IDC Agenda 07-18-1985 . AGE DA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, July 18 1985 - 7:00 A.M. Monticello City Hall Members: Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagneli s, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Shelly Johnson, Harvey ~ ndall, Dale Lungwitz, Chair Jay Morrell, Bud schrupp, Don Smith, Co-Chair Gary Wieber, and Allen Pelvit. 1. Open Meeting. 2. Approval of the June 20, 1985, minutes. 3. Review of the 1985 Annual Banq et. . 4. Consideration of Annual Busine s Appreciation Day. 5. Review of Developers survey. 6. Other Business. 7. Adjournment. . . MI MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL June 20, 198 Monticell TES DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - 7:00 A.M. City Hall Members Present: Tom Eidem, Arve Grimsmo, Shelly Johnson, Harvey Kendall, Dale L ngwitz, Chair Jay Morrell, Bud Schrupp, Do Smith, Vice-Chair Gary Wieber, and Allen Pelvi . Chair Morrell opened the meeting sking for approval of the 5/16/85 minutes. Dale Lungwitz moved to pprove said minutes, was seconded by Shelly Johnson, and passed 10- . The first item on the agenda was and Gay Veit of Veit Construction to the Committee. Allen explaine trying to erect a spec building. property in this proposed project very briefly stated that the buil 35,000 sq. ft. Allen stated that taken and was informational only. to Tom Godlewski. . oved back to allow Tom Godlewski to make their presentation his past attempts with Veits He went on to describe the as Lots 1-10, Block 15, and ing would be approximately this item needed no action He then turned the floor over Mr. Godlewski is a project manage for Veit Construction of Rogers, Minnesota. He explained how over the previous 30-60 days they have been negotiating with Mr. Ec on his property. The proposal would be contingent upon obtainin the properties, correcting the soils, obtaining the use of t x increment financing, and so forth. Mr. Godlewski ran thro gh the properties costs, both raw land and soil correction cost. Chair Morrell asked for clarification on a few questions and then stated that the Industrial De elopment Committee does not have any authority in the process. He added that the Committee did, however, have members on othe committees, councils, etc., and that might be beneficial for aiding their cause. Morrell stated that we could help find ten nts, etc. Shelly Johnson asked if the tenant were compatible with the property Mr. Godlewski assured him that it on whether the 35,000 sq. ft. buil tenant or more. Mr. Godlewski sta would be leased by one tenant, wit for speculative purposes. He also building was more workable than a and nature of the business nd the appropriate zoning. as. Chair Morrell commented ing would be leased by one ed that approximately 25,000 sq. the remaining 10,000 sq. ft. stated that a 35,000 sq. ft. 5,000 sq. ft. building. ft. . Arve Grimsmo stated that he felt a little uncomfortable with lessoning the value of a centrally located piece of property . IDC Minutes - 6/20/85 by deducting the soil correction mounts. He stated that the Oakwood property sold for $3.00/s . ft., while others in the nearby area went for around $2.75 sq. ft. He encouraged the proposal but indicated to be care ul on how it's handled. Chair Morrell cautioned the developer a out MN/DOT's plans for improving Highway 25 in 1986. Tom Eidem ex lained that since MN/DOT has completed their plans for channel'zation and left turn lanes, they would allow access to the pr perty from the 5~ Street point. If 6th Street is constructed, MN/ OT will only allow access/egress from 6th Street. Morrell then em hasized the necessity to plan their entrances/exits from the pr posed 6th Street. Eidem explained that staff felt the first tax inc ements should be applied toward the construction of 6th Street wi h additional increments possibly to cover sewer improvements and finally land write down. Mr. Godlewski asked about the possibility of obtaining a small Cities Development Grant/Loan that might be up to $250,000.00. Tom Eidem explained that this was ruei however, each city is allowed only one application per year, and our present proposed application will be used for anoth r project. Allen