IDC Agenda 09-25-1986 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP ENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday. September 2 . 1986 - 7:00AM City Hall Members: Chairperson Ron Hogl Arve Grimsmo. Dale L Schrupp. Jay Morrell Bruce Gagne1ius. Tom 1. Call to Order. nd. Don Smith. Shelly Johnson. ngwitz. Harvey Kendall. Bud Joel Winkelman. John Bondhus. Eidem. and Olive Koropchak. 2. Approval of the August 21. 1986 IDC Minutes. 3. Consideration to Approve P eliminary Plans for Det Scand- inaviske Vinduscompaniet S areho1der's Visit to Monticello. 4. Other Business. 5. Adj ournment. . . ~-,,-,..__... . MINUTE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVEL PMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, August 21, 1986 - 7:00AM City Ha 1 Members Present: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Shelly Johnson, Arve Grimsm , Dale Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, Joel Winkel an, and Ollie Koropchak. Members Absent: Don Smith, H rvey Kendall, Jay Morrell, John Bondhus Bruce Gagnelius, and Tom Eidem. 1. Call to Order. Chairperson Ron Hoglund at 7:07AM. 2. A rova1 of the Ju1 16, Joel Winkelman motioned t IDC minutes, seconded by a11ed the IDC meeting to order 986 IDC Minutes. approve the July 16, 1986 helly Johnson, and passed 6-0. 3. Consideration to Execute he New Minnesota Business Re- tention and Ex ansion Pro ram. The new program is sponso ed by MinnDEED with the goal to create jobs and increa e the tax base of a community through a survey of indus rial and commerical/retai1er businesses conducted by c mmunity volunteers. The IDC centered it's concerns a ound, what does the community benefit from the business retention and expansion prog- ram? The committee felt he State of Minnesota already knows the present busines concerns and climate. Koropchak responded by st ting that she and the committee would become aware of co unity needs: expansion plans, concerns of the city and tate, and identifies red flags. This in turn would help t increase employment, the tax base through new or expan ed business. Also, the vol- unteer participation wou1 enhance community envolvement and interest. The commit ee agreed that personal contact with the industiral and s rvice-related businesses was a good idea, however, the also felt the community hired an Economic Development D rector to reduce the IDC's commitment time. Koropch k clarified that she was asking for sponsorship and if a ommittee member would volunteer one person from their bus.ness to conduct the survey. The committee consensus w s for Koropchak to personally contact and conduct the s rvey to the industrial bus- inesses; and to mail the urvey to the service-related businesses for self-compl tion returning the completed survey to Koropchak for t bulation. The IDC requested a list of the service-rel ted businesses at the next meeting. . . . IDC Minutes - 8/21/86 4. Consideration to Address t e Industrial Businesses Concerns. A recap of the Business Retention questionaire taken in Feburary, 1986 was presented in the IDC agenda. The recap indicated 1/3 or four of the twelve Industrial Businesses visited had voiced concerns of the city's code requirements in the I-I and 1-2 zones with two additional companies expressing concerns thereafter. With that information, Ar e Grimsmo suggested a committee review the 1-1 and 1-2 co e requirements and present the findings to the City Coun il or Planning Commission. The concensus of the IDC as for the individual company owners, the IDe President, and myself to present the stated concerns to the Ciy Council. 5. a New Industrial Tabled. 6. Reports. Accepted as written. 7. Other Business. Det Scandinaviske Vindusc Mayor Grimsmo informed th (August 4 and 5) to two N facilities. The Mayor in established a sound finan He indicated that the pro Minnesota for testing at and at Twin City Testing. results are expected to b October with a final prod for December 1986. They Minnesota, therfore, futu another geographic locati computerized, produce a s and may open their own gl Mayor Grimsmo was accompa . mpanie t A/ S . IDC of his two day visit rwegian window manufacturing icated the company has ial background in Norway. otypes would be shipped to marketing research company Market testing and the completed by the end of ction decision scheduled lan to market just in e expansion is planned for n. The company is highly ecialized window and door, ss company in Norway. ied by Odd J~rgensen. 8. Adjournment. By consensus of the IDC, he meeting adjourned. ~ \'l\ .\< C(\ P (2' Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary for t Monticello Industrial Dev . Committee . . e- o- IDC Agenda - 9/25/86 3. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE SCANDINAVISKE VINDUSCOMP TO MONTICELLO. RELIMINARY PLANS FOR DET lET SHAREHOLDER"S VISIT A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO ND. The visiting Shareho1 ers and the Board of Directors were established in N rway in December 1985. as Det Scandinaviske Vindhus ompaniet A/S. In early 1986, The North American Wi dow Company, Inc. (NAWCO) was established as the U. . holding company owned by D.S.V. The main shar holder is NAWCO Minnesota, Inc. which will locate in onticel10 if their decision is positive in December f 1986. I will allow Mr. Joergensen or Mr. Fjerdingstad t tell of their 1986 preparation plans for establishme t and operations in the Minnesota market. At present, hey are interested in Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Oakwood ndustrial Park. Their plans include a 30,000 squa e foot manufacturing facility with a detached 2,000 square foot residential style office, showcase, and confere ce facility installed with their windows and doors. T e estimated three million dollar project includes work"ng capital for three years, Det Scandinaviske Vin uscompaniet will finance a minimun of one-half t e estimated project cost. Projected numbers of "obs is 25. This information provided to you with rust of confidentiality. Financing options are: being considered with the use of Tax Increment inance, State Programs, and Commerical Bank lende s. Mr. Starheim is aware that financial statements nd three year projections are necessary for ban and state programs. He is also aware that state programs take a minimun of two months to process after receiving needed in- formation. The boar. members will present a written report of their 1986~reparations plans and research which i cludes estimated project costs, estimated public and ,private sector lending available, results of the markeing research study (J. C. Olson Marketing Research, nc.), results of Twin City Testing, etc. to the r shareholders in November with final decision n December. One reason the shareholders are vis ting Minnesota and Monticello is to acquire a bett r understanding of the environment and work ng climate of their selected location for their H window manufacturing facility. I hope the IDC and t e community of Monticello will give the Norwegian s areho1ders and board of directors a warm welcome and p rticipate in the planned itinerary. . NORWEGIAN'S I INERARY Monday, October 20, 1986 - ivaI to Minnesota raton Northwest Motel Tuesday, October 21 - Relaxati and free time Wednesday, October 22 - Guest the Minneapolis Sons of Norway Thursday, October 23 - 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Sigh seeing Tour of Minneapolis/St. Paul by G ey Lines - estimated cost $275.00 Dona ed through a NSP State Promotional Fund, Dick Wright, NSP Economic Development Dire tor. (Also checking on Minnesota Flags thro gh MinnDEED). 1:15PM - Monticello ustrial Park h - River Inn 3:00PM - Tour of Oakwood 3:30PM - Tour of the NSP lear Plant (Mayor Grimsmo) 5:30PM - Relaxation Break - Ollie's House . 6: 30PM - Casual dinner withl entertainment (Tom Eidem) Community invited. Friday, October 24 - Return to! Norway. a . Det Scandinaviske Vinduscompani, t Shareholders * * * * * * Aage Bauge Mr. and Mrs. Bjoerlo (ala and Kari) Odd Fjerdingstad Mr. and Mrs. Flakk (Egil and Bodil) Leie:: Hofseth Arnfinn Pedersen Boardmembers * Mr. and Mrs. Fjerdingsta (Erik and Aase-Elin) * Odd Joergensen * Roald Starheim . . . LUNCHEON Thursday, October 23, 1986 - 1:15PM River In Suggested Guest List Norwegians - 12 IDC - 14 President Ron Hoglund Mayor Arve Grimsmo and Jean Tom Eidem Don Smith Jay Morrell Joel Winkelman Bruce Gagnelius Dale Lungwitz Harvey Kendall John Bondhus Shelly Johnson Bud Schrupp Ollie Koropchak City Council - 4 Dan Blonigan Fran Fair Bill Fair Jack Maxwell City Staff - 1 Rick Wolfsteller . Others Dick Wright - NSP Econ Dev Di Dave Petersen - Regional Fin Linda Mielke - Security Feder Dale Pogatchnik - First Bank Sally Martie Linda Smith Dori White or Joyce Julie Schmanski Industrial Representatives - ? Jim Ridgeway Jack Peach Bill and Merrilyn Seefeldt Gale Simon Joyce Schackor Wayne Bidwell Rick Clow Andy Anderson Al Jones DOWlin0 Committee Members for table decorations and care package. Needed Decisions - 1. Who and number of guests rom the industrial representative's and other's list? 2. Does any IDC member want 0 be on the care package committee? 3. Place - River Inn Main Di ing Room or the Cabarat? According to Bertha and Earl this may depend on the count. (To order off the menu, this would be from a limited menu) . ~. Cost of Meal - 1. IDC pay for only he twelve Norwegian visitor's meal and others pay in ividually. . 2. IDC pays for ever Estimate - comple times the highest menu. ones. e suggested list pt1ced~item on~the 49 7.50 $367.50 . . . 5. Program - Welcome to Monticello - Introduction of Guests About Monticello - Tom About NAWCO Minnesota, Presentation of Minneso Presentation of Montice Recognition of Committe Mayor Grimsmo Mayor Grimsmo idem nc. - Odd Joergensen a Flag - 10 Care Package - 's help - or Erik Fjerdingstad