IDC Agenda 11-20-1985 . AGEN MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL IDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, November 20, 1985 - 12:00PM River Inn Members: Co-Chair Jay Morrell, Co-Chair Gary Wieber, John Bondhus, Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagne1ius, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hogland, Shelly Johns n, Harvey Kendall, Dale Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, Do Smith, and Olive Koropchak. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of October 17, 1985, M"nutes. 3. Guest - Tim Carlson 4. Airport Committee Report 5. Metro Phone Service Report 6. VCR Report . 7. Industrial Development Freeway ign Estimates 8. MIDA Membership 9. Industrial Development Banquet peaker 10. Other Business 11. Adjournment . . MINUT S INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP ENT COMMITTEE Thursday. October 1 . 1985 - 7:00 AM Monticello C ty Hall Members Present: Chair Jay Morrell Hoglund. Dale Lu Bud Schrupp. and Members Absent: Tom Eidem. Arve Grimsmo. Ron gwitz. Don Smith. Shelly Johnson. Olive Koropchak. Harvey Kendall. a d Gary Wieber. Chairperson Jay Morrell called the approval of the September 12. 1985 accept said minutes and Arve Grimsm meeting to order. and asked for inutes. Dale Lungwitz moved to seconded. Motion passed 9-0. Evaluation of Appreciation Day - Sm'th expressed he was not sure the IDC needed it's past format. Expla'ning: no one buys tickets for the spring banquet on the condition of freebie in the fall. This may be the time to look for a new idea 0 show the IDC's appreciation. Consensus was for Koropchak to investigate a new type of appreciation event and become a member of MIDA a d attend meetings. Update of Industrial Development Activities and Vacant Buildings _ The committee expressed their appreqiation for a written report. . Spring Banquet - The committee discu the banquet. setting January as a co suggested Gov. Rudy Perpich and will Airport Project - Eidem briefed the status. An airport committee will b of Jack Peach of FSI. as a member. indicating businesses interested in Metro Phone Service - The committee the metro phone service overall beca businesses plus concerns of new pros Hoglund and Arve Grimsmo was designa Bob Rierson at the next IDC meeting. sed possible speakers for firmation date. Grimsmo continue follow up. ommittee on present airport estblished. with consideration uggestion to draft a survey municipal airport. elt it was time to re-evaluate se of the concern of existing ects. A committee of Ron ed. Suggestion was to get A motion by Don Smith to set the air ort and metro phone service as the committee's top priorites for 1986. as made. Motion seconded by Shelly Johnson. Passed 9-0. VCR Review - Following reviewal of t e VCR. the motion was made by Shelly Johnson. seconded by Dale Lun witz to spend $95.00 on editing the video portion of the tape. A mo ion was made by Dale Lungwitz to spend $95.00 to edit out the refe ence to 1990's. Seconded by Arve Grimsmo. Passed 9-0. Developer's Survey - Committee discu sed the survey and agreed the issue to be closed. . IDC Minutes - 10-17-85 . Other Business - The committee agre, d that extra time be spend on retention of present businesses, al ng with recruitment. Smith suggested having present business a d industry representatives to speak at the IDC meetings, time con enient to them. The committee fully gave Koropchak their support. The committee suggest an Industrial 94. Koropchak is to check on who t prices and sign designs for the nex Park sign be erected e assigned committee meeting. along Interstate was; and compile The Larson Senior Apartment Project and other projects were briefly discussed. With no further business, the meeti g was adjourned. ~\m\< Olive M. Koropchak Economic Development Director . . . 3. GUEST - TIM CARLSON A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Tim Carlson of Pyro Industries, manufactures Whitfield pellet-b currently located in the state is interested in relocating the City Staff has been working wit . . I Inc. Pyro Industries rning stoves, and is f Washington. Mr. Carlson facilities to Monticello. Mr. Carlson. . AIRPORT NON-BONDIF ED COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 12, 1985 - 11:00AM All members present except Tom Scear y. Guests: Steve Luck, MinDOT, Jim Groehler, Region Ron Lloyd, Airport E Arve Grimsmo - Monti Ron Lloyd reported an airport study and Big Lake but was rejected by are agricultural land). The Committee is considering an 80F runway. This requires land acuqisit (2000 each end) and 800-1000 feet wi of this land can be leased back for Concerns Voiced: eronautics Division, 1 Airport Engineer gineering Assistant ello Mayor Operational Management as completed in 1974 by Monticello farmers (considered prime pproach, 3500-4000 X 75 foot on of 4000 feet for runway clearance th for entire runway length. Part ow land crops. Safety Land Owners Clearence I Underground Power Li es (Kendall will check) Reline Township road Buildings Common Winds Irrigation Air Traffic~ Pattern (left turn triangle) Noise Underground river . Funding - Federal 90%/ City 10% State/local 2/3 and City 1/3 Timetable - 1 year to 18 months (Environmental study, fesibility study, approval, zoning, public hearing, fu ding, Etc.). Execution before next called meeting - 1. Monticello Public Works Director to draft preliminary drawings of airport site (3-4 optional sites) using Case V (200 ft t reshold).(600 foot threshold w highway). 2. Committee to vie other airports - St- James - Dave Osberg * Litchfield Mora * New Ulm - Arnie Putnam * Cook . * Federal Funded Arrangements will be made with Jack Peach. 