IDC Agenda 10-20-1983 . . . AGENDA FOR THE MONTICELLO IN USTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursd~, Oc ober 20, 1983 - 4:00 PM Monticello C ty Hall Conference ROOM MEMBERS Tom Eidem, John Bondhus, Bruce agnelius, Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Con Johnson, Shelly Johnson, Da e Lungwitz, Jay Morrell, Walt Musty, Bud Schrupp, Don Smith, and G Wieber. 1- Call Meeting to order. 2-Minutes of the September 15, 1983 meett g. 3- Consideration of changing advertising trategy.from magazine to direct mail/conventions. ,4- Consideration of Promotional Display f r Conventions, etc.. ,5- Consideration of combining City and In ustria1 Development Committee Brochures into one attractive package. ~- Adoption of 1984 Action Plan. 7- Consideration and Adoption of the perc ntage of wages to be split between the Industrial Development Committee and t e Chamber of Commerce. For Compensation Package of Director of Economical Deve opment. ~- Adoption of 1984 Budget. 9-Update nad progress of 1983 Action P1a . 10- Update of Prospects. 11- Other Business. ~ ,. l~ t; 12- Adjournment. V i ""'<, r~' /' f."'! J . MINUTES INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CO TTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, of the Monticello In- was duly held at 4:00 , 1983 in City Hall. , Gary Wieber, Ran ers not present were; ce Gagnelius, Con Lungwitz, Arve Grimsmo, The regularly scheduled meeti dustrial Development Committe P.M. on Thursday, September 1 Members present were; Tom Eid Hoglund and Allen Pel vi t. Mem' John Bondhus, Jay Morrell, Br Johnson, Shelly Johnson, Dale Walt Musty, Don Smith. Because there were not enough members present to form a quarum, the meeting was adj urned. The meeting was called to ord r by Eidem. Minutes of the August 18, 1983 meeting were . Develop ent . . SUPPLEMENT TO T INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CO October 20, 1983 AGENDA ITTEE MEETING .... 3- It has been suglested that a new direction be taken for the Committee's Advertising Strategy. In the past ads were placed in different professional magazi es. Result~from the ads were minimal with virtually no develo ent as a result. This new direction is direot mail advertising. The Committee established a General Mailing i its 1983 Action Plan. The Mailing consisted of approximately 2500 usinesses in and around the Metro area. We have already been contacted y a N.E. Minneapolis metal manu- facturing firm that is thinking about relocating in Monticello. This firm, Nystrom, Inc., manuf ~tures access panels for indust- rial type buildings. . The cost of each mailing will b approximately $600. Thus, we could have 4 mailings per year direct d at specific areas of interest. For example; T.I.F., Taxes, Lea e Buy-Back Arrangements, etc. Recomended action is to employ different messages for a period professional magazine ads. Afte should eValuate the direct mail warrants further use. irect mail advertising with four of one year. and discontinue the the one year period the Committee advertising and decide if it There are three months before t e first convention. We should start planning now for this project. discussed direct-Mail Advertising as well ing that the Committee approves this di- e of display should be utilized at con- be used inconjunction with the City's ational Packages? With the Video Tape? 4- Gary Wieber's Sub-Committee has as Industrial Conventions. Ass rection in advertising, what t ventions, etct Should the displ and Industrial Committee's info 5- The 1983 Action Plan has indic~ ed a need for updating the infor- mation package(s) or Brochure(s). There have been several ideas suggested for combining the Co ittee's Industrial Information with the Cities overall information f the City. . Gary Wieber has requested that of brochures from competetive get creative ideas for develop1 mational package for the eit llen Pelvit obtain several types velopment Centers in order to g an attractive and versatile infor- of Monticello. Tom Eidem has already begun up ating the City's information pack- age. Now would be a good time 0 incorporate the Industrial Develop- ment Committee's Informational Package with the City of Monticello's.