added that these programs are on a competitiv basis and stress the following: - type of business - number of new jobs cre. ted - addition to the City's tax base - private to public fina cial ratio - number of jobs created dollar, etc. . He stated that industrial/manufact more favorablei and in a competiti proposal has not done well in the if the project falls through, then Vice-Chair Wieber asked Mr. Godlew Tom Godlewski stated that perhaps front end red tape with perhaps a Chairman Morrell summarized the pr appreciates getting involved in th proceed with meeting with the HRA that the Committee could assist th tenant for the speculative space a . Mr. Godlewski asked if the City ha with proposals for the property, b and perhaps asked if tax increment Tom Eidem explained that in the la been the first to actually propose increment financing. Others have declined to pursue because of the An additional property owner may a ing businesses are considered e situation, this type of ast. Eidem explained that Veits could ask for assistance. ki what their time frame was. o days could complete the eptember construction date. ject and stated that the IDC proposali however, they must nd City staff. He also stated developers in locating a d additional financing alternatives. previously been approached en made an offer on the property, financing could be utilized. t three years, Veits have a project and request tax xpressed interest but have xtraordinary expenses involved. so have complicated the situation. -2 . At this point, Veits met with Tom and the Committee proceeded with t took the next few minutes to discu There was some concern about the n City's property would produce a gr and with soil corrections $35,900. by the City is, is an unproductive Allen stated that this entire prop of tax increment financing. Becau of the property and the extensive would be eligible for a 25-year Ta that it was staff's feeling, as w tax increment not be used for land use for the increment would be to such as 6th Street construction an is tax increment remaining, then p toward the land cost. To apply in write down would be contrary to ta . The rest of the discussion concern in the construction areas, parking Highway 25, and drainage. Mr. She of ISD #882, discussed the school tax increment finanCing and stated he felt that tax increment financi advantage of the City. In establi District, we must meet certain cri etc., and will attempt to tie in 0 Olson's for future redevelopment. In other business, Chair Morrell s a thank you letter to all banquet that we send letters next year pre Harvey Kendall so moved, was secon unanimously. A discussion was hel from the banquet. Allen stated th $7,100.00 this year. It was the c have Committee members sell the re sales people sell those who were s This should be on the July agenda The next meeting is scheduled for River Inn. There being no further adjourned. . (r~r~ '- ~~,,\.&~ Allen L. Pelvit Director of Economic Development IDC Minutes - 6/20/85 idem, City Administrator, eir meeting. The Committee s the proposal and its impact. bers that were used. The ss revenue of $95,900.00, O. The question to be answered piece of swamp worth $36,000.00. sal is dependent on the use e of the unproductive state mprovements needed, the area Increment District. He added 11 as the HRA's, that the write down. The appropriate over the cost of improvements sewer construction. If there rhaps it could be applied rement initially to the land increment laws. d itself with problem areas lot, street construction, ly JOhnson, Superintendent istrict's concerns on uSing that in this particular case, g would be to the overall hing this Tax Increment Financing eria pertaining to blight, her properties like Clifford ggested Allen and Jay prepare ontributors. He also suggested aring them for the 1986 banquet. ed by Dale Lungwitz, and passed concerning the net income t we netted approximately ncensus of the Committee to ulars, but to have Don Smith's ubborn or never bought before. or further discussion. uly 16, 12:00 noon, at the business, the meeting was -3 . . . IDC Agenda - 7/18/85 3. Review of the 1985 Annual Banquet. A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Last month's