 �i �E has been pai� , ,! �„�,,,' ;/��`_� _ Sign�ture��f Cl�it�,ar�C �1r I L�' ��� "U� ��� !��` � � �,,��''. ��: `�`� � � _ ~ � ��r��b�..r � � � "� �`��' 2�8.44 �I �j � �� 2��.00 ���-�o��� �,��,�-r� T�►t�� �urren# Billing: 513. �Q � �� ,�'�.�a l P�ge- 2 �C�r��n�dy & �Gr��rr�rr, �I��rter��d 2 i� �outh Sixth S�reet, �u�'e 47� Minn��p�lis, h�l�l 554�� Ciky o# �+l�nilCell� J�nu�r�+ 31, �019 �u1N194-��11I�"I �en�r�l �C�A hJl�tters i'hrpugh� J�r�u�ry 3� . ��'19 For AII Legal Servic�:s As F�I��ows: 1���l2�1� MNI h��nkhly� finance c�ll �i1Fw caty an� E�A skafF, NorChlarod Tc�tal ���-vi�e�; Hours ,�mcrunt 1.5�D 2��.C��D ffi 28�.t�0 Tatal Servacus �nd �isburs�rr��nts; � 28;5.00 �� � � � [ F��J��� ���,��,� 7L"i k.ENl�i �UFNL�C � Sl.lil 24[� Mt Rl4t'AF'�7,IS. �N 5a411's � � � .� I� ������� � I � i_1 �T � I I �� �. � r _ : - : M1�. �.� 1 .� � �!I t `.� ( ` �� li � j ii u City �f MGnt�Cell�p A#tn; Wayne Oberg; �Finan�e Dire�lcar �505 VU�Inut S#reet, �uite i M1�1onk+eelMo, MN �5362-8$31 Fe�r�ary 25, �019 �r�je�trinvai�e, R-Oi�,�2�-D0�- 1 R�vi�wed by; �ret UV�iss Pr�ject Mar�agef: Jame� �r�mb�rg 2(J19'Eccsrsprr7iC �ev�l��;�menk �e�.+iC�s City �tafi� F��view•er - Jirr7 T�ar�s ,�cck # � 1 �.48301.43199� P�r�f��5ion�$a����S #i�4f� ��F�,4��r]� '�, 207'3 to Janu�ry 31. 2� 19 Pha�e [}Cl'I ZQ19 Econ�rmic Development S�rriG�� M�nthly R�l2ir�t�r Fee 1`otal F�e 9„OQ(�.S]t� Percemt �ompl�F� 8_3333 T�t�l E��rn�d 7'SJ,O� Previous F�ee �3rllwng ��3rr�nt Fe� Billing Tat�l F$e �arrcept Dr��ings �{r��se. Baile� i123r�0i9 M�ranticellc� Buis�n�ss P�a�k �ayout Tot�ls Total La�or ������,�� e� ���� Q. �JC� 75C�.[50 To#a� this Tas�C Nours Rate �kmoun# �15� 9;5,0(7 4�7.5KJ 4.50 427. �d Tcrtal thf$ T$gk �urr�nt Pri�r F�e� 7�0.0�] 0.€�4 Labor 4�7.5�Q 0.0f} T�t�i� �,�r�.�a o.�� r�t�� �n�s �n��� � 427.50 $�27,50 ��,1i�r.50 Tc�tal #his Inv�ice '�'�,�Ti.50 Ta�ta I 754_�[1 4�i 5� 1,17T.50 2019 EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT VOUCHER CITY OF MONTICELLQ (Effective 1/1119) � �� NAME _ � 0. ✓'^^-� � /� _ � � A T �S DATE OF RE{�UEST ,3 � 2� ( Address to Mail (if necessary) � � �O Q � �' � Se� c� �C� �i �1�(� � �, �j � PURPOSE/DATE ����.� �%�'�. ��- � M u�, 1.e, s(see back for multiple requests) 1r a5 LOCATIQN i� g –�� ��`� '�a�. t'��'��L� �(see back for multiple requests) �.. P�.�[ � 5-�-�� C�.�) -� �� O►� .� �- C�.�,� � j� 1�� � EXPENSES: (Please reference Travel and Reimbursement Policy) Mileage ($.58 �er n,�1e) $ l� 3.�J 1 (Total �niles }1(0_'�' }– Reimhursahle defined on bac�C. � A ciiy vehide was not availabfe. � Traveling direction warranted personal vehicle use. � Travelingconditionswarranted personal vehicle use. � dther Farking Fee Meals L,�dging SUBT�TAL � � p � (incluc�e dated, rte�ni�cd �-e�ci�ts) (include dat�d, rtenzi�ed hotel bili) Account Nurnber �- � 3 , (O 3 0_i .433100 Other '^ � � �- Account Descriptio SIGNED 0 TOTAL TQ PAY APPR(}VED BY � � � � �f $ � NOTE: 4�Lttach copies of documentation, inciudin�; invoices, receipts, seinitlar certificate, etc. Policy: Reimbursa�le inileage will be the lesser of aetual miles driven from nor�nal work locat�or� to training/rneeting/conference location ar the actual inil�s traveled fro�n d�parture locatia�� to destinatian less the �i�ileage of c�mmute to nonnal work location. Instructions: If you are leaving and returnin� to work, skip boxes 2, 3 and 4. Otherwise, subtract 4 fro�n tlie lower of l, 2 or 3 for miies claimed. Round trip miles: m o Work to H e o [des � ation ro destination desti ion to o k]* h e ta to work t om t home IVliles Date Where/Purpose (1} (2) [3) (4j claimed � r7� dV`71:Z!(''2� �r w: �V. -� � ��. C� .�. � ��! �aJ'I� � I,��.� i Gn� 1 „ ( ��r� i�a �-K ( 3 � _ � Z = 73 . Z ��. v�S A�� .�� (�; � �� �� ��� � / I � - y . ";' '� 3 �_ b � = ��� . Z 5�- . �'��.� - s��. � 4 �� ( • � 2 = �.��a. ��..�. � �� �� .� * Or [work to destiilation] 3J4.+2Q19 �i�5 �"lalnut �s. Mor*ti�ello, h,iN 55�fi2-$$,1 � to DoubleTree byr Hillon Fiai�I 1�1�nneaPtklis • Park �lace Dorecti�ns - I'�apQuesi �LJ�f� �f�.�� ��. douhlaTr�e by Hilk�n F^�tel Minneap��rs - P�rk Pla�e 3� M 1 f�l � 3 6. 6 Ikl! 1� �st. fuel cos#: $2.3i �rip t�me based e�n trsfflc cpn�lk�ons �s of 9:OS Afll nn MercF� d, 241�_ Current it�IfdiC- L�:ghl �. 11�3'�!���c "rr �Print a f�ll ttiealk!� r€�port of your �a� vai#Fr HIJM v�hi�le �liac�nastics {8DOS go6-z543 � 1, Si�ri �ut �oing n�rth�a�t ��n 1ii�i�M�tUt StdC�unly Hwy+-58 t�ou�rd 6th �L. � �I�.�n �.�12 mtles � 2_ Taka tn� 1�1 rigFlt onk4 �ih St. !f ��a� r��cfia W 4th �'t!�ou"ve qone;�br�Ut �0 7 mifes 10o far. Th€an 53.07 mil�S � 3, Turra right anto Pina St��1N-2� C��rlinue to falfaw h,#N-�5. Th�n� U.3�i rra�iles �.� 4_ �,�erge drik� I-94 �rU��52 E kawv�rd Mlirtn��polislSt Paul. � T�r�+� 25.�3 nhiles �..,� 6. h�lerge c�nte� 41$-16� S vi� EXIT 2�A. � Then 7.86 milc�s e��, �, T2�k� il�� I-354 E exit t�w�rd Minn�ap�lis�. � Th$n Q.23 mil�s �Y�, �. K+�ep left to Cak� 1h� +i',enerai MilYs f�lvd r�rnp � lherr �_�5 rr�il�s ,��,{, 8- M�rg� Onta I•��� E�'4�IS-1� E wi� Ch� �r�f+`ip �o:n kh� I$i�t tovu�rd �uTlnFi�,�pCl��. f Th�n �.53 rn�l�s r�r 4. T�ke the Park PI ex�9 E�I'f 5A. iowa�d 7Ce�n�a. T*�en [].�0 rvriles � 1�, T4,rn right anCt� Park Place Blvd Then �l.i$ miles � "11. DaubleTre� h�+ HlilkOr� Hokel �1inn�apo'ljs - Pa€k PI���, 15pQ Park RPaca Blvd, " Minnaapc�las� �r1N 1�00 PI�FiK �LACE BLVQ. {f yo�r t9�e� 1N 46�� �t yeer'u� gor�� a iitl�e 1�r4 f�r- C].f12 total miles O.f�9 t�rt�l rniles C1.�44 total miles �'�.$7 ks�id! mifes �3.73 tcrEal milQ� �� 97 "�aPal ,T 9es 34.�1 t€�ta4 rnif�s ��,94 t�sal mil�es 38.44 lotal mde5 36.63 kr�tal rniles h7lps:.�Jwvv�r.�riap�us�w.�Gm�d�reclapnsJlis�'9lus�mnimon�ie�e:ll€M'�362-E�81�;5Qs-w�lnul-st-45.302r-..,�A5,-93.7QQ1Ub1��a,haslminnese�tardoc,ble#ree-by-hilkon-h , 1l2 3��e2f�`9 5�5'RiVa�nus 5[. hil�nli�l�o, h,1N 55�fi2-8�1Gta C}+�ubl�:Tre� l'ry �-iillon FtoEel h.iinr���pofis • P�rk Pld� �ire�ti�ns - h�1�pC�u�s1 � Save i4 My Maps Uso oi d�re�a�on� ar,d �+. vs e sua�ec� ta a�r T¢rrns nf USe. 4Ye tl4n'[+�v11r7rg�[8� SC[tirae..}°. roUkE� c0�lilileGh3 or �sabiliip. Yor, essurnc ,il riek ofi Wse. � �Ce�r La�e ['�rro�k .� �IfT1f7Y�ftTld�l �I'DiNYI �]�3t �(l �'t �� t gt fi�*CkCf f�asty f� �1 Fr7nri5 t..� iay`�' � � f��[ �rth�l L��tw4t3d � E6i�? Lak� h�cln+tfi�[�rr �rlv�r Creek �11€ Fiv�r � � Rd�T15�ey A��c��,uer � Maplc �ake '�t Afi�cn�el �ayt�n RO f"' F�assat �uP1�l0 �10� Lia��s L�kes Ch�m�fin Bl�in� ,� Cirrl� f�ir�e5 �hl��'rdl � �ir�rokiyra Mc�ur�d5 Gr��a�ri�:lti C�rc�rEtin le P�rk Waew �� � 1�� Mstrtlrcrse � � New �ri�;Fl#pn Cte�a no � r � �Cry�tal P�yemr�uth � � � C15Ter ��1�� �� - C�ror�o �11C'I�ll�c���7�15� ��; �� Hal�ywflod Nfo�ur�d �+Iirnr��t�nk� 51� PAIJ �� � NeSnr � � ��� M�r1C�fl[d G�r�rr�ny RiiN7fiePd � F�1�i,�hts �dC4ni� V+rrari� EC�en Fr�iric � Ir���f '�` Filoarnin�,t�yrr F���� H�� -• � �� � Car kroubCe mid�trip? _ [ � --�: � I'+�f�pQ��st R+aadshdeAssiS�k�nce �� _ � � ,,, - is h�re; {1-888 -�} 61-��i z� � � � h91�rs���wv,�+r_rrbapquesl.corn,directi4r�s��isVid�s�mnJmonticella€55.�6�-88i9.�5(75-walrrut-St�5,302�85, °3.7981{i8.+to+us,+�ninne�vtaldou�l�ve�-G}�-hilkon-h, . 2�2 d 1 �312Q19 � I Feonn�r�:.. Uxroeuuprnenl A�wel.rriw,� ai Mirnnesotr Ee4��mic d�ev��opmen� A�SOC,a�i�� crf h,�innssata ), i.� , _.., ., m . {o. oi � . i � � � .. ,.Fi ,,� .. �U'i9 EDFk�+1 i1V�fVTEFt CflNFE�ENCE LJ `, ::li�. . itl a �ri�'iL' .'�_�' i1�3i�619 Ro 1P�SfP018 lvhrn� .�enusry2"s.25.2(��� A.46,VM HI'IwF9� Ll4uGiBTYee Minnrapolis Pa�rle Py�g 1SC� C��k PSsce Baulevard S6.lau�ePe�k..hier�nesol� SSa1E Wnita� $tpqg� �Qfidd�l. anraS�iYvan �95^!} 926a�-0� � � ��C4fFOIT}I{ ��WL�{}�17i$1'![ Ass�[i�3tion of Iriinnesnt� r r��is�t� {7nW5B r8g182f9fAow� r8 Ow+�� wH�T: Yf09fZ�?f� �r,ter searcn cri�rria.,, ;�F ���� ������ ��'������ '�{}14 i,ftile�'t`I L.ill;-f'r. �. r`^;4"'L�BTail4[I:J�+ i t�lli isi=liF; Klck of�F tha ye$r with EDA�NII Build your n�twQrk w�hile ya�a �nharr�� youl' p1'Gfe�sion�l �nd p�rsor��l dev�elopm�nt. °�•ae n� t �,i�.iso, �hi,-, Fe�v Lc,��„sAnv �rr-:i��:4 ������ 11i�w the ��e ni. ie i!5 iu t .' . .... . . � f �i.��l���[�y°�,�' . � . �;�'� - �:�]� �Tfl https:l+4a�r edam.arg#eYenisrEv�antGek&�ils.dsRx?i:�d= "149142&graup= 1J3d20��3 Economr� p�v�lopra��nt Assoc��ti�n crf Minrwesvt� hicx� it�i5 ���tsr Redeveleapmen� Mr��ile Tvur �2,Q I�ICP cr�ditsj r:� H�,; . Ecar�o�m� C]eu�lbprn�nt C[�[sedir�$t�r. Crtj+�i SC. L4ui5 P�rk; ,. -�, Vlce R=$$�d�r�l 8�'incrp�l Engf�See[ �1 Braun Iniahec Ki�ck�flf #he 2[�19 EC�,4lvl h�Vint�r Confereracc wilh a mobi Ig tq4rr sh4�s�hg Ei?RM m�mber� r�#evfft[ap�nent leader�hip_ St�rting a1 th� p��pl��re� P�nk F Sk: Lvuis Park, td�is t�r will ekpl�fe i�5� Cilj� af S#, Lauis PaPft-l�ttl r�'�i�Honing Rroeess a'SC axecu��an of W�st End. Frpm Ihere, a 5hon bus rid� lo Cha aurre �ffart oi �he �+1�nn The�tres �n si. Loui4 R�rk will g�ve �ltandee�s a�rat•hand Ira+� �t an m-Rn?9r�ss redev�aitr�rr,ertt. 7he �r��p vrall Ihen stnp at R.1�1 Gonst� rec�ntl+� e.cam�tsd �,eadq�Qrtees in �cNden VaCJey. ire�cluGin� � guideG taur and shart pr�sentai�dn �baul Che p,o��s5 of eoflV�r'!ing e �brmer J4T$.r ser,r�c� c new he8equarJers. h�i�pbike Bour atl�ndses are +dr�Mo4me t� ern�ny ��r�dion rmm�edi�t�ty faldawin� the [our ��d preseniasl�n, spon�oned by F�JM Constn,ct ��� tour parlier�anf5 rRust �rrgJster krr the ra,ur y�p�r�fs�y - r! is naC ir�cluded rfF fu�� ta�Frf�,�r►ce ,�g�sdrl�fian, Sl�L:s. aF . � . � ".I, . s"� . . �,. �'1� ':.C}:'=_^'i Registr�kion and Gantir►ental Braak�ast (Regrs#rakion open fram 7:3� am -+1;pp prn) $_�10=6:45�m 4'Vedeoa�n� by E�?Ah1� Presiden# $ Exce�len�� in Economi[ Lleveloprnent �1waFds �Pr�esent�tion 2019 Ei3,�M Pr�i�en1: Matt�rown, EC4itt3mlC Deu�lapm�ret�mnfdineGE1F, Gltyad�oon Raplds; Av�BFds Emta9: '�,.���,:��^i�.� �,er + ��_� �:_, C�mmurritypevel �in�cqpr Cit�r of L25ueur �;d5 . 9=�45 an�s F{eyn�t�; Cre�tivit�+ �c�WntS =ca,;-;�i �:�;.��,. Founder. H4spilali9y Fdacks Sksrl ��1� oFf on � Pasii+Ve n01�! Thrs 5�55�n wwll �n�our8ge yrCau to see your w4Ac� aif}�t��1Cly, �levelaping 8 new perSpecCive w�l#1 fresM Insigh; oa sl,� impr iriv�iwving i�i� ��SkIV�6 pF�CHss in yaur I��� �nrj y�4f14. CQNSgkSl�t vvers[imufati�)n h8S C�uxed many r�� �,�g kir st8y 3[ a Surl.�ce I�v�l of W�fi1�9rStanding. imp�[I�1� priocess c�n� prUdduC4vify. Skua�t C'+r�}� unJl t�ke us orh ��[wen�y Ir� s+Ee Ihe Value c�f impierr�nting CFe�tfi��ty in U�r da�lY li�r�s. InCluding: + The RFinCiplcs oi craativ�ty + MIUICIuIe Fight �r�svrars shift - Transrtianing 1a a cre�tiw� g�nius leval « Implamen�#ireg �-a-day euRn�ra + f3avet+apin� �r aG'Ird�+r plan wiAh eGGounl�bi�rt� fAe ke ihig tihe C8k81ys1 fC�r cnang� in y4u� Irfs �5d w�fik th�� yQar! yC� _IG'Jilr:ll �FBB.�f WIi.�'I �lf.f11�lfQFS 14'p(} - 11'3Q 8rrt Plertary S+e�sior�: Steppirhg C�ut f�r th� Future �f N11r�n�sot�e �hanging Demagrap�ics �r7d Vhe �tvnor�ie Ue+v�lopment P�-c�fesslonal ��,- -,� ..; ,D�r�e[or, Jam�s P� 5h&n�1�n L��d�rsllip la�slilul� 8t Rhe A�nli9rst NJ. ��dildee F+]u�5dst,Dn; :� ��,<<. , Pr.�J�cl aireGta�. Minnesola �om ��.,;r�7 1��,.. ,,;,. LunGh 'f::ii�. ,�a��;:�, Break wi[h Exhi�IlG�Fs 12:45 - 1,45 pm Breakaut �essior�s: ��o��� �ne Th�e La#est �n O�rps�r#unity �nnes a�d O�ap�rtu�it�r Fund� (�,� AlCE� �reditj nkk�s-f�w�,vw.edam.+�rgrev�+nls+�venRQetails.�sprc?id=11491�2&group= ��6 ���20�� �c8n�a'ni� �evelnprrw�nt Assoe�akir�r� �� hAinnesats _i; . , • , ExBCu�lav9 bieectar, ��nk�►n ECofl[N+nit P�rtn$r5hep; � � .. ��--r ,,.. ,, ExeGul'rve YICe Ptesidenl, MirneenCB {�pp�drtu�11'y Zone A�dvisors; , .y: -� , Vice Prasisl2nt, THOF2 13ev�prn�nl Jn May 2fl18, th$ {�S �p�ttfrV8r1! bf the Tre�541ry C�fllfied 3nd kNrmall� d�sig�l�ted tha 1Z8 csnsus [f��Ct� fF4minaiBtl bj� fiaovernt�f MBFk C1ay11�n �S Ovportu Th� lax t��nefit, eieated Dy the 2017 T�x �UCS e�d ,l4ds �Gk, i5 d�5i�n�pd EG+ Sput �conomi� d�rr�IC�IGm�ifi 2nri job �reaki�an py �nC�u��ging lOn�-i�rm inv��si ePorsomrcaily distresfied c4mmunities naliorwbvide. In C}ct�t,ar �(F18, �F4�+ iressu+}r iQ�t��d pro�posed �u idance rel�ted !a �p�a�tunity Zones, In this s�ss��n, dis�uss thH lates4 irefc�frflation rdg2rding f}p�vr#uniky Zon�� �rid �ppartunrky F4tnds, wrth a special emphasis ofF �ff�rLf: �nd e���npl�s o� m�oblhz�tloF*, rnue=_ e�ngagem�n#, .p�ryd �bil�Er4rali4n ha�p�nirt� I� Mr�5�1rt�SOta, W� will �IS4 �'I�L'hJSS 19S54rt�& 1e�rn�d SD f8r, B%�?'riples oF hp�ar G�1m+riUfliRi95 G�h Cngage irn+�9t4rS eS+4nc�nllC d�sv�lap�neni r�9auFc�es f�f slaCCess, �nd �t�h81 dg�E�TS 8f8 M1B9tletl' tp Cr2dk� �F5 1�54B513hIB 4pRartU nity, d 7hings tu Dfk�kr tn Boo�k Your Prufessionai Suc�cess .�;��•.�..e Na�-•�'?:,-, F4under. Ki3rrl�k Ct���Ching Tluu�se f�u� irr5idiv�s liksl� h�biis �re h�ldir�g you ��c�, The �rst p,�rt"� Yau may no# even h� 3w�re that y4u're doing tM�m! rhe hes� p�r17 Wim a tu�a�e nE y�u taal s;prin�b4�r�j y�ruf produCJiviip, �[�r��� pp�gitive Att9n2ian, an� fi�l lii�$ ypu'Fe m�Yuny a diPf�rc�� in e�Conomic devel4pmend where �A'edssi oi IF3e d�C� yaur cor�Vd. Set you rs�lf up �c�r su�Cess khai isn"i hase�l �n whekher you gel tftidi �eal �iprFe, but +p�5 haw yrou sh�w �P fpr y�u r carser. .. . rt c'. �_"I : :. , I �reak with Exhih�IC�ors �;OQ - 3a�1f7 �rm E�reak�ul 5essir�ns= �hvv�� �n� beualoper f�aundta�le ('i _� AIICP �r+�ttet) Adoder�i�d by ,.,s, r y+ : c_ I r. MunlCipal #drydls4Y, Ehlers; P�� � t+:,. �,., .�;e� ,w, Vlte �'residen# $�enef�l �ianager, �p�5 p�4'ek5�m[�rlt Cannp,any L.*,C.; I Chie�E%�Cutiv6 C5f1`�cer, tiuffy aeve�4p+91$niC4rmparty; ;��: �,.,,, ��a,k+ ,:.�I�t�l.:;, �.+Pr . F�eal €sl8tt D�ve�lapmenl p.1a�I8ge+P, il�y�n Com�ranie5 US, Inc.; f:s:, Sef�r �lice Presidea,;_ Kraus•A�d9r�n oeve14B�11 CUmpBfiy Thrs sessian wilP ��i'atide 2n oppa�turrity ior 5m8i1 group distu�sior� un#�t � ditiefse CF�Ss-SecJian af inetr�r �nd g(e�t�e M nnespka d�VeloperS u�fira �r,rork in #h classPg pf r�� gg�pg: �ing[e aravj mu�t�8�lly hC�Usirlg, seniar livinq�, r���l_ Dffite, he�fthcare, �n� ira�,�gt'I�I. Zhi5 casuel. irr#�r�Kjy�@ �ggs�pn +Anll PPC4'S s7f� Wf 5ik� +]F �1 Cs]rnrttur5ily attr�Gl�ve for d�Velo�prh�ni, urha! PDIiCfes 8+5tl �Ctr4�i� �t9mrr,uniiie5 c6n e�pM CD engage de'.'��qpefs o� pfl6jecss, hffw develOpcfs ev�ilu risk °f1 �t projeel, and #�mely m�rk�d irtf�armatian, P��(iCipBRts wiil change tah�eg �y�gf�l tem9s Il�raughaul [F►e ��si�[5 to �i3ua a ch$nCe to mceE wllh Severs The Rep�srter,qskec!'wM1+hat'� Med�a TraMnir�g far �b Prvfessi�nals (1_4 AIG� credi#} ;:,>riiiiiF.r F�-- ,Irr;.ri ,�l�'�1�FIfICI�I. �'aC11'f Pl1k��l�� ti,ii a��.�`.:. •���°, Accounl �i�CiOF. G4� P°llL1�t lfou �euef knpw' ex8tlly whai il ie m�r;� m� thf6w �t yau — bui �ft�� ChiS medi 3 Cr�ining, �ue �s�n gu$P�n�� yf�u II he he�ker �; q u Ip��6 L€i handle x+uh�teweF C way, F��Irng �ortvfortabl� �i�rung �n in6erYEew starts with h�arir�g � bf�2d ur'�aestandira� �f Fwq�,y ;M� +rig���, �rks an�1 kr�py�ing hovr €a ah�nn�l y4luf pBS�lon i�t� Ih9 p�ri�cl saund q�te�. f,ofi RubliC will' s har� i n�ight i nlo Ch� Si�t� �i 1he med r� �nd CurreMt frends, as ��II $g pr2ttaC� I tips an� r��mgfr��bpn# an afl!eclrre spos�sperst�n ,+rt10 can de,li�er yo�r ��nixa�iafi's mes.sag� in $�pnsig�; and m�rrucxable way, "i'ill� ; 1;} �:ir. Fsresk a+rith �xh�bitt�rs 3�15 A 4;15 prr� �4reakout ��s�i�ns: Cho[�s� One Resp�onding tr F�FIs 8� �it� Sel$�tion Pr�s��ess (7.{1 AICf� crecii#} N+�.; ..� �;� 4�o. ,�ireotar of Resaar�n, GREATER MSP ��.. . i-�• .,: ;�;�,� C r_ ��e, Prin�pal, Lee � As�ac�a9es �he siie seleCii�� pr�s� ls e�s tompeli0.rve as �v�r. sRd RF�e �est way 1�, �k�y i� ine g�IT�(: e� ��racling new I�usi+5ess Frtves�ment �ff►d p6b� a8 i�a h� hefter pi �dmant�e of th� proJBtt_ Learr� mare �:lk4uk $'re sile s$f8�7abrr proce3s Prorn Amar►�a T��or, w�h� wa� ��ite seie�.T�n wnsullant wiih hAcCallum Sur�eney G� Gr�enui�le, S�; .`�er 7 years b�fa�a.e jcsininr� �R�A7�1� �.1SP a� t�� D�rector of Resaarch. Arnenda w�ll share har insigM� han experi�srrte work�n� with eomp. majr�� manuPacturir�g. disRri�ukion, �n�1 offi��neadquarters inveskmenls acr�s t�e +�u�try, Lear� way� khal ynur c�anmunliy �n b� hette{ preoared l� r�si prajec9 Reque�ts f�F PF�lpn��ls, �f�tl m�ke yrauF cammUfilky �r4r� C�1'1pe#stive E�AM 4'oite�; C�xnversati�a� �q�ros� Ger�eration� MQ�erat� by �•. � ti��•�r�n ,�� �e i�•�.�;, �C�e Gne��r3�M & CFieni RepFeserr�atlw�, Spllflgst�d In�Pspor�#ed; til�ril,; Naa:'e��,iiii� , EKECW4i4'B Qi�9c[IAt. ��81tiCfd Da�elr�prtr$�t; �_-, -�,s �. :-, GOmmu�711y 0ev91opme�'t �ireCiO�T $ EDA Ex:a[:u[iv� direc[vr Ci�r oi i�ig L�k�; h1ry: �a:sn i��i , Gor�parale Ea9n�mic �]eual� Ar1�I+�51, ?C�el Ene�y; N..�,--�� �.;+ �, z�u,�„ �, Communi#�y PevelOpm�Yil Dlr�to�, G�ky v( F�rmir��tan; s.-��: .���i� ai [:.I- D, �City A�drrrinisia6#9i, �ity Di F�irmorr �a�n us rar a�d is��ssior+ �mr�g �U,�r,t memGers at variaus stages oi �h�ir care�r, represerrtirg d�verse �isciplir�es. Pa rticipant� will shar� skari�s abaut tt►� ecar�nmic develnpment, hanv they hau� �dapied to ehanga, and whas �hey se� as the biggesi challeng�s an�e oppartunities qoing fo�ward. T�,�re will be tin so corr� prre�ar+at� w ask queslians a�d jx►in �n Nhe tar,a*rsaliar�� 4,15 - fx=0I1 �am Netwsar6€�n� R�eeptic�� C�ICh up with ald h�rr'en�js end R�ke new oclnYvettione a5 Y�u r�C�ep khe d8y. �risik5 srr�d hors �j'a��e�tr�$ vrill ae s�r,reed: https:Flx+mrvr,etiam.�rgleuen#siEv�entdataihs.aspi€?�d=114�14��gTc�� 3�6 f f3f2cj 1 #� Eoarw�mr� �7evel�pmenl►�.SSC�t�Ri+�n af 1�1inr�eota - - - i; ';•i :-,i, RegisV�iron � Caa��ir�eret�l Br�aki�6t �Reg�str�tion rapar, from 7:30�.�rrr - 12:�p prn) ti:',.If..' - ,°� .SI. <I,f'. Ctirifer��SC� PlIZ� �Y�try 8; �� - �:3� arn Pl�n�ry 5�ssia�ti� TpYe �[ate olJ4�ar�����#�rrir���� iu� �1linnesnf� ,.: ,�.���, Frasiden[ 8 GE�. Entar�arlse hdanrresa+la, ;e�r: �.1�, -;,, �s, PreslAenl, pine Tec��rir.�l an�i Commun+ty Coflege B�S� Ffill. Prc'sidenk & C�� 6i Enlerpr+�,e MIfMlesbt�, will �haFi� W�p�i�ked refleCEion� or5 his targanizati4�'S 11id� �nnv81 �tef9 6l Mdarruf��lu�f�lgs..� survey qf M�n rn�rcu��iuY�iic� exe�utiwes� an�d m�od�raie � ps�nsl of m�nulaGlu[�eFs aflt] 9ducal4r� �,rhp wili Sh�re Ih�er inniW29iva lhinkrngist)IutlDns on Ih¢w khey �r� addne busln�+es, epucat�^�, anrJ avorkfarGe challenges to grow �+linnesnia s�acal econ�m�_ .�, .. _ _ , �i 8reak wllh ExY�lblls�ts 9:45 -1 f�=d5 am Pler��ry Session= Graw MVlinn�s�tat��'s Ecr��aomic �]ulloak - Coflab�rra#ion 8� Co�rdir�atiar� to �etsin I�in�nessrt�a Business (7_�U,�4�GP �r�dit� K:.9-r,, k:: °�..��, [5rrgctar-�ro+x�linn�aEa�,�, Minnestrta�i�amt��ratlGommerc� GFcaw M in n�9[IE�I�= P8rtn�9kshlp was f44�ndcd Dy the M irrngS�kB �h�nber in 200'2 8�1d IS flte premief p[11r�tg-�ec[or I$� �k8t�n�de hWgin�Ss f�k�ntian, busifle assist�nc�. a7d busineas expan$irar� prog�r�m in Mirxne��ta. The P�9r�m aperaies ye�er-raund �n parinership w�th over?0 local caiamber� �nd eca�nmic d t�rganF��lions st,��ewide. Th� session will highl�gha the ua�e and resulis a� �ra�w 61�innssot.a!�s 66ateww9� business re��;��n vlsiss a�,ct �.mp�hasa�e!h�e imp� k�al puhFiG.privete c�ll��k]ration C� rek8a� �slinnesat� bz�sing3sts. E3e°st pr$�kiS�� �nd ���son5 I��rnetl will he sh�r�d, �S vw�l� �s �ipportuPFlCf�� far �r�,aa�eFrit Gr�w hihl! Pa�#r�arship. �.l-:'7 _ . � `�Jf� ; .. �F��M4 Wl�l �%rYI�I�Of3 11'U� - 1�,�Q pm Pl�n�ry �es5ivr�: Le�islative Up�ate 1:.::stt7 . ,-f ;��� w,r," CW1iAre+.tCe P�� ['i��+VC8Y4Sy ���r�sc�r�hl� _. _ _. 5i+�n up ss 8 Spof�oM ot exhiGifi4r k+, gain �5lbiliiy iar yQUr oFg8ilt2atkvn vrhile suPPart ng eranQm� d�veioprrken! edueaCion_ 6plion� f�n c��th ihe wlrner a corrfsr�rrt�a are av�ailable rrow - r�s�r�re early f�r 1hs bg�t pi�k of the earailakaFa oPPurkuniNesl ?,� i J �f_ar,�7 :��:I,=:;� %. ��i�'l�ksi5r�� �,�;��ri�;�-,jti�� F�es h�era�ber hkkps:llu^�.edam.org�eu�nl�J��rQrrtpet�ils.aspx?id=11A9142&S�r4up= 41B 3,+�4r201 � 54�� VJ�Inut S1, Mantl��llo� M�# ��3�r2-8819 to 10� Rev Dr FA�rtin Luiher ISing Jr �It+d airecli,ons - hhap4u�s4 �'C�I�F� TF��F' T{�� ipQ Rev �r Mar�in Euther Kir�g Jr �ivd �� r�n�r� � a�.