IDC Agenda 02-20-1986 . AGENDA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, February 20, 1986 - 7:00AM Monticello Cit Hall Members: Co-chair Gary Wieber, Co-chair Ron Hoglund, Jay Morrell, John Bondhus, Tom Eidem, Bruce Gagnelius, Arve Grimsmo, Shelly Johnson, Harvey K ndall, Dale Lungwitz, Bud Schrupp, and Olive M. Koropchak. Guests: Joel Winkelman, 1986 Cha ber of Commerce President. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the January 15, 19 6 Industrial Development Committee Minutes. 3. Letter of Resignation from Gar Wieber. 4. Consideration of Five Year and One Year Goals and Activities of the Industrial Development ommittee for Recertification of Star City. 5. Consideration of the Industria Development Proposed 1986 Budget. . 6. Consideration of Reviewing the Industrial Development Freeway Sign Design. 7. Reports: Letter to Mayor Geor e Latimer and Update and Letter to Pyro Industries, nc. 8. Other Business. 9. Adjournment. . . . . MINUTES INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday. January 15. 986 - 12:00 Noon Silver Fox Inn - C nference Room Members Present: Co-chair Jay Morr 11. Co-chair Gary Wieber. Tom Eidem. Arve Grims o. Ron Hoglund. Harvey Kendall. Dale Lungwitz. Do Smith. and Olive Koropchak. Members Absent: John Bondhus. Bru e Gagne1ius. Shelly Johnson. and Bud Schrupp. 1. Call to Order. Co-chair Jay Morrell called the Industrial Development Committee Meeting to order at 12:20PM. 2. Approval of Minutes. Dale Lungwitz moved to approve Development minutes. seconded unanimously. the December 19. 1986 Industrial y Harvey Kendall. and carried 3. Airport Committe Report. The Committee accepted the wri ten report. Tom Eidem reminded the Committee that the improved ai port project would be a three to five year project. The next step i for John Simola. Monticello's Public Works Director to draft preliminary drawings of airport sites (3-4 options). after which the Airport Committee shall meet. Plans are that the Committee will designate the three City's Administrators to proceed in their respectiv communities and with their city councils for approval. repres ntatives. allocation for monies. and formation of a Joint Airport ommission. This Commission would serve as the official applica or for Federal and State approval and funding. 4. Industrial Develo ment Financ al Re art. Tabled. 5. Consideration anquet S eaker. The Committee decided not to roceed further with Governor Perpich as their guest speaker becaus his schedule prohibits a final committment before April 19t. Tom Eidem reported that St. Paul Mayor George Latimer would m ke a final committment the end of March or early April. Based on the ID Committee consensuS. Tom Eidem will write a final co ittment letter requesting Latimer as the ID Banquet speaker. o-chair Morrell asked Koropchak to continue with additional fol ow-up. 6. Industrial Develo ment Considerations of A Committee Officers. The following person accepte to nominate Ron Hoglund and as Treasurer for the lndustr Lungwitz seconded the motion nominations and Harvey Kendall ary Wieber as Co-chairs and Bud al Development Committee,1986. and carried unanimously. moved Schrupp Dale ID Minutes - 1/15/86 . 7. Consideration of Reviewin Indus rial Develo ment Freewa Si n Design. Sign Committee Dale Lungwitz and Ron Hoglund suggested Lot 6, Oakwood Industrial Park as the sign erec ion site because of the high ground level, distant from intersection, and background trees. Committee members were concerned about the physical letters and quality of the panel presented by the Jeff Hogl nd Sign Company. Co-chair Morrell tabled the item and designated Committee of Ron Hoglund, Gary Wieber, Don Smith, Harvey Kenda 1, and Olive Koropchak to investigate further. The Committee is to p esent a recommended consensUS of either satisfactory or not sati factory sign design. The purpose of the industrial sign is suppl mentary advertisement. 8. Other Business. Olive Koropchak announced to th made the decision to bring Pyro Pyro Industries, Inc. manufactu will be an expansion plant from Committee that Tim Carlson had Industries, Inc. to Monticello. es pellet-burning stoves and the State of Washington. Tom Eidem indicated he would be meeting with the Lincoln Property Management Company, new owners f the Monti Mall. The Company plans are to expand the present facility.- . Donald Smith expressed his reaction to Bob Rierson's Report given at the previous ID meeting. Bill and Merrilyn Seefeldt stated for their business the phone situation i Monticello is a serious consideration. 9. Guest - Merril and Bill Seefe Mr. Seefeldt informed the Comm Industries which began in 1973 period from 1975 to 1979. In they saw a drop of 1600 to 300 dt, Electro Industries, Inc. ttee of the history of Electro The company experienced a rapid growth 980, due to the agricultural crisis equipment orders. The Seefeldts attribute the su cess of their company to specialized production and service, free c nsulting, articles in a 1500 circulation newspaper, and the acquisition of land without rigid zoning restrictions. Their market is in eight state with some 300 different products to meet the needs of power co panies through "load management". They employ 49 persons and ha e plans for a 10,000 to 15,000 square foot building - expansion by August, 1986. The Seefeldts feel the Montie and the concept of a small co growth in this area. They al (sign ordiances, parking and rates as negative reasons for Rigid assessments can cause n 110 School District, the low tax base, unity are positive plus' for industrial o expressed the City's rigid assessments andscrape requirements) and telephone not locating a new business in Monticello. w businesses to fail. 10. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned. . ~-~~ ~. Q~ Olive M. Koropchak Executive Secretary Monticello Industrial Develop ent Committee ID Agenda - 2/20/86 . 