IDC Agenda 11-18-1987 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP ENT COMMITTEE LUNCHEON MEETING Wednesday. November 1 . 1987 - 12:00 Noon Comfort Inn (Tree Lounge) Members: President Harvey Kendall. Vice President Shelly Johnson. Treasurer Bud Schrupp. Mayor Arve Grimsmo. Rick Wo1fste11er. Dale Lungwitz. Don Sm tho Jay Morrell. Ron Hoglund. Bruce Gagne1ius. Joel Winkelman. and Ollie Koropchak. 1. Call To Order. 2. Approval of the October 15. 1987 IDC Minutes. 3. Review of Comparative Start up Costs. 4. Review of Comparative Water and Sewer Rates. 5. Review of Comparative State Cost (Minnesota and South Dakota). 6. Consideration to Set a Date to Establish the 1988 IDC Goals. . 7. Reports: Monticello Ford P operty Extended Area Met 0 Lines Bottle Processing Company Other Prospects 8. Other Business. 9. Adjournment. . . MINUT MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL Thursday, October City H S EVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 5, 1987 - 7:00AM 11 Members Present: President H rvey Kendall, Lowell Schrupp, Dale Lungwitz, Ron Hoglund, and Ollie Koropchak. Members Absent: Shelly Johnso , Arve Grimsmo, Don Smith, Jay Morrell, Rick Wolfsteller, Bruce Gagnelius, and Joel Wink Iman. 1. e IDC meeting to order at 7:15AM. 4, 1987 IDC Minutes. o approve the September 24, by Dale Lungwitz. Minutes 3. Reports: a) Downtown Reh bilitation Koropchak report d that on Thursday evening, October 8, 1987, a small gr up of property owners, tenants, city officials and st ff, and planning commission and HRA members had met 0 determine three objectives: 1) Review estimated cost of the project 2) Determine Support or no su port of the project 3) Decide between prelimin ry Concept A or Concept B. It was voted to proceed to Step II, for a committee to define the design from basic Concept A, obtain a preliminary opinion from the City Council (percentage of ad valorem versus assessment, etc.), and thereafter, present new information. A c mmittee of Sally Martie, Al Loch, Steve Johnson, an Marn Flicker volunteered to work with Geoff Martin of Dahlgren, Shardlow & Uban, and city staff and/or officials to determine final design. Final support for the project was not determined at this meeting. Dale Lu gwitz expressed the bank's experience with benches and ountains, it just doesn't work because of abuse to or im roper use of such said property. His suggestion wa to demolish 6-7 building on Broadway. Koropc ak updated the IDC on the old Monticello Ford P operty, stating the HRA had executed a contract for de d and plans are to demolish the building as soon s possible to enhance new development. Without a committ development the HRA has no more funds to acquire/demoli h other abutting properties. Because of a potential de eloper's interest in the construction of a low income elderl housing development for the said property, Koropch k presented to the Planning Commission in concept only t e need to change the zoning from B-4 to PZ-M to accomm date such a project. It was the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the HRA to proceed as pIa ned and allow time for advertising the sale of the property for commerical/retail use. The IDC inquired if a conditional use would permit . . Call To Order. President Kendall 2. A roval of the Se tember Ron Hoglund made a motion 1987 IDC minutes, seconded stand approved. IDC Minutes - 10/15/87 . 3. Reports (continued) such a developme t to occurr? Another possibility is to negotiate ith O'Connor to relocate on city owned property in the industrial park. . b) Extended Metr Lines Ron Hoglund repor ed on the luncheon at the Senior Citizen's Center here he and Koropchak spoke to the members on wh the IDC supports extended metro lines and what st ge the process is at. Ron said the main concern or the seniors is cost and it frightens them. er-all it was good. Koropchak told the seniors that igning the petition was to indicate to the Public Uti ities Commission that Monticello was interested; there y, Monticello would become number 17 on the list. Thi does not commit Monticello to re- ceiving extended etro lines. Koropchak has called Joy and Elaine fo the petition to be turned in on Monday for verifi ation of signatures and for sufficient number of signatu es. 295 numbers issued as of the October billing w re 3,247 which means a need of 487.05 signatures or 600. Copies of