IDC Agenda 05-15-1986 . AGENDA MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELO MENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday. May 15. 1 86 - 7:00AM Monticello Cit Hall Members: Chairperson Ron Hoglu Arve Grimsmo, Dale Lu Schrupp. Jay Morrell. Bruce Gagnelius. Tom 1. Call to Order. d. Don Smith. Shelly Johnson. gwitz. Harvey Kendall. Bud Joel Winkelman. John Bondus. idem. and Ollie Koropchak. 2. Approval of the April 17. 1 86 IDC minutes. 3. Update and Finalization of he Industrial Development Banquet. 4. Report: IDC Freeway Sign Airport Subcommitt e Block 3. Lot 5. Oa wood Industrial Park Prospective Prospe ts 5. Other Business. . 6. Next scheduled IDC Meeting. 7. Adjournment. . . MINUTES INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT C MMITTEE MEETING Thursday, April 17, 986 - 7:00AM Monticello Cit Hall Members present: Chairperson Kendall, Joe Eidem, Don S Koropchak. Members Absent: Shelly Johnso Bruce Gagneli 1. Call to Order. The IDC meeting was calle 2. Approval of Minutes. Jay Morrell motioned to a seconded by Joel Winke1ma 3. U date on the Industrial Bud Schrupp acknowledged banquet participant's nam of paid participants for Eidem reported he had con Latimer's speech. It wou Cable to advise Latimer a time on television. Mr. was to receive a gratis t was a paid participant in had telephonedLatimer's 0 Latimer speaking engageme Bidwell's letter. Confir stressed to push the tick fundraiser. Ron Hoglund Chamber meeting. . on Hoglund, Bud Schrupp, Harvey Winkelman, Jay Morrell, Tom ith, Dale Lungwitz, and Ollie Grimsmo, John Bondhus, and to order by Chairperson Ron Hoglund. the March 19, 1986 IDC minutes, carried unanimously. evelo ment Ban uet. hat ID members return monies and s to him. He will provide a list he banquet ticket collectors. Tom acted Rite Cable TV for taping d be the responsibility of Rite d his opponents of equal campaign enda1l asked if Mr. Norm Ecklund cket, the committee responded he the past. Koropchak reported she fice for confirmation of the May 19, t with the IDC after receiving Mr. ation was intact. Jay Morrell t sales as this is the IDC's only ill announce ticket sales at the 4. Reports. a. Industrial Freeway S"gn - Having received two new prelim- inary drawings of the ID freeway sign from Jeff Hoglund including a new bid of $ ,800.00. The consensus of the Committee was the select'on of Option A. Sign color left to the discretion of Jeff H glund. b. Airport - Report ac epted. Tom Eidem indicated he had contacted O'Connor and H nnan as a potential legal firm for the airport committee to interview. c. Det Scandinaviske Vi duscompaniet A/S - Chairperson Hoglund inquired of the committe's response for dinner with Erik Fjerdingstad. Koropchak reported Mr. Johnson, Mr. Kendall, . . . . IDC Minutes - 4/17/86 Mayor Grimsmo. and herself hosted Mr. Fjerdingstad and later was joined by Mr. Morrell nd Mr. Lungwitz. The Committee was interested if this was the same Norwegian window company as proposed within STP. Mr. idem explained that they initially heard of Minnesota when Go ernor Perpich visited Norway about Ii years ago. Det Scandi aviske Vinduscompeniet was asked to join the "greenhouse project" but declined because their largest competitor was a articipant of that proposed project and they also wished to r main independent. When they arrived in America about a year a 0 they traveled by car from New York to Minnesota. At the Sta e Department of Energy and Economic Development office they c ose five cities from the list of Minnesota Star Cities to nvestigate. Koropchak expressed the company's desire to p esent their video tape to the IDC when they return in Minne ota and their desire to tour the NSP Nuclear Plant. Korop hak reported that Mr. Fjerdingstad telephoned her Friday eve ing after his meeting with Mr. Jim Luchine. MinnDEED. He sa d Monticello looks very favorable. however. it was the decis on of the Board of Directors. Mr. Fjerdingstad indicated th y would make their decision on a Minnesota location before the end of the year. d. Pyro Industries - Mr. Kendall inquired of more specific reasons why Pyro Industri s chose to expand in the State of Washington. Koropchak re; orted she received a letter from Mr. Carlson. Main factors fo their decision: Unrealistic criteria of qualifications for Min esota programs. high cost of worker's compensation. and high co t of unemployment insurance. Also by comparison of state pr grams offered by the State of Washington. Mr. Lungwitiz expressed bis opinion of Pyro's financial statements. Don Smith cautioned the committee not to be so critical of Minnesota's Economic Programs but to remember Pyro's financial report and their initial ut-front dollar request. 