3. LETTER OF RESIGNATION FROM GARY WIEBER. A. BACKGROUND AND REFERENCE. Gary Wieber having been active ithin city government and the community will be missed by alIi for his friendliness and exper- I tise. He served the community . ith excellency as City Administ- rator, Chairperson of the Housi g and Redevelopment Authority, and Co- chairperson of the Indu trial Development Committee. I, personally, looked to Gary f r advise and encouragement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION. With Gary's resignation Consideration must also be give Co-chair the IDC with Gary. needs to consider a replacement. to Ron Hoglund, who agreed to C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Suggestions are open to the ittee. D. SUPPORTING DATA. Gary Wieber's letter. . . Wrightco, In 206 West Fourth Street P. O. Box 428 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 . Monticello (612) 295-5666 T,vin City Metro Line 427-7450 February 12, 1986 Mayor Arve Grimsmo & City Council Members 250 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Arve & Council Members: i I I I \ I . \ Effective February 26, 1986, I will e working for wrightco's parent company, Cargill, in their Mi netonka office. As a result of this change, I am sub itting my resignation from the City's Housing & Redevelopment A thority and the Business Industrial Development Committee. D e to the additional time requirements of this job, and commit ent to my number one priority, my family, I feel this resignation is necessary. However, I must admit it is with so this resignation. specifically, I and Council for their past support Industrial Development Committee. of the City Council, along with the was able to obtain Star City statuS. reluctance that I submit indebted to the Mayor the Business and It is through the efforts City Staff, that Monticello Sincerely, /1 / . " . j f _ C-l.) i.A>-<,-<--- {I-~ ",Gb.ry Wieber Director of Finance & Administratio GW/lmv CC: Tom Eidem . /' Olav Koropchak~ .-. l- __._____.____ __ ________.__________n_______ Ttle Most Trusted Name in Eggs . ID Agenda - 2/20/86 4. CONSIDERATION OF FIVE YEAR AND NE YEAR GOALS AND ACTIVITIES OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT C MMITTEE FOR RECERTIFICATION OF STAR CITY. . A. BACKGROUND AND REFERENCE. Enclosed you will find the proc Recertification. I need the Co is an evaluat~n of last year's as annual report. 1. Please list on the enclos employer, and complete maili for ID contact. 2. Originally, the Economic three committees: First, Pr development. Second, Financ Research and planning. I be become inactive when an Econ hired. My question to the C to activate these subcommit consideration to which commi indicate with other updated 3. Also enclosed is a struct Plan. Please read for consi of five year activities if n activities. I have noted my at the left margin. My sugg a. Update Information Pac' brochure. Possibly a comi the Chamber of Commerce. b. Update Labor Survey. c. Revise marketing strag combined efforts of the I d. Continued Industrial D dures necessary for Star City ittees help, basically, it performance to be presented as d paper your name, occupation, g address and telephone number evelopment Plan was made up of motion, publicity and prospect ng sites and planning. Third, ieve these committees may have mic Development Director was mmittee: Does the Committee want ees? If so, please give some tee you could best serve. Please nformation. re of the Economic Development eration of corrections, update ed be, and update of one year opinions by brief notations stions for the 1986 goals are: et combined with a community ined effort of the IDC and gies for ID recruitment with C and the HRA. velopment Retention. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS. 1. Designate subcommittees and have appropiate subcommittees complete updated information activities at a later date. 2. The IDC complete updated or at a later date. Whichever action is taken, a Fe desired. Annual presentation d Development Division is schedul AM, City Hall. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. No staff recommendation. ormation and activities today 28 completion date is the State Economic March 12, 1986, 10:00 . D. SUPPORTING DATA. . Procedures for Star City Recer~ification and a portion of the Economic Development Plan. . Please return to Ollie Koropchak. NAME DESIRED SUBCOMMITTEE . . OCCUPATION, EMPLOY R ADDRESS PHONE t . ,,~~~I)i;, f~~~1\; MINNESOTA ~~~,,#: Department of Energy and Economic Developme EconomIC Development Division (612) 297-1291 December 16. 1985 t 90(1 Arr.er:Cdn C"r:ler lsO Easr K"llogg (:3nui", Jr'_! St. Paul. !\l:nnes.)ta 5,,) 1(, 1 612/296-5010 TO: rtAJ1 Minnesota Star Cities FRO~;rry Rosefelt, Director Development Resources SUBJECT: 1986 Star City Recertifi ation Process . Attached to this memo is date and time for your c This schedule will be st unusual weather will be schedule. a listing indicating the ty's verbal persentation. ict1y adhered to and only rounds for revising the You will also find a com lete set of requirements for completing the 1986 ecertification process. Please read the informat"on carefully and should you have any questions, lease contact me at your convenience. . \'!N~S:].;.' '.~~, AN EQUAL OPPORTU ITY EMPLOYER " . 1986 STAR CITY RECERT FICATION SCHEDULE Group City Date Time 1 Grand Rapids 2/5/86 11:00 a.m. East Range Area 2/5/86 4:30 p.m. Babbitt 2/6/86 10:30 a.m. 2 Osakis 2/12/86 10:30 a.m. Fergus Falls 2/12/86 3:00 p.m. Thief River Falls 2/13/86 10:30 a.m. 3 Northfie1d 2/19/86 10:30 a.m. Faribau1t 2/19/86 2:30 p.m. Eagan 2/20/86 10:30 a.m. 4 Olivia 2/27/86 10:00 a.m. Hutchinson 2/26/86 2:30 p. m. Delano 2/26/86 10:00 a.m. 5 LeSueur 3/5/86 10:30 a.m. . Chaska 3/6/86 10:30 a.m. Se. Peter 3/5/86 2:00 p.m. 6 Mon ticel1o-' 3/12/86 10:00 a.m. ':- 'i c'; y:! Q C"~V,,I,;.l:t , ~~ Coon Rapids 3/12/86 3:00 p.m. Mora 3/13/86 10:30 a.m. 7 Benson 3/19/86 10:30 a.m. Montevideo 3/19/86 2:30 p.m. Tracy 3/20/86 10:00 a.m. B Waseca 3/26/86 10:00 a.m. Fairmont 3/26/86 2:30 p.m. New Prague 3/27/86 10:30 a.m. 9 Lakeville 4/2/86 10:00 a.m. Burnsvi11e 4/2/86 2:30 a.m. Apple Valley 4/3/86 10:30 a.m. .- '0\~ ~ \J' '- ~ - 1986 SI'AR CI'lY RECERI'IFI ON PFO:EDURES . :;] e.-~ \I'?-~~~~ 1. Affirmation of Partici~tion. A response is requested from each Star continue with or be dropped from the pr signed by the mayor of the camunity January 31, 1986. ity indicating its desire to ram. The letter nust be returned to MN/DEED by 2. ~ Annual Presentation. Minnesota Star Cities seeking recertif' cation nust on an annual basis, formally present on a date selected by the Economic Developnent Division an overview of the last 'work r Economic Development ~v~sion staff will assist the local committee in forrrulating a consensus of last years. rfomance. 