IDC Agenda 03-19-1986 . AGENDA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT C Wednesday, March 19, 19 6 Oakwood Inn - The Tr e ITTEE LUNCHEON MEETING - 12:00 NOON House Lounge Members: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Don Smith, Shelly Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Dale Lungw tz, Harvey Kendall, Bud Schrupp, Jay Morrell, Jo 1 Winkelman, John Bondhus, Bruce Gagne1ius, and 011 e Koropchak. 1. Call To Order. 2. Approval of the February 20, 1 86, IDC Minutes. 3. Pyro Industries, Inc. Report. 4. Star City Recertification Repo t. 5. Consideration of Reviewing the Industrial Development Freeway Sign Design. 6. Consideration of Ticket Distri ution for the Industrial Development Banquet. 7. Other Business. . 8. Adjournment. . . MINUTE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, February 20 1986 - 7:00AM Monticello C" ty Hall Members Present: Chairperson Ro Johnson, Arve Koropchak. Hoglund, Don Smith, Shelly rimsmo, Dale Lungwitz, and Ollie Members Absent: Harvey Kendall, Bud Schrupp, Tom Eidem, John Bondhus, Bruce agnelius, and Jay Morrell. Guest: Joel Winkelman, Chamber f Commerce President. 1. Call To Order. Chairperson Ron Hoglund call d the meeting to order at 7:07AM. 2. Approval of Minutes. Shelly Johnson moved to appr ve the January 15, 1986 IDC Minutes. Seconded by Don Sm th and passed 6-0. 3. Letter of Resi nation from G Don Smith moved to accept th from Gary Wieber, a charter Arve Grimsmo and carried una a letter accepting the resig . r Wieber. letter of resignation with regrets ember of the IDC. Seconded by imously. Koropchak is to write ation)to Mr. Wieber. 4. Consideration of Five Year a d One Year Goals and Activities of the Industrial Develo men Committee for Recertification of Star City. Shelly Johnson suggested the five year goals be determined by the research and planning co ittee consisting of Tom Eidem and Ollie Koropchak. The Co ittee will then review the goals. Ollie Koropchak asked the co ittee to sign up for sub-committees. One year goals set by the co ittee were sponsorship of the Industrial Development Banqu t, erection of an Industrial Development Freeway Sign, re ruitment of one Industrial Business, continuation of the Industri 1 Retention Program, develop a new Industrial Informational Pac et, initiate a feasiblity study for an improved airport, and inquire the possibility of Minneapolis telephone lines to Montice11. Koropchak asked committee members to attend Monticello's Star ity Recertification Meeting with the State Economic Development D"vision on March 12, 1986, 10:OOAM, Monticello City Hall. This 0 be an informal presentation to evaluate the industrial comm"ttee's 1985 activities and to evaluate the 1986 proposed gals/activities. . Don Smith suggested contacti Mass Comm/Public Relations, a senior intern to work on t packet. g Fran Voelker, Chairperson of t Cloud State University for e updated Monticello informational . The ID Retention Program was dis continuation of retention by Kor the industrial park and the City water pressure in the industrial the committee of the City's prop briefed the committee on the con and stated a written report woul to have the IDC's budget adopted Chamber of Commerce. Joel Winke between the IDC and the Chamber for the Chamber of Commerce Pres a member of the IDC. Seconded b unanimously. ussed. Don Smith encouraged the pchak to build a bridge between Dale Lungwitz asked about the park. Mayor Grimsmo informed sed water and sewer plans. Koropchak erns of the business industries follow. The committee agreed by the City Council and the man encouraged two-way communication f Commerce. Arve Grimsmo motioned dent or the Vice President to be Shelly Johnson, carried un- 5. Consideration Budget. Don Smith moved to adopt the 1986 Budget after reduction of the proposed $2,500.00 Magaz"ne & Ads amount to $2,000.00 and the addition t the budget of $2,000.00 for ID information packet. Also authorized Bud Schrupp to make the 1985 direct payment to t e City for $11,175.00. Seconded by Dale Lungwitz and passed -0. 