�a �i � �1�iill��l�.��t��ti Est« �u�e! �d�t: 53.13 Trip timr k��#��{ ph trafiie condltinns as af 9:05 AM �an �I�rcM a, �rint a fui6 heal#h r�por� r�f y�ur �ar +rrith HUM 2019, Curren� TrafFfc: �.i�deraie '��illCle dl��ti��[.i�� (�{IOj C�p$=,���� � 7, �tart out gorr,g rlpl�th�d�t on �alnut Stf�ount�r Hwuy-58 tc�wr�r�d 5kh �!. Then �.p2 mll�9 0,C}2 1�1�1 rTtrh�S � 2. T�ke the 1st fr�ht ant� 5tM �t, �l y�ou rea�h VY 41� S� y'c��'ve gane ab�u� c7� t rrar�es tao far. Th�n [�.07 rnife5 � 3e Turn riglll e�+1tv �"ine St�AAN-Z5� Cantinue ta follor�r MF�-��, Tl��n 0_3� miles �� 4. �Jlerc�e anto I-94 E�US-�2 E ts�w�rd �4linne�pal[s�St Paul. � Then 3�.Q� miies �.� 5. h�erge onka I-69� E uia the �xi# on 9h� l�ft. � TkS�n 11.68 m�les S. h�lerge ontt� I-35� �i�l�-iC� E vi� E�IT 4� to�ar� St Psul. �'�.� Then �.30 rniles ryoT 7, T�ke khe Un�verslty A�re �xit, EXIT 1Q7�, IOW�r� r�t�l�$ ��j�I�OI��ID5p1Yel. � Thera ���3 miles � 8. Turn righ# C�rst� Uni�gr�iky Awe. !f y�,u �e'e c�n f��f� St �ratl reach Ja�°kson S� you've gearre abot�? �.3 rnr1$� fcrd f3r. The� [].�i4 miles � �. T�rn pgf# pr�l� F3ev Dr Martin Luther I(ira�g Jr glvd_ ��Ptfl�rd+� �od�rti+�r� �For PubJic Pofrey dn J�frnr��s�ita is arr the carrrer- �t y�u r'��C�r f�'i�E �SP y��r'v� ;gvrre abouf 0_7 �raiJes to� f�r_ �hen {].98 miles � 7�7. 1€�4 RQu ar Mar#in Lu#9�er I{ing Jr Blud, Sain1 Pau�, MN S51(}2, 1�0 REV UR MFtIRTIFd LUTFiER f�tW� JR BLVD i5 an t'�re right. Pf y�+� r��G�h Sf��� �'Jflrce Suiidia�g yoer'�e gon� r� rttlte coo iar. '�.{�� t4f�� R�II�*S O,�d kC�ta� rniles 30_52 total miles �.2,2'0 1�fa� miles 47.54 total rnil�s 4J 73 t�tal mil$s �4�.3fi ;ota! rrtiEas 4$.+�4 t�tal miles h;ips_�Mrw,��.mapquesi.camJdire�fi�an��iist�llu�rmn�mo�#it�ell+3u'S5362-8819��5-walnut-sE��.302�95�-93,7981�bJ#��usfmannescatafsalMi-paull95142r1�)0-r , 1f2 3J4f241S 5D5 �f�ie��iL,C 5C� hi�jri����dl�p� MF# 553fi2•881 ��c� 10p Fdev C}r Mart n Luit�er F{in� �r �Ivd birection� -�u1�pQu��1 d� S.�v� @O My Maps U8� �i tlixeGliipfrb �3fltl 278p3 i# ¢u5p�t! lu 411f TPl+f76� Ot UBB. 1YE dnn"1 gUa.r�n�t96 9CGl��&�p� t�uLE #Dnditiong pr �BdbIl�iCy. 4'OW 9S#urr5� i61 r�sk �f vse. �I� �rrack �Irnmerm8n Crc�wn �� C]xf�rd .'- l.enf �eCl€ef 5ta�j+ 5t. Fr�n�i� I� � �a� �� Fast ��thcl Linwa��f ��rg ���ce N�withen Wy�rna�r� ,� �Ik f��ver � � Fares� Lak.e � R�R15�}� 14iI�d4Ye� �I • S[, Mi�h��l Ipa�en� � 61 R� B�ffdl0 �� Lino takes Champ�in g�aine I�ugo � �ir��� P�nes � �rca�klyn Il�tiun�JS � COreoran �e ��fk lriew Gl�i•enfield � 1�Yhit� ��e�r � ��ke �ntro�e r � Co �}QI� fl � r,r"■ Cry�lai � P �y.m aut h � � [3 a kd:al � Ufono � �IClil�'c�i�7Q�l'S � 61 � od '"'' � Maun� . 5fi` �AUL � � Minnet4nka � h+VO[a s '�` � � �' h�er�data '•` R��el�f�eld '�` M�igF�L� � '1�1�t�rii� �'[torl� Ed�� Prairie � Inver Vr�v� "�' �Potam�ng.ton H�ight5 � ._ � ��a�an � 5h�kn�c�p ' � �"�. C�r tr�ubie rrtid-trip? A� � �� ' N�� Clu�st Rc�a���c�� AssiStanee �.,, p c! : �� . '� i s here; � , {i-888-�fii=3���) � https_+{w�n+�+vr,mapqusst.cc�mrd�r�cki�ns�I�sllllusfrr,n�manticellol553�fi�-B819+5�5�.ti+�lnut•s#�5.3U25859-9�.7��1�6�la�uslmi�ne�rat�l�alnR-p€�u1I55�02liDQs... �l� �+1 �'20 � 9� � � Eccan�mif Deueloprttent A53C�Ci�ti4r� �F Mannesat� E�onomic Deu�slopmerrt A�saciation of Minnasaia �t'I` ! f}'iLt t�_ 4.. �'',�'�,+ �"S�� `IC'' 31tif a 7L'l ���� E��f��3�'II� [���J`�LC��'llll�l�l�' ��Il� �lT T�1E ��t�����f���F���� �A��tT����� � ������ � r�Ei=,ii:"_.i_I:. ?J26���J 1 � �hlh�n; WPs� re: ;� . � :�_�.. t � / F{�°r1i5Tii �lYNfk4[:F.`ll hs3uc iYicr 6j' MiFtr}c s:�f.n Tuesday, F�b.rusry{ �E, �(l19 �;�DD to ��,{10 p.rn, Raonn 3€�0 Nn�rt�; Stale �ifi�e Building 10C1 Rev Dr Marti� Luther FCing Jr @pul�+ra�rd �t. Paul 5515� lJn�ted Stat�:s ����� �I'�'I�� ���� �n�lra� regrstr�t�on is avaf�ab�e �rntii_ 7�2�/1i3i9 ��� I � r , l.� 4". �.l �� �'� ����1 � � �� A�f�i ERa�f��� � ��� �D1�111V�, f�A►���f�, ����, �+1inr���ota �rownfi��c�s, an� 1�1�tro �ities ar� partnerin� t� brinc� �ou a gre�t ��r+��t �t th�e ���pital! Join us Febru�ey ��, 2(li� ar�d get inva�lv�d in th� st�#e I��israti�� peocess. The �ve org�r�iz��ior�s �re coming tog�ther f� dem�r��fr�#� the imp�rt�n�e of I���I tr�ols� t� �ddr��s �rous�ing, ���ncrmi� �d�rrelapmen� �nt� c�rr�mun'rt�r re�ritaiiz�tic�n. It will b� a g���t o�ppo�kur�i#�r to meet wi#h lawrnaker� �r�d net+��r�C with y[�t,� �eer� h11ps:�lww��v.edam.arglevea�ts�venlDetails.aspx?aJi�s��U1 Bc�p�kol 1J3 2115?2019 [�ancrrr�i� C7�vela�ment Asscacialipn o� Minnes�i� ��r�ss #h� stat�, Yo�, wiil �r�ve t�� c��port�unity ta vi�it with yv�u� f�wm�k�rs and legislat�r�e I�ad�r�hip, �h�r� is r�c� ��t tc� �t#end #his ev�nt, but �� �as� that ynu re�ist�r so �re kr�aw how �rranJr p�aple ta exp��ct. 1lis �t� �ach partic�p�nt is ��ked to sch�d�ule �+isit� with y�ruf law�n�k�r ir� aduance, Pl�ase conta�t k�o#�h �r��r f��pre�en�tirr� and Se�nator to sch�cf�,le �owr me�etNngs an�r tirne aft+er 11:�Oarn, if passib��, Find �vur iawM�naker us�ra� t�� alistn�t finder Fr�e re��str�tic�r� ��or m��nb�rs of �a�ti�ipating �rgani��ti�ns d�egis�ter for the �ay at #he �apitol �t n� �h�arge if �r�u ar� � mer�ber of �Df�IM, NIAPGED, M�tr� �Fti�s, Minnesc�ta Brawnfi��ds c�r �8��. S�h�dU�� r F1 �S Ft��istration �pen� �nd Netrnrvnking L�o�ati�ofl: l�c�om �0{l Nort�r, �t�#� �lf�ice Buil�i�r�, � OQ �e�r Dr M�r€kn L�ath�r h4in� Jr Bc�ul�var�l, St Pa�r, M�l �a155 .:;:..�,] , _�. Educ�tional Prv�r�m vw�it� �peakers �'� .v.J � i 5. LuncF� —P�rti�cipar�ts �,vill be respvnsit��� �trr their c�wn I�net�. ���r;s7� Vi�its v�r��l� Le�is��tors — Indiv�d��9 le�i���t�ar vis�ts ko be ��heduled �on yaur own, Aft�rn�o��n �Zr+�up IV1�etings — M�eeting +nri#h I���ders �nd �h�irs �nr�l€ b� set. �c�rrrmittee �le�rings — Depending �r� �t�mrr��tte� sched�le for the t�a�r, w� vrr€II #e presenting �n upd�t�, Parki�tg P"�ricin� opti�ns 2�t the ���itol, �le��e �: I ,_:.; �,�ti_ � ��, �or��er�# #� u�� �f phvt��r��h�� ir����� Any per�on who �tterl�� �n �L�}'�ir�i �uer�# grants �ermis�i�an t+� �DAfl�l t� recard his or F��r vi�uailaudi€� image�, �n�lu�ing but not lirnit��i ta pho#ogr�ph�, digi#,�i im�ges, v€�ic��, sour�d �r �ide� re�or�ings, �udi� clGp�, �r sccnr�p�r�y�ng �+ri##en de�criiptio��„ and i�r ��Af+� tc� �s� his �r her n�me and suc� re���d�d rn�terial with�ut nokification for any p�urpas�, ir�cludir�+� �dv�rtis�rn�nts f�r future prc�+�r�ms 2�no� �CiAM. h!L{ssellvrww-e�lam.t�rgfevenssiEv�ent�etails.�spx'?aGas-�01��p�tcl 2;3 T+T 5�24? 9 E�o+1€hmic D�Me�npment Associaiian �af R+linnesoi� ' � � • ' • � - Z3 ho�rs ag+� , _. : , , Rt+�In.P.�� Ir�C:U[��k�nn .r,nmes 1l37F��78 ,�='i;a�a���� �:i��,i i���:_��;���itic•r�r, rlrlf� �'��F':+: ��P.�'.�:� 2f�1 �2� 1'� �.;� _ .e . �rhmirJt Crpw�fy� Sn KeU �rri 21�$,r�(�1 � i;�:-�,'r:�;��:�tl'I_r.171 Ud}f..e�ith�P +v���r'nl Eeonorr��� D��lopment Ass�ciati�n �f Minnes�ta 4248 Park �I�n �trad, INlinn�apolis. h�'lFV �541� T�leph�rse 952-928-�4�40 � Fax 952-��9-9318 Co�yright �r 2Q17 Ecanomic Q�velaprn�nl As�t�ctation [�� M+nnes�i#� (E�AM�. ,�II rights reserared. EDAM Qt�i€klinks ��.b��� ��,ar�� Jr��n �C}AA�1 �1�rrrber fierrlral .�pf? �S��I'� Lat�est New� �Jp�e�[t�ing EuenE� Me�rnt��r�h�p Man�g�m�ent �vf#ware �'�awered by YrurMembersh�p :; �egat hkkp�:J��v��.ed'2�m.or�e�+enlsiEu�nl�el�ft5.a5pxTal�e5=2099�apiRol �� � C'!�"�` [)F I��fC��TI["I�:LLC� �'{3UCf� [:R �Pe�a.s� cnfi�i��e1�..�it,��r, tan�#.srr�a�art t�.'V[cFs Ar��oF��e �ryclar�e r�.Q�t� fcr�� ehcci� r'c�n_ � Di�l�. �'�, Ba[ch !'��N[DOR: N �nie �� C� +i C�� ��� �� r��3t�1`c:ss ! � +� 4'{` �. �a �.I'-� }�C{�{C�S� � '�J �.L6i�'�' � �J � t �ST°l ,�— � � � ..i y� , _�p ,� � �� � �.7 �j ����te��lent:, a 1r�����ice �3� 1]I�TRI�Ed'Tt�(]M"�' ���' E:�C!'i�:��E Pti}r hy; y� � T��)"f ;'�L: $C1.{7�D � �}'PF�CJVE:L7 B�'' � �,y�-1� P �''� 1+F(j l.�Cf7 �Ef. }C � $ �� iln"['E:; �� � ��j � 2f21l241 v h4inrr�sol�'�ecr�tar� OiSfak� - lYnift�rm Cprnmer�ial Co�le (U�C1 Fee S�h�d�,le ������ � � . s ; �._.� � s.,. � , I' � . � ,� . ,. _ [ STE1{� *�I�►I��V I��1fF�RN1 ��1�1f�ER�1�4L ��DE �U+C�� �EE ��H�DU�E 'r�'iew a,�rint�ble ver�ic�n (�d#� vf this pag�, FR�rN+� F�EES rf` -- - �, UC� Financi ng �t�terr�eni Qrigin�l �i�ing ���— �� Tr�nsrr�i#tir�g lJtiiity Public �in�nee 1�1an�factur�d H�rne �tatutory Agricultur2,l Lierr ��p��r FM��ng �2C] , ��� ��€} �2� �2C? U�� Finan�i�g Staternent ,4rn��ndrr��er�t $2� Se le�ted M ultiple Aet�[sns �s�me c�r� �e pre��nt�d an �ne f�rm: �n line am�r�dments ,�2� p�r anFy� al I��r �ne acti�sn per filin�) �Cka�n A�signrr��nt �ontinu�ti�rt Terl'�ri�atiorr IJCC�S �t�t�r��ent �20 $24 $ 2Cl $24 SEo4RC� t4ND �UPI� FEES 1�eques# fc�r In��rmatior� and Ca�ie� �f�es are the s�rrre f�r p�p�r and or�lir�e r�equests� U�C �t�n�i��d �e�rch ��ith or w�rithout c�pd�s UC� Limit�d St�rt�P�rd ��arch uv�th or v�rithout �opics and lirnited by �ity �r�d dat� rar�ge �opy By Filin� hlumber ��� �er narne $24� �er nam� �3 per f�l� r�umber �Clnline Filing �20 $2C� ��� ��� � 2I� �2t� ��D per ��ctic�n ��� ��� $20 nla https:r+w�r.�w.sos_siala.rr�r,.usr'bu�iness-li��s+uc�-tax-cr�s-(orrtis=FeeSlu�iif�rrn-r,ommerci�l-cGd�-�c�-fee-s�h�dul�� y;� 2�21�2�34'9 Minn�+t,p4� �ecr�t�ry []! Sk�4e -�lnffarrru Corr�rn�RGia� Cr�d� (U�C�) Fee Sehed�l� +�5 addetiona� pe� �ertifi�ati�n �0 2�19 �}Ffice of the Aolinnescat� Secretary �f 5tat+e -Te�-ms &�ond�tians hkk�s:i�l+vvru�r.ser�..�1at�.mn.uslbu:sirreS*�-�ie�nsfucc•52��-cnS-form.s-�eeslunif+�rrr`�-�Gmrrmercial-cod�e-uce-fee-s�c►��dulei 2r'� �1CC FIhI�NCi�I� �T�4TE�NE�lT FQL�CS'�h� IN�,�RJCiI�SN3 A, NAA�1[ & i'M€?ry� [iF Cbp}Fq�T AT FILER.;�opk�onal'I Jir� T h�res = 763-27�-,��i� � B. E-MAI4 GOIVT�CT AT FIL�F� [apli4nr�1} � j irn.thar��(ci�ci.ni �h[irell�.�n.us G SEN�]J4�KNC71a1'LE�GhdEh"T4� [h'ama�ntlAddressj �`�'JJm i'h�r�s � I�;et��,am�e D����lopment'4•1�r�ager �'i[}' ai 14'Jont�crll� SQ5'�1'�rnLt StreP[, SU�C� I ��1'��ntie�c�l�, �'fh` S�:�b� ! =J TkE ABt�YE �F+4CE IS F�R F��M1C+ OFFJGE IJ$E OML'r '. C1E &TOR'S N�Py+IE: Prev� .+r,M 6r� �?�s}r �anr t+e e� i bj [U89 l�c9Ct� f�ll �dR�� do �ai 9R�i, ino[iFy. OP 8hbrc�nal� @ 1f 4arl af MF drhMr°s rraTr)� .f a7 nai-na w911 n01 �I n dnp "-S, kaun BII K�f ilrT 1�,1,-yPk, chcck h � y pBn af Ih�r. �rv�ivitluai �r�pq��r'y � 8f� �" antl p�tside ihn IPfdioitl�l (19b40+� 'rifarm�h00 �5 �[em 7 f Pi ;I�e F�an�S� 3latern0['R A�Adentliiro i,Forr-i 11«1A� I 7 a. �R�yqp �.f,ilC}h'�. �{AfAE Rond�ees +Corp�rr�tion C.IR , 1� I�;S ��.�RN�h1E � IRS7 PERSbNAL h44ME � AdGlThpiJq� NF1�151� IN IFlAL IS} ��.�FI% ic. Ma�L�IGA00R€55 - ��['.ii�� .. - 1�VV .G�St �i47���4`��` t�'4���"[{ll@ � ��S�i.arE PSST�.LCO�E � C�vU4TRi h'lc�nti��ilo 1�'il'�' I�5362 C��;,� 2[3��'�[.1 ���` MJ441 E� Frr.: ��e cnly ,g11g J6tiR�r -narnp 1�9 or 2hj ��.bb 9x��t� itil �8t*�e. ��I� 9��iL rnWd= ^�Ra w�ll r:al 6[ v I n� �+ b+ 5�hru.��a1! 8r; f part M iF9 ::icGlo• i n3Hle I. li an} p�1 at Iti9 IrxliMld,ial G91riu•'s � e�L Ir�vc 7 �;;+ i�� 1 h{�nk chcck hgrg a an� prqy�dc Ih4 �4��rdual LxqplUt in�orR.7tqry: iri �}� 1 a p� ihe Flnar�ln 51a10- !7 �9FlI Audery�rn [Fo.rrn �.1��1�dF 2�.4R�4MF�ATIO�J'S k�.4YAE � �l7� """.,"� •. �PIRSTRER$bNA1NAi4l6 � �{ MAILING ADiira€.u5 �in, . STiITE � �45TJtL �C'�(7E �CO�'*{TFt"� 3�E�41R E CJ F.+�,RTY'S .NAC.1 � ror hL4���E �c" AS SI[;NE E of A�SIi,'� �E SEL�LIRE R PRRTY}- praai�e c71Y 2e Sec��n� F'�r14 +�am� 13�t ar �h '�g G!�GANIFkl inM'S ti,ll1 F � � -� . 1 ��'it►� r�#"�'��i�anti�ellu �,eon�smie Il�}�elapm�ent .4�ti��rii�� (�I�,�►� �R 3L• IhlDfvi�JU�L'SSURNa,��E ����IRSTP�RS��DNxLFa.a�.iE A6@ITIt}WaLN+CMErSpi4i7d+1f�il ..SU�KIX 1r. 'IAAi�Lhy�?,[}I7RE55 � -� . .- � C;TY' ..S'Ai: F'r+.^,7A;�GOC3E ClUN*Rr � � �(1� W�fnut �tr�t} Suite 1 �14'Io�,tice�lo MTti ��362 ¢ U�,�, 4. w.�OLL.AI�R�tL 'hc Frnan:irg x��t�r-ir�� coMa^5 �r3e'�Ilv,c^ng ci�alrral� �'i`i7�'�� �ryW -��1'�8� �U111i1�f ��1��''t�l1y1C}I}�; Ili�' Bailerr S��stem -�eria� 1Vumbers �L�#�39��3-[�3fi09 �nd S� �4(f399�.3�i}3b1U L'hell��r = Seriat humber �4 � 1l��G�711 H�'AC Lnitc ��� -,�',eri�l �Iutm�t*rs 1839a U87�D �nd 1l3�4��1876I7 �. �h,gck �ank if a m8. �Checlr � if ar.�] chg� �y 3ne GC�s Ca�4lcral i6 : halp iry 8 Trusl (S@9 UCC 1 �- ? sifd cfir_k 0'IaS �.he� b�a� 17 arrc Irvglr�eC.ans'- L� 6tir� Bdm �is[r.re� py � O�cc��enl's Rpr�rarygl K=hlck �+'l�t'' dP:lica4l� a14� :Frac� �[ chr . . _ . .__. _ ...... �..�.,.,m, .E.-. � -�.. � �D.4 [�11EF Ian�n to $onr�h�x� �C`nrpura�in�n far equjptner�# r�l�ie� #0 5��ility� ex�tan�a�� �roj��t. FILIM{3 OFFICE COF"f — LlC� FINANC�RIC� STATEMENT [Fnrm UCC1 i{�$y_ 44l20+] 1} II`��2Ffi8�lOf4$I ASS4C�2IV❑f7 0� COPfI�`f1�FCa2I+�111If515V3C4fS (IAC'rAO fxlIEM�RAoN�U11�1 DA7E: Mar�Yi 5. �(�19 .�� T�7: �� �hene�r�ir� �� As�istant , ' FFtD�+i_ ._$�- hares, €ca�r� rr�i� �evc9�R enk Manag�r 0' � 51��aECT: '�el,��r�ti�n B�enefRt Clairn und€�r th+� Ur�Gforrn Rel�cation Assistanc� Aet Azk�cfi�ci is a Reloeation 6�r7efit �laim pa�ket. The packet w�s prepare�d by #�+� �t]A relc�ca�i�n tor�sultant, F'enny F�alfJ�eent R�alf �f tiP�.+S6 � Assoeiates, Inc_ I have re�rtew�d #he claim and �ve�rything is in or�d�r ta� pr+�cee€� w+i�h paym�nt taf the clair��. �mount o'� R� rt�erat P� ee P4�r �5e � 5.k55�87 E�ir�ps �o{i�� In �tvl� � f+�n+�in� Costs $ 5,455.�T �DTAL Th� cading aor the clairx� is tc� b� d�#�rmin�d b� �I�y�e f}ber�fSar�h Rathlisk��rger as �t is relat�d ta a���l similar [� the �ec�nt prc�perxy c��quisitic�n c4n�tpl�eted �y the €[Jlr�, �,�t me kr�ow if you ha�re a��y q�esti�ns, ���,�����f������ Julie �h��te �rom� �im Thar�es Sent: Tu�Sday, MareFr 5, �:419 11:�2 Ah�1 T�: tulie Chen�y, S�rah Rathlisberger �[: Wayn� f�b�rg Suk�ject: Rel�r��tion Benefit Ci�ir'� - i�3 Pine Street (Fr�sli�e) Attachments; M�rna #$ �� �elo��tic�n �en�efit ���irti,pdf; Mo�+e �lairr� # �-FIf�AL - w fnvo��[es �nd Cost D�eument�ti�n,pd� J�lie, pl���� see the rel�c�tior� ben�fit clairr� f�r Goin� In �tyle_ ThiS i5 the final k��nefit �laim foe thrs pr�perty, L�t me� kr�avor if you h�ve �nY �uestic�r�5. Th�r�k yo�u, �]!�c�uaancy ��a s ❑<89 �+�90 Monti�efl� ��c�no�rni� qev�l�pr�rc�rtt#�utl��rity� M�ViN�a ���T� "` �m,vvrtanf: Subl►rt! Pra�mpoly,AR�r �r�v� •• Q Residef7ee ❑ Ad, �euiCe � �Gr�+��rnr�e�t � �]t��r PP� +� �usin�� q �arm 0 �an-Pra�it L]AdvarlC�e ❑Pa,rtpaf +��i�ai P ee s; Ev�ing� Gaing In S�yl�� In�_ �I�at. �. P. Parc+�l �.�. , Pr�� IiD Fed No� _ � Co�+nty �4CC�Uigltl�]n: C] Pendang �#�r,epte�d f dfG�,'� �'�/►1�'f: rr�e�me os ca��ons, Mich��l'J+I. �rosli� anti K� P�fC�I Addr_: 10� R'rne 3kreet �ul�mitt�d Amouni � 5 d��.8T �rstrict Ap�u�v�l: . - �i� Ager��y a�ppFc�v�l; ��,��, - = � I��t� J�pplication Apprc�ved: �i� h� V�L'f1�C1�'�0.: [FOR�PIG4aLCl5EQHLY� ❑��11.�OffY2i�i tl44tin_fInJ�SCB_��� �FOROFFICI{SLUSE9NL'Yy 1lS�II �Chec3� Tn: ,�. �rcaslie +'�d�fe�5��(5): Ewl+l�lgs G�in irr �t f� dn�. e - (�i��Y, State �i : Mantit6�lo. IMfV 5536� Ft�L��Al`I{?N G�A�iYJ �L��CFiI�IT3' [�isplac�� Nam�fsl Ewin s C,oir� in St I� Inc. �7eeup�ncy �a#�: �-t-08 L7 �w�er � Tenant Eligibility D�lc: 2-�a_1g r�cqui�iki�n f��k�: 3-1�-1� jt#ssxr.c � ffluCn[ or Pur�2�se OMerJ ilf Uetermmqd. �15e'Prihdwq•) hllailan� i�,ci�r.: ��� Gedar SlreeR Glsy� 5t2te �i : N1anSiC�ll�, MN 55�6� �CDCATC�N PEI�S�[3�AlL �l��PEFZTY MQVED 7C3 Far�lit� h��r'�e andl�oa Ty�� �CarnrnerCi�i rental � a� SI7��t A�dfE98, �18 ��lar SIr�eR Ci#y. St2le ��p N9�nli�:efio, Mhl b5�62 �)ate{sj �f t�7e M�v�; Begin; _�-�D-18 End 7-ir}-18 Wa�ne of Mnven(��: _ 4 FOR dFFJP'� 5R 1!$E d1�7�:Y jCh�F[9c onel � . . �490VEI�lG CO;ST C5R71�N: j.I� Fiesid�nlial ��Ix�dul� 8�sis � ReCy��ipk'S�'�tCu�f C�st L_I f+Fon-R�Sldential 6idlEsfimdRe FZasirJ�ilCy C�rllfl�pR10�1. Fe�d�fSl 18w reqUt��S [�rl.ifjC�[i0R OM� P�5id2!SGj� SC2�.U9 P�ea�se eheck khe cals8nry 4r c�implefe fhe sa�ti�n befow iF�aa a�plass C�___..�- /�+u s]r youi n�cupa�cy statu9 .n khe Unilad 5ta1�5. Your s�rEature ConsCdu6es cen�ircai,nas. I r:�rtdy Ihat I am: � a C�s�f� �r �n�ki01�31 �� Ih� Uflff�d Sta�S, �r � I i61lthCf �fti�y. �iry�l th�PB arB p�rsans �+, mY hausaHold: �h+�R 8re CICi2�ns nr m�ClGn�l s af id�� I��rt�d $C�tCs, [th�tk onel � an 31ien ��V�fuyk Pre52+5k In CF�e i1nn�A �iakrs, 4f � ��� _ _ Sr� �,IIEf1S LaurfulFy � r���t in �d� I,Jni[ed SiSP�s. ❑ an �lien w�lh �S�r�pnal pnpRcfly 9�wrfu�+ preSerH in �nle Propr�or�hj[�� I cer#ify that I a+n: �� UtFilt� S;tat9s �Ciliten � a llnietl St�ro�� r�lional ���4 �lien �Bwl'uNy presen9 r?1 !h� U�IIl�tl St3t25 � a non-U.�. c�ize+a nat pre�ns in il�e l�nite�d �tal�s parsr�rshio: I rx�ify Urar, tM�re are _, _ p�r�ners �n 1� partn,e^5h�p and that _.., are eiCizer�s af the United Sf�kes, a�nt�Por are aliens � i��fully present in the Unrl�d �teties, and are non•U.S. uti�ens �r�t �rresent in Ihe United Sta��� C€�r�or�N�n: P oon�ir+ Rhat Ernnbs Garta in Sivla. Cnc. is ealabbSl'�ed !a� law an� a ulh�vrited Fn rvnduct bu5ines� in th� �.I n�teti �Sta�es, Gl� ima nt hcisnawledgement: 1, 1he ur��rs�yr�ed, da hereby �rtify �hat 4Ae atrqv$ infa�matian :ia drua arW c�vr�ect and Ih� dc�cvwrenCaRi�n auaGhed hereto acc:++alply r,�p,r�er�t� Qiigiksle �xjx�n�g. I�LF,p ����y iha# I hgve r�ti� pr�j�aly SuC�mltted r�Qr re�eiwet� p2ymenf faF �ny exp�figg Suhmikted wrlh this �Gl�re�. �FFICIALUSECiFlLY: {Gwrrnernz� AutihprtZ�CG . +��� . - o ` � . Si nak4lte:_��'�i��.� { NBfTi�,' IRri�C}. . ��`s������`� • �� i, �s �s,, -- TB3e�pfi4ilB=� I� C�21te� � . _ � � �1, _ 1�4 �.io,nng ��51s v.2017t68 FA{!mlrlg [45[5 �'�e � +�f � RLi(9il I'�L���DI�..I"�TI��, I1rIoving ��sts ����L �sa�� ts�i� nll��4� r�sicE�ntE�J ma�in, �nstruei�ons f�or��ubrnittinti �+uurcjaar�M ��x�5:r��5 [U �I ditiP_s1�:c:c1 in�i�+.�ialu;�l slt �,1m11}' h�s�d un eilJi�i �Y RC1C�Nl SCl�ih;[�1�J.9=: c�r rc�,�bkrursc•srrn[ Ini 4�C l�l!AI ''{��"I:� r.ica�rrCs�. :"�s:i di.5pi7cct yc�v st�ill H� a�kCci [i� SeleE: IhC rhxsJsod ludf�l cui1.41r1e [fl vptlr iscccl.r. IM�*f1C�'TAI�'T� �'onsuCl and ti�n��ou8t�t}' dis��lss n�loYing p�tiqns ARd rF��etl�ocfs 4r i��3 x redpcBt�Vn ��t�isiyr- �r�or' ia mnvin�. [�hic 56an� ciRnn� rsimin�rs4; yuu faa �n3� al�ira�ia�r ,��hiclr m��� cnmsu��,se u I}l7fTlG IF17�'lY�;'CII'll`PLL. �YIC ��CF4{;5` 55'IiI rf�ill conssder, �r,l� ��r ryllllhurSu 1t,t rr�^erlirne Ch3reCs. Cieept ilt emt�craCY �i[u�[i�lls �S delei3nin�.d IaeFoFelfAnd hY lPw� �.fe�!e +��'i'Iiun�Sa�:i. ���^111craE5 i}1' Rpptn Sch�d[efc L'irdcr �i�is n•�c�lac�41. pay�mon� is c�,rripul�€i o�� tlrc r���rnbcr af"rrynnrs �n }��ru, rrs�s�erir.e, ��filt��iti�c aP I��� cul Ltn�ls, pc�eche3, p��r�Ric�, b�t#y��n�ams. h�C1n•,1�°s, c�rirs�nccs ar an+� unlur�ii:�hs°d r�nnni�. ,�, Lfase�t�ati� rrt;�v Lx: c�«ns�dcrc� cane r��� ianle5s i� h;15 h�:�:a; scpxr:t[ecE irrtl� livnhlr c�rnm� such �� hes�ronans or rwr,e�iiuir r�4,�r,s. []u[buildin s uord I°nr �t�s�n e u� �ro5�5 rna :ilsa be craunRcd b� ihc rcauni laa�i�. f T���ulsdnrProui ---- �8 F�Fry.I#11r� __ �he cu rrt 1�es N t PraM� �uen F��o�,s 1 � 3 a 5 6 7 9 Addilivna� Rv�s I+4�mvunt 55T5 T25 925 1125 13�5 1��5 77�5 1�2$ 5C7�aaFsch Ra�� � �dditrarre� Rac�rns � Am�uni �A.�1 31 L��E,�Ch P�}�ra�fi�rtS �y F�ec.ei,�� �r A►ctu�e� Gos� l.n�d�F tl,i.s +nc4liuJ, lh� SL�CC fPt1w 311ua5' 7Lin1I]u�9CII1CFIL P�,7€' 1'Ci#ORIiIMJIt un¢ ���[sS7f1' (ae �iCICFCIo[�C;� �}}' l�lC 8�Kn4-�') CSJ}[nSLS Ii1C7�e7'4d IIl ITIi7ti"Ifl� w'&+Uf jICYti�l�i4l �}fi}Cp�i'I)'tOC � tIB5l�fitY_ Pdl lD i: S�{I SU f95i� . T�SI� iS �4C 3�i1 3i�J4CSiIriCn1 hMP ihCi7fS4��lYrCu�6'S +4��{4i�h I1dt�C p�4LIYi�d pF 10� ti�pC !Q�SL at }'044r' rC�+IFI:ii` u4cupeli�y�a. M�riri� c��re�oses �vil! bc pasd uR.c►n ebm�9ia�rcc svitlE lh� lol!