3. Annual Reoort. Recognizing that menbership in an econ . c developnent organization changes over time and that the cormuni y is hopefully progressing toward its goals, an annual report mus also be conpleted and delivered to the Economic Development ivision. 'fue annual report rrust contain the following information; C'I:>V'<".'('/\ ,~~ A description or the changes in t I responsibilities and . merrbership of the economic develo t organization. ~- 0\\'. ;\e..<;.b. 'f"\' ... oJ A description which overviews act vities of the organization dur ing 1985 such as the nurrber of meetings held and i.rrportant matters discussed at the meetings c. A description of the changes that have occurred in the c\\\ t..t e.- comnunity's econany including ind stries or businesses currently ?<~\l\~ operatrng and newly opened, estab ishment or expansion of ~ Q,-<'o~"" ~vindustrial parks1 construction or expansion of existing o~~ industrial and commercial busines eS1 closings of existing e...- businesses and reductions in errpl t. A description of the fOImS of ass stance the organization has provided to business and industry and assistanceme organization has received including financial d technical from federal, regiooal, state and private organ zations which relates to economic development. ~e.....t./ c....~>J"l'-~\ e. A description of changes in the city's long range goals described in the original Econani Developnent Plan.- .~~ '('1'\' c.. l::> of/' Cc- f ~ 1986 Work Program describing th organization's plan for the \('f' :,\\V upcoming calendar year including list of project priorities, CD 0('/'" related costs, methods of financ' g, tine schedules and technical assistance required. (Refer to 1 Year WOrk Plan contained in the Star Cities Manual for proper fo t.). ., ~~. ::i!{~ )( ~.. c.l.u--, ~ I..SV" ~ ~ ~~ ~<. ~~(-. ~ ~ ?~ ~ ~~ 6o~ 'ff\ ~,":.?J \ \ ~~~ .,., I .. -.,- . The annual report lTIlst be submitted to, Econanic Development Division on or before March 31, 1986. f a comrunity fails to meet the time requirsnents for either the pr sentation or the annual report, representatives of the cormunit will be requested to meet with Econanic Developnent Division staf , to determine whether the camunity should continue in the progr or witlxlraw. If extenuating or unusual circumstances beyond the city's control are shown to be the reason for its inability to coop Y with the deadlines, the Econcmic Development Division, at its d" retion, may approve an extension. 3. Coommity Profile. -\ Q.. ~ ~ 'i-tinnesota star Cities for Econanic Deve opment nust corrplete a ~::: ~ \Q" CCmrn.mity Profile on an annual basis in the format prescribed by the V"' Business Develo};1llel1t Division. The de line for coopleting the profile is February 15 of each calendar year. Following its carpletion, the profile is submitted to the Econcmic Development Division for official printing and dist ibution. l~ '?$ ~ G~ ~ ~"1. ~-~ ~~ ~ k" 4. }3usiness Retention. ~ ~\ S Minnesota Star Cities nust contact all rioritized industries in their ~ immediate area to determine (1) conpan plans for expansion-relocation \";},;~-"'" and (2) concerns of the business city which can be addressed .~- through legislative or administrative tion. This is acconplished by surveying carpanies on the Business Re ti e provided to the conmmity by the Economic Deve opment ivision. The cClflt)leted survey forms nust be returned upon coopletion. 0\\ tV .,9,) . ~~ 5. Continuing Education. A training session will be conducted arterly to provide continuing "'^-~ education for all star City COOrdinato s and carmittee chairpersons. ~ Changes in laws affecting business and industry, new techniques in the (I. \'1 \~~- field of economic developnant, and oth r vitally inportant topics will ~ '~.. ~ be covered. Representatives from offi ially designated Star Cities will be reQPired to attend. 6. Failure to C~ly. . - If no unusual circumstances prevent c letion of the annual report and the other requirements for recerti ication, a decision will be made to place the camunity in reasses t status. Cities which retain this status for more than two ars will be dropped from the Star City Program. The recertification procedures have be established to retain the vitality of the star City Pr03ram. Th process will prevent the follO"~ing scenario from occurring: A ity launches a new, exciting develcfIllEmt program promising new joos for its citizens and investment in the CGt'!m.l.liity.. The state annoonces that it is a "Minnesota star City for Econom;.c Develqment.. Q Two 0 three years go by and nothing happ.:ns. Intm:nal efforts slacken. D senchantment sets in followed by apathy and inaction. Your efforts 0 date have been noteworthy. The recertification requirements of th Star City Program are designed to maintain the momentum your cOIl1IU1lit has established. i__ I""~ . I. ADOPTION OF PLAN BY CITY COUNCIL - A their January 25, 1982 meeting, the City Council adopted this econom'c development plan for the City of Monticello. See Exhibit E-I. II. ORGANIZATION - Chamber of Commerce Committee. See Exhibit E-I. ~ 6 ~ '. '. A. Membership - Consists of thirtee dustry, retail trade, banking, m government. Members are as foIl NAME Bruce Gagnelius (Chairman) Con Johnson John Bondhus Donald smith Shelly Johnson Gary Wieber (Secretary) Gail Johnson Rick Longley Marn Flicker Jay Morrell Dale Lungwitz Arve Grimsmo (Mayor) Bud Schrupp & Industrial Development (13) members representing in- dia, business services, and local ws: OCCUPATION er, Monte Supper Club lisher/Editor ticello Times Su erintendent, IS #882 ci y Administrator Br vi Fe nch Manager, Asst. e-president - Security eral Savings & Loan Ower, Glass Hut Ower, Flicker's T.V. &. ppliance Ower, Monticello Ready Mi. pr sident, wright County St te Bank er, Peterson-Grimsmo eral I-Iome o er, Golden Valley Fu niture ADDRESS Rt. 2, Box 173 Monticello, MN. P.O. Box 598 Monticello, MN. P.O. Box 905 Monticello, MN. P.O. Box 548 Monticello, MN. P.O. Box 897 Monticello, MN. Rt. 4, Box 83A Monticello, !<IN. P.O. Box 546 Monticello, MN. P.O. Box 242 Monticello, HN. P.O. Box 356 l"lonticello, HN. P.O. Box 477 Monticello, MN. P.O. Box 729 Monticello, MN. P.O. Box 815 Monticello, MN. P.O. Box 515 Monticello, MN. . . -(. III. " ~ B. Committees- L Promotion, publicity and pro pect development. 2. Financing'sites and builrling. 