6. Consideration of e Industrial Develo ment Freewa Sign Design. Don Smith suggested the foIl for the ID freeway sign and asked to have the i . Make Monticello Your Indu try's Home 295-2711 Monticello - A Star City or Your Industry 295-2711 Reach for the Stars - Bri g your Industry to Monticello 295-2711 7. Reports: Letter to Ma to P ro Reports accepted. and U date and Letter 8. Other Business. Koropchak is to have the Ban uet Ticket list available for distribution at the next meeting. Also, contact George Latimer's office tion as ID Banquet speaker on May 19. 1986. 9. Adj ournment. A motion to adjourn was made by Dale Lungwitz and seconded by Shelly Johnson. Passed 6-0. Meeting adjourned. \~~ \ ~.~- Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary Monticello Industrial Deve10pme t Committee L0~ . . 3. PYRO INDUSTRIES, INC. REPO T. The public hearing for the a Small Cities Development March 7, 1986. Enclosed i and a letter to Pyro Indus . . purpose of application for Grant was cancelled on the City Council Agenda supplement ries. Council Agenda - 3/10/86 . 4. Pllblic Hearing - Consideration 0 Application for Small Cities Grant. (O.K.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The public hearing for consider~tion of application for a Small Citi",s Community Development Bl ck Crant has been cancelled. Pyro Industries, Inc. has not s pplied the total information requested. U;l,e Supporting DaL). ODe, the tot::tl cost of tlF' propoc,ed project ic; net aVClilab c. Second, no cOIil;l'ittmc[\L: ll,ttc.r jus been receivcd. Fil1'oe11y, to ell nUl;b,,,r of jobs to be created in Honticcllo vTithin tLe first ,,0 )'_;cln; is not available. ~':y decisiun is bage~ on the fact t at in my letter to Pyro Industries, Ine., I stilted if inform<ltion "(;7' ,s not received the public hearing would be cancellpcl. Per a tele hone cor:versc,-tion today, March 7, 1986, Mr.Tim Carlson was so aJv'ssd of my decision. However, if Mr. Carlson produces the reques'ed infor~ation, consideration will be given to rescheJule the public h.:uring. . . 1- ,-I">~ ~~,~~<~:<~-::_>~~.>< . _"_~~~'~~~<W" "'~~,.~..,..... Phone(612)295-2711 Metro (612) 333-5739 Mayor: Arlie Grimsmo City Council: Dan Blonigen Fran Fair W.::iam Fair J2"k Maxwell Administrator: Tom Eidem Finance Director: Rick Wolfsteller Public Works: John Simola Planning & Zoning: Gary Anderson . . 250 East Broadway Mont'cello, Minnesota 55362.9245 CitlJ 0/ monticello MONTICELL . MN 55362-9245 February 27, 1986 Mr. Tim Carlson % Pyro Industries, Inc. 15515 Dawn Drive Minnetonka, MN 55343 Dear Mr. Carlson: The purpose of this letter i to confirm our telephone conversation of February 25, 1986. On Monday, February 24, 1986 established Monday, March 10 date for the purpose of maki Cities Community Development in the Monticello Times. In for the City Council agenda ation from Pyro Industries b proposed project, Pyro Indus comrnittment letter, and tota first two years. the Monticello City Council 1986, as the public hearing g application for the Small Grant. This being published rder, to write the supplement need the following inform- March 6: Total cost of the ries' financial statements, number of jobs created within After further discussions wi h Dave Peterson, one of Minnesota's Financial Consultants, he ad ised me to inform you of the present status on the State inancial Programs. Right now, monies are uncertain, h wever, still available. He advised continuation of application with -the knowledge of uncertainties. It is possible that Legislature may act on this matter in the next couple of weeks, whereby every- one will have a clearer pict re of the State Financial Programs. Again, I would like to have the needed information by March 6, inorder to proceed with the public hearing, if no information is available" the public hearing will be cancelled. Thank you, Tim. Sincerely, C\:L~v...Q-, ~. -~ U\..