{�a4^ing inserucsians� I. �4'I��m wn�� �rc mo+��tl Isy � proCe�sionnl ma+�iir� ccrr�p�n}�, pay 1±�►c �harg�s ancl �7�a�ain � detl�ilcd, il�:rr�i�ed rrcr�ps�d kaiMJ rnark�e! "I}�id in f �ill" �nd sign�ci hy a oam�arr}� r��,r�c�enlauivc, [�Ic��� c�ufirn� 4ligibilily ��iih � Rc1�ali��ri ,4da�isor priar to ih� �ns�}c. ' li'r°itu: �re�u��al prc��4rs� i� mpx�ed hy s�rmt�rane 4th�r [h�n a pn)fc�sional mreuhl� c�x�7�},g��v, w�uu Irlusf Su4�rhiL un ICCrlrixe�l ;,�;�tcmcl}# ��a�kss�ln� Ihr n��nak�er {�� �c,,�p�e f�ircd. �h� e�9cs p�r liaur paid. ci€��cs, .;rifd �It� �❑ial h�ru� ��ark;Cd �crr �,nch in;iiridirtrl �i7d 1h�c c�ui�mcnl uSGd. f len�s dis��:�ti ll�i� nf�tltiq�f +4�i�lr y��'Sur Relnc�sin,r qclvi�a�r �ru�r to �,ry��irr� �r,d intiurri„g ex�roens4s, � Ya��s nrus� corn�aleic qhc 6�,Rlvnr }��rt��n nf th�. fraln[ �� Cf115 C:li11i1� Furm �r� �n�;. ,�,un�h �a tlar n,�iei�7nr {sr u��y i;,r,�� �ii rCt�llired int�arirr�Rinir �ciKainin� to ypbir mnx�e gn�i �rrail �u tfic �cdocalG�n Advisc�r shor+�n �r� th�. I{isrcr Ic€l eS�rncr un �hc C�t�nL c�f �h15 l�c�rm �I, hs Ihc cx�e�r� y�,u are FJR�PIC]�I��' 4I11i16IC C4? F}�1� �I74'. Ifl�4'LfS� C{l�iY�kiLfj4�_ }�CEli4� Sf�ZfI�Cf1i�`111ti r,�,�y t�� mtufw u�iih iht Rclvcatior� �1aa��isnr «a�P�{ss, ��'LC4 p�+^iri�i9l� o� i�r �dv�tnC�: �}��itcni cf7im Tliis rrii.i;l ka� �onC n�Cll e� u[Iwenc� c�l�l�� m���i�s� d�le. �[11Y��iCSI1��NTI�11 1Vl�ving Costs Instru�t��ns �t�r subrr�itiir�� y�ur �lairri RC [�uil��n r�gul�lticln� �rl�tiv ii3�llnf�. ��xpcirse� r.rs � Ja4�f:�c�.ef �xu�ene5s. farnl Uf �ISoir�SY+J�i nrRA�liT��tir�n I�alS�[C C�n t�4[ulsl ��,s1� i,tiCi:rae� !n I51s�r�ing �ia�rston;i� �FZ1�?LI'Lv I{el� "J t'�1S�IIi7iCC JISMI �6 4�iLl4�i� 7�} fill��GS. ��@5i°CVCf. f'C�U��RIIlflti i,�0 li4'{ FJ�I{J15 fl��l' rlleUnt��niCnCuS x�"�i]S:�l fYlil�' {144:1a�.� :hd F�I' I�di�in�aS 6irSfc Ji}S`. ��:1117k14�ISi:l1}��j �{}i ��I�I��� lil{JL'lli� E\�fF5C5 4%'I��. fjC IIFikS��4 {I�}i}il C{�1:lIi��1�7.f7CL` 55'B(�1 �!8C �fY��A}44�k11�� 11751�41L'[ISJiI$. I11+IROR'CAf�T; Cpnsult �t�d th�rr���ghl4 cfiscuss equs�i��5 G�ati�rns a��i�d rnethtacl3 wfth a��eladMtion ��v�saar t�riirr Irt mna�ilr�, �. 1kh�n � cc�nam�rcial,nsfvcr iwcmplu�E�i, thc �saovingtasi�ar� Iabi �,H�cf �itd a dc4flilr�t r+:c�ipt�cE st.tilert�en� vl�tain�tf. �. 1�3 t� rvC[IC wx1Gi �vjsh }t54�r rcgula7,r C�T1�5Jo}'CL'S I�3 IiS:li�4' tlli. ?�1�5'L'. �t is rc��uir�d tF�d�.ys,u a��7mtain a� rr��nplei� rcc�rr�i drl� �a1t`�_ timc t+�isl'k�:ci. :ti7sl �+�s}srm� �a�t��a a�, �ri �,��ans �,hysic�loy pnrzicip�s��r� a�a d�c �oti��. �Ir�r�4� fpr ug� 9f Cq�u�71T1Gn[ ntwPtC[� Idp 1J3C �1uYlildSS IYlp4 l� ufk��,4°ad hs�e ;h711 4sr r�,npar�l,i� io aisost ral�s eharg�:�l hv Ic+wal rcn«l �geneics. . 3. Y�ru rnne elect i�� ,���s p4 �he fLiiA'Cl' Q� I4R'4 ��� CSIIITI�IICS 1�41� IiYQ}^I�I� �Gr QI ��44ii �crxu�e�l pru�,c�}�. 7'hcsc cusl �stirn�tc: R;•ill �b �,biainccl l�� ilK mg�ir�y �,nd presenres� ic� }��s� as air �pli�n��. Wit!s s7�is m�;�hd�d np v4hC� moVi�qg Ctrs[ dvC4lnt�arlaSiplr i5 �iece,5��ly. �. '�a� iTll?SI c�k�n�7ICtC Ihe bptto�n �p�°lIDi1 �f ph�� frg�� ��' EhrS ��im %`afEm in in�; Ailaclk kU iht� pri�FnHl ol' glyl5 rurm �II f�t�uif+;�1 It1Pi�rrn,�lit�li �rr.rtt�inprt� Rtr }'[1k:Y m�e'C �fYd maiJ ta� 1h� �c;Incf�tie7n �dv;sr�r �Ira��+n �,n caEc dcau��cr I�fl cnrncr ��r a6e i'rnni ofwhis I+�r,�a�. 7�l�[ �ecn[}� s+IPI rc�l CUnsi�l�r, ��� [SL fCllll�iJ[`"S4 POf 6Yi`�7i9ityC �IQ�1i['Ci �CXCC�79 J•'7 CfPI�`f�'[71C1' SICLIi7Il{1�15_ 21.'a [IL`I4'Fll}I11L{� C}4' �I1C a��Ci1L'}'o f'av�ititier�i m1�• :�lsn hl a}Ilii%k'C6I �fd E�'IL� O;i?iCf i}� A SIIS�]I$1��LI I]{751l7C5S L11 �'d6EFF {II1S:r1IG}f r0'f d1C�4k�� rc�eon�hft ex�rrn.ycs isF sca�r�hirig ti�s a rcpliLC�lj1417�i CIIC. n�i tn cxeces� SZ,54k�_f]0. 5ueh rx�a��u�, m�} i�eis�c�c tr�ns�srntiti�,r �r�s��, aelu�l 1iirn, �o�i cer[z�in olJic� �.�ns�,s a�i���11;' I��Curr�:c� ia� stkieY:hlih�. :4 �ic[k�i��J. cErlit�ccl siv�a,�rm of�str�rchi��. ���xi7,�� n�tial �r�u�nrpan� �he �laii�ti. I�Q heretay ��firm 6h��, to I�e best af my knawrl�dge, di�pla�.ee is �iigible fpr i re�rnbu�s�rnani of �li�i#I� f4�vvin� Cpsl"�. b��et� �an di�placee's 5lakus an� I affi•m 1�a,, to ilr� besi of r�y kns�wled��, all persar��ity ,xcup�r,�y c,f th� per�l �t ihe #im� �f th� i�iti�tron rf ilego�ia9rrans �nd��r a� in�eluding all h���rdaa�� �nd e�+rlCanrn��t�Yl�y [he Clme o! th� p�rc�d5 �acq�aisitiqn, I furth�r affrm 1tlak daSpl��:{2e qu�fifies �5 sell5itiae mak�erials 5uch �g batterie5� tPnaS, p�ints, d"dlsplBCed p2rs��", and �5 eneitl�d tCa payrner�t for aC�lu�i, reaspn�bls and sx�lrr�rrks,.ins.e6#ICide�, fertaltz�s�s,, fluor�soenl �ights, n�Ce56a mo�rGn and t���ted e� fi' 9 penses for a r��d�nl�al os nor� resid�nli�l �#t, ave t+a�, sn7 ill rempa��d �iram th�e aarCe�. r�cw rno�e {45� �Fl� f�i. �dj. as in�itated els�wf�ere �rn lhis farrn ans} ' — �---- R �� �.�� � �"�..��� �e� "�'_`� ,_��,� �_ �` — c� � �- � y 4, �aGe Reap�iion Ad ' �r i�nalu�e [}a�e W1 pving C�€ts P�e � �of � RLiD32 ti � v � in c m € 5� m .# i.. � � � w w V � h � � � Q 4 � 4 r [� � Y C�� � � I j� � I� E I I� � � �a C � � � � �� � � � E � f � � I W d ' � � � Y� � �I � , � 7 IN E I '� °�' � �'° � 'a 5 � I E � °' � � di e� ! ' ee � € � . ��o � � .� C. c e� �� i �}� 4 a C, a; a i � � � � �4 � �� 4 � w V' � '^ � } ,�}i � � � �C u ti+ � � . � j.-� V 5�i V C ' ��"'' ` v�i tn tn ,a sp y m m � EiC ��t, € �� � � � � � � � �� � � 'y � '�.I'm '�e � d� O �� r� w.�, � i1 w D'c � n C II C G � n c t' �`rn��e I O . a �' .� 4-' �O �i��. , � . c � �, c� U' i.9�L7 � c .., �, u. , - g ou n: � , S' '4 5 +`. : +e .� ` � } ec � eD w Qc v I �_� v I � �- C�� c c e N +e C b a m �J ,n', � � a� t t7 5] O �' � �I . Q 2 W Z U W W �' . . _ . _ . .- ' - ' � . � � - . -� � N , _ _ '� � p q o uC' � � lo �14 � €5 O�^. 4�'^ p�m m� y.. 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Mure Ihan Sign�: St. Cluud. hfN 543C71 ;32bj 25�-1667 ��'iF���� ��L����V� �Om�d�te�i f]�te: 1�1$!z(71S f ayR12Y�t rerr�s_ C��h CuSkQrri�er �d�fTl�''FI� �U4.' �c7ti2� 7����'���$ CreatedDate. ti��f�ol� UESCRIPTi�C1N: 5[r�r�e Front R�-6rand�rrg Bill Tv: Gc�ing In StyJe 5adon P�[ku� AC� FASTSkG�sS �f Si� Cloud 5�8 Ce+��r �[ ��19 YVr Divis+on St, M[anti�eElcs, AAN 55�6� St. Clol�d, N1N �6301 �� U� Drd�r�d �y�; Mi[helle E�rrirr� 5alespersc�n; Eladna Wirnm�er Er�ti�il: DustyShelE�lz0or71.rtie[ �rra�il; eldar��,�nrimm�r�fastsigns.cc�m Y��rk �hnr.C= � i�53� 3��}-b�27 V4't5rk r�h0Y1�: 3�{1-25�-1 fifi7 1��]. Rraduct5ummarY �Tl' Uf�tliPRlC� 7A)CABLE AMD�1�1T L�y Vinyl C?�ve�' Existing Poly€arbon�t� c�n LY�ht Box � If+J�CLUDE511+15Ta$L� � S3fiA.28 #�83,�5 3368,.�8 1,1 4�1i1�+1- [RTAj Print 4� �ut -�N1 TP� nSI uCent Vfnyl 1,� Installat�on - Ih4- professo�al Installat�nn � Yfn}�I �raphl�s f�dr A+�rnang [76D" x G4"y- INCtUDES 1 ���g_7� 3�rSl6,�b S61 �,75 1N5TF�� LATION 2�1 . V�Y1yl - (i;T.A� �PInR �f [ uC - 3 M �21} 1/I�lyl 2.3 Installation - IH - Pro��ssi�rral �nstalla[i�n 3 Rhor,e fUurnb�r Decal w! Pr�fessia�rra� Installatic�n 1 31id,1� 5131,€�3 f174.13 3,1 'Jinyl �� k7A� ptll7t 4r �ut - 3M Z20 Vi nyl 3.� Instal��Rl�dn • IFi - P��lessi�nal Ir�st�ll8tion F�ull 5errri�e Family5�l�n Decal w1 Pro(essM�n�l � fnstall�tion 1 #151_79 S1iJ9,�9 $151,79 4.1 Vkn+�l -(RTA} Print oF Cut . 31u� 2ZA Vinpl d,2 Insts�l;tlon - iH - PrqfCssional Ins[aal�iion � SCMSSbf De[815 On $�C�Q Qf 1�Wli�fl� � 5134.4bS5 $216_$1 $26C7.$� 5.1 Vinyd-jRTAiPIFlntof C11t-22DvJn�l 5,2 1175ti118tIAP1- IW - Rrn�g�SdOFFB� IflSte�IlatF4r1 6 Lto�+r IVu►nher [5181 1 �35.4Q i35,U0 3�5.4tl� G�1 Vinyl • i'�TA)P�it�t or [ut-white d�0 �ftn�1 fihis FA�T51GN5 loc�ks�r� i� ir7€�eper�denkly owne�d �nti �iperat�d. ��x�Y�' �.lF'-�+ �`�+�`� #�d� �1�-�.-x� '� �39 , G� ��l t���--�.� � ���,��, St�b��tal' T'�xa�le Arn�un�: T�xe�: C,r�nd To#$I: Amour�t Paid: �,L�wc� au�: Si ,� 31.i . ,. . - �:,- � ._� � R+��# Frr�am: Per�rsy� Rolf S�+nt; T��sda�+, June 19. 2�+18 7:(1fa AM T4; '��rir��� Su�j�ct: RE: �oing in Sty�fe Fc�r your 5igrr, if ypu subst�tute th� existing sign with � n�w on� -� ybu �re �efigi�al� f�r the lesser of; 1� The �ost tv moa+e, c1�sc�nnect antl reec�nr�ect th� old si�n �, C]r the c�sst f�r s r�evr sign, insta Il�d . � � ���� 4���� Th� amounts shov�n �el4w #vr �tem #?�dd up to $S7"5D. I+,y�uld neeci ar� vrritten esfim8t�e fr�rn fiam ��th� �-r�aif you recei+�ed do�umer�ting those figures. If the c�st af ���evr 5ign, inst�ll�d, i� m�re th�n $17�D, +�Qu�'d g�t �the $17�0. If a o��e� sig�, ir�st�fl�d, is tess t��n ��75Q, you'd g�t tt��t �rr�our�t, I u�+ou�d rr��d an inuoi�e for �F��t � n�d if y�u p�y tt�e si�n com��ny, I'�d n2ed #he invt�i�e and �c�py �f a f"�an�e�elled" ch��k as pro�of c�f payrn�r�t �aef�r� a��uld reimburs� you_ �rom: Ewing jmailt�:dUsty�he�a�fxoom.net] 5e�n�tr Friday, l�ane 15, ��i$ 11;4� AM Tc�: P�nny Rr�Jf<PRolf c�iwsb�n�.toma 5u�t��k: Fke: Gc�ing ir� Styl�e Hi P��iny. 1've at��ched #h� hl�ri�a�e fn�oice_ ,�Isc�, � had "T�r� 5i�n N9an" f�am B�ffaEo c��ck �ut �aur b�,siness sign. �F�is �� wh�t k�� em�ir��f t� me, l4��ciae�le- Sr�rry for th� d��r�y �h�rag� �v+'fJ r�u,� r�r�rch sm�other r��w t��� rts u� cr,�d r�rrrrirrg. Tcalr� �'c���r� is �'3T,�, t�parr 1� or� ca r�c1,�� ra��wcry worrdr! �re �'�'SC� rrricf rr�s�r�i� �ra n��w �a���r�irr� I�ss eJ�cfric�r� )�c�nk t�p wnt�ld �� crr�€�t��er ,��Sf� ���rt ar� ��cf�li�rtt�i �1�5 1rx ,��rk� dc�w+�3 ex�sdtrr�.����,� �aa ,��t�v �o�'[��rr�r�, r��rt�; �ur �elc�triea�r'� said it wnul� be abo�t $5� �+� eleciric�,lly co��ne�.t tlae sign- ht�'� �ir��dy �re�ar�d fc�r the si�n---•- (I tl�irilc thi� vva,� al�o��� the amc�unt- �niri� lfc��� dist�nt mem4r�'� IHo+w a re �ve �ornpensated far tFre si�r� ag�in � I�Ve ar� thinking af r��t �,sing p�,r si�n and ma�ing a new one th�t fi#s khe existir�g k�c�x �nd �v�rnir�� �t thg :n�w I�c�tiort. �+'ry Spf�y unit is : f�rlir�c�e �list �year: �005 ish�y All new �n�s��ls-wor�C� +�eJl..... Th�nk y��r- f�,+fichelf� �..�:�4:s:*,�,;='�.-_ ... . . �� m ']'he time sh�awra helow w.as suhm�tt�ci by� �eryrings �ar tf��ix trme do�r�� � s��t-rt�c�ve �,�� r�c+�nr�zctioi� D�C�N WOY�f Sk�i14�7 Ct�Ui�frii�k �5JJ3�{;:, ���yClif2 cli�irsj and pariiaLly �aEd �r�c3er �'4+I��ve �laim a� �, Hat�� a��rro��e�i ����rc� $4Cl�ht}ur - Dusty� �+��ing �251�S4��r - Daa�id Lwiiig Usin� those calcul�tions, �he t�ttl {or t�ieir time tc� dn th�is w«rk is $17�J{).�1{} C}n Ni�ave C;lairt3 # 7- we ga��i 40°r6 of lhzs claia�� at��I i��ve rt�,�� appr�v�d the {ul] a��ur�� ses pa�k vf C']aam # 8 ir� the a,aa�aun� ���1,d�Z0,0(1 '�`II'��I��a�� ����n. � a:.l � ,�..rl'c�C ��i�i� c� "4�4filkll`[�llli.:�. .1�i��ita�.�+M[.� ;;.�-�o� {i�?-4)e� �—��� I - �S{�(I-��[k(�—�'777 — _ __—_--- ���— --- q—� , , � � �t�+�vi�� ' __ . i.,-t3i�-.-- - ,,.v�.;��:�. �: 1 � ---- �- � ..__�_._';�ix�—�—�.---. ';i:�i� -- I _ J f'�r #dumb�;� ' ��rnr�`._ f�r� �hGG� ���---- � F Cj _-.-��_.— ���—f}rn` . � ���__.-�_ . 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To be completet�' by purchaser: Amount $ � Circle purchaser name: Julie Cheney Tracy Ergen Vicki Leerhoff Rachel Leonard Jeff O'Neiil W�yne Oberg Sarah Rathlisberger �ennifer Schreiber An�ela 5ehuma�n �m Thares larnh Thiinanrlcar Special Project #i or Description ���,�j �� ��� i � Circle department code: 141-41110 101-41310 101-41410 lal-4iszo 101-41800 101-41910 101-41920 101-41940 213-46500 213-46301 City Council Administration City Clerk Finance Human Resources Plar�nEng and Zoning Data PraceSsing City Hall Etnnomic Development HRA �� Circle expense code: 421990 General �perating Supplies 431950 Newsletter Seruices 431994 Miscellaneous Prof Ser�ices 4322bQ Postage 33100 Tra�e Training Expense 44 300 Dues Membership & Subscrip 443700 LiCenses and Permits 443990 Misc. Qther Expense . Other AECEIPi Add time at any Capi{dV Cornplez ePark Pay Station Than� you for parking! ���►1ti � 111� Expiration �ateiTime 11:5� �1� FE� �� �4�� � Pwchase �atelTime: E}9,(38am F�b P6. 2U19 Tntal �ue: $8AD Rate: Dai4y Park'Fng $8 Talal Pa'rd $8.0� Paymeni Type: Card Ticket �: Oi1dl0[144 5tN �: 5t1001234u79U Setting. Lat AA hlach #laire; Loi AA Suuth Card �1""""'-04d0, V'�sa Auth �; (175449 No In16uk Privileges questionslCo�rments'� Please ca61 �651) 201230G Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Wednesday, February 6, 2019 8:08 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 2119WEBINSERT3ReducedSize.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 3/1/2019 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 1/1/2019 to 1/31/2019 (31 days) 2/S/2019 3/1/2019 Current Reading Date Reading Cons $7.10 ($1.00) ($0.50) $9.00 $0.18 $14.78 $14.38 $14.38 $ 0.00 $14.78 $14.78 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 �,°'enrJ�rr Llate ��fTr��t�;actic�n � j����%'�' �Ifi1f {]F Ih+1QFVTI�ELLI'7 City liall �,�rd TransaCti�n Pl�as� attac�r th� inrr�ice/reteip# and any +�tlher av�ilable documeniation #o xhis forrr�. Tv be c�rrnp6eted by purcl�aser. ;� � Arnc��nt � `�,•f .'� Circle purchaser nam�; - �i�C�+ E��e�1 ��__ 'Uick�°� L .�rholff '' � f�a�c�el Lecrna-r�c � lef� C�'iVe�ll '�+V�a+�ne C�berg Sar�F� Rathli�b+�r�er lennifer Scl�r�ib�r ,Ar��ela �c�urnann J�m Thar�� tacr�b T�,unander fI � fJ1 /f ��,• 1�✓.i1�f- ��.. .' �,�� f �''..f � f Empl�y�� �ign�q ��- r� � F � + uR�r5�a5�r � retii �l'f��'{� Da�� �pp�ov�d SpeciaE PrQject # nr Descriptl�n �ircl� department c�d�: 101-4�110 101-�1�1.�] 1C1�-4141� 103.-47�2� 101-418Dt� lC11-41'91� 1��-�].'��� 1�1�-4194f1 �;__ 21�3-4f5Gl� � 13-46301 ��rCl� �x[.��nSe cod�: 4219J� 43195i] 4319'�C� 43�20(? �33104 �}4�30� 4�337�(} ���39��} 0#he�r / , { "4'�e �� L_ ~� � f i� /T � L + City ��unc&I Adm�nistratic�n EI��#ibn5 Firrance H�rrn�rr �es��r��s Pl�nnin� an�d Zt�ning Da#� �rocessRng City J�all _ � -� Econorr�ic [�eveloprn�nt,� H I�A �eneral C7pera�in,g Supplde� Ne�vr5letter Se�ices h+915C�I��rs�Cy�lS Pf(�f 5�I`VIC�S Ps�sta�e Trauel}Train�ng Expense Du�S 11+1ernb�rship & Su�scrip Li���ses an� �ermits �V'9i�C. Other ExpenS� l Vicki ���rF�a#f Frr�rr�: ����ina's Pizza edarrrinasC�canfirrri�ti�r�_�lc�l'�int�5,c�rn� �en#'. Manda}r, Febr�aary 11, 2�19 1:0� P�v1 Tea: 1licki Leerho�'f �ubje�et: Your pomirio's [�l�-�er � �IF��ER MENU C�}UP�JNS L��A'TI�F�S . �, �nF� you for pfacin� ycru� a�de� at b�min�s,com! fF yc�4, have �ny queslions abcsut y+�ur ord�r, pfe��e �II th� �k�re dir�:r.tly �t 763-�95-2424. In c�� L9-+e st�r� r�ee�ks t�r rteach you, w�'pl call th� pl�ane numh�r b�laur. Id ybu do not an�wer we v�ll b� �n�bl� t� d�liver r�ur �ir��r. ��1�,1�7fl�l�f IF�f�ffT'1��l0�1 Name on {)rder: �licki L�e+�tr�aff Dellver�+ �#ddress: 5{]� 1NALNUT ST , hr1CsNTd�ELLC�, MN 5�5362-88�7 C�IGb�Gk Phone #v 7��-295-2711 Your �amirto's Store {7347); 11 �'U�! Braa�w�y S# A+9on#tic�ll� �ui�i 553�� � 763-295- 2�#24 D+�Iluery Tyme; �11 �+2�1 � �:�lf�Ph� C�rd�r [��t�ils (]re��r �: 1 L3a�te; {l�i 11 d2{11 � 1=02"PM The fnll�wing �rd�er 6s being deliv�re�d hot and fr$sh to ynur door: � Quantwky D�SC�ipticsrl Amou�li Medi�urt�7 (12"] H�nd T���€]d Piz�a Vfl{h41e: G�rlie. Parrnesan �hrt� �ac�ce, F'rer`niurn �hi�ken, �5 95 Bacra��, Nt� f��buSt Ir�S�iir�� �f�rn�1c� $�UC�� �he�se Medium �1�"� Har1� TosS�+� PEzZ� �lfhol�; Ita�iari �2�ti�2t�e, Pep��rrni, Rpbust Inspire� i€�rnato 55.°�'F �auc�,Ch�ase f�ledium {12�•j d�2�a�� Tas�ed Pizz� 1 WN�ale; Feta Ch��Se� Shredt�ed Parm��n� R�t�:.rst Inspie�€i �r: gc, Tam�#�a ���ia��� �he�se - � �omFn�'s M�rbled ��vkie Brawnie�'M �ti �y Cinnamon Br��d T+�c+i5t5 � Optlor�s; Icln� `�' �"� C�upon U�ed: �hr�r��e �ny � or more: M�rli�irn �-Topping Pizza, Br�a� Twisls, SaPa�i, h�l�rbl�d Gmoke� Br�wnin, Sp�ci�Ety C�ti�ken, C7v�n B�k�[i Sanc�uicF�, ��uffed Chee�y Bre�d, 8-F+�e�� Pan�less Chic�lc�;n. ar P��ta in � Dish for $�,9°� eac�. �ood � B�ev T�r#al: $�9.9� T�x: ����� �crttle D�p�osit: �0,40 Delisrery�Cf��rge: �;},49 T�p Amount: $5_39 Tc���l; ;���.��4 P'li�d:.� O� ikl�' �IB ��'�+�r{�$-w 1 CJ Rew�rds Paintfi t�sr an orcler of �70 crr rnore. Roir�is typically becomc ava�ilable afl�r 48 hours and remairu �r� pendirry st�lu� until G�at �oint_ L�i�i# y�ur Piz�a Profiie #o� #r�ck yvur R�ints. P���rn�rlt ��t�Fl� Pa�r�nent M�thvd: C��clii �ard �41,�� Arry �ef�u��r,�r CFr�r�+� �s not a tip �aiof �o �rour �friver. '��-iv�.rs C�rry �ess tharr $2t] irr C�fi�rrg� snd e�ieck5 �re dJOT �c+c�e��ed FpF` C,r�dir� €�rders. 2 EDA Agenda: 4/10/19 5. Consideration of Adoptin� Resolution 2019-03 Approvin� a GMEF Loan in the Amount of $118,500 to DNS Investments, LLC (Monticello RV Center Expansion Proiect) (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Monticello RV Center has submitted a final application for a GMEF loan to help close a funding gap of approximately 5 percent of its projected $4,360,000 expansion project. The requested loan amount is $118,500. The funds will be used for the land acquisition phase of the proj ect. DNS Investments, LLC, a real estate holding entity formed by the three owner partners of Monticello RV Center, Nicole Borstad, Dale Borstad and Scott Kunz, will be the legal borrower of the GMEF Loan. The proposed expansion proj ect is planned for a 5.98-acre site on the south side of Chelsea Road, across the street from Camping World. Monticello RV Center has been located at a 4.98-acre +/- site with an address of 1101 Elm St, Monticello, for many years. Information provided to the City Planning Commission and City Council for development review and approval indicates a plan to construct a 16,000 sq. ft. facility with 18,400 sq. ft. of space (mezzanine on 2"d level). The new development will be attractive, more efficient and adhere to PUD (Planned Unit Development) requirements at the site. Upon development completion, the dealership lot will accommodate a sizeable inventory of new and used recreational vehicles. The biggest positive aspect of their new facility is that it will be highly visible and much easier to access than the existing dealership location north of I-94. The approved site plan along with an elevation sketch of the proposed building is attached. After the current ownership-management took control in 2016, they implemented a customer service and educational philosophy strategy that spans the initial sales transaction through the ongoing warranty and vehicle maintenance-service tasks. Through their practice of being transparent with prices and providing higher levels of customer service and information, they have been able to increase sales revenue and grow the business. They also own a recreational vehicle dealership located in Ramsey, MN as well. With two operational sites within 25 miles, they have an ability to conduct cross-promotion-sales and service campaigns that benefit both dealership locations and as a result, build positive relationships with buyers. The present number of employees based in Monticello varies by season and falls in a range of 5 to 10. Positions include sales reps, service technicians, administrative staff and a general manager. The jobs goal after the expansion is to add 8 new FTE positions consisting of sales reps, technicians, mechanics and administrative support staff within 2 years from the loan closing date. If needed at a later date, the EDA can consider a 12-month extension allowing more time for new j ob creation. Expected costs for the new development project are currently $4,360,000. The funding gap is estimated to be $218,000 which is 5 percent of the total project. The proposed plan to fill the funding gap involves use of both the Initiative Foundation (IF) loan programs and the GMEF loan program. It is expected that the gap funding breakout will be as follows: 1 EDA Agenda: 4/10/19 City of Monticello EDA GMEF Loan $118,500 Initiative Foundation Loan Program $ 99,500 Total Funding Gap $218,000 Both the EDA and the Initiative Foundation will secure their respective loans through subordinate mortgage positions on the new development real estate. Ultimately, the primary lender, The Bank of Elk River and the MBFC funded SBA-5041oan, will have lst and 2"d real estate mortgage positions on the new development real estate. There may be a delay in MBFC filing its 2"d mortgage position due to its funding disbursement occurring near the end of the project's construction activities. As noted above the total cost of the development is $4,360,000. The proposed Project Sources is shown below: The Bank of Elk River MBFC — SBA 504 Owner Equity EDA — GMEF Initiative Foundation Total Proj ect Costs $ 2,180,000 $ 1,744,000 $ 218,000 $ 118,500 $ 99,500 $ 4,360,000 50.00% of funding 40.00% of funding 5.00% of funding 2.72% of funding 2.29% of fundin� 100.00% of funding In spite of the EDA loan being less than $150,000, it is still considered a business subsidy based on the GMEF Loan Guidelines wherein the proposed interest rate would be 4.50 percent (lower than market rate). If the EDA chose to waive its Guidelines and require a market level interest rate [5.69 percent +/-], it would not be considered a business subsidy. A Business Subsidy public hearing is not required for loan amounts less than $150,000. The Project Uses are as shown below: Land Purchase (5.98 acres) $ 810,000 New Construction $3,390,000 Furniture, Fixture & Signage $ 100,000 Soft Costs $ 60,000 Total Project Costs $4,360,000 Al. STAFF IMPACT: Community Development Department staff initially met with Monticello RV Center ownership-management in late February 2019 to discuss a potential GMEF loan for the proposed expansion proj ect. Since that time, staff involvement has consisted of reviewing the proposed financing and further discussion with the primary lender and the Initiative Foundation loan officer. After the EDA reviewed the pre-application at the March EDA meeting, staff reviewed the final application materials and completed standard underwriting steps for the requested loan. The Bank of Elk River loan recommendation report was included in the review materials as well as the credit reports for the three principals. The packet also included a three-year proforma for Monticello RV Center and three years of past 2 B. EDA Agenda: 4/10/19 operating results. Staff currently has 25 hours +/- allocated to this loan request file. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The primary budgetary impact related to consideration of the EDA-GMEF loan request is to the loan fund itsel£ The fund currently has $950,000 +/- available to loan out. This request is for $118,500 +/- or approximately 12.48 percent of the available dollars in the EDA-GMEF account. An origination fee of 1.5 percent is being charged to the borrower to help cover staff time for underwriting tasks. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to adopt Resolution #2019-03 approving a Loan Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) and DNS Investments, LLC (Monticello RV Center) in the amount of $118,500 as gap funding for a proposed relocation- expansion project. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution #2019-03 approving a Loan Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) and DNS Investments, LLC (Monticello RV Center) in the amount of $118,500 as gap funding for a proposed relocation- expansion project. 3. Motion to table consideration of Resolution #2019-03 approving a Loan Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) and DNS Investments, LLC (Monticello RV Center) in the amount of $118,500 as gap funding for a proposed relocation-expansion project for additional research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The proposed project is eligible for a loan under the Business Subsidy and GMEF Guidelines. Monticello RV Center's proposed expansion proj ect has secured a lead lender, the Bank of Elk River, as well support from the SBA 504 program (MBFC — Minnesota Business Finance Corporation) as two key capital elements. The BOER grades the proposed loan credit as "strong perform and low to moderate risl�'. The ownership group has managed the business well since taking control in 2016. They have all provided personal financial information and will be required to provide "Personal Guarantees" for the GMEF Loan. The business performance over the past three years is shown below: 2015 72 RVs 2016 139 RVs 2017 199 RVs 2018 221 RVs Former Ownership Revenue = $3,300,000 Revenue = $5,329,500 Revenue = $6,670,000 As articulated in the business plan, growth is expected to continue as proj ected; 2019 240 RVs Proforma Revenue =$6,211,020 2020 377 RVs Proforma Revenue =$9,685,888 EDA Agenda: 4/10/19 2021 450 RVs Proforma Revenue =$11,528,353 Monticello RV Center is above average in a national comparison in the RV industry based based on RMA (Robert Morris Associates) financial analysis performance in terms of units sold per year and gross sales while being just a tad below average in revenue per unit sold. The proposed proj ect consists of a substantial investment in new facilities on a currently undeveloped commercial lot in the City. The community benefits include eight new jobs, increased economic activity in the form of spin-off business for local restaurants and convenience stores from the many non-local customers as well as an increase in the tax base. Monticello RV Center may also continue to operate a service-repair facility from their existing site on Elm Street (north of I-94). The EDA-GMEF program has sufficient dollars to easily consider the $118,SOO loan request. The Loan Agreement and the related documents are attached for EDA review. Additional supporting documents related to the final application are attached as appropriate. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution # 2019-03 B. GMEF Loan Term Sheet C. Loan Agreement D. GMEF Loan Application Materials E. Building Site Plan F. Building Elevation Rendering and Design Plans 4 EDA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-03 RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND DSN INVESTMENTS LLC, INCLUDING A BUSINESS SUBSIDY BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority is a grantor as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), and is authorized to grant financial assistance to private development, including loans. 1.02. The Authority and DSN Investments LLC (the `Borrower") desire to enter into a loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement") for a Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund ("GMEF") Loan to be used to finance a portion of the costs of acquisition (the "Acquisition Costs") of certain real property in the City of Monticello (the "Property"), in order to relocate the Borrower's existing facility for the sale and service of recreational vehicles. 1.03. Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the Authority will loan to the Borrower the sum of $118,500 (the "Loan"), evidenced by a promissory note (the "Note"), a personal guaranty of the owners of the Borrower (the "Guaranty"), and a mortgage (the "Mortgage"), to be executed and delivered to the Authority by the Borrower. 1.04. Pursuant to Section 116J.993, Subdivision 3(1) of the Business Subsidy Act, the Authority is not required to hold a public hearing on the Loan because the Loan is in an amount less than $150,000. However, the terms of the Loan Agreement and Note shall conform to the Authority's written Business Subsidy Policy, including a five-year operational requirement and the inclusion of job and wage requirements; all as described in the business subsidy agreement provisions contained in the Loan Agreement. Section 2. Loan A�reement and Note A�roved. 2.01. The Authority hereby approves the Loan Agreement, the Note, the Guaranty, and the Mortgage in substantially the form presented to the Board. The Authority further authorizes execution of the Loan Agreement and all documents prepared in connection therewith, subj ect to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the Loan Agreement by such officials shall be conclusive evidence of approval. 1 562303v1 MNI MN325-41 Approved this day of April, 2019, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Executive Director 562303v1 MNI MN325-41 Term Sheet — GMEF Loan DNS Investments/Monticello RV Center March 20, 2019 Borrower: DNS Investments, LLC Co-Borrower: Monticello RV Center Personal Guarantors: Nicole Borstad, Dale Borstad, Scott Kunz Amount of Development Project: $4,360,000 +/- Down Payment Money-Equity Contribution: $218,000 (5% of project) GMEF Loan: $118,500 Terms: 20-year amortization; 10th year balloon (120t" payment = balloon payment) Interest Rate: 4.5% = 1.0 points below NY-WSJ Prime Collateral: 3rd Real Estate Mortgage Personal Guarantees: Yes; Nicole Borstad, Dale Borstad, Scott Kunz Origination Fees: Yes, 1.5 percent of Loan Amount (total of $1,777.50 +/-) Pre-payment Penalty: None Business Subsidy Compliance: Yes, required Number of Jobs: 8 jobs Other: Common Loan Close anticipated with Primary lender - EDA GMEF loan should be filed as the 2"d behind the Bank Of Elk River with the Initiative Foundation filed as a 3rd. Understanding is that SBA - 504 Lender MBFC, will fund after debentures are sold several months post MBFC approval — near completion of construction. They will ask the EDA and Initiative Foundation to subordinate their respective loans at that time. LOAN AGREEMENT This Loan Agreement ("Agreement") is made this _ day of , 2019, between DSN Investments LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Borrower") and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota ("Lender"). RECITALS A. In consideration for the loan contemplated by this Agreement, Borrower is executing and delivering to Lender this Loan Agreement. B. Lender administers its Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund ("GMEF") revolving loan program pursuant to its authority under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1082, as amended (the "EDA Act"), in order to assist Monticello businesses in financing certain economic development activities that result in the creation of jobs. C. Lender agrees to make a loan to Borrower of GMEF funds in the maximum amount of $118,500 to pay a portion of the costs ("Acquisition Costs") of acquisition of property located in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") and legally described at Exhibit A hereto ("Property"), in order to relocate the Borrower's existing facility for the sale and service of recreational vehicles. ACCORDINGLY, to induce Lender to make the Loan to Borrower, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Loan Amount. Subj ect to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Lender agrees to loan to Borrower the sum of One Hundred Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred and no/100ths Dollars ($118,500), or so much thereof as is disbursed to Borrower in accordance with this Agreement ("Loan"). The Loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note ("Note") payable by Borrower to Lender and substantially in the form of Exhibit B attached to this Agreement, which shall be dated as of the date of this Agreement. Proceeds of the Loan shall be disbursed in accordance with Section 3 hereof. 2. Repavment of Loan. The Loan shall be repaid with interest as follows: (a) Interest at the rate of four and one-half percent (4.5%) per annum shall accrue from the Loan Closing Date (as hereinafter defined) until the Loan is repaid in full. (b) Level payments of principal and interest shall commence on June 1, 2019 (the "Initial Payment Date") and continue on the first day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Such payments shall fully amortize the principal and interest over twenty (20) years, provided that the final unpaid balance of principal and interest shall be due and payable on the first day of the one hundred twentieth (120th) month following 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 1 the Initial Payment Date. 3. Disbursement of Loan Proceeds. (a) The Loan proceeds shall be disbursed to the Borrower's chosen title company ("Title") and applied to the purchase price of the Property at closing on the acquisition of the Property by the Borrower ("Loan Closing Date"). (b) The following events shall be conditions precedent to the payment of the Loan proceeds to Borrower on the Loan Closing Date: (i) Borrower having executed and delivered to Lender, prior to the Loan Closing Date and without expense to Lender, executed copies of this Agreement and the Note, and Borrower further having caused to be executed and delivered to Lender a mortgage in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C(the "Mortgage"); (ii) Prior to the Loan Closing Date, each of Nicole A. Borstad, Dale S. Borstad, and Scott E. Kunz having executed and delivered to the Lender a personal guaranty in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit D(the "Guaranty"); (iii) Prior to the Loan Closing Date, Borrower having provided the Lender with Title's contact information, and Lender having received a copy of Borrower's settlement statement evidencing the purchase price of the Property in at least the amount of the Acquisition Costs; (iv) Lender having received an executed acknowledgement from Title in connection with Lender's instructions for disbursement of the proceeds of the Loan; (v) Borrower having paid to Lender a loan origination fee of one and one-half percent (1.5%) of the amount of the Loan; and (vi) Borrower having paid to Lender the full amount of the legal fees incurred by Lender in the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and any other agreement or instrument securing the Loan. 4. Representations and Warranties. Borrower represents and warrants to Lender that: (a) Borrower is duly authorized and empowered to execute, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to borrow money from Lender. (b) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the performance by Borrower of its obligations hereunder, do not and will not violate or conflict with any provision of law and do not and will not violate or conflict with, or cause any default or event of default to occur under, any agreement binding upon Borrower. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 2 (c) The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been duly approved by all necessary action of Borrower, and this Agreement has in fact been duly executed and delivered by Borrower and constitutes its lawful and binding obligation, legally enforceable against it. (d) Borrower warrants that it shall keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and disbursements of Loan proceeds and that any duly authorized representative of Lender shall, at all reasonable times, have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other documents of Borrower pertaining to the Loan until the completion of all closeout procedures and the final settlement and conclusion of all issues arising out of this Loan. (e) Borrower warrants that it has fully complied with all applicable state and federal laws pertaining to its business and will continue to comply throughout the terms of this Agreement. If at any time Borrower receives notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Borrower agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the state or federal law in question. (� Borrower warrants that it will use the proceeds of the Loan made by Lender solely for the Acquisition Costs. (g) Borrower warrants that it will not create, permit to be created, or allow to exist any liens, charges, or encumbrances prior to the obligation created by this Loan Agreement, except as otherwise authorized in writing by Lender. 5. Business Subsidv. The Lender and Borrower agree and acknowledge that the Loan provided under this Loan Agreement is not a business subsidy requiring a public hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), but that the Borrower must comply with the provisions of the Lender's written Business Subsidy Policy. To this effect, the Borrower covenants and agrees as follows: (a) General Terms. The parties agree and represent to each other as follows: (1) The subsidy provided to the Borrower consists of the Loan, representing a total subsidy of $118,500. (2) The public purposes of the subsidy are to facilitate the acquisition of the Property in the City to enable the Borrower to construct the Project, which will increase net jobs in the City and the State, and increase the tax base of the City and the State. (3) The goals for the subsidy are: to secure development of the Project on the Properry; to maintain the Proj ect as a recreational vehicle sales and maintenance facility for the time period described in clause (6) below; and to create the jobs and wage levels in accordance with Section 5(b) hereof. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 3 (4) If the goals described in clause (3) are not met, the Borrower must make the payments to the Lender described in Section 5(c). (5) The subsidy is needed to mitigate the cost of the Property needed for the Project. (6) The Borrower must continue operation of the Project as a"Qualified Facility" for at least five (5) years after the Benefit Date (defined hereinafter). The term Qualified Facility means a facility for the sale and service of recreational vehicles. The Project will be a Qualified Facility as long as it is operated by Borrower for the aforementioned qualified uses. During any period when the Project is vacant and not operated for the aforementioned qualified uses, the Project will not constitute a Qualified Facility. (7) The Borrower certifies that it does not have a parent company. (8) The Borrower does not expect to receive additional business subsidy assistance. (b) .Iob and Wage Goals. The `Benefit Date" of the assistance provided in this Agreement is the Loan Closing Date. By the Compliance Date, which is the date two (2) years after the Benefit Date, the Borrower shall (i) create at least eight (8) full-time equivalent jobs at the Facility, and (ii) cause the average hourly wage of the 8 created jobs to be at least $15.50 per hour, exclusive of benefits. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if the wage and job goals described in this paragraph are met by the Compliance Date, those goals are deemed satisfied as of the date such wage and job goals are met, despite the Borrower's continuing obligations under Sections 5(a)(6) and 5(d). The Lender may, after a public hearing extend the Compliance Date by up to one year, provided that nothing in this section will be construed to limit the Lender's legislative discretion regarding this matter. (c) Remedies. If the Borrower fails to meet the goals described in Section 5(a)(3), the Borrower shall repay to the Lender upon written demand from the Lender a"pro rata share" of the outstanding principal amount of the Note. The term "pro rata share" means percentages calculated as follows: (i) if the failure relates to the number of jobs, the jobs required less the jobs created, divided by the jobs required; (ii) if the failure relates to wages, the number of jobs required less the number of j obs that meet the required wages, divided by the number of j obs required; (iii) if the failure relates to maintenance of the Proj ect as a Qualified Facility in accordance with Section 5(a)(6), 60 less the number of months of operation as a Qualified Facility (where any month in which the Qualified Facility is in operation for at least 15 days constitutes a month of operation), commencing on the Benefit Date and ending with the date the Qualified Facility ceases operation as determined by the Lender, divided by 60; and (iv) if more than one of clauses (i) through (iii) apply, the sum of the applicable percentages, not to exceed 100%. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 4 Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit the Lender's remedies under Section 7 hereo£ In addition to the remedy described in this Section and any other remedy available to the Lender for failure to meet the goals stated in Section 5(a)(3), the Borrower agrees and understands that it may not receive a business subsidy from the Lender or any grantor (as defined in the Business Subsidy Act) for a period of five (5) years from the date of the failure or until the Borrower satisfies its repayment obligation under this Section, whichever occurs first. (d) Reports. The Borrower must submit to the Lender a written report regarding business subsidy goals and results by no later than February 1 of each year following the Loan Closing Date and continuing until the later of (i) the date the goals stated Section 5(a)(3) are met; (ii) 30 days after expiration of the period described in Section 5(a)(6); or (iii) if the goals are not met, the date the subsidy is repaid in accordance with Section 5(c). The report must comply with Section 1167.994, subdivision 7 of the Business Subsidy Act. The Lender will provide information to the Borrower regarding the required forms. If the Borrower fails to timely file any report required under this Section, the Lender will mail the Borrower a warning within one week after the required filing date. If, after 14 days of the postmarked date of the warning the Borrower fails to provide a report, the Borrower must pay to the Lender a penalty of $100 for each subsequent day until the report is filed. The maximum aggregate penalty payable under this Section is $1,000. 6. Event of Default bv Borrower. The following shall be Events of Default under this Agreement: (a) failure to pay any principal or interest on the Loan when due; (b) any representation or warranty made by Borrower herein or in any document, instrument, or certificate given in connection with this Agreement, the Note, the Mortgage, or the Guaranty is false when made; (c) Borrower fails to pay its debts as they become due, makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they become due, files a petition under any chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code or any similar law, state or federal, now or hereafter existing becomes "insolvent" as that term is generally defined under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, files an answer admitting insolvency or inability to pay its debts as they become due in any involuntary bankruptcy case commenced against it, or fails to obtain a dismissal of such case within thirty (30) days after its commencement or convert the case from one chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code to another chapter, or be the subject of an order for relief in such bankruptcy case, or be adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, or has a custodian, trustee, or receiver appointed for, or has any court take jurisdiction of its property, or any part thereof, in any proceeding for the purpose of reorganization, arrangement, dissolution, or liquidation, and such custodian, trustee, or receiver is not discharged, or such jurisdiction is not relinquished, vacated, or stayed within thirty (30) days of the appointment; (d) a garnishment summons or writ of attachment is issued against or served upon Lender for the attachment of any property of Borrower in Lender's possession or any 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 S indebtedness owing to Borrower, unless appropriate papers are filed by Borrower contesting the same within thirty (30) days after the date of such service or such shorter period of time as may be reasonable in the circumstances; (e) any breach or failure of Borrower to perform any other term or condition of this Agreement not specifically described as an Event of Default in this Agreement and such breach or failure continues for a period of thirty (30) days after Lender has given written notice to Borrower specifying such default or breach, unless Lender agrees in writing to an e�tension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice cannot be corrected within the applicable period, Lender will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by Borrower within the applicable period and is being diligently pursued until the Default is corrected, but no such extension shall be given for an Event of Default that can be cured by the payment of money (i.e., payment of taxes, insurance premiums, or other amounts required to be paid hereunder); (� any breach by Borrower of any other agreement between Borrower, and Lender, or the City. 7. Lender's Remedies upon Borrower's Default. Upon an Event of Default by Borrower and after provision by Lender of written notice, Lender shall have the right to exercise any or all of the following remedies (and any other rights and remedies available to it): (a) declare the principal amount of the Loan and any accrued interest thereon to be immediately due and payable upon providing written notice to Borrower; (b) suspend its performance under this Loan Agreement; (c) take any action provided for at law to enforce compliance by Borrower with the terms of this Agreement and the Note; (d) exercise its rights under the Mortgage and/or Guaranty. In addition to any other amounts due on the Loan, and without waiving any other right of Lender under any this Agreement or any other instrument securing the Loan applicable documents, Borrower shall pay to Lender a late fee of $250 for any payment not received in full by Lender within 30 calendar days of the date on which it is due. Furthermore, interest will continue to accrue on any amount due until the date on which it is paid to Lender, and all such interest will be due and payable at the same time as the amount on which it has accrued. 8. Lender's Costs of Enforcement of A�reement. If an Event of Default has occurred as provided herein, then upon demand by Lender, Borrower shall pay or reimburse Lender for all expenses, including all attorneys fees and expenses incurred by Lender in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement and the Note, or in connection with the protection or enforcement of the interests and collateral security of Lender in any litigation or bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding or in any action or proceeding relating in any way to the transactions contemplated by 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 6 this Agreement. 9. Indemnification. (a) Borrower shall and does hereby agree to indemnify against and to hold Lender, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Lender by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants, or agreements contained herein. (b) Should Lender, or its officers, agents, or employees incur any such liability or be required to defend against any claims or demands pursuant to this Section, or should a judgment be entered against Lender, the amount thereof, including costs, expenses, and attorneys fees, shall bear interest thereon at the rate then in effect on the Note, shall be secured hereby, shall be added to the Loan, and Borrower shall reimburse Lender for the same immediately upon demand, and upon the failure of Borrower to do so, Lender may declare the Loan immediately due and payable. (c) This indemnification and hold harmless provision shall survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the creation and payment of any indebtedness to Lender. Borrower waives notice of the acceptance of this Agreement by Lender. (d) Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of or limitation on any immunity from or limitation on liability to which Borrower is entitled under law. 10. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Borrower and Lender. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. (b) Assi n� ment. This Agreement shall be binding upon Borrower and its successors and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of Lender and its successors and assigns. All rights and powers specifically conferred upon Lender may be transferred or delegated by Lender to any of its successors and assigns. Borrower's rights and obligations under this Agreement may be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Lender. (c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 7 (d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U. S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Lender: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director To Borrower: DSN Investments LLC 1101 Elm Street Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: President (f) Termination. If the Loan is not disbursed pursuant to this Agreement by December 31, 2019, this Agreement shall terminate and neither party shall have any further obligation to the other, except that if the Loan is not disbursed because Borrower has failed to use its best efforts to comply with the conditions set forth in Section 3 of this Agreement then Borrower shall pay to Lender all reasonable attorneys fees, costs, and expenses incurred by Lender in connection with this Agreement and the Note. (g) Entire A�reement. This Agreement, together with the Exhibits hereto, which are incorporated by reference, constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of all mutual understandings between the parties with respect to this Agreement, superseding all prior or contemporaneous proposals, communications, and understandings, whether oral or written, concerning the Loan. (h) Headin�s. The headings appearing at the beginning of the several sections contained in this Agreement have been inserted for identification and reference purposes only and shall not be used in the construction and interpretation of this Agreement. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 g IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: President By: Executive Director [SIGNATi JRE PAGE TO LOAN AGREEMENT - CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY] 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 g DSN INVESTMENTS LLC : Title: [SIGNATiJRE PAGE TO LOAN AGREEMENT - DSN INVESTMENTS, LLCJ 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 10 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION That property located in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota and legally described as follows: Outlot D Groveland Addition and that part of vacated Chelsea Road West, as dedicated in GROVELAND ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southeasterly and easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 80.00 feet southeasterly and easterly of the southeasterly and easterly line of Outlot A, 90� STREET 3� ADDTTION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, and also lying southwesterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 80.00 feet southwesterly of the southwesterly line of Lot 1, Block 1, said 90� STREET 3� ADDITION. Upon recording of the approved plat of the Properry, the legal description will be as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, GROVELAND FIFTH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 A-1 EXHIBIT B PROMISSORY NOTE -$118,500- -4. 5%- 2019 DSN Investments LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Maker"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota or its assigns (Authority and any assigns are collectively referred to herein as "Holder"), at its designated principal office or such other place as the Holder may designate in writing the principal sum of One Hundred Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred and no/100ths Dollars ($118,500) or so much thereof as may be advanced under this Note, with interest as hereinafter provided, in any coin or currency that at the time or times of payment is legal tender for the payment of private debts in the United States of America. The principal of and interest on this Note are payable in installments due as follows: 1. Interest at the rate of four and one-half percent (4.5%) per annum shall accrue from the Loan Closing Date, as defined in the loan agreement of even date between Borrower and Lender ("Loan Agreement") until the Loan is repaid in full. 2. Level payments of principal and interest shall commence on June 1, 2019 (the "Initial Payment Date") and continue on the first day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Such payments shall fully amortize the principal and interest over twenty (20) years; provided that the final payment of unpaid principal and interest shall be due and payable on the first day of the one hundred twentieth (120th) month following the Initial Payment Date. 3. The Maker shall have the right to prepay the principal of this Note and interest accrued to the date of such prepayment, in whole or in part, on any date a principal and interest payment is due and payable. 4. This Note is given pursuant to the Loan Agreement and secured by a mortgage of even date herewith delivered by Borrower (the "Mortgage") and by a personal guaranty of Nicole A. Borstad, Dale S. Borstad, and Scott E. Kunz (the "Guaranty"). If any such security is found to be invalid for whatever reason, such invalidity shall constitute an Event of Default hereunder. All of the agreements, conditions, covenants, provisions, and stipulations contained in the Loan Agreement, the Mortgage, the Guaranty, or any other instrument securing this Note are hereby made a part of this Note to the same extent and with the same force and effect as if they were fully set forth herein. It is agreed that time is of the essence of this Note. If an Event of Default occurs under the Loan Agreement, the Mortgage, the Guaranty, or any other instrument securing this Note, then the Holder of this Note may at its right and option, without notice, declare immediately due and payable the principal balance of this Note and interest accrued thereon, together with reasonable attorneys fees and expenses incurred by the Holder of this Note in collecting or enforcing payment 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 B-1 hereof, whether by lawsuit or otherwise, and all other sums due hereunder or any instrument securing this Note. The Maker of this Note agrees that the Holder of this Note may, without notice to and without affecting the liability of the Maker, accept additional or substitute security for this Note, or release any security or any party liable for this Note or extend or renew this Note. 5. The remedies of the Holder of this Note as provided herein, and in the Loan Agreement, the Mortgage, the Guaranty, or any other instrument securing this Note shall be cumulative and concurrent and may be pursued singly, successively, or together, and, at the sole discretion of the Holder of this Note, may be exercised as often as occasion therefor shall occur; and the failure to exercise any such right or remedy shall in no event be construed as a waiver or release thereof. The Holder of this Note shall not be deemed, by any act of omission or commission, to have waived any of its rights or remedies hereunder unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the Holder and then only to the e�tent specifically set forth in the writing. A waiver with reference to one event sha11 not be construed as continuing or as a bar to or waiver of any right or remedy as to a subsequent event. This Note may not be amended, modified, or changed except only by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of any such amendment, modifications, or change is sought. 6. If any term of this Note, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Note, or the application of such term to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby, and each term of this Note shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest e�tent permitted by law. 7. It is intended that this Note is made with reference to and shall be construed as a Minnesota contract and is governed by the laws thereo£ Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. 8. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Note may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by the Maker and the Holder. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. 9. TT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECTTED that all conditions, acts, and things required to e�st, happen, and be performed precedent to or in the issuance of this Note do exist, have happened, and have been performed in regular and due form as required by law. [REST OF THE PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 B-2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Maker has caused this Note to be duly executed as of the _ day of 2019. DSN INVESTMENTS LLC : Title: [SIGNATURE PAGE FOR PROMISSORY NOTE - DSN INVESTMENTS, LLCJ 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 B-3 EXHIBIT C MORTGAGE THIS MORTGAGE (the "Mortgage") made as of the _ day of , 2019 by DSN Investments LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, with its principal place of business located at 1101 Elm Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 (hereinafter designated as the "Mortgagor"), in favor of City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota whose address is 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 (hereinafter designated as the "Lender"). WITNESSETH: Mortgagor owes Lender the principal sum of $118,500. This debt is evidenced by a promissory note of even date herewith (the "Note"). This Mortgage secures to Lender. (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; (b) the payment of all other sums, advanced to protect the security of this Mortgage; and (c) the performance of Mortgagor's covenants and agreements under this Mortgage and the Note. For this purpose, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, with power of sale, the real property located in Wright County, Minnesota and fully described in the attached Exhibit A, together with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Mortgage. All of the foregoing is referred to in this Mortgage as the "Property". MORTGAGOR COVENANTS that Mortgagor will warrant and defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subj ect to any encumbrances of record. Mortgagor and Lender agree as follows: 1. PAYMENT OF PRINCII'AL AND INTEREST; LATE CHARGES. Mortgagor shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any late charges due under the Note. 2. SUBORDINATION. This Mortgage is subordinate to the Mortgage given by Mortgagor to Bank of Elk River, Elk River, Minnesota, dated as of the date hereof and recorded herewith. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 C-1 3. HAZARD OR PROPERTY INSURANCE. Mortgagor shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss by fire and any other hazards for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods that Lender reasonably requires. The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Mortgagor subject to Lender's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. If Mortgagor fails to maintain coverage described above, Lender may, at Lender's option, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance with paragraph 5. All insurance policies and renewals shall be reasonably acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. If Lender requires, Mortgagor shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss, Mortgagor shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Mortgagor. If under paragraph 15 the Property is acquired by Lender, Mortgagor's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the acquisition. 