3. Research ann planning. AR~A DESCRIPTION - A. Historical Assessment - Townsite f r-~onticello was founderl in the spring of 1885 by Z. M. Brown, Th mas Creighton anrl ~'iilliarn Creigh- ton. Monticello became the first count was held April 19, 1855. There w scattered around the village and home s . On September 3, 1861, Jackson Tay be moved to Buffalo. The vote wa again in 1876. There throughout the county" This time in Monticello was March 12, 1878. held at Buffalo. Early Settlement - Monticello was the county because of its locatio were Herbert McCrory and F. 1>'. Ca McCrory homesteaded the lanrl righ well claimeQ the land two miles a Island. The first crops were har Cadwell moved to Albion but retur McCrory moverl to Kansas. seat. The first county meeting s no courthouse. Offices were ecords were kept in private or petitionerl that the county seat a9ainst this. It was proposed re even distribution of people it passcrl. The last meeting held On Marcb 23, the meeting was one of the first settlements in on the river. The first settlers well in the summer of 1852. above the present village. Cad- ve tbe village opposite Rawlin's esterl the following year. Later ed tor-tonticello in retirement. Sioux Uprising - August 17, 1862, the Sioux Uprising began in Meeker County. Many refugees began pouring into Monticello. A great stream of frightened half-crazed humanity pourerl into the village with the news that the woorls were full of Indians burning and murderin , and that Monticello too would soon be a victim of t e terrible wrath with which the Aborigines were avenging their wrongs. There was a wild panic. Nearly 11 the inhabitants of Buffalo, Chatham, Marysville, French Lake, Albion, and Maple Lake fled to Monticello where a fort was raised around the site of the present elementary school. The village tas full. Every house, 12rn, schoolhouse, and church was used for living space. Eut nothing ever happened. Not a single Ino"an was spotted. i_ .- Available Inrlustrial Land with Full acres of available lanrl zoned for in paved streets. Sites range in size have freeway exposure. VII. STRATEGIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION A. Current Situation - Monticello i area of the State. ~'lright Count ranked second in terms of percen Sherburne County, across the Mis ervices - Monticello has over 150 ustry with city sewer, water and rom 2 acres to 40 acres and several the hub of the fastest growing , in which Monticello is located, age growth from 1970 - 1980. issippi River, ranked first. This growth, a strong tax base, long with Monticello's location on Interstate 94, only 30 minutes f om the metropolitan area of Minn- eapolis/St. Paul, has been a maj r factor in the economic develop- ment of the community. However, there are two major concerns that may influence future economic gr wth. First, Northern States Power's Nuclear Generating Plant compris s a good share of the local tax base. While there is the obviou advantage of having such a con- tributor to the local tax base, here is concern relative to the rlependence on anyone industry. Added to this concern has been a partial erosion of this tax ~ase due to recent tax court and Depart- ment of Revenue rulings. There's also the concern with various legislative proposals to distrib te tax benefits of a utility plant on a statewide basis. ,./,--.-... . , A second major concern relates t 60% of Monticello's labor force concern that increasing fuel cos moving closer to their jobs in t high energy costs. With almost ommuting to work, there is a s will result in some people e metropolitan area. B. Goals - Mission statement of the committee is "to seek and support industrial, commercial, financial, professional and business growth in the Monticello communit" This can be accomplished through the following goals: Balanced local economy Strengthening and diver ification of tax base Diversify employment C. Objectives - In order to reach tives are set: Increase the percent~ge of emp of Monticello to 75% by 1990. number of industrial jObs much An increase in local cmploym0n to 75% in 10 years should acco :'. ortunities abov~ goals the following objcc- oymcnt within a 15 minute radius This will require increasing the faster than the population grows. of 2.4\ a Y0ar from 51t currently plish this. ___ I . q\D \0' ?r . ~ ~~ Actively solicit industrial 0 contribute either local jObs a dependent one industry-town zations which provide over 25 Seek organizations that fit t employment needs. This will between skilled career jobs a unnecessary population growth help ease the tax burden caus service organizations that will r additional tax base. To prevent we will avoid seeking any organi- of the local employment. e town's current tax base and equire seeking the proper balance d unskilled jobs. It will reduce to staff industry moving here and d by rapid population growth. D. Five Year Work Progr~~ - The fol owing activities are to be accom- plished annually. Also included for each activity is the purpose, completion date, aSBigned commit ee, strategy and projected results: Activity: Completion of Industr Call Program. Purpose: Assist industry with t eir problems, facilitate industrial expansion and create new jobs. Completion Date: January 31st 0 each year. Assiqned To: Promotion, Publicit and Prospect Development Committee. Strateqy: - Review industry cal ~lestionnaire and letter for revisions. Send letter and que in advance of visit to industries. - Visit industries fill out questionnaire. Follow up on any Projected Results: Obtain under identification of concerns. inquiries, etc. of industry and 'f\ S, (i. Mailing campaign-targ urpose: To familiarize potenti 1 industries on merits of locating in Monticello. Completion Date: 'March 31st of Assigned '1'0: Promotion I Publici y and Prospect Development COIl\mitb~e. Strategy: - Identify t~rgctcd i - Initiate mail progr - Arrange for interest in for targeted industries. to those companies expressing Projected Results: Idcntificatio of industrial firms seeking to locate in Monticello that would e ploy 30 people. Ie - Activity: Update Information Pac et. Purpose: To develop current, acc rate and useful data to attract industrial firms to Monticello. completion Date: March 31st of ch year. Assigned To: Promotion, Publicit and Prospect Development Committee. Strategy: \. ~ \..0 ~ "" C\ < Review current data t insure material is properly pre- sented in a clear con