meeting was cut short proposed project on Block 15. It w to bring this up again as an agenda y the presentation of Veit's s the Committee's consensus item. As you will remember, I included Ex ibits I (proposed budget) and Exhibit II (actual budget) for he 1985 Annual Banquet in last month's agenda supplement. We projected to gross $11,250.00 and net $8,278.00. We, in fact, h ve grossed $9,310.00 and netted $7,101.48 as of July 1, 1985. This accounting reflects the $1,425.00 amount expected to be received. I am sending a final request for payment and/or plea for their ontribution before making a final accounting, which will be vailable for the August meeting. Of the $900.00 total to be request d, I feel that perhaps another $675.00 could be expected to be re eived. This would push the 1985 Banquet profit to $7,776.48. Other areas to be discussed are as follows: - 1986 guest speaker - banquet location - date/times for banquet - ticket sales - commissions - other suggestions There are no alternative actions/r commendations for this item. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Revised Actual 1985 Banquet Budget . 1985 REVISED ANNO BANQUET BUDGET Revenues: Tickets and Contributions Expenditures: Monte Club (food) Monte Club (gratuity) Monticello Office Products (name tags) Monticello Printing (tickets, letters) wood-type Montage $1,852.00 185.00 4.34 69.18 98.00 Net Profit Before Adjustment Adjustment (possible additional billings) Adjusted Net Profit . . $9,310.00 $2,208.52 $ 7 , 1 0 1 . 48 $ 675.00 $7,776.48 IDC Agenda - 7/18/85 . 4. Consideration of Annual Business preciation Day. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the October 18, 1984, meeting, "t was the consensus of the Committee to return the Annual Bus"ness Appreciation Day event back to the afternoon/evening casu I type affair and have it at the golf course. The Committee's feelings were that the Country Club could handle the 50-75 people expected to attend. It was also agreed upon to have the event one week earlier than the past on September 4, 1985, with go f during the afternoon, social hour at 5:30 p.m., and dinner at 6:30 p.m. This could possibly be a very casual picnic affair. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Decide on picnic/casual affair or dinner/informal affair, along with dates, meals, etc. 2. Go with the past events and ha e it more planned and formal. ever, my feelings are that erred by most Committee members. C. RECOMMENDATION: . I have no firm recommendation. a casual picnic type affair is D. SUPPORTING DATA: None needed. . . . . 5. Review of Developers Survey. (A.P.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Sometime ago the Committee, under and Planning Subcommittee, began p concentrated on the development pr of inaccurate records beyond the p past two years were selected for t remember, the proposed survey was as a whole and approval was receiv sent to each developer/contractor permit of substantial size during the winter and spring months when pace, I followed up on those surve were sent with 26 completed. The without any bias on my part. When each developer/contractor, I numbe it on a control sheet. This was d results completely autonomous and aside. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: IDC Agenda - 7/18/85 he leadership of the Research eparing a questionnaire which cess in Monticello. Because st 24-36 months, only the e survey group. As you will rought back to the Committee d. Individual letters were ho had been issued a building he previous 24 months. Over ther duties were at a slower s. A total of 30 surveys nclosed tabulation was completed I interviewed or met with ed each fact sheet and coded ne in order to keep the survey et any prejudice feelings 1. No action necessary - for info mational purposes only. 2. No action necessary. but a gen ral discussion of the results can take place. C. RECOMMENDATION: None. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit I. 3- CODE . 