4. PROTECTION OF THE PROPERTY. Mortgagor shall not destroy or damage the Property or commit waste on the Property. Mortgagor shall be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Mortgage or Lender's security interest. Mortgagor may cure such a default and reinstate, as provided in paragraph 13, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Mortgagor's interest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien created by this Mortgage or Lender's security interest. Mortgagor shall also be in default if Mortgagor gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note. 5. PROTECTION OF LENDER'S RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY. If Mortgagor fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Mortgage, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, condemnation or forfeiture), Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Mortgage, appearing in court, paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragraph 5, Lender is not required to do so. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 5 shall become additional debt of Mortgagor secured by this Mortgage. Unless Mortgagor and Lender agree to other terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the date of disbursement at a rate equal to the interest rate on the Note and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Mortgagor requesting payment. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 C-2 6. INSPECTION. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. 7. CONDEMNATION. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Mortgagor. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately before the taking, unless Mortgagor and Lender otherwise agree in writing, if any, the sums secured by this Mortgage shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the total amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Mortgagor. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, unless Mortgagor and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage whether or not the sums are then due. 8. FORBEARANCE BY LENDER NOT A WAIVER. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. 9. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BOLTND. The covenants and agreements of this Mortgage shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Mortgagor. 10. LOAN CHARGES. If the loan secured by this Mortgage is or becomes subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Mortgagor which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Mortgagor. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Mortgagor. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepayment under the Note. 11. NOTICES. Any notice to Mortgagor provided for in this Mortgage shall be given by delivering it personally or by mailing it by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. The notice shall be directed to the Mortgagor at the Mortgagor address first written above, or any other address Mortgagor designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given or mailed to the Lender address first written above, or any other address Lender designates by notice to Mortgagor. Any notice provided for in this Mortgage shall be deemed to have been given to Mortgagor or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 C-3 12. GOVERNING LAW; SEVERABILITY. This Mortgage shall be governed by the law of the state of Minnesota. In the event that any provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Mortgage or the Note which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end, the provisions of this Mortgage and the Note are declared to be severable. 13. MORTGAGOR'S RIGHT TO REINSTATE. If Mortgagor meets certain conditions, Mortgagor shall have the right to have enforcement of this Mortgage discontinued at any time prior to the earlier o£: (a) 5 days before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Mortgage; or (b) entry of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage. Those conditions are that Mortgagor. (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Mortgage and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Mortgage, including but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage, Lender's rights in the Property and Mortgagor's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Mortgagor, this Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. 14. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. Mortgagor shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any hazardous substances on or in the Property, except those solvents, oils, cleaning materials, and other substances as are used in the ordinary course of Mortgagor's business. Mortgagor shall not do, and will use its best efforts not to allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property that is in violation of any environmental law. Mortgagor shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any hazardous substance or environmental law of which Mortgagor has actual knowledge. If Mortgagor learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediation of any hazardous substance affecting the Property is necessary, Mortgagor shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with that environmental law. As used in this paragraph 14, "hazardous substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by environmental law and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As used in this paragraph 14, "environmental law" means federal or state laws that relate to environmental protection. 15. ACCELERATION; REMEDIES. Lender shall give notice to Mortgagor prior to acceleration following Mortgagor's breach of any covenant or agreement in this Mortgage. The notice shall specify. (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Mortgagor by which the default must be cured, provided, however, if Mortgagor is diligently pursuing a cure, Mortgagor shall have such additional time as is reasonably necessary to complete the cure; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 C-4 secured by this Mortgage and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Mortgagor of the right to reinstate after acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the notice, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of any sums secured by this Mortgage without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragraph 15, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees. If Lender invokes the power of sale, Lender shall cause a copy of a notice of sale to be served upon any person in possession of the Property. Lender shall publish a notice of sale, and the Property shall be sold at public auction in the manner prescribed by law. Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. The proceeds of the sale shall be applied in the following order. (a) to all expenses of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) to all sums secured by this Mortgage; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally entitled to it. 16. RELEASE OF MORTGAGE. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall discharge this Mortgage without charge to Mortgagor. Mortgagor shall pay any recordation costs. (The remainder of this page is intentionally blank.) 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 �-S IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Mortgagor has hereunto set its hand the day and year first above written. DSN INVESTMENTS LLC : Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2019, by, the of DSN Investments LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. SIGNATURE OF PERSON TAKINGACKNOWLEDGMENT NOTAARIAL STAMP OR SEAL (OR OTHER TITLE OR RANI�) This document drafted by: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered (MNI) 470 US Bank Plaza Minneapolis, MN 55402 FAILURE TO RECORD OR FILE THIS MORTGAGE MAY AFFECT THE PRIORITY OF THIS MORTGAGE 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 C-6 I�►.�:II:�Y1��, GUARANTY GUARANTY AGREEMENT This Guaranty Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 2019, by Nicole A. Borstad, Dale Borstad, and Scott Kunz, natural persons (together, the "Guarantor"), for the benefit of City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("Lender"), a public body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota. WITNES SETH: WHEREAS, DSN INVESTMENTS LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Borrower"), proposes to borrow the sum of $118,500 from Lender to finance the acquisition of certain property for a recreational vehicle sales and service facility located in the City of Monticello, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the loan agreement between Borrower and Lender dated as of the date hereof (the "Loan Agreement") Borrower has agreed to repay to Lender $118,500 together with interest thereon at the rate and within the time stated in Borrower's promissory note of even date herewith ("Note"), additionally secured by that certain Mortgage of even date herewith given by the Borrower to the Lender (the "Mortgage"); and WHEREAS, to secure payment of the Note, Lender has required, and Guarantor has agreed to provide, a guaranty of the indebtedness above described between Borrower and Lender; and WHEREAS, Guarantor will receive a direct financial benefit from the loan to Borrower by Lender pursuant to the Note. NOW, THEREFORE, to induce Lender to make the loan to Borrower, Guarantor hereby covenants and agrees with Lender, for the benefit of all who at any time become holders of the Note, as follows: Section 1.1. Guarantor hereby unconditionally guarantees to Lender for the benefit of the Holder (as defined in the Note) from time to time of the Note: (a) the full and prompt payment of the principal of the Note when and as the same shall become due, whether at the stated maturity thereof, by acceleration or otherwise; (b) the full and prompt payment of any interest on the Note when and as the same shall become due; and (c) any other amounts due Lender under the Loan Agreement or the Note. All payments shall be paid in lawful money of the United States of America. Each and every default in payment of the principal of or interest on the Note shall give rise to a separate cause of action hereunder, and separate suits may be brought hereunder as each cause of action arises. Section 1.2. The obligations of Guarantor under this Guaranty shall be absolute and unconditional and shall remain in full force and effect until the entire principal of and interest on the 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 D-1 Note shall have been paid, and such obligations shall not be affected, modified or impaired upon the happening from time to time of any event, including, without limitation, any of the following: a. The compromise, settlement, or release of less than all of the obligations, covenants or agreements of Borrower under the Note; b. The failure to give notice to any person of the occurrence of an event of default under the terms and provisions of this Guaranty or the Note executed by Borrower: c. The e�tension of the time for payment of principal of or interest on the Note or under this Guaranty; d. Any failure, omission, delay, or lack on the part of Lender to enforce, assert or exercise any right, power, or remedy conferred on Lender in this Guaranty or other instruments executed and delivered in connection with the loan contemplated thereby, or any other act or acts on the part of Lender or any of the holders from time to time of the Note; e. The default or failure of Guarantor to perform any of the obligations set forth in this Guaranty. Section 13. No set-off, counterclaim, reduction, or diminution of any obligation, or any defense of any kind or nature that Borrower has or may have Lender shall be available hereunder to Guarantor against Lender. Section 1.4. In the event of a default in the payment of principal of the Note when and as the same shall become due, whether at the stated maturity thereof, by acceleration or otherwise, or in the event of a default in the payment of any interest on the Note when and as the same shall become due, or upon the occurrence and continuance of any Event of Default under the Agreement, Lender may proceed hereunder; and Lender, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to proceed first and directly against the Guarantor for the full amount due without proceeding against or exhausting any other remedies it may have as to Borrower. Section 1.5. Guarantor hereby expressly waives notice from Lender or the holders from time to time of the Note of acceptance of or any reliance upon this Guaranty. Guarantor agrees to pay all the costs, expenses, and fees, including attorneys' fees, which may be incurred by Lender in enforcing or attempting to enforce this Guaranty whether the same shall be enforced by suit or otherwise. Section 1.6. This Guaranty is entered into by Guarantor with Lender for the benefit of Lender and the holders from time to time of the Note, all of whom shall be entitled to enforce performance and observance of this Guaranty. Section 1.7. Guarantor is duly authorized and empowered to execute, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to borrow money from Lender. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 D-2 Section 1.8. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Guaranty may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Guarantor and Lender. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. Section 1.9. This Guaranty is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Guaranty shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Guaranty waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. Section 1.10. If any provision or application of this Guaranty is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Guaranty shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. Section 1.11. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Lender: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director To Guarantor: Nicole A. Borstad 14938 Rabbit Street NW Ramsey, MN 55303 Dale S. Borstad 1412 Armstrong Boulevard Ramsey, MN 55303 Scott E. Kunz 5690 Lachman Avenue NE Albertville, MN 55301 Section 1.12. This Guaranty constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of all mutual understandings between the parties with respect to this Guaranty, superseding all prior or contemporaneous proposals, communications, and understandings, whether oral or written, concerning the Guaranty. Nothing contained herein shall effect or impair Lender's rights under the Loan Agreement, the Note, or the Mortgage. Section 1.13. The obligation of each Guarantor under this Guaranty shall be joint and several with the obligations of each other Guarantor, shall be binding upon the heirs and estate of both Guarantors, and shall survive the death, divorce, or any other change in situation or relationship of any or all Guarantors. 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 D-3 IN WIT`NESS WHEREOF, each Guarantor has caused this Guaranty to be executed as of the date first above written. Nicole A. Borstad Dale S. Borstad Scott E. Kunz [SIGNATURE PAGE FOR GUARANTY- DSN INVESTMENTS LLC LOAN] 561083v2 MNI MN325-41 D-4 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BUSINESS SUBSIDY APPLICATION BUSINESS ASSISTANCE FINANCING DSN INVESTMENTS LLC Legal name of applicant: 1101 ELM STREET MONTICELLO MN 55362 Address: 763-295-3434 MONTICELLO RV CENTER Telephone number: Nicole Borstad C#612-616-2246 �r-- Scott Kunz C#763-567-0673 --or-- Name of contact person: Dale Borstad C# 651-261-5506 REQUESTED INFORMATION Addendum shall be atiached hereto addressing in detail the following: 1. A map showing the exact boundaries of proposed development 2. Give a general description of the project including size and location of building(s); DSN Investments will be developing 6 acres on Chelsea Road. The building will face Chelsea Road on the East side of the property. Monticello RV Center will sell and service rvs Dale Borstad, Scott Kunz, and Nicole Borstad are equal and only partners in both DSN Investments and Monticello RV Center business type or use; The new location of Monticello RV Center on Chelsea Road will be used for the same purposes the current location on Elm Street serves: Retail Sales and Service of Recreational Vehicles and Trailers. Both New and Used. traffic information including parking, projected vehicle counts and traffic flow The Store will be open approximately from approximately 8:00 am until 6:00 pm throughout the year. The daily Mon- Fri traffic will be deliveries of inventory from the factories, delivery of parts from in-town vendors, FED EX, etc., Staff coming and going to work, customers shopping for RV or dropping off theirs for service. There will be new and used inventory on hand approximately 150 RVs will be for sale. Customers will be driving in and dropping off their RVs for service repairs. There will very clear marked signage and pavement markings for the flow of traffic. For example: there will be a drop off lane painted in for stalls for customers to know quickly and clearly where to drive in and where to drop off RVs for repairs. The same would be done for vendor and manufacturer deliveries of inventory and parts. Staff will park at the rear of the building. Deliveries from Vendors and Manufacturers will be during the weekdays. Saturdays will be focused on the retail shoppers. The store will be closed on Sundays. ; timing of the project; Ground break Late Spring with a projection completion of Fa112019 estimated market value following completion. $4.2 million 3. The existing Comprehensive Guide Plan Land Use designation and zoning of the property. The property is currently zoned B3 Include a statement as to how the proposed development will conform to the land use desigtlation and how the property will be zoned. We are currently in the approval process with the City of Monticello Planning Commissions and City Council to rezone the property from the current B3 to PUD (Planned Unit Development). The purpose of the rezoning request reflects the need for the physical building size requirement to be lowered from requirements in a B3. There is a larger amount of inventory square footage needed for RVs. 4. A statement identifying how the increment assistance will be used and why it is necessary to undertake the project. The additional funds will allow us to complete more of the project at once. It will allow us to work at being full capacity fully completed with the money. Furniture Fixtures Sign and Pylon, exterior building signage and awnings. Exterior lighting A statement identifying the public benefits of the proposal including estimated increase in property valuation, new jobs to be created, hourly wages and other community assets. Monticello RV Center plans to expand its staff size from 12 to 25. The value of the property value will raise with the land being developed, landscaped and a new building. This will bring more options for people to shop locally. Chelsea Road currently has auto dealers, powers sports and rvs dealers on it already. This project will fit in seamless. 