-8~ Olive M. Koropchak Economic Development Direct r C; CI ,~~ 4. STAR CITY RECERTIFICATION: REPORT. . Enclosed is a portion of he Monticello Industrial Deve- lopment Committee's annual report submitted to the State Economic Development Division. The meeting was held on Wednesday, March 12, 1986. Attending were Harry Rosefe1dt, Bob Stern, and two techn"ca1 assistants from the State and Mayor Grimsmo, Dale Lung itz, Tom Eidem, and myself from the IDC. Mr. Rosefe1dt reports th Minnesota. Benefits to 1. Four one-week tr session for Star Star Cities. 2. One day training 3. Technical Assista 40-50 hours (exam Cities considered 4. Future benefits - re are now 36 Star Cities in tar Cities: ining sessions, $250.00 per ities and $350.00 for non- essions. (Required) ce Available - one per year - 1e: labor survey). Star first. Accreditation Retention Program Some suggestions: Market Strategy - N ber of jobs T pe of industries . Leadership - Assign duties to Subcommittees and indivi uals (need volunteer envo1vement) Business Retention Four feature stories in newspaper written by IDC members Finalized written repo t must be in by March 31, 1986 for recertification. . . The Business Retention Survey and a letter were mailed out in January, 1986 to fifteen 1 cal industries. I visited tweltve of those industries i February which exposed myself to first-hand knowledge of th industrial businesses and their leaders. Monticello should b proud of the unique products being developed in our commun"ty and the people within those industrial parks. A thank yo letter followed with a request of further information. *Rainbow Enterprises *Decorative Services *NSP Nuclear Plant Jones Mfg. *Fulfillment Systems, Inc. *Electro Industries, Inc. *Bondhus Corporation *WebAmerica *Automatic Garage Door Company Wrightco Products, Inc. *Larson Mfg. *IXI Assemblies *Fingerhut Corporation *Clow Stamping Company SMA Elevator Construction Company * Denotes industries visited Each industry will receive a updated copy of the Monticello Community Profile. Results of survey: . Labor needs - 14 reported la Transportation needs - 3 ra 8 Tr 2 la needs O.K. airport Other needs - 1 Capital Need for choice of phone sys 1986 Company Expansion - 6 em - 1 Larson Mfg. Jones Mfg. WebAmerica Fingerhut Corporation Electro Industries Fulfillment Systems, Inc. City and State Issues of Con ern: City Code Requirements - 4 Water Supply - 2 Workman's Compensation - 10 Unemployment Compensation - 1 Product Liability - 2 Tax Policies - 4 . . 1985 One new industry opened (Web No establishment or expansio (Available land - Oakwood - Lauring No construction or expansion businesses. One industrial business clos Seventeen new commerical or Twelve businesses closed. Nine new commercial building Seventeen commerical buildin EMPLO Manufacturing Non-manufacturing TOTAL LABOR FORCE Increase . Churches Retail Business Service Related Business Commerical Business Individual/Self Employed Business New Business TOTAL Increase . erica) of industrial parks. ndustrial Park 78.9 acres illside Terrace 24.8 acres) of existing industrial d (Best-In-Webb). etail businesses opened. were build. s were remodeled. NT 1985 839 1, 969 2,808 37 244 882 774 58 1,995 1986 %2 2,077 2,939 131 31 249 819 855 44 79 2,077 82 . SURVEY This survey indicates the numb r of people who commute to Monticello Industrial Busin sses for employment. The survey represents ten industri s, however, also only represents approximately one-half the tot 1 industrial employees. February 1986 . . . 