1 . Wendy's 2. Bondhus ion 3 . Tom Thumb 4. Monticello-Big ake Community Hospital 5. FSI 6. Olson & Son's E ectric 7. Burger King 8. Charlie's West 9. Silver Fox Inn 10. Wrightco 11. Best in Webb 12. RJ Ryan Constru tion Company 13. Kentucky Fried hicken 14. Winkelman Enter rises 15. Sam Peraro (Car Wash) 16. IXI 17 . NSP 18. Mel Wolters 19. Metcalf & Larso 20. Jones Manufactu ing 21. Jim Powers 22. Hoglund Bus 23. Hoglund Motel 24. Moon Motors 25. Dahlheimer Dist ibuting 26. First National ank of Monticello . . . CODE . 1. Wendy's 2. Bondhu$ Corpora 3. Tom Thumb 4. Monticello-Big ake Community Hospital 5. FSI 6. Olson & Son's 7. Burger King 8. Charlie's West 9. Silver Fox Inn 10. Wrightco 11. Best in Webb 12. RJ Ryan Construction Company 13. Kentucky Fried C icken 14. Winkelman Enterp ises 15. Sam peraro (Car ash) 16 . IXI 17. NSP 18. Mel Wolters 19. Metcalf & Larson 20. Jones Manufactur ng 21. Jim Powers 22. Hoglund Bus 23. Hoglund Motel 24. Moon Motors 25. Dahlheimer Distr"buting 26. First National B nk of Monticello . EXHIBIT I . 1- Excellent Good Fair 8 7 2 4 9 6 10 2 12 7 5 3 4 4 8 8 2 7 6 5 3 2 2 Comments: 1. Building Inspector was extreme the entire process. 2. Building Inspector was more th 3. The Water and Street Departmen . 5. Considering the complexity of and the time constraints and i for the HUD UDAG, we are very helpfulness the above individu 6. Paving not installed yet. We use TIF but could not get it. 7. Community accepted us very wel 8. Everything went good. 9. Overall, good. 12. Very easy to work with on the 13. Very good experience now. It when I first moved to Monticel 20. Too high of costs for engineer 25. Did not have any major grievan 26. Was treated well by all. . Bad 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 y hel I( rough was RBis forma lease Is co ( id re . S1 pr , asn I t o. ng fi I( es. -1 N/A 7 Mayor 9 City Council 6 City Administrator 0 Building Inspector 13 Assistant Administrator 6 Director of Economic Development 6 Public Works Director 17 HRA pful and cooperative throughout than in the past inspections. very helpful. with pending federal legislation tion requirements to apply d with the cooperation and nsistantly demonstrated. ceive a variance. Tried to oject. Very helpful. that cohesive 9 years ago rms. Too many delays. . 2. Excellent Good Fair 8 11 5 3 10 6 4 8 8 3 8 6 9 11 2 Comments: Bad N/A o Existing Zoning Regulations Ordinances/Covenants Variances that could be applied for 6 Correct process to achieve variances o o o 5 4 o 2 sewer/water/Utility Availability 2. Too many ordinances - we could apply for them, but it's not worth the time. Many unnecessary st ps in the variance process. The City was helpful in trying to ( et us hooked up to City sewer, even though it was not origina ly available. 7. We would have opened early, bu a large electrical panel was on back order. . 9. Did not pursue our last propos I because it lacked sound business sense. This was independent 0 the motel. 16. Tom Grue stated that they are and their sprinkling problems, results in $.50-$.75/sq. ft. a systems to meet code. oncerned about the low water pressure mainly low pressure. This then ditional cost in the sprinkler 20. Small job - It was a disadvant ge to expand/relocate. We could get by with our existing build ng that is debt free, etc., and not increase our expenses. 21. Planning Commission and Counci time and money when staff coul and zoning? It is difficult 0 the reasons are logical, fine; states a fact does not mean it be more open minded. take staff's word. Why waste make the decisions on planning the developer. Suggestion: If but just because the Ordinance can't be changed. They should 26. Public Works Director and crew were very helpful in getting sewer and water hook ups. . ..J_ . 3. Excellent Good Fair Bad N/A 10 10 3 0 The entire development process 8 10 4 0 2 The amount of time needed to get from Building Permit to Certificate of occupancy Comments: 1. There were absolutely no delay whatsoever. 12. Things go rather smoothly in M nticello's process. City staff really was beneficial in the H D paperwork. 21. PUD was foreign to us - Left a bad taste in our mouth - Too many demands. 26. The project was on schedule. . . -3 . . . 4. Excellent Good Fair 10 13 8 8 3 Comments: ad N/A Banking (local) Sub-contractors (local) Other: 3. State electrical inspector dema ded and moved some switches. We did not like it but could no' fight it. 6. Did most of the work themselves. o o o 5 2 19 7. Job services office does great job with getting us testing and training employees. 