6. A written description of the developer's business, principals, history and past projects The owners of Monticello are not looking to simply reside in our community. We, the owners, want to make our business a good place to work, one that makes a reasonable profit, employs people of the area in good wage-earning stable jobs with benefits. In general: "do the right thing". We have gone thru decades in successful sales and management jobs in the past as well opened several nationwide stores We are residents of the area and lool� to continue to grow our small business while making a positive impact in the community. One event we will be implementing is a Local Heroes event. The sole purpose is to honor those in our community in the field of service and to have a fun education family driven event honoring: military, police force, fire fighters, medical, educational and more everyday local heroes in the area. People can learn more about taking a minute to honor the people whose daily job maintains our quality of daily life. We want to grow this as large as possible with a focus on our friends, family, and neighbors who are those Local Heroes. [ understand that the application fee will be used for EDA staff and consultant costs and may be partially refundable if the request for assistance is withdrawn. Refunds will be made at the discretion of the EDA Board and be based on the costs incurred by the EDA prior to withdraw of the request for assistance. If tlle initial application fee is insufficient, I will be responsible for additional deposits. SIGNATURE . Applicant's signature: 3/7/2019 Date: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Application for Business Assistance Financing GENERAL INFORMATION: DSN INVESTMENTS LLC Business Name: 1101 ELM STREET MONTICELLO MN 55362 Address: LIMITED LIABiLITY CORPORAT[ON LLC Type (Partnership, etc.): NICOLE BORSTAD PRESIDENT Authorized Representative: RETAIL SALES AND SERVICE OF RVS Description of Business: DAN GANTER OF BARNA, GUZY, STEFFEN Legal Counsel: Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd. 200 Coon Rapids Boulevard Northwest, #400 Caon Rapids, MN 55433 Date: Phone: Address: Phone: 3/7/2019 612-616-2246 CELL (763) 780-8500 (800) 422-3486 Fax: 763-780-1777 � FINANCIAL BACKGROUND: NONE OF THE BUSINESSES OWNED BY THE OWNERS HAVE EVER F[LED BANKRUPTCY: DSN VENTURES, LAKE REGION RVS iNC., DSN 1. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? INVESTMENTS, MONTICELLO RV CENTER NONE OF THE BUSINESSES OWNED BY THE OWNERS HAVE EVER DEFAULTED ON ANY LOAN COMMITMENTS: DSN VENTURES, LAKE REGION RVS INC., DSN 1NVESTMENTS, MONT[CELLO RV 2. Have you ever defaulted on any loan commitment? CENTER YES. WE ARE IN THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR SMALL BUSINESS ADMIN FINANCING LOAN PROGRAMS WtTH BANK OF ELK 3. Have you applied for conventional financing for the project? RNER AS WELL 4. List financial references: VILLAGE BANK RICK SEATON 763-398-8000 a. BANKWEST CRAIG BOYSEN 763-477-5231 NORTHPOINT FINANCIAL CHRIS PETTIT 320-493-2381 c. 5. Have you ever used Business Assistance Financing before? NO If yes, what, where and when? PROJECT INFORMATION: GROVELAND ST" ADDITION. BLOCK I. ON CHELSEA ROAD APPROXIMATELY ACROSS THE ROAD FROM THE CURRENT 1. Location of Proposed Project: LOCATION OF CAMPING WORLD UP TO $400,000 2. Amount of Business Assistance requested? DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE, PURCHASE TOWARDS FIXTURE, FURNISHINGS, AND EQUIPMENT, EXTERIOR 3. Need for Business Assistance: BUILDING SIGNAGE AND PYLON O'CELLO 4. Present ownership of site: 5. Number of permanent jobs created as a result of project? 8 total = 4 new positions in sales @$23/hour 1 new position in service @$17/hour 2 new positions in service technicians @$20/hour 1 new position in administration @$15.50/hour 2019 IN CURRENT LOCATION PROJECTED $7 MILLION 2020 IN NEW LOCATION PROJECTION $10 6. Estimated annual sales: Present: $6.6 MILLION Future: MILLION $4.2 MILLION 7. Market value of project following completion: LATE SPRING 2019 8. Anticipated start date: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: 1. Estimated project related costs: a. Land acquisition b. Site development c. Building cost d. Equipment e. ArchitecturaUengineering fee f. Legal fees g. Off-site development costs 2. Source of financing: a. Private financing institution Completion Date: $ 810,000 $761,000 $2,200,000 $100,000 $75,000 $189,000 $ BANK OF ELK RIVER CURRENTLY PURSUING THEM BEING IN PARTICIPATION WITH SBA PROGRAM FALL 2019 b. Tax increment funds c. Other public funds d. Developer equity NONE PURSUED INT[ATIVE FOUNDATION -PURSING SIMULTANEOUSLY AND CURRENTLY IN PROCESS INT[AITIVE FOUNDATION -PURSING SIMULTANEOUSLY AND CURRENTLY IN PROCESS Monticello RVi center was founded in 1991. The original facility was destroyed by Tornado in 1997 and the dealership was relocated to the current location at 1101 Elm Street. The Dealership was sold to Dale Borstad, Scott Kunz, and Nicole Borstad in January of 2015. Dale and Nicole have been the owner/operators of Lake Region RVS since 2006. Scott previously held positions with Crystal Pierz Marine and Bass Pro Shop (Tracker Boats). Dale and Scott each have over 30 Years of experience in Retail Car/Boat/RV sales and ma nagement. The Monticello dealership offers Wildwood, Heritage Glen, and Vengeance Travel Trailers and Fifth wheels along with Park models from Highland Manufacturing from Worthington Minnesota. It is a full service dealership offering Parts, Service ,and Sales. The dealership operates with a"help customers purchase" rather than a"selling" environment. We discount our product upfront and take negotiation out of the process. In 2015 the previous owners sold 72 RV's. In 2016, our first year of operation we sold 139. In 2017 we grew to 199, and in 2018 we delivered 221. The projection for 2019 is 240, 2020 (in our new facility) the target is 377, and in 2021 we project 450. We currently employ 12 full time people at the dealership. This number will grow to 24 by mid-2020 to facilitate the growth projected in the new location. We, the owners, want to make our business a good place to work, one that makes a reasonable profit, employs people of the area in good wage-earning stable jobs with benefits. In general: "do the right thing". We have gone thru decades in successful sales and management jobs in the past as well opened several nationwide stores. We are residents of the area and look to continue to grow our small business while making a positive impact in the community. One event we will be implementing is a Local Heroes event. The sole purpose is to honor those in our community in the field of service and to have a fun education family driven event honoring: past and Present Military, Police, Fire Fighters, First Resj�onders, and Educators. We want to offer a platform where people can learn more by taking a minute to honor the people whose job maintains our quality of daily life. We want to grow this as large as possible with a focus on our friends, family, and neighbors who are those Local Heroes. This event is not a sales event, but rather our community contribution. Prizes will be given to the local heroes , supplied by our vendors and other businesses in the community who wish to participate. The dealership will provide lunch daily for all who attend the event. Fell free to contact one of us to learn more about "Local Heroes Days". March 13, 2019 Monticello RV Scott Kunz, President 1101 Elm St. Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Scott, \ ; �TheBank � � O F E L K R I V E R I Thank you for considering The Bank of Elk River for your Real Estate Expansion Plans. The Bank has reviewed your financial and credit information and you have been pre-qualified for a construction and term loan under the following terms and conditions. Borrower: Co-Borrower: DSN Investments, LLC Monticello RV Center Personal Guarantors: Scott Kunz, Dale Borstad, and Nicole Borstad Total Project Costs: Estimated to be $4,360,000 to construct an RV Dealership in Monticello. Down Payment: 10% of the total project costs or $436,000 *Minimum 5%cash down from buyer is required. Bank will allow local GAP lenders to fulfill the additional 5% in a 3`d Mortgage on the property. Loan Amount: Terms: Origination Fee: Other Closing Costs All Borrower, Co-Borrower, Personal and Corporate Guarantees to remain the same thru out the construction and term period with the Bank and the SBA. Construction Loan $3,924,000 or 90% of the total costs. 12-months interest only payments at Wall Street Journal Prime +,50bps, adjusted qua rterly. .SO% loan origination fee which is included in the total costs of the project. All third party costs including, title, appraisal, environmental, and UCC filings, which is included in the total costs of the project. Construction Draws: All construction draws to be disbursed thru a Title Company. 630 Main Street, Elk River, MN 55330 I p> 763-441-1000I t) 763-441-0847 I www,thebankofelkriver.com I Membe�Fo,� � � The Bank O F E L K R I V E R Financial Reportin� for 7he Bank and SBA Quarterly Financial reporting for Monticello RV Center. Annual Tax Returns for the Borrower and Guarantors. Annual Personal Financial Statement for the Personal Guarantors. Additional financial reporting may be required. Conditions: Subject to satisfactory appraisal equal to or greater than the project costs and acceptable title report. This pre-qualification letter is subject to final underwriting and loan committee approval. Rates and fees quoted are subject to change. Thank You for choosing The Bank of Elk River for your financing needs and please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, �f Carl Gebhardt, VP Commercial Lending 3 630 Main Street, Elk River, MN 55330I P� 763-441-1000I f) 763-441-0847I www.thebankofelkriver.coml Membe,Fo,c Bank Term Loan up_on completion Bank Note Amount: Approximately $2,180,000 or 50% of the total projected value of the property. Bank Interest Rate: 10-year term, 5.69% fixed for 5-years then adjusted in year 6 to Prime +.40% with a 5% fkoor. Bank Amortization: 25-years Bank Payment: Estimated at $13,635. This amount does not include an escrow for real estate taxes or insurance. ' Pre-Payment Penalty: 39'o in Year 1 and then declining 1% thereafter thru out the first 3-years. Prepayment Penalty to be waived if the building is sold. Loan Covenants: Borrower to maintain a 1.15 global debt service coverage ratio thru out the term of the loan defined as EBITDA before distributions/Annual Debt Service and 1.05x after shareholder distributions. SBA Term Note upon completion SBA Note Amount: Approximately $1,744,000 or 40% of the total projected value of the property. SBA Interest Rate; To be determined upon the sale of the SBA Debenture and fixed for the entire term of the loan. Current rates are around 5%. SBA Amortization: 25-years SBA Payment: Estimated at $10,289.58. SBA Pre-Payment Penalty: 10% in Year 1 and then declining 1% thereafter thru out the first 10-years. Loan Covenants: To be determined by the SBA but generally the same as the bank loan covenants. Additional Underwritinq and Collateral Requirements may be required by the SBA and or The 8ank of Elk River Credit Committee upon complete underwritrng. 2 � ' � - - o owi�NO� �> � ~ rcg 3ocaio�a 3-� m _ w3W _ 5a- _ _ gU - N � _ - � ; Q = _ _ 6 � N _ � _ _ � - - o�w 3N �3o g o ~ -- _ - Dap�W����o --03 opW aSa - - _ � � �NU _ _ agH �i��� - c�ov��a �3su a ad� ` c� _a�n + �nu n maQ aOuoO^ rO O _ mi a ' u�a u� w � P Q Z — P w _- NII� U V ulUlo �x- U NI^ ?U H N � Z a S z � i� o a i w � V V f Z O O f � K � w O U O � 2 rr 7 � d' G Z Z os �� �o w� Y I S ^ Y U O O �`o � Z o a E Q o C`o<LLo O „ -o n N � C a ��0�3 oW �d. _-� � � .. > - B.6L �v� %ap �,r�� ;; �,�`S'4`d`K � .. � ��� � �,a� � . �� , � � �'i , � iiili�iiadiYr .� � . � Y �'"' '. i • �� � �; j�.,',, ' � ,.4.�:' . .�'I' a .. .. >'.. ��� ��� %� �.�� 18 F � ;� ��� ,. �rr � ,� -. �. .'' �a-.--�,..... a.__... s. .. � � � � V W a � � w � �� �o U �' q � �� Q ¢ O � �� J ,� � Z 'w , � Q � � t/1 W Z � � � � J _J J _I L1J Ll.i � V V P � 00� � � � � � � ti O � � > z v � � �� � � J —� +. p ��� w � r a �� �. 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I =g I �I° � F� m I � _' ' �e, s � � °I sa ; o �, o �� `E I ��I oE`= I LL cs �.. � = I I I I �I g;as �, i ;�'j I I � . `.fa � ¢ �� B o � �I I -V� � - f � � V� 0 0 � 1� EDA: 04/10/19 6. Consideration of Update of Arts Pro�ram Activities and Fred's Buildin� (349 West Broadwavl (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to provide a brief update to the EDA regarding its property located at 349 West Broadway which is being leased by the City Parks Department for Arts Program activities. As you will recall last summer, the Parks Department identified the former Fred's Gas Station as a good potential fit as a multi-purpose arts programing craft shop and storage area. Subsequent to that, the EDA approved a 2-year Lease Agreement for the facility with the City Parks Department. The City Council approved the Lease Agreement on behalf of the Parks Department in January 2019. No rent is being charged to the Parks Department. The initial repairs along with ongoing maintenance for the property was assigned to the Parks Department. Any exterior alterations to the building must be approved by the EDA. The EDA also approved one-time funding in support of the Arts Program in the amount of $15,000 from its 2019 budget. Sue Seeger, Arts Program consultant, will attend the EDA meeting to provide a report of the status of the Fred's Building as well as an overall update of the Arts Program activities. An overview of topics will include: ✓ Fred's Building (349 West Broadway) — Status, Highlights, End Results ✓ Arts Program - Soft Open House: Saturday, April 13, 2019 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. ✓ Current and Future Arts Program Activities (murals, planter boxes, pavers, benches, street art, festivals, contests, etc.) ✓ Funding Efforts (Grants) - Collaborative Funding Opportunities ✓ Other Thoughts and Information About Arts A1. STAFF IMPACT: None A2. BUDGET IMPACT: None B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: None; Update only. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None; Update only D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Photos ■ � � � � - -,.,;,, _ -.. - ---�- , - - _ . -� - x . . � , . _: - �� '-..� - - -_r - � . - � .. .� • . ■ � ■ . � .. - .. _ _i-, ' _ - . � . � - �' _ _ � � -_ .i, �,"- . - � . � . .._ 4'.. - ,_ _ _ - _ `. :� -,:.r - _ _ r _ - i - - �� . ,+,. - - ,• � �v _ ' ,. . :., . .. � . , •. �. �,- : .:... , . � � -��r .. . �_. „ " _..p � . . ,��_ . -- ....., . i , .. , - .L1ra:_ . .. .. ._ _ "_ .. �:a�ae� . .... . _ EDA: 04/10/19 7. Consideration of Authorizin� Picnic Table Location Improvement Plans (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider authorizing basic improvement designs for the EDA owned parcels where picnic tables, paid for by the Rotary Club of Monticello, will be placed. Two of the three proposed picnic table sites in the core downtown area are EDA owned properties. There are two more parks in the City where picnic tables will also be placed. While it is understood that there will be picnic tables placed in these park/parklet locations, Sue Seeger, Arts Program consultant, is working with Parks Department staff to design public spaces that rise to the vision expressed in the Small Area Study and Comprehensive Plan (See Monticello Vision RFP, Page #12). In general, that vision encourages the creation of safe, inviting, relaxing, peaceful public gathering-lingering spaces. Ms. Seeger will present a concept plan indicating proposed improvements for each of the downtown parklets. It is possible that the initial improvements may be temporary and also may be completed in phases. After the Comprehensive Plan is completed in 2020, the EDA may be asked to consider authorizing additional or replacement long-term improvements for its properties. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is a very minimal staff impact in authorizing the improvements associated with placement of picnic tables on EDA owned parklets. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: There is no cost to the EDA to complete the placement of the picnic tables (new tables were paid for by the Rotary Club of Monticello) or the public space improvements. The Parks Department set aside funds for the site improvements in its 2019 budget. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: Creating safe, beautiful, inviting relaxing spaces falls under the City Strategic Plan Goal #1. "Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability" . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to authorize Parklet Improvement Plans for EDA owned parcels in the Downtown. 2. Motion to deny authorization of Parklet Improvement Plans for EDA owned parcels in the Downtown. 3. Motion to table authorization of Parklet Improvement Plans for EDA owned parcels in the Downtown for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff will support the EDA in its recommendation. Staff will coordinate with the Parks Department and the Arts Program consultant the desired improvements that the EDA would like to see in the Parklets. The funding for the proposed improvements will be EDA: 04/10/19 provided by the Parks Department. It is possible that the placement of improvements can and will be completed in phases and may need periodic approvals as the overall plans come together. If that is the process the EDA chooses in relation to the Parklet development, placement of picnic tables, which are being donated by the Rotary Club of Monticello, could serve as the first of several improvement phases. The Rotary Club of Monticello sponsorship of the proj ect is provided courtesy of a j oint funding arrangement with the International Rotary Foundation. The funding collaboration requires that the proj ect be completed (assembled and installed) by May 31, 2019. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A Monticello Vision 2040 Comp Plan RFP, Page #12 B. Downtown Picnic Table Sites 2 o The Phase 2 project document will include the following components: � Executive Sufninary • Land Use: Chapter will require comprehensive review and analysis. o Residential o Commercial o Industrial o Parks, Pathways & Open Space o Downtown o Transition Areas/Mixed Use o Community Spaces & Uses • Ecvnomic Developtnent: Chapter will require comprehensive review and analysis. This will include consultation with the city's financial consultant, Northland Securities, to respond to and develop recommended strategies. o Tax Base o Workforce o Development o Redevelopment • Transportatian: Chapter requires a minor update of the vehicular component, including interchange location selection, with primary focus on pedestrian and bicycle components. o Vehicular o Pedestrian o Bicycle o Rail • Parks, Pathways £�t Open Space: Chapter requires a minor update of the main components, with primary focus on the incorporation of noted guidance and development of the Downtown Open Space Plan. o Existing Parks & Pathways o System Objectives o System Plan — Parks and Pathways ■ Incorporation of Natural Resource Inventory & Assessment ■ Incorporation of Pathway Connections Guide Map ■ Incorporation of regional parks and pathway information ■ Incorporation of Safe Routes to School Plan recommendations o Downtown Open Space Plan • Utilities: RESERVED. Review current information as part of process. a. Water b. Sanitary Sewer c. Storm Sewer d. Green Infrastructure • Cotnmunity Identity £� Culture: New chapter to be developed for the 2040 plan. 12�Page v� � �i�� R + . � � �� � <� p � �.