Parks Commission Minutes 07-18-1996 . . . PARKS REGULAR MEETING - PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, July 18, 1996.4:30 p.m. Members Present: Larry Nolan, Fran Fair, Earl Smith Members Absent: Bruce Thielen Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Roger Mack, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call meetin~ to order. Acting Chairman Nolan called the meeting to order. 2. Consideration of approving minutes for the re~ar meeting ~June 20, 1996, and the Special Meeting Minutes of July 11, 1996. COMMISSIONER SMITH MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY FAIR TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 20, 1996 MEETING. Motion carried unanimously. The Commissioners discussed the minutes of the July 11, 1996 meeting. A clarification on item number five, a joint project of paved pathways at Montissippi Park, was changed to a paved pathway through Hillcrest Addition to the entrance of Montissippi Park. There was also the question of the pathway system being a transportation cost not a parks budget item. This would be discussed further during the budget discussions. COMMISSIONER SMITH MADE A MOTION, SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR TO APPROVE THE JULY 11,1996 MINUTES WITH CHANGES. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Interviews for Parks Commission membership: Morie Malone and Robbie Smith were interviewed for the Park Commission vacancy created when Steve Andrews was appointed to the HRA. The candidates were interviewed with a series of questions from the Commissioners. Both applicants seemed qualified and very interested in community involvement. The Commissioners discussed expanding the commission from five to seven members but because this change would need to be discussed in more detail one was chosen. Robbie Smith was chosen with the suggestion to keep Morie Malone's application for future use. The City Council will approve the applicant at the July 22, 1996 meeting. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRAN FAIR AND SECONDED BY EARL SMITH TO RECOMMEND ROBBIE SMITH TO THE POSITION OF PARKS COMMISSION MEMBER AND TO INFORM MORI MALONE THAT THE Page 1 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 07/18/96 COMMISSION WILL BE LOOKING AT EXPANDING THE NUMBER OF PARKS COMMISSION MEMBERS TO 7 AND TO THANK HER FOR HER PARTICIPATION AND EXPRESS THE HOPE THAT IN THE EVENT THE PARKS COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP IS EXPANDED THAT SHE WOULD APPLY FOR THE POSITION. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Working with the Rotary on community projects- Ollie Koropchak, Rotary President Ollie Koropchak, Rotary President, reported to the Parks Commission the Rotary club would be very interested in working with them on future projects. In particular was the Prairie West Addition Park next to Otter Creek. This is an area that will need extensive clean up and the developer, John Komarek, is seeking community help. Koropchak added once the park design is complete the Rotary Club might be interested in helping with the funds to add benches, shelter, or playground equipment in the park. This will depend on the type of park that is chosen by the Commission and consensus by the Rotary club. The Commissioners were very enthusiastic about working with the Rotary Club and told Koropchak to report back when the Rotary had voted on the project. Koropchak also asked the Parks Commission's opinion on the City having a Yard of the Week award. This type of contest has been done in other communities and has helped to promote yard maintenance and cleanup. Each week an award for flowers, gardens, manicured laws, and possibility porches would be presented. The Commissioners commented on this being a good idea for positive cleanup. When more of the details have been decided the Parks Commission would like Koropchak to keep them informed. 5. Report on MCP picture survey Pam Campbell, MCP Design Committee Chaiz:person Pam Campbell, MCP Design Committee Chairperson, reported to the Parks Commission the preliminary results of a photo survey taken in Monticello. The object of the survey was to find out what the people liked or would like to see changed in Monticello. There were 320 pictures taken by a variety of people and 25% of the pictures were complimentary to the park system. Campbell did not include the pathway pictures in this total. She estimated another 25 pictures in favor of the pathway system. The Commissioners asked Campbell if any pictures or comments indicated a need to improve any areas in the existing parks. Page 2 . . . Parks Commission Minutes - 07/18/96 Campbell stated the improvements were as follows: trim trees in Ellision Park and Bridge Park to allow for a better view to the river. 6. Park on 7th Street (Lions) . The Commission discussed the area by 7th Street, owned by the City, as a possiblity for the Lions Club to adopt. There will also be a 16 acre park in the Klein Farms Development in the near future. (See item #10) The Commission would be willing to work with the Lions once there was a site established. Wanda Kraemer left the meeting early; Jeff O'Neill completed the minutes. 7. Bridl;:'e Park report. After discussion on potential methods for maintaining the river bank, it was determined that a decision with regard to stabilization of the bank would wait until the Hoisington-Koegler group finished their downtown/riverfront planning effort. 8. Future park planning - comp plan. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, reported that he would be summarizing the items listed in a narrative report, which would include budget information. The narrative would be describing the underlying reasons for the budget items listed to date. The idea of development of a canoe shuttle was discussed. It was determined that the idea of a canoe shuttle made sense because it's one of the relatively few activities that can be done on the river. It was suggested that perhaps rafting and innertube shuttles could also be developed. A plan for determining what organization would provide the shuttle and how the service would be provided, etc., was not discussed. However, it was determined that the idea should be included in the future park planning document. The group also discussed frustration it has had in completing various projects and noted that the community is very open and willing to engage in current and future projects, but projects have languished due to insufficient City staff support. O'Neill noted that as part of the park planning process, he will outline a request for additional staff support in the area of park development. 9. Continued budget discussion. This item was discussed under item #8. Page 3 . . 11. . Parks Commission Minutes - 07/18/96 10. Klein Farms Park. O'Neill noted that Tony Emmerich is interested in developing the Klein Farms project under a different concept utilizing the area that has the old oak trees and the pond as a park area that would be shared by the entire community. Emmerich noted, however, that he did not want to pursue this avenue if the Parks Commission was interested in the 16-acre site on the northwest quadrant of the property. After discussion, the Parks Commission recognized the unique character of the pond and oak tree area and determined that its value could be realized ifit would be allowed to be developed as common space versus private space. O'Neill noted that Emmerich is willing to develop an active ballfield area at a nearby location on the 220 acres he owns south of Kjellbergs East Mobile Home Park. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY EARL SMITH AND SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR TO SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF A PLAT OF THE KLEIN FARMS SOUTH PROPERTY THAT WOULD INCLUDE PARK DEVELOPMENT IN THE AREA OF THE OLD OAK TREE AND POND AREA. Motion carried unanimously. A special meeting of the Parks Commission was called for August 5 at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of final review of the budget, along with a tour of the parks. One goal of the meeting would be to try to determine where the Lions Park should be located. 15. Earl Smith noted that the Canadian Cherry trees on the city hall grounds obscure the nice architecture of the building and are relatively old and beginning to die off. It was his view that the appearance of the city hall grounds would be enhanced if the trees were trimmed back or removed. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY EARL SMITH AND SECONDED BY FRAN FAIR TO REMOVE THE CANADIAN CHERRY TREES AT CITY HALL OR TO TRIM THEM BACK. Motion carried unanimously. 16. COMMISSION FAIR MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SMITH. Respectfully submitted, uJ ();}1t1o.. )( At! (l/Jne/l. Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 4