1986 WORK PR GRAM AND 1986 PROPOSED BUDGET . ONE YEAR WORK ROGRAM . The Monticello Industrial Deve opment Committee has adopted the following goals and object ves: Development Goals: * Take the lead in retaining nd expanding existing commercial/industrial busin sses in Monticello and in attracting new commercial/industrial concerns while maintaining the quality of Monticello's en- vironment. * Diversify Monticello's co ercial/industrial employment base and utility loads. * Sponsor and support the In ustrial Development Banquet. One Year Ob"ectives/Activitie (1986): * Implement and sponsor an I dustrial Development Freeway Sign. * Recruitment of one Industr"al Business. . * Insure continued execution of an Industrial/Commerical Retention Program in Monti ello. * Research the possibility 0 reorganization of the Industrial Development Committee. * Research, develop, and imp ement a new Industrial Development Informational Packet. * Initiate a feasibility stu y for an improved airport. * Initiate a feasibility lines to Monticello. y for Minneapolis telephone The Monticello Committee has stablished three subcommittees to oversee specific aspects of its one year work program. Members for these subcommittees are drawn from the group and the community at large. Finance, Building & Sites/Zo Subcommittee: * Work with Industrial/Comm rical prospects on building design, pre-construction onsultation and land purchase. of the Development Committee. * Oversee financial compone * Update maps and descripti of the Industrial Park. . * Advise the Industrial speculative buildings ittee on the construction of on the available vacant buildings. . * Develop/update prospect lis Subcommi tee: * Serve as Monticello's "sell ng team" to Industrial/ Commerical prospects. * Continue industry call prog am to retain businesses. * Oversee promotional materia preparation. * Promote economic deve10pmen among local groups. * Devise and carry out an adv rtising campaign. Research and P1annin Subcommittee: * Review the organizational structure of the Industrial Development Committee. * Review, update, and Industrial Park. nt a marketing plan for the * Review and develop a finan ial assistance program for business expansion. . List of Subcommittee Members: Finance, Bui1din & Sites/Zon n Subcommittee: Bud Schrupp Arve Grimsmo Dale Lungwitz Harvey Kendall Joel Winkelman Olive Koropchak Promotion/Pros Donald Smith Ron Hoglund Shelly Johnson Jay Morrell Olive Koropchak Owner Owner President Plant Offic Manager Manager EDD Subcomm"ttee: 295-5300 295-2918 Golden Valley Furniture Peterson/Grimsmo Funeral Home Wright County State Bank NSP Nuclear Plant 295-2952 295-5151 295-5070 295-2711 James & Gruber, CPA's City of Monticello 295-3111 295-2711 Monticello Times American Family Insurance Independent School District /I 882 Monticello Ready Mix City of Monticello Publisher 295-3131 Agency Owne 295-3795 Superintendent295-5184 Owner EDD Research and P1annin 295-2711 263-2653 295-5999 City of Monticello Monte Supper Club Bondhus Corporation . Tom Eidem Bruce Gagne1ius John Bondhus Administra Owner President . Jack Peach President 295-2929 Fulfillment Sy stems, Inc. Dave Peterson Owner 295-2056 Peterson-Monti cello Ford-Mercury, Inc. Olive Koropchak EDD 295-2711 City of Montie ello Development of Work Task Sponsor and support the Industrial Development Banquet. Fundraise for the Industrial Development. Completiop - May 1987 Activity/Objective: Purpose: Time Frame: Work Tasks 1. Establish date and place of banquet 2. Obtain banquet speaker 3. Plan banquet menu, decor- ations, and table arrange ments. 