ise matter. - Review current data f r additions, deletions, and re- visions. Review promotional in ormation packets of other communities for ideas. - Maintain file of addi have after receiving quently asked questio with informational pa ional questions industrial firms may nformation packet. Data about fre- s should be considered for inclusion ket. ~ 'f\-\O ~ D" ,~~ " Pro'ected Results: Development 0 a useful promotional tool in attract- ng industry and expansion of exi ting industry. (~.' "'W - Activity: Adopt Advertising Plan Purpose: Familiarize potential i dustries on merits in locating in Monticello. yi) I Completion Date: April 30th of e ch year. Assigned To: Promotion, Publicit and Prospect Development Committee. Strategy: Identify business per"odicals, magazines and other adver- tising sources. - Develop annual advert'sing plan within budget. - Maintain file on resp nses with cross reference to adver- tising, source. - Compare responses to dvertising source for possible changes in advertising plan. projected Result:,: To gC:lcrate 0 e inquiry per $500 spent. 7. ~. ~/ ;,. G Jy \; ~5b~ ?,,\D ..;. Activity: update Five (5) Year ork Program. Purpose: Identify activities to be completed in next five (5) years to carry out mission of co ittee. Completion Date: November 30th f each year. Assigned To: Research and Strategy: - Review current fiveS) year work program for deletions and amendments. Review current situa ion, potentials for economic de- velopment,' goals and objectives for additions to five (5) year work proqr projected Results: List of activ'ties tpat can be realistically accomplished in next five (5) ye rs and have positive affect in encouraging economic development. - Activity: Update Purpose: To have demographic Energy, Planning and Economic ormation on file at Department of elopment. Completion Date: December 31st f each year. Committee. Assigned To: Research and strategy: - Review current commu ity profile for changes. - Survey industries - Survey businesses employee data needed for profile. number of non-manufacturing jobs. - Complete community p ofile and send to Department of Energy, Planning and Economic Development. proiected Results: Development f a useful promotional tool in attracting new industry and expa sian of existing industry. ~~ ~ - Activity: Adopt One Year Action rogram. Purpose: Indentify activites to completed in coming year to carry out mission of committee. Completion Date: November 30th 0 each year. Assiqned To: Research and Planni g Committee. strategy: I. - Review previous year' action plan for deletions and amendments. - Review current situat"on, potentials for economic development, goals an objectives for additions to five (5) year work pr ram. Prolected Results: List of activ"ties that can be realistically accomplished -in next year and hav positive affect on encouraging economic development. - \ !c. - Activity: Adopt Annual Budget. Purpose: To program expenditures nd revenue sources for the coming year. Completed Date: November 30th of each year (for proceeding year). Assiqned To: Research and Plannin Committee. - Review current year's udget for changes, deletions, and revisions. Strategy: ~ - Review one year action program to assure these are adequately funded. - Determine proposed nues to be raised from: - Chamber of C Dues - Industry Ban et - City of Mont"cello .~~ - Present proposed budge to Chamber of Commerce for ,~~ . adoption. ~ Present proposed budge to City Council of Monticello for adoption. Projected Results: Adoption of a Commerce dues, Industry Banquet an out one year action plan. udget'supported by Chamber of City of Monticello to carry ....~ . ,I. i __ I. < ,~ 'd." .. ." . Activity: sponsor Industrial Development Banquet. Purpose: To fund, in part, the activities of the BusinGss and Indus- trial Development Committee. Comuletion Date: April 30th Assiqned To: Entire Business and Industrial Development Committee. strategy: - Appoint fund raising - Determine fund raisin goal. _ Review and updv.tc con for ticket sales. _ Assign contact list individual committee members. - Develop program for _ Assign activities to ommittee members for the banquet. projected Results: Generate suff cient funds to support one-third of the enti~e committee's annual udget. _ Activity: Inventory Available Bu ldings. Purpose: To determine available pace for new and expanding industry and business in Monticello. Comuletion Date: May 31st of Assigned To: Financing, Sites an Building Committee. Strateqy: year. _ Contact owners of exi ting commercial and industrial buildings to determin, price and space available for rent, lease or purchase. - Maintain perpetual in of available space. pro;ected Results: Indentificati n of available space for business and industry. . ~ . ~ '.. The following are to be schedule according to year indicated with 1982's activities including purpose, completion date, assigned committee, strategy and projected results. 1982 - Activity: Review City Ordina ces. Purpose: To make recommendat'ons to the City Council and the Planning Commission where unn cessary or restrictive ordinances create an anti-business clima e. <7 Completion Date: June 30, 19 2. Assiqned To: Financing, Site Strateqy: and Building Committee. - Research city rec use and rezoning and whether appro rds to determine variances, special equests by number, date, reasons ed or denied. - Review city ordin nces on most frequent type of vari- ance, special use and rezoning requests. - Review industrial call program survey for comments on city ordinances. - Where ordinances discuss and prapo e possible ordinance City Council and Planning Commission. ?rojected Results: Revision and restrictive ordinances. restrictive, amen&nents with unnecessary Activity: Prepare report on c and Business growth to other Purpose: To serve as a guidel' ne in measuring growth of r.10nticello to other communities and also earn from other communities how to attract new industry and assis existing industries in expansion. Monticello Industrial ~ Completion Date: June 30, 198 . ... Assiqned To: Research and PIa ninq Committee. Strategy: - Determine cities t be included in report. - Determine criteria used in assessing growth of Industry and Busin - Research, in furth r depth, those communities who have experienced both d amatic increases and decreases in growth to find out causes. - Determine if other