5. Other Business. a. Koropchak reported s e had attended the Star City Workshop on Tuesday. The theme" ssessing Your Prospect's Creditability" included red flags. ques ions to ask. things to ask for. and seven key ratios for bas c evaluation of financial statements (Balance sheets and Inco e sheets). Koropchak also reported she had received a lette of acknowledgement from MinnDEED that Monticello was rece tified as a Star City. b. Joel Winkelman expre the downtown retail area also reminded the Commit today. 12:00 noon. at th as guest speaker. sed George Johnson's concern to stress in the revised promotional packet. He ee of the Chamber's Luncheon Meeting. American Legion with Dr. George Karvel c. The Committee's cons nsus was to hold an IDC meeting one week (Thursday) in advan e of their banquet. IDC Minutes - 4/17/86 . d. It was suggested to contact Gary Wieber for the IDC's June meeting. The committee would appreciate a briefing of Wrightco's future plans and at the sa e time satisfy the committee's business retention goal. . e. Tom Eidem informed th Corporation's request to r Industrial Park. Request industry). Mr. Eidem aske on this issue. Mr. Eidem taken a position. Second, of industries would be e1i also indicated Monticello (1-2) heavy industries. E in a 1-2 zone but not the Industrial Park to 1-1 was 1-2 zone in the area would unplatted land, Mr. Eidem rezoning if the middle sch Board doesn't activate a r Mr. Lundwitz expressed the request for zone change in suggested the City cons ide from 1-1 to 1-2 because of expressed this hope that t not the Board would eva1ua Schrupp motioned to table the Monticello Development change in the Oakwood Indu the results of the school Morrell and carried unanim 6. Adjournment. Don Smith motioned Eidem, and carried Committee of the Monticello Development zone the land use in the Oakwood rom 1-2 (heavy industry) to I-I (light the Committee for their position tated: One, the City staff had not informed the committee what types inated by an all 1-1 zone, however, ay not be interested in recruiting dem also stated all 1-1 are permitted everse. If rezone of the Oakwood to take place, the only remaining be the Boyle Property. This being ssumed the School Board will request 01 referendum passes. If the School quest for zone change, the City will. Corporation may not proceed with the the Oakwood Industrial Park, but zone change of the Hoglund Property the access to trackage. Jay Morrell e referendum would pass April 24, if e why not (size or concept). Bud he opinion or position of the IDC on Corporation's request for zone trial Park (1-2 to 1-1) until after eferendum vote. Seconded by Jay usly. rn the meeting, seconded by Torn sly. Meeting adjourned. rn t,,' . " / " ~ ~ '\--.,~-~ l",._-" "'- Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary for th. Industrial Development Committee . . . . 3. UPDATE AND FINALIZATION OF T As of Friday, May 9, 1986, t tickets sold by each individ After permission from some c sold another 9 tickets plus to return calls. This bring Positve responses from the g are: Floyd Mark1ing, Senato stad, permitting his schedu1 E INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANQUET. e accounted number of reported a1 IDC member totaled 92. mmittee members, I contacted and ave another 10 businesses yet the total ticket sales to 101. atis ticket list at this time Betty Adkins, and Erik Fjerding- d Minnesota visit allows. Responsibilities - Tom Eidem - final confirm tion and arrangements with Mayor George