3. Contact Frank enson, FAA, 725-3346 a. What funds are available? b. A differences between private ownership and newmu icipal ownership . AIRPORT NON-BONDIF' ED COMMITTEE As the result of the Monticello Indu trial Development Committee Meeting, October 17, 1985, an airpor committee was formed. Olive Koropchak, Chairperson, appointed th board. William King, Big L ke City Administrator Tom Scearcy, Becker Community Education Director Tom Eidem, Montice1 0 City Administrator Jack Peach, Fulfill ent Systems, Inc. Dave Peterson, Mont' cello Ford Harvey Kendall, NSP Olive Koropchak, Mo ticello Economic Development Director it tees hope that each city's t an Airport Commission er the Joint Powers 273, engineers, etc. Objective - To inquire of the feasib"lity and desirability to better utilize the existing airport (locate on Highway 25 between Monticello and Big Lake). After initial research, it's the co official government body would appoi Representative or Representatives un creating their own staff: attorney, . The Committee met November 1, 1985, . some discussion the committee decide paved, lighted runway. In a convers Aeronautics Division, three basic airport Federal or State funding. conducted in 1985 by the Brainerd t Monticello City Hall. After to inquire of a 3500 foot tion with Steve Luck, MinDOT/ as would prevent the current sults are based out of a survey nsportation District: 1. Approach Obstru tion - need 21-1 ratio, present airport has 6-1 ratio (trees, buildings, highline wires). 2. Improved zoning needed - by ownership 3. Present runway irection incorrect - must lie with common winds - SE to NW. The committee adjourned, setting a N vember 12, 1985, 11:00AM meeting with an invitation to MinDOT, Aerona tics Divisions to advise the committee on what direction to take. . . . . 5. METRO PHONE SERVICE REPORT A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND One of the IDC's 1986 Objectives was to evaluate the possibility of metro phone service to Monticello. Mayor Grimsmo and Ron Hoglund were assigned to this co mittee. After efforts to contact Gilroy Arvig, failed, t e sub commitee has not met. Mr. Bob Rierson was unable to met this week. Continued efforts will be made. . 6. VCR REPORT A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On october 18, 1985, River City, ideo was contacted to edit the Monticello VCR per action of thel Industrial Development Committee. The edited tape will be mailed Ni vember 19, 1985. Total cost: $95.00 plus $12.95 for copy = $~07.95. . . . 7. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FREEWAY SIGN ESTIMATES A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Firms contacted had consistent feet high by sixteen to twenty from Freeway and motorist spee backgound with black or red Ie easiest against the sky. Inst cement. Price varies dependin suggestions for a sign. Eight feet long because of distance of travel. Yellow or orange ters to make readibility lIed with wooden post and on the number of words. DeMars, Inc., Minneapol s - Larry Maciej 781-1315/781-0696 Fabricated, painted and 'nsta11ed $1800-$2000. Jeff Hoglund, Monticello - 878-2107 One-half inch thick prim masonite $800-$1000 Progressive Signs, St. C oud - 253-0885 Dura-ply $1200-$1400 Two-sided sign or V inst llation $2100 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Committee needs to decide n advertisement message. I suggest sometming simple: . SITES AV ILABLE MONTICELLO INDU TRIAL PARKS streets, curb, w ter and sewer 295-2711 With no winter installation of advertisement signs, the Committee may take action at t is time or table the project. . . 8. MIDA MEMBERSHIP A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND MIDA Membership dues are $95.0 1986. Breakfast meetings are month at 7:30AM, Holiday Inn-I Cost of breakfast meetings is a conflict with the IDC meetin month. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS per year, January-December, he third Thursday of each ternational Airport, Minneapolis. 10.00 per month. This presents s, however, only every other To apply or not apply for MIDA membership at $95.00. Membership is for the present Economic De elopment Director. . . . 9. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BAN VET PEAKER A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Mayor Grimsmo will update the C mmittee on the banquet speaker recruitment of Gov. Rudy Perpic for the Annual Banquet, Monday, May 19. 1986. . . . . .1 City 0/ Office of the City Administrator o ntice 110 23 Janua y, 1986 Phone: (612) 295.2711 Metro: (612) 333-5739 Ms. E~~a Thayer Office of the Mayor City of St. Pau~ 347 City Ha~~ St. Pau~, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Thayer: This ~etter is to confirm Mayor the City of Montice~~o's annua~ schedu~ed for Monday, May 19, 19 Commission unanimous~y se~ected me to express our appreciation f to attend. As I indicated in my ear~ier ~et by 125-160 persons representing County and State government, and We wo~d ~ike Mayor Latimer to s perhaps respond to questions. W dinner for the Mayor and his par Our banquet wi~~ be held at the hour beginning at approximately permits, I am sure everyone woul come early. I have enclosed a m Monti C~ub~ I will be Mayor Lat contact me if you require additi prob~ems arise. Again, please e Mayor Latimer. 'j tru1y yo~ Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator TAE/kd Enc~osure cc: ED Fi~e O. Koropchak./ atimer's participation in ndustria~ Development banquet 6. The Industrial Development ayor Latimer, and asked r His Honor's wil~ingness er, the dinner is attended usiness and industry, Local, prospective industrial developers. eak for 20-30 minutes and wi~l, of course, provide y. onti Club with a social :00 p.m. If his schedule enjoy it if the Mayor cou~d p showing the route to the mer's contact person. Please nal information or if any tend our appreciation to 250 East Broadway · Rt. 4, Box 83A · Monticello, MN 55362