communities' successful development tool~ can be applied to Monticello. - Detenninc what adverse causes have resulted in de- creased industrial nJ business activity. How can Monticello avoid th se pitfalls? proiected Results: Development of mea~urable indicator of /olonti- cello's business and industrial growth and obtaining ideas to stimulate future growth and av id decline. '. Activity: update Labor Survey Purpose: To obtain informatio for prospective and existing industries on the characterist cs and availahility of labor in the Monticello area. ~ ~. Completion Date: August 31, 1 82. Assigned To: Research and Pla ning Committee. Strategy: v~- \,\0\ ~~~' ~- ~rb ~"o.. - Review latest labo survey questionnaire for re- visions, additions and deletions. - Determine sample s ze. _ Determine who shou d receive questionnaire. - Determine area to e surveyed. - Prepare letter of ransmittal. - Prepare publicity ampaign to explain labor survey and encourage comp etion of questionnaires. - Compute results. . - Analyze results. - Puhlicize results. prolected Results: Identifica ion of labor characteristics and availability for utilization b existing and prospective industries. ~ - Activity: Encourage Construct"on of Speculative Building. Purpose: Have a speculative s ructure available for new and ex- panding industry. 7 Completion DatG: September 30, 1982. Assigned To: Financing, Sites and Building C~\mittee. Strategy: - Meet with potentia developers of speculative building. _ Determine appropri te site and size of speculative building. - Assist with locatin funding sources for construction. - Assist with marketing building. Pro;ected Results: Constructi n of one speculative building for new and expanding industry. I'. ~\ - \::!;? '\. 0.. ~ '/ 7:r- I Activity: Revise Community F ct Booklet. Purpose: Develop booklet whi h would be more oriented to busi- ness and industry. Completion Date: November 30 1982. Assigned To: Promotion, Publ city and Prospect Development Com- mittee. 6 ~y \:} \ct 4( Strategy: - Review existing oklet for changes and additions in format and inf rmation. - Review booklets p epared by other communities for suggestions. - Determine cost of revisions. - Explore possibili y of flexible booklet that could be geared towards needs of user. (Example, packet with sections on .nformational categories that could be added or delet d) . projected Results: Developme t of a useful promotional tool in attracting new industry and e.pansion of existing industry. 19133 i. Update film on Monticello Complete study of available financing Complete study of available tra,nsportation services and utilities /:V , "l ~~' 1984 Encoura.ge development of unplat en indu~,trial la.nd abutting railroad local businesses and industries Prepare report on comparison other communities industrial and business grO\"th to Sponsor economic development 1985 update labor survey '1\..0 Review city's zoning ordinances ,^-u Update film on Monticelld Upnate study of available finan ing y.......c Update community fact hooklet '<\.0 1986 Prepare report on comparison of industrial and business growth to other communities Update study of availahle trans ortation services and utilities Encourage construction of specu ative building . Gr-~ ~ . \q ~ ~ 7 ONE YEAR ACTION ROGRN1 Goals - 1982 Attract new industry (s) employi g 30 people Increase tax base by 2% ($800,000 in assessed value or approximately_ $2,000,000 in market value) Increase percentage of local employed residents by 2~% or 124 jobs Accomplishment of Goal Encourage construction of specul tive building by meeting with developers and contractors. Also contact local development corporations and assist with fun raising campaign, if necessary. Adopt advertising plan to include business journals, possibility of billboards and booth at industry conventions. Update labor survey. This tool an be used to inform potential businesses and industrial firms of the available labor supply including wage rates, skills, ed cational background, etc. Revise community fact booklet. Broaden section on business and industry so that the booklet gives the "need to know" information in these areas. ,.. Completion of Industry Call Program - Survey existing industries to determine their concerns, facilitate expansion and create new jobs. -. ID Agenda - 2/20/86 . 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED 1986 BUDGET. A. BACKGROUND AND REFERENCE. Enclosed is a summary of the pr 1iminary budgets for the years, 1984 and 1985, including the ac ua1 1985 expeditures and revenues. Providing the 1986 ID goals and activities are written, then completion of the 1986 proposed budget can be made. B. ATLERNATIVE ACTIONS. This depends on the 1986 ID goa s and activities. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends that the Commi tee make a motion to make the 1985 direct payment to the City for the sum of $11,175.00 or $7,175.00 (difference between direct payment to City and the City's contribution to the ID committee). D. SUPPORTING DATA. Monticello's Industrial Deve10 ment Committees 1986 Preliminary Budget. . . -e ,-., ,-., lr) lr) 00 00 0\ 0\ ...-l ...-l '-' '-' p r-.. 00 000 0 0 0 0 ! ooe 000 0 r-.. M 00 000 0 0 0 0 D ~ 000 000 0 M "'-' to . . . . . 0 . . . . . . \.0 <l)N 00000 lr) lr) 0 0 D gOOO 0 lr)lr) 0 r-.. 00 bOr-.. lr)lr)000 N N 0 0 o 000 0 r-.. r-.. lr) -<t 0\ "tllr) Nr-..OOlr) lr) ...-l 0 lr)OM ...-l ...-l...-l 00 N ...-l ;:::l ~ ~ ~ ~ (i .J~~ ~M ...... -<t-<tN N M ...-l...-l 0 lr) ...-l ...... N ...-l...-l M ~ ~ -EI:l- -EI:l- ~ ~ 0 0 0 lr) 0 o -<t 0\ ...-l 0\ H 0 0 0 0\ 0 lr) r-.. 00 0 0 H ...-l . H lr) cO 0 0 0 M r-.. O...-l 0 00 \.0 ~ 00 ;:::l \.0 0 \.0 ...-l M r-.. -<t -::t 0 lr) 0\ .u 00 lr) M N 0 0\ ...-l N \.0 0 ...-l U U < 0 N M ...-IN N \.0 ...-l ...-l H ~ ~ Z ~ P-+ 0 \.0 ~ UJ 00 0 000 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 ~ "'-' 0\ N 000 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 0 N ~ <l)...-l "'-' . . . . . . . . . . . w b() lr) <l)lr) 000 Olr) lr) 0 00 00 00 00 0 0 ei "tl"tl 00 b()oo lr)lr)0 ON N 0 00 00 00 00 lr) \.0 ;:::l ~ 0\ "t;l...-l Nr-..O LI"'\ lr) ...-l Ll"'\0 lr)LI"'\ Olr) ...-IN ...-l lr) ~ <\1 ...-l ;:::l ~\.O ...-l -::t N 00 ...-lM N N ...-l N N >. ~ ...-l ...-l ...-l N p:: l-llr) -EI:l- -EI:l- ~ ~ H <\100 U1 ~O\ ~ .,-l ...-l @ S .,-l H ...-l -::t \.0 00 00 00 0 0 0 000 0 00000 0 \.0 Q) 00 r-.. 00 00 00 0 0 0 000 0 00000 0 r-.. 