12. Did not have many subs. but th se we used were good to work with. 14. Good relationship with local b 16. The phone system is only conce and subcontractors. not part of metro - more costs. 17. Other - Sewer requirements cos a lot to get it done. They feel the WWTP is outdated. 20. Did general/subcontracting the selves. . 5. P~ease ~ist any comments you feel ould benefit the City of Monticel~o in attracting business. 1. Advertise your cooperative ap oach to developers. There are many cities that could learn f om your examp~e. 2. The high building permit fees hich are based on cost of the building are really a tax on business t at is used to pay for inspections on smaller structures or for C.ty revenue. 3. Doing a fine job. 5. Continue to foster a good work.ng re~ationship between the City and our local banks to expedit sound financial packages. 6. No comment. 7. Could not think of anything we aren't already doing. 8. Good job. 9. Make it brief, easy to get alo g with. Financing, IRE's, etc., yet conscientious about not ab sing IRE's. 12. Doing a good job. . 13. We have a good system; go get 'em. 17. Continued cooperation - maybe more advertising of City overall such as in a brochure. When y u want to work on it, let's get together. 21. More give-aways (tax increment financing, etc.), ~ess red tape in developing land/site. 23. Be more open minded and help ith business. Do not push it to the side just because you thin they are rich. 25. Doing a good job. 26. Keep up with the public contact. . . 6. Did you contact or receive help fro the Industrial Development Committee and/or the Director of Economic Dev lopment? 1. No, it wasn't necessary. 3. No. 4. He provides our staff with val able information when we request it. 5. Allen Pelvit provided a compet nt link between FSI and the Department of HUD. He kept the project a d associated paperwork moving so that time tables were maintain d. 6. Contacted Allen, but his hands were tied. Minnesota laws prevented the HRA from letting us use TI although Allen was helpful in explaining alternative types 0 financing. Maybe in the future. 7. Indirectly, he provided valuab e demographic information. 8. No . 9. Yes. He was helpful in gettin the information needed. We did not follow through on the proj ct because we felt it was not a good business decision. . 10. No. 11 . No. 12. Yes. Allen Pelvit was extreme y helpful in this project. Rick Wolfsteller was cooperative as well. 14. Yes, certainly. He's always tying to get us to build in Monticello. 15. Yes. 16. Yes. 17. No. 20. No. 21. Yes. A1 was extremely helpful with everything I requested. 22. No. 23. Yes. They were helpful. All n Pelvit tried hard to help with details. 24. No. . 25. No. 26. Yes. Although it was only in ormational, it was helpful. . . . 7. Would you consider developing in t e city of Monticello again? (Why or Why Not) 1. Absolutely. The quality of th people, the above mentioned cooperative approach and the attitude of t e community. We were able to hire excellent employees. 2. Yes. We live here. 3. Yes. Another building is bein considered at this time. Construction during summer of 1985. 5. Yes. Tom Eidem and his staff et the job done. 6. Yes. 7. Yes. Very nice, friendly city Good for business. 8. Yes. I've lived here for 7 ye rs and would like to stay in Monticello. 9. Same as #5. And there was a m rket need. 10. Yes. But such factors as stat tax situation might have negative affect. 11. Yes. 12. Definitely. 13. Definitely. Forward looking community - open to ideas, supportive and helpful in all areas. 14. Yes. Good progressive city. 15. Yes. Monticello is a great c.ty and also a company can grow with Monticello's growth. 16. Yes. 17. Yes. Good people to work wit. Good help to NSP Plant. 20. Yes. If the location is good and cost is not too high. 21. Yes. I am still proceeding w th the Health Club. 22. Yes. It's home. 23. That's evident in the busines es I have in town. 24. Possibly future expansion. 25. Yes. Monticello is a good se ting for business. 26. Yes. We feel great about the city. We built the building large enough in order to expand in he future. 7-