4. Plan banquet program 5. Start ticket sales 6. Complete final banquet arrangements . Activity/Objective: Imp1emen Sign. Purpose: Suppleme Industri Time Frame: Completi Work Tasks 1. Research alternative sign design and sign costs 2. Selection of sign design 3. Selection of bid 4. Selection location for sign erection 5. Erection of ID Freeway Sign Assigned To Completion Dat e PP Summer 1986 Administrator February 1987 Mayor PP April 1987 PP April 1987 PP March 1987 PP May 1987 and sponsor an Industrial Deve10pme nt tary advertisement for recruitment 0 f 1 Businesses. n - July, 1986 Assigned To Completion Date PP IDC December 1985 PP PP PP June 1986 June 1986 January 1986 PP IDC July 1986 Activity/Objective: Purpose: Recruitm nt of one Industrial Maintain a continued economic of life n Monticello. Completi n - December 1986 Time Frame: Work Tasks . 1. Obtain initial contacts 2. Give presentation of Mont ice1lo including verbal promotion, video tape, an information packet Business. base and quality Assigned To Completion Date IDC, EDD IDC EDD pp 1986 1986 . 3. Obtain needs and plans of prospective industry 4. Acknowledge alternative financial and City in- centives. 5. Execute luncheon and tour of Monticello and available IP sites. 6. Request information and financial statements of prospective Industrial Business 7. Research and evaluate the prospective Industry 8. Present final financial and City incentives to prospective Industry 9. Initiate final selection of site location 10. Acknowledge Monticello's Zoning Ordinances. 11. Obtain letter of committ- ment from prospective Industry EDD FBS PP EDD PP FBS EDD EDD FBS EDD EDD EDD EDD 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 . Activity/Objective: Insure co~tinued execution of an Industrial/ Commercia Retention Program in Monticello. Purpose: Retain communication between IDC and existing Industries for possible expansion and retention. Time Frame: 1986 Work Tasks 1. Invite an existing Indust rial Business personnel to the IDC luncheon meeti gs to speak. Complete an annual survey and visit of Industrial Businesses Sponsor an annual ID Fundraiser Banquet Encourage the organization of an IP Concern Group and attend their meetings Develop and implement an ID Community Newsletter 2. 3. 4. 5. Assigned To pp pp pp IDC PP EDD PP Completion Date Every other month October, 1986 May, 1987 September, 1986 December, 1986 . Activity/Objective: Research he possibility of reorgan- ization 0 the Industrial Development Committee Purpose: Promote M nticello with a positive attitude as the be t location for Industrial development. Time Frame: Spring 19 7 . Work Tasks 1. Evaluate objectives/goals of the ID Committee 2. Research, develop, and implement a marketing plan for the Industrial Park 3. Research and develop a financial assistance program for business expansion Assigned To R&P IDC R&P R&P FBS Completion Date September, 1986 December, 1986 Spring, 1987 Activity/Objective: Research, develop, and implement a new Industria Development Informational Packet. Purpose: Promote Monticello with a positive attitude as the best location for Industrial development. Time Frame: March, 1987 . Work Tasks 1. Recruit a Mass Comm/Pubic Relations student intern from SCSU. 2. Develop/update ID incentives 3. Develop/update maps & descriptions of the Industrial Park 4. Initiate the Chamber of Commerce to research, develop, and implement a community brochure 5. Print Industrial Devel- opment Informational Packet Assigned To PP EDD Intern R&P FBS Intern C of C EDD IDC Completion Date April, 1986 Summer 1986 Summer 1986 April, 1986 March, 1987 Initiate a feasibility study for an improved airport. To promo e an Industrial Development incentive. June, 19 6 Activity/Objective: Purpose: Time Frame: Work Tasks . 