the petitions are to be mailed to t e Public Utilities Commission, the local te1epho e company, and NW Bell Telephone Co. An additional six cities were added to the original consolidated process list in August, these were Le Seur, Cannon Falls, Dela. 0, Northfield, Watertown, and Buffalo. Koropchak advised he IDC of George Johnson's, Chamber Board member, sugg stion to have an attorney review the signatures on the etitions before submitting. It was a consensus of the committee that an attorney was not necessary at this ime. c) Joint Airport Koropchak reported process to estab1i Big Lake withdrew Council didn't hea ommission the City Council voted to stop the h an airport in the area since rom the process earlier, and the public support on the project. d) Beverage Proce Since the previous to Mr. Seelig, con remphasizing that negotiable positio use of private wel from the company 0 sing Company IDC meeting, Koropchak wrote a letter ultant for the beverage company, he City of Monticello remains in a to grant a variance to allow the s. No response has been heard the consultant. . e) Comparative Start-up Costs Since the previous IDC meeting, Koropchak wrote a letter to five communites: Buffalo, Big Lake, Elk River, Litchfield, and St. Cloud. The letter included two / IDC Minutes - 10/15/87 . 3. Reports (continued) hypothetical exa pIes of new industrial businesses. One a 30,000 sq ft computor production company and the other a 100,000 sq ft egg processing company. I asked the cities to calculate the building permit fees, plumbing permit fees, hook-up charges for water and sewer plus meter, and what items may be considered negotiable. Also, to calculate the water and sewer billing for a three month period. At the time of the meeting no responses had been received. f) Potential Ind strial Projects with City Interstructure Koropchak advised the IDC that the City was considering subdividing Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park. This to ma ket the city lots and meet the request for smaller industrial lots. The Planning Commission gave preliminary concept approval to the subdivision. . Koropchak informed the IDC that Mr. Wolfsteller and she had received letters of request from Mr. Jim Boyle and Mrs. Gladys Hoglu d for their properties, 190 acres south 1-94 and east of akwood Industrial Park and 72 acres along the railroa tracks and east of Bondhus Company, respectively, to e included the Central Monticello Redevelopment PIa boundaries which would allow the use of tax incre nt finance. Koropchak has checked with Mr. Bob Die , Holmes & Graven, who stated that the 1987 legislature amend d the Minnesota Statutory which now prohibits the ext nsion of those boundaries. An alternate suggestion was fo the City to onnsiderthe establishment of a Monticello D velopment District. At this time, Koropchak has not researched the process of a development district and how it works. 4. Other Business. Treasurer Bud Schrupp rep rted the combined total of money markets and balance of checking a count was $16,151.84, this down from the previous year. Koropchak handed out a co Minnesota Cities which in mill rate for year 1987 i non-metro cities with pop out a copy from the MID~ St. Cloud creating 100 jo character of the St. Clou for the expansion in St. y from the publication by Leaque of icated Monticello having the lowest the state of Minnesota. This for lations over 2,000. She also handed ewsletter stating FSI expansion in s. The article stated the size and labor force as the principal reason loud. Next meeting Wednesday, R vemher 18, 1987 at the Comfort Inn, Tree Lounge with area Sen tors and Representatives. 12:00 noon. meeting adjourned at 8:30AM. . 5. Adjournment. By consensus of the C~\LGu \<dL~- Ollie Koropchak, Executiv Se Monticello Industrial Develop ~~. ~.:. Montic 110 Industrial Develop ent Committee 250 East Br adway Monticello, Minne ota 55362 Phone (612) 2 5-2711 CStaaulfr FOR EeDRDlIle g(VUD~II(.T . November 10, 1987 Representative Gerald Bauerly Route 2 Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 Dear Representative Bauerly: . The Monticello Industrial Deve invitation to you and three ot for a gratis luncheon and info climate concerns. The date wa November 18, 1987, unfortunate of four will be able to attend decision is to cancel the sche for the inconvenience and will date. opment Gonunittee extended an er Minnesota legislators mal exchange of business scheduled for Wednesday, y, only one legislator out therefore, the IDCTs uled meeting. I apologize notify you of a new scheduled Thank you for Sincerely, ~ ~-\~~b.