0 l-l 0\ .u . . . . . . . . . . . ~ P-+ ...-l -<t <l)LI"'\ 0000 00 0 0 0 000 0 Olr)COO LI"'\ 0 ~ 00 bOO\ 0000 Olr) LI"'\ 0 0 000 LI"'\ lr)0\000 0\ LI"'\ W 0\ "tlM OLl"'\O-::t LI"'\ -::t 0 0 lr) N LI"'\ \.0 M-<tO\O-::t 0\ 00 U ...-l ;:::l ~ ~ ~ ~ H ~oo 0\ -:t N N 00 ...-l M M...-l...-l ...-l N r-.. 00 H ...-l N ...-l N Z -EI:l- ~ -EI:l- ~ ~ UJ ..-. ,-., 0.. >. l-l .,-l oI-l <l) ~ .,-l ~ UJ U l-l ,-., '-' cO <l),-.. "tl ,..c:: ,..c UJ U1 <l) "'-' U S .u w .u ~ '-' Q) (J p:: ,-., cO Q) U1 ::>:: Q) :::> "tl EI ~ <l) w .u 0.. >. H <l) ',-l .u ~ U1 ~ ~ UJ .u H .u "'-' H <\1 ~ ~ Q) 0 ',-l @ ~ UJ Q) :> ~ (J H <l) U ~ :> .,-l :> ~ 0.. ~p.., l-l Q) W .,-l '--' 0 l-l ~ H 0 UJ Q)'-' ;:::l (J 0 P-+ "'-' ~ 0 p.., H ...-l "tl >. H "'-' j::! "'-' P<: UJ <l) ~ @ <l) < cO Q) "'-' UJ UJ ~ <\1 W W U I ~ :> Q) ~ ~ ~ ;:::l <l) ',-l ~ .u '-' j::! w w ~ <l) oI-l <<l ~ ~ 0 .,-l ~ ',-l j::! ~ cO :> j::! ~ E-t p.., ~ cO ...-l 0 <l) ...-l ~ Q) w ~ ...-l ~ 0 0 U1 P<: ...-l "t;l UJ UJ cOU ~ o..<<l ~ ~ U cO .,-l .,-l < W <<l <\1 0.. Q) Q) ',-l .,-l cO 0.. <<l ~ ~ "'-' .u u j::!:::>oI-l l-l j::! H .. <\1 ...-l ;:::l Q) <\1 U . ~ .u ;:::l ;:::l ~ 0 ,..c:: 0 Q) ;:::l ',-l "'-' ...-l .u ...-l U1 H b()p.., ~ ~ b() w UJ ,..c ,..c p:: w (J .,-l 0 ;:::l ',-l ~ N UJ Q) l-l <l) ;:::l j::! ~ H Q) ',-l .,-l 0 E-t l-l "'-' <l) cT...-l' U cO ;:::l :> Q) u <l) "'-' .,-l .u 0 ~ .,-l U1 UJ l-l l-l H l-l ~ U1 cO O"t;l j::! .,-l: 0 b()'t:J cO .u tI) u ',-l 'd U ~ j::! < Q) <l) "'-' "'-' <l) < <l) s .,-l <\1 cO, l-l )!J~ l-l j::! ',-l .,-l ~ ...-l <l) 0 ~ U ...-l .u ~ j::!,..c::~ U UJ o :> ~ ):;' ~ E-t w ):; ~ l-l ',-l H ~ Z .,-l w cO j::! 0 o.u< ~ Q) l-l ~ ;:::l ;:::l .,-l H b() p:: U1 H U UOH p:: p.., O~ ~ ~ H @ <l) 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ E-t ~ H W ID Agenda - 2/20/86 . 6. CONSIDERATION OF REVIEWING THE NDUSTRIAL DEVLOPEMNT FREEWAY SIGN DESIGN. A. BACKGROUND AND REFERENCE. The committee met Wednesday, Ja uary 29, 1986, at the River Inn with Co-chair Ron Hoglund, arvey Kendall, and Olive Koropchak present. Co-chair Ga y Wieber and Don Smith were absent. The committee discusse the physical construction of the sign, approving the Hogl nd sign durability. The treated post will be installed approximately three feet into the ground. The committee agreed not to make a recommend- ation until wording suggestion from Don Smith were obtained. Harvey Kendall indicated that t. Peter's industrial sign included the word "financing". Don Smith will present wording suggestions at the mee ing. No alternative actions, staff ecommendation, or supporting data. . . ID Agenda - 2/20/86 . 7. REPORTS: LETTER TO MAYOR GEORG LATIMER AND UPDATE AND LETTER TO PYRO INDUSTRIES, INC. A. SUPPORTING DATA. Letters. B. UPDATE ON CONVERATION WITH TIM ARLSON - JANUARY 29, 1986. Tim Carlson stated he had revisited the Best-In-Webb building and estimated a $50,000.00 cost to improve the facility to Pyro's standards. Equipment cost will be expensive for testing steel products and switching t cast iron products. Tim hopes for operations to begin by Mayor June. starting with 6 welders and adding 6 to 12 welders by all. Again, I advised Tim of the time element for application w ich can not start until he has figures down on paper. . . 1- . .'. ' ~.. ",:;~:'iit~'t\' ;;,>;.;;;rIC....."'~..~,..<47 .-'" .~~ '.;1.,1 t'.'o' "'ilIr:J. {}f!:P~~~-~ .".~m Phone (612)295.2711 Metro (612)333-5739 Mayor: Arve Grimsmo City Council: Dan Blonigen Fran Fair William Fair Jack Maxwell Administrator: Tom Eidem Finance Director: Rick Wolfsteller Public Works: John Simola Planning & Zoning: Gary Anderson . . 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362-9245 Citlj 0/ onticetto MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9245 February 13, 1986 Mr. Tim Carlson i. Pyro Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 123 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 Dear Mr. Carlson: Because we both seem to be ngaged in rather busy and hectic schedules, telephone conversations become scarce. However, there are a few items I need to clarify with you. First, I contacted D le Lungwitz at the Wright County State Bank to enhan e an open communication between the Bank and the C ty Staff regarding your project. Second, Tim, I,n ed to remind you I can not start application procedur s for a Small Cities Economic Development Grant until I eceive from you or your company the list of requir d documentation (See Enclosures). Next, I must inform you th t the application process by the City does take longer than one week. My apology for the misinformed statement Y City Staff. I will apply my time to your application a soon as I receive Pyro's documentation and approval of the bank loan. Lastly, it's my understanding that the State Finance Consultants informed you of the Minnesota Fund Program (See Factsheet), which may be more applicable for your project, however, whichever program you qua ify for, the same documentation is needed. Tim, I want to participat in Pyro Industries expansion goals by helping to meet heir Mayor June operational date. At this time, howe er, I feel my hands are tied. I encourage continued cor espondence and I hope document- ation will follow shortly Thank you. Sincerely, ~.~.~ olive M.Koropchak Economic Development E?-closures cc: file T. Eidem . ITINERAR AIRPORT SUB-CO ITTEE TOUR Tuesday, Januar 7, 1986 Tom Eidem - Monticello City Administrator Jack Peach - Fulfillment Systems, Inc. Bill King - Big Lake City Administrator Tom Scearcy - Becker Representati e Pilot - Bob Timm Departure Time - 7:30AM Monticel o-Big Lake Airport Hanger 9:00AM - Mora Airport - Bob 1ilso , City Administrator, 1-679-1511. (Administrator and their airport commission will meet for questions at the airpor and the City Hall). 12:00 NOON - New VIm Airport - Du ne Hansel, Assist. City Engineer - 1-507-359-8249 or 35 -8233, Arnie Putnam, City Engineer, and Dick Salvati, Ci y Manager. (Lunch reservations made). 