1. Implement an Airport Subcommittee comprised of the Tri-Cities Assigned To IDC Completion Date October, 1985 . 2. Initiate a meeting with Min/DOT Aeron- autics Division for input 3. Schedule a tour of of three comparable airports 4. Develop three to four preliminary site drawings 5. Initiate second meeting with Min/DOT for further input 6. Advise each Tri-City Council to consider the formation of a Joint Airport Commission AC November, 1985 AC January, 1986 AC April, 1986 AC May, 1986 AC June, 1986 IDC Activity/Objective: Initiate a feasibility study for MInneapolis te1ephon lines to Monticello. To deve1::Jp an Industrial Development incentive. 1986 Purpose: Time Frame: Work Tasks Assigned To Completion Date . 1. Establish a meeting with the telephone company manager 2. Survey local businesses on desiribi1ity of of Minneapolis phone lines 3. Consider outcome of Zimmerman's decision of Minneapolis phone lines IDC December, 1985 pp EDD October, 1986 IDC 1986 . . MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVE OPMENT COMMITTEE Proposed Budg t 1986 Beginning Balance (Estimated) FORECASTED REVENUE: Sales Interest Contribution - Government (City) Contribution - Private (Cha er) Other TOTAL FORECASTED REVENUES . FORECASTED EXPENDITURES: Research & Development Promotional Banquet Informational Packet Magazines & Ads Travel, Conference, Membe ships Entertainment (Prospects) Miscellaneous Building & Finance Direct Payment to City TOTAL FORECASTED EXPENDITURES ENDING BALANCE (Estimated) . $11,250.00 750.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 25.00 $18,525.00 100.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 300.00 100.00 11,175.00 $21,175.00 $ 6,397.37 $ 3,747.37 . 5. CONSIDERATION OF REVIEWING THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FREEWAY SIGN DESIGN. The ID Freeway Sign item h November. 1985. I suggest to have a sign installed t meeting Mr. Smith submitte selection: Make Monticello You Monticello - A Star Reach for the Stars s been on the agenda since e make some decision inorder is spring. At the last three phrases for the sign Industry's Home 295-2711 City For Your Industry 295-2711 _ Bring your Industry to Monticello - 295-2711 When a decision is arrived at. I will obtain another bid from the Jeff Hoglund Sign Company. . . . 6. CONSIDERATION OF TICKET DISTRIBUTION FOR THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANQUET. Speaker - Mayor George Latimer - confirmation to be made Monday, March 1 , 1986 Monte Club - May 19, 1986 - date confirmed Menu and pri will be obtained, Monday, March 17, 1986. . Montage - ? MC and Program - Ron Hog1 nd Video Taping of speech -. Wright Cable Tickets and Letters - Mon icello Printing 175 letters - $ 8. 0 275 tickets - $37. 0 Suggestions for guests - Raindance Properti s - Vaughn and Gae Veit Tom Godlewski and guest Speaker - Mayor Ge Latimer and guest Minnesota Trade Of ice - Eldon Brustuen and guest Star City Coordina or - Bob Stern and guest Senator Betty Adkis and guest Representative Bob McEachern and guest Possible prospects - Key Tool and PI stics - Marv Eull Poly-plastics - Floyd Markling Minnesota Sport Federation - Perry Coonce Dick Wright - NSP conomic Development Director Enclosures: Last year's banque budget Last year's ticket list. . . Ella Thayer from St. Paul Mayorl George Latimer's office made a telephone confirmation 0: March 17. 