~ Olive M. Koropchak Economic Development Director cc: File . --~.- ~., . .'iL'c- --~.. Phone (612) 295-2111 Metro (612) 333-5139 Mayor: Arve Grimsmo City Council; Dan Blonigen Fran Fair William Fair Warren Smith Administrator; Rick Wolfsteller Public Works: John Simola Planning & Zoning: Gary Anderson Economic Development: Ollie Koropchak . . 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362.9245 Cit'j 0/ monticello MONTICEL 0, MN 55362-9245 November 9, 1987 Mr. Lawrence O. Hauge Suburban National Bank 300 Prairie Center Drive Eden Prairie, MN. 55344 RE: King Olav Visit Dear Larry, I would like to officially invite King Olav and yourself, including anyone else in his traveling party, to come to Monticel 0, Minnesota. As you know, the North American W ndow Company (NAWCO) has just completed a new 2 ,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility here in our city. They will be producing the patented H-Vinduet. Mr. Erik Fjerdingstad and Norway are living here in and I know the entire H-Vi if King Olav came for a vi manufacturing company to I located just 35 minutes we 94. is family from Hokksund, heir home for three years, duet group would be honored it. It is the first Norwegian cate in Minnesota. We are t of Minneapolis on Interstate Please let me know as soon as possible, so we may have our Monticello Welcome Mat ready for you. TUSEN TAKK, ~ Ar~ a L..:7r/;"" =' Arve A. Grimsmo Mayor City of Monticello, MN. P. S. My telephone number number at City Hall cc: Ollie Koropchak Erik Fjerdingstad o s (612) 295-2918 or Metro 612) 333-5739. " '. J, \ 1 1 1-" 1'< 1 ~ 1 ~ , 1 ~ g 1 '''I j l' ,.J ZZr-i ~ 0 ..J9 tS " ~.. r/):" r- ~ -""'/.iI ..J '.II ~l? o .-- I , v <C D 1I1 N '.. ~' .,/ l- '!1 ", t.. '2 - ~ c ')t' 1 v? lJ/ ~ .. '.., ." , . j.... . , ".. . v < a- ..q- ., . . . - 1 v 1 < "* tl ' r--;. a;;. . - (I ~r () <( .0( \.9 <V) C\J <:J 1..~. lf3 l- ~'2 ~f ! , "'c ,~ ", ...-) 1ft? '-.~) ~ 1" l~ " . t.!J .. .J" f ~ ~.... ...... I I .. 1 os ~ 11 , r , . ce Q) I~ S a z.t:: ~O -c. Q) e -....., iQ) [-c~ VCQ(I)~u :3 ::l <I).15..Q'2 o u._ .... ::l 'Ou <I) u <1)8 c:::....<I)"O -BiS........<::81-< "':.:::l "'E-< ..Q <I) 0 ~ . c::: '" ....go ag.,g~ ..Q.b <l)0'J "'"0. <I)~""""3 "0 8:o:;l ~ o.~ . ~ , "'...... 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Please welcome the following new members to MIDA: Please change your directories: - J I Ed Daum, District Director Small Business Administration 610-C Butler Square 100 North 6th Street Minneapolis, MN 55403 (612) 370-2324 Jim Lushlne's phone number should be corrected to: (612) 296-5009 Elaine M. Anderson Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority of Paynesville EDAP P.O. Box 4 Paynesville, MN 56362 (612) 243-4786 O.J. Norman and Gary Peppard's new address Is: Glacier Park Company 2800 Foshay Tower 821 Marquette Ave. Mpls., MN 55402 (612) 782-3001 (612) 782-3010 :i I j J I ~ Kathryn S. Hahne Director of Business Finance MN Dept. of Trade & Econ. Development 150 E. Kellogg Blvd. #900 St, Paul, MN 55101 (612) 297-1391 Janna King, S1. Cloud Area Economic Development Partner~ ship, Inc. is pleased to announce that Fulfillment Systems, a Monticello based company has expanded its operations to S1. Cloud. The size and character of the S1. Cloud labor force is given as the principal reason for expansion into the S1. Cloud Area, where the company will create an additional 1 00 jobs. , j ! . '\ \ ~ Milt Seeman Administrator Public Affairs Continental Telephone Co. of Minnesota, Inc. 1300 Mendota heights Rd. P.O. Box 50770 S1. Paul, MN 55150 (612) 681-2583 Steve Gottwalt is the new Economic Development Assistant forthe S1. Cloud Area Economic Development Partnership, Inc. Steve is replacing Jim Waggoner. Dave Olson, Twin West Chamber of Commerce in cooperation Member to Member continued on page 6 MIDA News 5 _...~'..----' ~- -~-_.,. '. -.'; -. -,' ~uv 0/ 1nonHcello ~?' ,..-~' ,,,.::' ." ...' ." :"'<,:<~/,..,.: "'~~' ,'..,' ,)'r~.! L ", ...~.. -. ..,..': ...., .~,...' .; ........._"""..."....... ,....w~.......""",/~ .".~ Phone (612) 295-2711 Metro (612) 333-5739 Mayor: Arve Grimsmo City Council: Dan Blonigen Fran Fair William Fair Warren Smith Administrator: Rick Wolfsteller Public Works: John Simola Planning & Zoning: Gary Anderson Economic Development: Ollie Koropchak . . 