` �� ��. �r at � ' . i �i j . �, � . �,�f �C " � Ar _ ` �q+ �"' t , "�i ^ (j,� �� �.J�• �l',• � � � � � a, � r � � fr'� �l1J�- �1�, � � G .y � yy, y. ^ _ ' _ �^ � 4 M Y 1 � I'A � � x x. ��"' .n �l*+ � �`` , � � "''�r. „ �" � s� + � ' I �°,� �` � � � � � � � � �� �� � �� " " � ��' �' -� _ " �'r� � �` .� j' � �` i' � '� ' i� c3 �` /g'`. �� � Lr '� _ � „�' � _. *,' � • �� � ��'. �, ':`�''� � C � ���,� r � �_` !�°F�t' �yr �,; n' � � M". �'. ,U 1f . � . ` '' '� r 'K; � � — � ���'' � 'j � � ' � ",�'�, ; � , , � � � [],. y r � � r � �S�: i � .�.� . :.I ��. .�.�4, , f � � `�� • � � �. ` �'�f �+� i � � } � "` ' � � � � �..°.� � Y � � �'1 i -;� �i^ '� . r. t �ap - i. ,G' , �., �� �r �, ;�!� !°� � `j� ��. -�' , �f �A � �, �� .�`I�' �.y � � �; � :.�. �>: �� �,�•" M t�..�',�� - C'ki''e�s � ���+i.. ,�yr. � ���M� , �.. ����� • •�FY' . �' ,.� , " F ' '�' � f , � `r�# '�J` �':';�r"�' .. 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Questions about the water table have been raised repeatedly in early discussions with developers who are looking at potential redevelopment in Block 52. The water table issue relates to the concept of a potential underground parking structure. Staff believes it would be useful to have these questions answered so prospective developers understand the potential challenges in pursuing development of underground parking in Block 52. In better understanding the soil conditions and water table dynamics, it will also add an element of realism to the concepting discussions that are occurring at this time. City Engineer, Matt Leonard, has completed an RFP format, Exhibit A, that can be used to solicit quotes from engineering firms. The RFP is comprehensive and will help answer a variety of questions related to soil and groundwater conditions and their impacts on construction activities. A map showing the recommended boring locations is also attached as part of the RFP (Exhibit B). Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is minimal staff impact in considering authorizing an RFP for soil borings in Block 52. If the soil boring RFP is approved, submittals will be evaluated by the City Engineer and Community Development Department Staff. If an RFP is eventually selected, there is an ongoing requirement by the City staff (likely the Engineer Technician) to take groundwater readings through a piezometer guage on a regular periodic basis for approximately 14 months +/-. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: Expenses that can be expected to be incurred through the selection of an RFP and entering into a contract for Engineering Services related to soil borings fall under "Redevelopment Activities" in the 2019 EDA Budget. A total amount of $123,250 was budgeted in the Redevelopment Activities line item. To date in 2019, no funds have been expended from this line item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to authorize issuance of the proposed RFP for Block 52 Soil Borings. 2. Motion to deny authorizing issuance of the proposed RFP for Block 52 Soil Borings. 3. Motion to table consideration of authorizing issuance of the proposed RFP for Block 52 Soil Borings. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the EDA authorize the issuance of the proposed RFP for Block 52 Soil Borings as presented. The completion of soil borings will help answer questions that continue to arise regarding potential underground parking capabilities in the Block If the EDA approves the issuance of the RFP, the expectation is that the submittals will be presented to the EDA for consideration at its regular May 2019 meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Proposed RFP for Block 52 Soil Borings B. Map — Proposed Block 52 Soil Boring Locations Request for Proposal (RFP) Block 52 Soil Borings Block 52, Monticello, Minnesota April 11, 2019 This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for soil borings, groundwater depths, and preliminary site recommendations for portions of Block 52 (see attached map). The site is being considered for redevelopment to potentially include a maximum 5-story residential / mixed use building(s), underground parking, and parking lots. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) would like to request five (5) standard penetration soil borings to depths of 30 feet each as noted on the attached site map. At Boring PB-2, a piezometer shall be installed for monitoring of groundwater depth up until the time of construction. The City of Monticello staff will complete groundwater monitoring readings. The proposal shall include a cost to visit the site in June of 2020 to remove and seal the piezometer. The drilling company will be responsible for calling the Gopher State One Call and for private locates on the proposed sites. The drilling company shall follow all Minnesota Department of Health regulations for drilling and sealing the borings. The City will secure access to the sites from the property owners. Proposals should include the proposed cost and schedule for the geotechnical investigation and preliminary geotechnical report. The preliminary geotechnical report shall include the borings logs, a discussion on subsurface soil and groundwater conditions and how they may affect construction of foundations, subsurface walls, slabs and pavements. The report should also provide an estimated range of allowable bearing pressure for footing design, discussion of shallow and/or deep foundations, and a discussion of soils for use as structural/site fill. A PDF of the preliminary report shall be emailed to the City. Boring elevations shall be located and elevated via surveying Global Positioning System (GPS). The RFP does not include a request for environmental drilling, however; if odors or environmental contamination are encountered during the drilling process this information should be noted on the boring logs and within the preliminary geotechnical report. The deadline for submittal of Block 52 Soil Boring RFPs is Tuesday, April 30, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. Questions about the RFP or the general boring site can be directed to: Matt Leonard, City Engineer, phone 763-271-3271; email matt.leonard(a�ci.monticello.mn.us and/or Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, phone 763-271-3254; email jim.thares@ci.monticello.mn.us. � _ .� .�.,��� �Yl ;'�..�,..{ � � ..�`, �`�� ��s 4. � •k � ��jr�iI� Jt�� �.� \ �f �-.�' i � f ��,'A ��` f � � � ' � � � � �_� a� f ; ' r �1 ` .� ��` I �' r � "yJ �� -�` . ,k� '� �j, % �. �#, , R ?�: .��� - ' 'i' =` • ��-�, � � � � / r: �i� i .:,�'''� , March 22, 2oig �, � i �e' Jjs r"' yr � �,,�'; v.•. • � � � R. 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' ► City Boundary �� aTv oF ��` Monticello Bryan Pittman i inch = 94 feet Map Powered by DataLink from WSB &Associates EDA Agenda - 04/10/2019 9. Consideration of an update on the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Pro�ram AS/JaT A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Staff inet with all five of the interested property owners on Block 35 in March to review the concept rendering for their individual building and discuss next steps. At present, the property owners are in process of obtaining the two required quotes based on the improvements items as shown in the renderings. Two of the 5 property owners have provided their initial required quotes. Next, staff is seeking to arrange a meeting between the property owner, their selected contractor and the Cuningham Group to further discuss and refine project scope prior to bringing application materials forward to the EDA. Staff will also have a better idea through this next meeting of how extensive the intended improvements are in terms of the potential for a secondary loan program and/or additional funding or program modifications. Staff would request that a member of the EDA be available to attend this meeting to help provide continuity between EDA expectations and property owner desires. It is hoped that proj ect applications will be brought forward in May and June. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS None. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As noted above, staff is requesting an EDA member volunteer to attend the next round of property owner meetings. D. SUPPORTING DATA Building Renderings EDA Agenda: 04/10/19 10. Economic Development Report (JT) A. CMHP — Low Income Housing Tax Credit Concept — Recent discussions with Central Minnesota Housing Partnership (CM�Il') staff indicate that they believe the timeline for the June 2019 application cycle for LIHTC housing projects is too short. They would like to submit a quality application and believe the process in collaborating with the City-EDA needs to begin in August 2019 for the June 2020 application cycle. In the meantime, staff has a laundry list of preliminary tasks to complete related to identifying and vetting appropriate sites and review of either owner or rental units and the potential of additional funding sources. B. Post Office Site Update — The owner of the post office property in downtown Monticello 331 West Broadway) recently informed staff that the post office has entered into a new 5- year lease for the facility. The owner does not know exactly how the facility will be used by the post office at this time. The lease also includes two 5-year extension options at the post office's discretion. If the building is not used by the post office, another potential user would have the option to buy out the lease or enter into a sublease arrangement with the post office. C. Google Update — Staff continue to monitor the proposed (and pending) Google data center facility for Becker. Exhibit A. is a recent article in the Monticello Times regarding the status of the proposal and the offered financial assistance packages. D. Workforce Development Update: A verbal update will be provided at the meeting. E. Prospects — See attached A spread sheet with the concept stage and active search prospects is attached as Exhibit B. Sherburne County OKs tax abatement for Google data center By,MMgpr� the Elk River Area Chamber of Varilek said for the past ihree FOp7NEMOMIICELL071ME5 Commerw; and Matc Vazilek, the years, �e sltipwi[h�theMcKn ght . � president of the Initiative Founda- ing Pa s s � Afterastceamofecouomicdovel- tlon. � � Fonndation a ell a�he 7us�� >pmeuY proponente. finished tout- They aleo �beard from Neal 7. Traneition Fand,�Uhet foup negage ng ehe benefi[s of Gongle building Young, an�economic analysis direc- has had We. oppo � � g600 aW�loo datx cevrer on 300 [oe from Minnesota's Department more inunsively wi[h the city of e o( land in Beckee owued by of Economlc Developme¢t; Larry Becker and Sherburne County to Kcel Eneip where the Sheroo plant Hosch, che business davelopmant advance aoonomic diversiecakon �ow operates, the Sherbume Coun- Nrector for Grea[ec SL Cloud De- etforts pnor to decommissioning of y Roazd of-Coaunissioners agreed velopmevi Corpocaiion; and Peter Uuits 1 and �ow. very wall, your n niumphant fashion on a 4-0 vote Frosch, �he CEO at Greate� MSP, "As you klarch 26 to give 7et Stream LLC a Minneapolis-Saint Paul Re�onal- econom�c diversification eRons' i$7.B million pr6per�y tax break Economic Deve�opment Partner- ase critical because [he �peeted :hmugh tac a6a[ements over 20 ship thai Sherbusne County councs �,`om Shercobwill be s��ign�fican�4'�he years -- � iYsel[ as a mamber. ]ndoingaq thecountyhasa$eed "lt hae beeo i�sp'ving to see the said "So we coneidei�VeP��,��e to ta�e the property a[ its c�sscent rntire g�cater Mi�nneso�a comn u- that Xcel 8ce[�y �s fi' value as an open field with,no im- nity raily around us," Board Cha��- cant lead time m che commumty provcmen[s. I3ecker will consider a man 'Cim:Dolan said. "R'hether. � to pi pnre Cor ihe. closu(e, aud it's milae abatemant reques[ on Ap 1 iPs somet�ag� similaz m sca� [ also lortunate that local offic�ah 2. 7'he Bukec S�tiooi Distrioi Nd , somethin$ smal�e� iv Wa f u I likb grev have iake� advantage ot not gcan� an abatement, so �t would h p this ia t plate fo h e tdis. o�+p �'tu �ty. to be Froactrve collec[ abou[ S30Q000 annualTy m� � focwakd �Becker, Blg Lake,, aud �R 1 age yo�r cons�derable � taxcs Pe�nce[p.g�1K]l�vGr'ande an+Cit'e. looal'eCo omic asaets such as [he Th M soca Lagislamre utF�den�purwuniyorth�gr ic��iudustneiparked�acenttothecoal 'idenag a� b�l ca14i9g �t'o� $20 5t (.louC�axes Thi's should b the Poat en portadon�h us gowasceY miJ7pq �nfrastruct�'+e �¢iPro rm.1 .. . �� -��� G o�e . ••1 aQ�iecla{e all tHe.runa d ef � wn�e i tment, and other ccitical �GooB�eInc.i [h parent�co Cart,Shatli.is�putint.oW� n� nil?a8�cc thatcansupponfu� p nY o( Iet. Sc eam Wliile th 11 tN Fiiac l�a'�I l+ave ['o pu� m[o �ti�te B�'+'�h company hfls be . lent on ih p sh (tds'26ing actose the finieh T��x�`�sbltadF$14,OOOn[oward ' pxy¢ct, it has be known., emce Ime �� ° i� o� y�mpmhensi�e 7aouary some[Wog big was 6rewing Young, who has analyzed �he comp e ion when Excel announced the projeci Google projeci fov DEER hailed � Economic Development Strategy. as par[ of its decomm��sioaing ot the npple effects as eome oC ihe or CEDS, tha� was approved by Coal Uni[ l aud Coal Unii 2 0( ita projecc's greatest benefity. � the U.3. Ewuomio Developmeni � powet 6coaration ope�atiou iu 2023 t � rippla f�romcucti ��P'evdinR � door�to� additi0ual�federal ins 2nd 1A26. o c ns s To prepare foc the loss o( jobs andeve�tuallyda[acen[c[jobs. sou«s. - direotly and �ndiactly aod theic ao- Thare aze elso indvect ha n�g bility�aualys$26y �O tQ�iy foc Kans- nual impac[ on iha regionai ecun- when wmpauies atan purc rtation im o t� ac the'ln- omy, Xcel, Becke� and She�b�ume fromoneanothec . po p; yemen County have been working to cre- Yo�ng said he used 1MPLAN, a dustrial park. ' � � 000 to the coun[y 1 ate a new�business park to atvact s�andard eool for economic impact f oGr�Yted� M10�' mpacts andop- businesus and � p cai stment analy��s ��� T � . � let Stream LL(, h p poeed a Aydbe g[ Id c �s o e �M1e porc t ih �-, g�yses � 3"15,000-sq�ace f t dAci centec P1k Rive [,h b r� s I dly ba• C ll� t ty, on the Sherco properry to be par� hmd �aunng the a6aie e t call- help d stablish a need and �p- �'of tha Becku Business Pack, with fng it a prudenv stracegy m encoar- �`po�r[u�n oY �'�d' f�snfi �erVsources8 �.-+ a total invescmenc of $600 milliou age thiv investment. gan e romo , -$3U0 million of constNcfion aod "Yhe chamber recognizes thac the and S39 mitlion m bond4ng from . $300 million of equipmant purchas- Googla data cemei pko�ides au op- the ecate I.egislature, aswall as eom- es chat wiil parlay 2,300 jobs during portunity to diversify [he econumy miWents from Northern Metals [o onstmcnon aod a minimum of 50 in advance of [he decommissio�inS establish operaV � 1 k sa d�Con� (ul4hme permeneflt jobs that pay f llnits 1 d 2 at �ha She C al du t� I park" an average of $SO 000 uaily f 1 Generat on Sta[ion whwh will re si �ten[ with alI ch t g od work iha[ � ' lowmg compleu �- ", �� -� .�ult 6� s�ic��i�f lo.v�s f 4� �'� ��YiAs� �irgadY baeu d I-m�hare to�.. . �"That alope w uld bt be evougp' �and quNiity��6bg," R5`db�g sa 3�- � d�Y��¢. Ito �rto r wph C;oo�a to �o juati[y tbe nbatemeny ¢ut ihe ,� The m st xi,ting, peu ��d F,I projec[ wilt aJso bring with it ioad, berg. noted, wes [he sp�lover eiiecc c ee�e a new data cencec The duact sewer and wa�e[ an� 6ber infra- Ihat �will beuefit c6e central Min- job and payroll impec[s a�one are strucmre. to the business pazk. �� nesota e� nomy a�d . especially impressive, wit6 the proposed facil- � That also could jusC be [he 6egin- businessea �[hroughouc [he eniice ��3'�hspaycoll�totaGug $4 m� ill oa pe���" uing. In other areus where 600gle comly.� has huilt, high tech companies such The Recker City Council witl year, not �o men�on broader ew- es Faeabook and MiaosoR have vote ou the project at lts Apiil 2�nomicunpactaenchaa[hapotantial followed. mee[ing aRer it con[inued i[s pub- of vhis piojeot ro attraci addirional `"Phe projecc ean secve as a ca[a- lio heuring co give more neople a ienante of the indus�rial paek." � tyst to help attract other bueiqese- chance to eomment. The couood is bBYag��be dec eione�to c�ons der tax e,s," Assietant Shesbume County expected co vote on an abatemena � A3miuistrator Dan Webcr said. oC c�ty taxes. , � abatama�� is and muat � be a locel Webeq who aisu heads the coun- ,"Sewriug one of the fewYG�o�og�e one. IeR io local elected officials tye eeonomio developmen[ efforts,� d'&ta cenie�s in the coun� Id b�t. eold cow�tissioners suob a ezid the p�ojea wilt genere[e texea. �oc only provide a¢ irswediaca move (tas abatcmen�) :s a p�ovev �� I£s ea[imeled ic will pay $300,000 booat to �the tooal aouomy, it stratagy to encou[a$e coryo�ala in- in school general and referendum would showcasc ouc commun�- �vestment. tanes,�$32QOOOiulocaloptionsales tiea widun S6�cburne Counry a�d "Cd also note thai analyvs by caxes dunug construc[ion. � the scate of Minneso[a;' Aertrnm llEtD suggests that thc Snancial . The projec� will also aid the nan- said. ."T6e p+oject would create a�d community benefizs of secur- sitionawayf�omacoal-basedecon�- appro�mately 2,300 construc[ion ing chis rclationship far outwaigh o�ng a�d the people behiud it ere �jobs during [he two-year constmo- ihe dsks or wsts," Vazilck said. worlang with Xcel tq see m it cha[ tion phase, and we hope �6at ouc IC the Becke[ Ci[y Council an- �he facility is run 100 percont on re- nefEhboring commun�ties will assist swe�s the abatemeni questiou in the newable eue�gy. during t6ese times with helping to �� affirmative, the next steps vrill be Wha[ let Stream has asked to be provide [he� ner,essary resources for the Pu61ic Utilities Couumssiods -� abated from tNe county ix the ad- thesx talented workeis' declsion on fba sale of Xcel land ditioual $390,000 iu cowty p*op- Froach reminded everyone that to ta� Stresm and ilie Legialutuce's erty taxes tha[ will come from tke [he prnjec[ came to ligh< a few decisiononwhether�oawxrdbond- ased value aRec [he building is months ago, bu[ work behiud che �in6 Fo help cover [he intrestructure ompleted, and the wmpany wanw scenes hqa bee� going on for ihree costs. � � it for 20 yeacs, wltich vansla�os to � yeats aud twice the pMject almost decisi� o by�i6e end ofihe2019 aee $ZA millioa � didn't happeu. . d PUC has verbally Addinonal phases are also possi- "Economic developmeuc is a 91 dlcatedyehe n id hove e deci- ble, which wuid �generate $675,OA0 team spo�t," he said. n y wou and $925,000 incounty [aYes Vazilek [alked about the sole the s�oo by June 2019;' Rer�ram� told CommissionersatTuesdaysputi- IniUa¢ve Foundatiou has played tti.e Star News "nnce we ha�e all lic hearing heard fcom Tracy Be�- in the lase Sew years of [ne 32-year �hose boxes checked, ihe wait of a vam, the heYexecu[i�direc[I,orbo[ bume Cuunry, has had with Sher- decision from ]ec Stream beAns" Rydbeig, - . . � L t L t L 00 OD 00 L y Up �'d i � L � i � U U U � � N V V U � � L y y) 4J � N N N N ro ca ca LL N � ro t6 tv VI � _ � VI Y VI � V1 N VI p. 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