1986 that Latimer will speak at the May t9th ID Banquet. Monticello Printing - letters 175 := $ 8.20 Tickets 175 23.30 Tickets 100 := 13.20 TOTAL $44.70 Monte Club - Bruce Gagne1ius Lobster - $12.95 /p1ate New York Steak - 10.95/p1ate Filet - 9.95/p1ate Prime Rib - 10.25/p1ate Hors d'oeuvres - $2.00 per person All Bar Drinks & Beer - $1.50 Top Shelf - $1.75 Wine - $1. 00 Gratuity - Includes coffee. fresh bread. salad. baked potato . . . 1985 REVISED ANNO BANQUET BUDGET Revenues: Tickets and Contributions \ ?-. '--\ U\, ~ \!-&- i" ~ Expenditures: Monte Club (food) Monte Club (gratuity) Monticello Office Products (name tags) Monticello Printing (tickets. letters) Wood-type Montage Net Profit Before Adjustment $1.852.00 185.00 4.34 69.18 98.00 Adjustment (possible additional illings) Adjusted Net Profit . . $9.310.00 $2.208.52 S 7. 1 01 .48 S 675.00 $7.776.48 . . . Joe-l Winkelman 1 * Mosford 1 * Construction 5 --r--~- , :( ...,....". -2 2 1 1 * \James and Gruber * Fair's Garden Center * Maus Foods * Smith, Pringle & Hayes Mark's Realty Dr. Brion 1 * Snyder Drug Brothers II (Ron Carlson) Chris Hall, D.C. * Loch Jewelers John Sandberg 2 (13) 2 Con Johnson Gould Bros Chevrolet \J ..;:~-; )L.----" George Liefert Trucking \\, \ 1 2 Suburban Gas Co. ( ) '~t 0 h \^..; (~ '<' c ':- :':'-' Monticello Dental Group ~, ':.,:,'J;. Ben Franklin Store (Giles Len meter) Monticello Floral (Sally Mart'e) \\. H t'\ - +{ (5) ~ t\ . 1 * Tom Eidem 2 * Holmes & Graven 2 * security Federal Silver Fox Inn 2 * Fulfillment Systems, Inc. Larson Manufacturing 2 * Lincoln Properties TD'?- f\ --- 2 * First National Bank of Monti ello Marco Business Products (Ran e Armstrong) K & H Auto ( Ken Stolp) 2 ~ Ultra Homes (Bob Bemboom) J M Oil ( Jim Moores ) . (13) ~ 2 . 11 ~ (5) Blonigen Builders ( Dan/Hen y Blonigen ) * Bruce Gagnelius Automatic Garage Door Compan Bill Seefeldt - Electro Indstries Wayne's Red Owl Gene Fyle Fingerhut * National Bushing Seitz's Servi/Star Hardware Kent Kjellberg Monticello Theatre Glass Hut IDS American Express (Dan ickman) The What Knot Gift Shoppe Arlyn Nelson Ken Barthel - Barthel Homes (Joyce Dowling ) . Harvey Kendall 2 * NSP Mel Worth ~ * Osowski's Fun Market " * The- Kitchen Cafe ) * Joyners 1 * veit Construction Country Kitchen Country Travel store Century 21 Realty (White Dove I) Riverwood Conference Center Perkins (9) . * John Bondhus 1st American National Bank - S . Cloud 2 3 * Olson & Son's Electric 2 * Maus Tire Walt Murfin Landscaping Ron White Griefnow Sheetmetal Dr. Maus - Family Practice eli ic 2 * North Central Gas (Coon Rapids) . (9) . Arve Grimsmo 2 * Decorative Services KRWC (Buffalo) 2 * OSM 2 * Howard Dahlgren 3 * Montic,llo-Big Lake Nursing Ho m /community Hospital ..\ Wrightco 1 * Springsted, Inc. Ha'rt Hedical Center Peterson's Monticello Ford (15) . .'~'l . .. 2 * Jay Morrell) 2 * Bridgewater Telephone Company Lindquist Funeral Home 2 * Dahlheimer Distributing Compan SMA Elevator Jim Miller Construction 1 * Marn Flicker T.V. & Appliance Reinert Construction 1 * Moon Motors (8) Ollie Koropchak All Season's Resort Burger King -.lk- c '-2'~ Kerltucky--Pr-:tett-ehttKen \; I _7 Mr. Sam Peraro Holiday Station Store 2 ~ Fab Con Highway Liquor The Barbers Video Corners Wendy's Hambargers Little Mountain Dental Clinic Holker's Drive Inn -K: Monticello Big Lake Pet Hospital Burlington Northern Railroad HCH Construction V.F.W. Post #8731 River Terrace Park Ginny's ::rcllr--\ &n:iQ..<-;. \h I:"'" \\-50 N \""F I (, 'i R S\r\l~~ CD<l-j\l,u'l ~ \ Rothche's Bakery Gille's Auto Sales & Service Gartner's Hallmark Ruff Auto Rolling Wheels Fun Center The Plumbery Masters Sleep Center The Pizza Factory MSI Insurance o K Hardware MOnticello Liquor MoJ:1.t.geme ri:){~;; [' t',:t t :lIe 8 Sa les Dino's Deli & Pizza Tom Thumb Thorp Loan & Thrift Vance's Standard Service Lindberg Paint & Decorating The American Legion Post 1f260 Jones Manufacturing