IDC Agenda 07-16-1987 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DE ELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, July 16, 1987 - 7:00AM City Hal Members: President Harvey Kend 11, Shelly Johnson, Bud Schrupp, Arve Grimsmo, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Joel Winkelman, Dale Lungwitz, Bruce agnelius, Jay Morrell, and Ollie Koropchak. 1. Call To Order. 2. Approval of the June 18, 1987 IDC Minutes. 3. Reports: Beverage Processi g Company NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. Data Card Corporation Joint Airport Co ission Monticello Ford, Inc. Property Directors of Monticello Development Fulfillment Syste s, Inc. 4. Other Business. 5. Adj ournment. -. . . MINUTE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL D VELOPMENT COMMITTEE I Thursday, June 18' 1987 - 7:00AM City Ha 1 Members Present: President Ha vey Kendall, Shelly Johnson, Bud Schrupp, Arv Grimsmo, Don Smith, Ron Hoglund, Joel Winke1m n, and Ollie Koropchak. Members Absent: Dale Lungwitz Bruce Gagne1ius, Tom Eidem, and Jay Morrell. 1. Call To Order. President Kendall IDC meeting to order at 7:07AM. 2. A roval of the Ma IDC Minutes. o approve the May 14, 1987 IDC glund. Motion carried. . 3. Consideration to Acce t th Letter of Resi nation from Jack Peach. Ron Hoglund made a motion 0 accept Mr. Jack Peach's letter of resignation, seconded by D n Smith. Koropchak reported to the committee Mr. Peach's reas n for resignation was lack of interest. Mr. Peach's major employee who were effected by the increase in minimum wages were the omeworkers. Mr. Peach has also indicated an increase in h's assessed property valuation on Lauring Lane. Any further expansion is planned for outside the state of Minnesota. 4. Consideration to Review A few negative comments ha on the change of meou and positive comments abou The decrease in attendance and ticket sales were attributed to heavy fundraising in the community this year and the business climate of the state legislature. The co ittee discussed the possibility of a June banquet. discontinu'ng the banquet, asking for more funds from the Chamber because of their 1987 membership fee increase. The committee agreed that the IDC banquet was a good way to tell the community about t e IDC. Koropchak is to prepare a list of banquet participants. . 5. Reports: Data Card - Koropchak reported that more detailed information of wage rates and lease cost were mailed to the company and Monticello was still considered as a site location. Beverage Processi g Company - Koropchak reported the days events when the two consultant representatives from MK-Ferguson isited Monticello. Two selling points for Montie 110 are the location and the accessibility of the freeway. The representatives were business ori ntated and didn't take time to visit the whole c mmunity. The beverage processing company is lookin for approximately 20 acres, an initial 120,000 s . ft building to employ initially 35, with potentia of 70. NAWCO Minnesota, nc. - Plans are for construction to IDC Minutes - 6/18/87 . begin July 1. Bd Schlief was hired general consultant for the projecti n by Winkelman Building Corporation. Streetscape - Ma or Grimsmo told of Jim Ridgeway and Con Johnson conc rn of the downtown area and their willingness to s .eerhead a project which includes rental above retail sto ,es. possibility of office and apartment space. green spade. and parking convenience. One IDC members questioneid. "where the people would come from to invest in rent. l/commerical?" Concern for downtown areas is an AIDeri an problem. not just a Monticello problem. Grimsmo felt the city should move ahead and not move backward . mix people in the downtown area. Old Monticello Fo d Property - Koropchak reported the site had been app aised at $67.000.00 and the HRA was to present an offer to Mr. Flake. HRA plans are to demolish the b ilding; however. no development is currently planned but would make the property more marketable. Joint Airport Co Commission would the new administr would become dire elected. Tom Cre the request for p Services. ission - Koropchak reported the ot meet again until August when tors from Big Lake and Monticello tors and new officers could be ghton and Ollie are to prepare oposals for the Aviation Planning . 6. Other Business. Shelly Johnson inquired on he annexation progress. Mayor Grimsmo responded that it was befor the Municipal Board and a ruling should be made with 60 days The City does not plan to appeal and the Township mayor may not appeal. Koropchak informed the IDC f the Chamber of Commerce Luncheon meeting today. Ron Hoglund reported that 2 or 3 pages of signed petitions had been completed for extended metro service. He reported the positive attitude of the Br'dgewater Telephone Company. 