IDC Agenda 09-16-1983 . . . AGENDA FOR THE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL EVELOPMENT CO~1ITTEE Thursday, Septe er 16, 1983, 4:00 PM Monticello City Hall Tom Eidem, John Bondhus, Bruce Gagnelius,Arve Grimsmo, Ron Hoglund, Con Johnson, Shelly Johnson, Dale Lungwitz, Jay Morrell, Walt Musty, B d Schrupp, Don Smith, and Gary Wieber. MEMBERS 1- Call meeting to order. 2- Minutes of the August 18th meetin 3- Update on 1 year action plan. 4- Discussion on Industry Day 1983. 5- Charging those that do not attend the $lOO/plate Banquet. 6- Labor survey. 7- Mini-ordinance package for prospe ts. 8- 1984 Budget. 9- Other business. 10- Adjournment. MINUTES . INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OMMITTEE MEETING AUGUST 18, 1983 The Regularly scheduled meeting of the Monti committe was duly held at 4:00 pM on Thursda Members present were Tom Eidem, John Bondhus Johnson, Ron Hoglund, Dale Lungwitz, Arve Gr walt Musty, Don Smoth, and Allen pelvit. Mem ello Industrial Development , August 18, 1983 in City Hall. Jay Morrell, Bruce Gagnelius, Con msmo, Bud Schrupp, Shell~ Johnson, ers not present were; Gary. Wieber. The meeting was called to order by John Bonbns. The minutes of the July 21 meeting were approved. Bondhus opened meeting suggesting that some members remain on industrial scope and some form a (4th) fourth subcommittee f r retail and service planning. At this point Bondhus opened it up for disc ssion. Hoglund told of a firm that had just talked to him about doing such sur eys for retail businesses. They charge approximately $25/question. It was B ndhuS's contention that the committee should not spend a lot of money or go out of the committee's way to try and at track retail business, but should be her to help businesses that are al- ready here. . Lungwitz and Smith both felt that we shoul retail business would take care of itself, Industrial businesses do not work this way on the original mission. In the long run i beneficial. mainly at track industry and that that this is accomplished internally. and the committee should focuS more dustrial attraction will be more It was asked why this was brongbC up agin n aC this meeting, when the committee thoght ic was taken care of at the July meting. In response, pelvit said it was tabled at the July meeting because ap roximately (50%) fifty percent of the members were absent. The commitcee me bers wanted the entire committee present to make a stand on an item this i portant. At this time Bondhus asked for any furthe discussion. It was the consensns of the committee to drop the retail, service planning idea. Bondus broght up the 75% goal for futur vague and the committee should make it a Count jobs at present and then set a tar work towards that goal, and at any point we stand. Bondhus wanted to keep the goal simple, number of industries to start up and th Unfortunately this would still leave so created for each new industry. At this emphasis on the industries we already h as IXl) He felt we should not neglect t theirfull potential in expansion. . employment. He thought it was very definate figure. ie, need 175 jobs by... et figure as a goal. Then you can in time you will know exactly where so Hoglund suggested setting the new industries would dictate the new jobs. e uncertainty in how many jobs would be oint, Lungwitz suggested putting more ve to expand and create new jobs. (such em and help them along until they reach . . . Bondhus felt that the committee has done ver well over the last year or two in accomp1ishingtthe goals set. He felt that the committee has either directly or indirectly been responsible for attracting n w industry to be very close to being on target. The committee gave Bondhus OK to set a definate number of jobs in the goal for attracting new industries and jobs. Morrell was upset with the way things turned out with the Dickonson Lines decision to move to Princeton. He then discussed some ordinances that may be to stringent in Monticello and may deter future industries from either expanding or relocating here. Lungwitz brought up O. D. Hendrickson's dis-satisfaction with the ordinances here. He went on to say that O. D. was "turned off, because every time he came in, he found out something new". Bondhus suggested that this discussion be postponed until later in the agenda, so t at the committee could cover all the items first. Morrell reported on the Review & Inventory of Local Transportation & Utilities. He went through the booklet that he prepared. The information is current and up to date. The committe asked to have copies for their use. Allen Suggested that all information that is being updated s ould be compiled and assembled into a revised Business and Industry Plan a d distibuted. Pe1vit gave report on Industry Appreciation ay. He told the committee that approximat1ey 200 guest were invited, basically Chamber Members, political Members, Future Industrial Representatives, Bankers, Real Estate Representa- tives, and any representatives that have bee associated with expansion in the Monticello area during the last year. C. Johnson and Smith wondered if the committee wine & dine our own people or if we should focus more on outside people. Should we start charging our own business people and give complimentory tickets to the special guests? It was the committees consesus to wait and discuss this again at a later meeting. Pelvit gave a report on the Labor Survey Update. He said the survey was complete, the results tabulated, and the co pi1ation approximately 75% complete. He also said he would indicate any areas that were different from the 1979 survey and areas that may be of significant interest. pe1vit spoke briefly about the 1984 Prelimi ary Budget. It was suggested that he get a copy of it to all committee members for them to look over. They can comment and give suggestions and be ready for the September meeting. Pelvit informed the committee on several prospects that are thinking about either relocating or expanding in Monticello. National Bushing, Key Tool, Pizza Factory which would provide approximately-40 new jobs, a reload dist- ribution center, Fullfillment Systems reloction which would also provide 40 addirional jobs, and consideration of an individual purchasing the Big Lake Airport. C. Johnson suggested that perhaps Lungwitz, nderson, Eidem, & Grimsmo sit down and discuss all angle of what O. D. He drickson wants. It was the con- sensus of the committee that we should try to work things out with O. D. and maybe take a look at our ordinances for industrial uses. Because several of the industries have not completely complied with the ordinances, why not try to relax them so that we can work bette with future prospects. . Morrell suggested that the committee should be done by a future developer and some time have a mini version of the ordinances to sho pelvit suggested that he would compile this help of the building inspector for the purpo Morrell thought the City should realisticall Eidem informed the committee that the City & already in the process of having public hea this process would take 6 - 9 months. Eidem like to wait for the system to take its nat The committee as a whole thought we should ave a list of things that must rame to follow. Also, we should the prospects right up front. ype of information with the es indicated above. look at our ordinances. the Planning Commission was ings for this purpose, however; asked if the committee would ral course or proceed immediately? tart immediately. pelvit was asked if he would go through the ordinances, (with Anderson) and assemble a brief containing those ordinance pertaining to industial business. There being no other business, the meeting' as adjourned. ~ Director of Economic Development . . Telephone 295-2711 . . . Metro Line 333-5739 (31'1 0/ onUce/fa 250 East Route 4, ox 83A MONTICELLO MN 55362 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBRS August 12, 1983 Dear Committee Member: At the July 21, 1983 Industrial Devel was brought to our attention that mor retail and professional service plann Because some members were not able to ticipate, the committee tabled the is meeting. It will be held in City Hall The major thrust of this meeting will mentioned topic. I urge you to attend cuss this important area, but to hear rector of Economic Development. I wil affirm your presence at the meeting. Development R Change in direction, retail, prof- essional service planning. pment Committee meeting, it emphasis should be put on ng. attend this meeting and par- ue until the August 18, 1983 at 4:00 P.M.. be the discussion of the afore this meeting, not only to dis- an update of my progress as Di- contact you in a few days to Wefcolne 10 fflonlicetfo . . . Ii lie Inounlain