Latimer and Rite C ble Company. Bud Schrupp and Koropchak - Report final banquet count to Monte Club. Koropchak - Lynn Smith ha made and delivered the Minnesota montage for George Latime. Order flowers, purchase name tags, etc., and report co nt and list of head table people to Bruce Gagnelius. Head Table (for discussio President Ron Hog1un Arve Grimsmo, Chambe Economic Development Program - (for discussion Welcome - President Speaker - Mayor Lati Montage presentation Monticello's Develop Other - and approval by committee) , Mayor George Latimer, Mayor President Joel Winkelman, and Director Ollie Koropchak. by the committee) oglund er - Mayor Grimsmo ent - Administrator Tom Eidem . 4. REPORTS: a. IDC Freeway Sign - The D sign was ordered on April II, 1986 from Jeff Hoglund. Opt~on A at a cost of $1800.00. As of this date, the boards hav been primed with a completion date scheduled for the end 0 May and installation to follow. b. Airport Subcommittee - Subcommitte is scheduled to and Hannon. After the inter recommendation to the respec work independent of the thre Big Lake, and Becker. Their would be the preparations of and rules) for the Airport C After the preliminary drawin Division, Minnesota/DOT on A that time had not permitted However, he also said that a they was no real problems wi plans are to refly the area . c. Block 3, Lot 5, Oakwood Johnson, owner of IXI regard Park. The HRA has an agreem expansion until December 10, plans. Dee Johnson explaine uation process, hired a new reorganization. Unless the for the above said property, agreement hold. d. Prospective Prospects - Mr. Erik Fjerdingstad teleph return visit to Minnesota an major task on this one week through the aid of the State His plans include attendance n Friday, May 23, 1986, the Airport nterview the legal firm of O'Connor iew the Committee will make a ed City Councils. This firm would cities envolved: Monticello, prime responsibility at this time a joint-powers agreement (bylaws mmission. s had been returned to the Aeronautic's ril II, 1986, Mr. Ron Lloyd reported hem to refly the recommended area. ter their initial area observation, h the recommended area. Present y May 23, 1986. ndustrial Park - I contacted Dee ng Lot 5, Block 3, Oakwood Industrial nt to hold this property for lXI's 1987. I inquired of lXI's future that IXI has undergone an eval- resident, and is presently under onticello HRA had an urgent need IXI would like to see the et Scandinaviske Vinduscompaniet A/S. ned this morning, confirming his Monticello on May 17, 1986. His isit is to obtain a wood supplier Department of Natural Resources. at the IDC Banquet. Interspan, Inc. - An initial contact with Mr. Woodrow Langhaug, retired personnel from Luthe an Brotherhood, has been made. Interspan, Inc. is a Swedish firm, with an expanded facility scheduled for completion and operational in Florida this August. Plans are for a Minnesota ex ansion to follow. Their product is a seal used in the expans'on joints of concrete bridges and parking ramps. BC Properties - Wrote a prop salon behalf of the request from Mr. Jim Lushine, Minnesota Department of Economic Development, for Mr. Bruce Carlson. BC Properties. This is a Minneapolis company with need for a light manufacturing use (injection of of rubber molding). Plans are for a 30,000 square foot building with initially 20-30 employees and a potential of up to 50 employees. To date, they have visited the Oakwood Industrial Park sites and t e vacated Best-In-Webb building. . . The company has narrowed it' cities, Monticello included selection to four Minnesota n the four. Lefsa Shack - initial contac with a small 1efsa production operations out of Opheim, Mo tana. They, also, have a pro- duction operation in Denver, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Granrud are the owners. Others - Contacts have been ade with the Minnesota DHIA and the Minnesota Sports Federat'on. . . . 6. NEXT SCHEDULED IDC MEETING. Our next scheduled IDC meeti g will be held Thursday, June 19, 1986. The meeting includes 'unch and guest, Jim Ridgeway of Wrightco Products, Inc. P1a e to be announced. . .