7. Adjournment. It was a consensus of the I C to adjourn at 8:20AM. Committee ~ "{Y\. ~ cJ\. e: Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary Monticello Industrial . . . . ENGINEERS AND CONSTRUCTORS ~ MK-FERGUSON COMPANY ~ A MORRISON KNUDSEN COMPANY AUTOMATED SYSTEMS DIVISION ONE ERIEVIEW PLAZA CLEVELAND, OHIO 44114 PHONE: (216) 523-5600/TELEX: 985542 July 6, 1987 Olive Koropchak Economic Development Director 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 REFERENCE: Oakwood Industrial Par Parcels 4, 6, 7 and 8 Dear Olive, We are now reviewing specific sites and communities in Minnesota for the beverage manufacturing plant. We w 11 now make a final selection of one site and community based on your rep ies to questions listed below. Please consider your submission a be t and final offer since our decisions will be based on your replies. The information we are requesting by July 21, 1987, is: 1. Cost per acre for the land. 2. Confirmation that all utilities (electric, water, sewer, telephone and gas) will be brought to the prop rty lot line. 3. Property tax rate, in mills, and the percentage of appraised value that will be applied against the 1 nd and buildings versus original or market value cost. 4. Any site improvements that will e included in this offer. 5. Can a well or wells be driven 0 the site to provide some of the water that will be used for beverage p oduction? 6. Cost for: Water - Initial usage . . . 6 milli n gallons/month Waste Treatment (hydraulic) M Initial usage .. 1.63 mi lion gallons/month 7. Local and/or state incentives th t can be applied to this project, such as, but not limited to: a. Tax Increment Funding b. Economic Development Revolv ng Fund (ECRF) . . . MK-FERGUSON COMPANY A .O""ISON KNUOS!N CO.PAN'f' c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j . k. Relocation Benefits Job Training Industrial Corporation Funds Job Training Partnership Act Economic Recovery Fund Minnesota Fund Program Community Development Block Tax Credits Other Local and/or Funds It is anticipated that this facility ill have approximately: Personnel Building square feet Initial 35 120,000 Final 70 250,000 We appreciate the assistance and co peration you have provided to us. It has been outstanding and we have enj yed working with you. Please have the above information ba k to us by July 21, 1987. ~i:e~ M. Donald Seelig Manager, Industrial Planning Automated Systems Division MK-Ferguson Company cc: J. Lushine/DEED File RF TMK/ma . . . OataCard Corporation 11111 Bren Road West P. O. Box 9355 Minneapolis, MN 55440 (612) 933-1223 lJataCard June 30, 1987 Ms. 01 ive Koropchak Economic Development Director Monticello City Hall 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dea r 011 i e: As you probably have read or heard by now, DataCard Corporation has sought a temporary restraining order enjoining Deluxe Check Printers, Inc. and National Com uter Systems, Inc. from effecting the sale of 38% of Da aCard stock. Because of the uncertainty created by the pending acquisition by National Computer, the satellite/feeder lant project we have been pursuing the past eight months as been placed on "hold" until such time as this issue is resolved. We are unhappy about the delay in the satellite project caused by these events... events that w re unforeseen. We hope that the matter will be resolved exp ditiously and that the project can go forward. As soon as events pennit, I wi 1 1 1 et you know of any changes in the status of the project. gain, at this time the project is on "hold". Thank you for your continuing c operation. Sincerely, ~~ Terry R. Beattie Manufacturing Planning Manager DataCard Equipment cc: Jim Lushine, Minnesota Depa tment of Energy and Economic Development Dean Whaley, DataCard Corpo ation Juel Peterson, DataCard Cor oration World's leader in plastic card equipment, pr ducts and services . Memo RE: Directors of Monticello Devel pment Dated: July 14, 1987 I have been given the written propos 1 regarding the DND, and was asked to prepare an opinion re~arding same. It is not within the power of the Ci organization. Any city such as Mont it can do, and what it cannot do. A simplY not empowered to create such which allow citys to set up planning that. There is simply no enabling s the DMD. Y of Monticello to create such an cello is limited by statute as far as what city such as the City of Monticello is n organization. There are special statutes commissions, HRA's, and such things as atute allowing for such an organization as It woulct certainly not be legal to c eate any sort of organization such as the DMD where the lawfully created commi tees and commissions of the city would have to report to that organization. . It would not be legal for the City t create any sort of separate organization such as the DMD and allow city facil ties and consultants to be at its disposal. The objectives as indicated in the i objectives 1 & 2 can be accomplished development corporation. This is a just such objectives. I would reco commission and a member of the HRA b development corporation. A council council can grant funds to such an 0 districts to fund projects. '. formation sheet that I received, that is through the already existing community on-profit corporation that is geared toward end that a member of the planning on the board of directors of the community ember could also bet:!;n e rd. The city ganizat n and can e t x crement tax ... )