250 East Broadway Monticello. Minnesota 55362-9245 MONTICEL 0, MN 55362-9245 October 19, 1987 Mr. patrick Klaers city Administrator 505 U.P.A. Drive Elk River, MN 55330 Dear Mr. Klaers: The Monticello Industrial Develo nt committee is conducting a study of comparative costs for new ind~strial companies. comparative costs are being requested from the cit" s of Buffalo, Big Lake, Elk River, Litchfield, and st. cloud. The urpose of the study is to verify whether Monticello remains compe itive with its neighbors. The thought is to request the calcul ted information from the municipalities; thereby, the stu will be more accurate and complete. Based on the following hypotheti al assumptions for two individual industries, please calculate the total initial building and plumbing permit fees, water and sewer hoo up fees including the meter cost, and indicate which costs might b negotiable. Also, please calculate the water and sewer charges for three month period. Assumptions: Total 30,000 sq ft concrete building 28,000 sq ft is manufacturing 2,000 sq ft is office 30 emplo ees Computer pro uction company Average user of water and sewer usage 5,000 al./day Assumptions: Total 100,000 sq f metal building 90,000 sq f is manufacturing and warehouse 10,000 sq f' is office 35 I empl yees Egg processi g company Heavy user 0 water and sewer Water usage .30,000 gal./day Sewer usage . 80,000 gal./day 1,000 lbs/day BOD 250 Ibs/day TSS . Mr. Patrick Klaers October 19, 1987 Page 2 I hope to report the informatio to the IOC at their November 18, 1987, meeting. Your participat'on is greatly appreciated. If you would like a copy of Monticello's calculations, please indicate so. For additional information, con act me at (612) 295-2711 or 333-5739 (metro). Thank you. Sincerely, ~ ~.a)\O~Jl.2 Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director OK/kd cc: File . . . . . " Mr. Michael Mornson City Administrator 35 Lake Street South P.O. Box 250 Big Lake, MN 55309 Ms. Laureen Bodin Assistant Administrator 212 Central Avenue Buffalo, MN 55313 Mr. Patrick Klaers City Administrator 505 D.P.A. Drive Elk River, MN 55330 Mr. Wayne Carlson City Administrator 126 Marshall Avenue Nort Litchfield, MN 55355 Mr. Elmer Malinen City Administrator 400 2 Street South St. Cloud, MN 56301 .-:" :; -~>;-"""\ ..~ ............ , > ... -^' . ~ \ . :..,.-......~ Phone (612) 295-2711 Metro (612) 333-5739 Mayor: Arve Grimsmo City Council: Dan Blonigen Fran Fair William Fair Warren Smith Administrator: Rick Wolfsteller Public Works: John Simola Planning & Zoning: Gary Anderson Economic Development: Ollie Koropchak . _I: ,> . 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362-9245 Cit'J September 29, 1987 monticello LLO, MN 55362-9245 Mr. M. Donald Seelig Manager, Industrial Panning MK-Ferguson Company Automated Systems Div sian One Erieview Plaza Cleveland, OR 44114 Dear Mr. Seelig: In a letter dated Jul 6, 1987, you asked, "Can a well or wells be driven on th site to provide some of the water that will be used for beverage production?" In my response dated July 1 , 1987, I stated, "Currently, the City Ordinance reads 'private water not permitted in the system.' The City Co ncil's action on June 8 indicated the City's willingnes to supply the adequate volume of water for your compan. ; however, if for'some reason the City could not supply the requested volume, the City would grant a varianc to allow private water or partial private water for exc ptionally high water demand users (Commerical/Industria). The present ordinance does permit private water or irrigation purposes only." Our City Ordinance re discussion with the C the Industrial Develo remphasize that the C to grant a variance t private water for exc (Commerical/Industria Mr. Seelig, Monticell proud to be the home three to four state m In the best interest best location." Sincerely, ~~ ~t'iLo ~ ains the same; however, after further ty Mayor, City Administrator, and ment Committee, I would like to ty remains in a negotiable position allow private water or partial ptionally high water demand users ) . is a proud community and would be f the beverage processing company's nufacturing/distribution center. f your company, "Monticello is the Ollie Koropchak Economic Development irector cc: File