2:30PM - St. James Airport - Dave Osberg, City Manager, 1-507-375- 3241. . Date is confirmed - weather permi ting. Olive M. Koropchak Chairperson, Airport Sub-Committe . . . . ELEaRO INDUSTRIES,INC 2150 W. RI ER STREET · P.O. BOX 538 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 (612) 295-2500 Olive Koropchak Monticello Development Committee City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ms. Koropchak: Merrlyn and I want to thank you for meeting. We appreciated the opportunity January 27, 1986 aving us at your January 15th o share and get better acquainted. Because of time, the meeting ended w th several open subjects. In that process I failed to mention one spec"fic item. Without a doubt we will be adding an approximately 48' x 250' building \. \."1_"" tiJ'j for our own use, but our next step in the development of our property would be building for lease. If in the process of visiting with prospective manufacturers, you find someone who would be interested in a leased facility, we certainly would be interested in exploring the possibilities of providing that facility on our property. Thank you for your continued interest in Electro Industries and Praise Acres' expansion. WJS/jt \_ ~e;, ~~iliam J. Seefeldt President Electro;1 Load Mana ement Products STATE OF M SOTA . OFFICE OF THE OR ST. PAUL SUSS RUDY PERPICH GOVERNOR January 15, 1986 Ms. Olive M. Koropchak Economic Development Director 250 East Broadway, Route 4, Box 83A Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Ms. Koropchak: Thank you for the kind invitation f r Governor perpich to speak at the annaul Monticello Industrial Development Fundraiser, on Monday May 19, 1986. We have not yet completed his schedu e for this particular period of time, and therefore, we are unab e to make a commitment for this event. I will be in contact wi h you by telephone or letter '.... when the schedule is finalized. please be assured that your invi ation will be given every consideration. If you have any qu stions, please feel free to contact me at 612-296-0041. PAT JO SON Governor's Scheduler /.' AN EQUAL OPPORTU ITY EMPLOYER ~@ These prepackaged products, approved by most power companies, are designed for simplified in- stallation and apply wherever a remote signal is avail- able to interrupt the electric load. All products include no hum contactors, auxiliary output switch, optional receiver power source output, Peak Alert option, two. wire remote control, and proper wiring barriers (sheet no. 171). PI-102C05N - Two pole, 100 Amp or 200 Amp, packaged within a class 200 meter socket enclosure. Also available in standard 1'x14 enclosure or various special enclosures and configurations. The control interfaCB. stBndbv flJrnRr.~ hnnklln Jmrl I"'nn trn I . Automatic Disconnects for Interrupting Electric Loads Assigned to Load Management Control. .. PI-028A24V - Our newest addition to this product family includes integrated CT metering for complete package, one panel installation for control and metering of multl- circuit installations. Also available for class 10 plug-In meter, outside metering, and various circuit load configurations (sheet no. 178). Forced Air Furnace Conversion Kits IIATE Electroil furnace products convert your existing fur- nace into a more efficient, clean, odorless and comfor- table dual heating system. With this Electro-Mate and your power company's special off-peak or Time of Use electric rates, you can save 20-40% on your annual heating costs (sheet no. 102). . Electro-Mate Model EM-LU15278 - Specifically designed for load management. heat pump update. and load sheddIng applications. Includes Electroil DFe module (sheet no. 151). All B ctro-Mate models are designed for zero clearance, direct installation into the furnac plenum (including directly above "A" Coil). For application installation information, request sheet no. 1 9. ELECTRO I IIER Electro-Fuel EM-FU15278 - Economy model for wood. manual control. or where utility controls the 240 source (sheet no. 158). For hot water heating or hydronics systems this boiler package can give you the same installation convenience and savings found with the Electro-Mate forced air units. A larger vessel, a very reliable element special inlet water modulating sensor, zone valve staging, etc., also makes this an exceptional performing electric boiler. As with the plenum heater, the boiler is available with or without the dual fuel control option (sheet no. 153). . l \ ELECTRO INDUSTRIES, INC. 2150 WEST RIVER STREET, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 PHONE: (612) 295.2500 0107 080184 These prepackaged products, approved by most power companies, are designed for simplified in- stallation and apply wherever a remote signal is avail- able to interrupt the electric load. All products include no hum contactors, auxiliary output switch, optional receiver power source output, Peak Alert option, two- wire remote control, and proper wiring barriers (sheet no.171). PI-102C05N - Two pole, 100 Amp or 200 Amp, packaged within a class 200 meter socket enclosure. Also available in standard "x14 enclosure or various special enclosures and configurations. The control Interface, standby furnace hookup, and control wiring are behind the right barrier (sheet no. 173). * NEW HOMES Combine any of these prOducts with your favorite oil/gas furnace to provide a cost saving dual fuel system for new construc- tion. * CHURCHES AND SMALL COMMERCIAL Electro Industries has considerable experi- ence and modular building block prOducts for conversions up to 120 KW (sheet no. 155). * HEAT PUMP CONVERSIONS We also have a series of interface control modules, special Electro-Mate plenum heaters, and retrofit "A" Calls for dual heat pump conversions (sheet no. 1 41 ). Automatic Disconnects for Interrupting Electric Loads Assigned to Load Management Control. . PI-028A24V - Our newest addition to thIs product family includes integrated CT metering for complete package, one panel installation for control and metering of multi- circuit installations. Also available for class 10 plug-in meter, outside metering, and various circuit load configurations (sheet no. 178). PI-102C090 - Socket Extender DIsconnect. Ideal for existing two meter base conversions. Four basic models. * LOAD MANAGEMENT CUSTOM CONTROLS Through our extensive involvement with these applications we have produced a large variety of special application enclosures and controls (sheet no. 104). ....--.~~..,..........~~...,...~~~~~~..,....,.. We carefully consider all ne",. ideas, and have the talent, manufac- turing capability, and marketing program to convert new ideas into successful products. ........~~.........,..~~~~....,....~.....~~~~ ~1r ~ . ...., ;It; Efficiency in design for economy in . Pressure on the world's supply of fossil fuels dictates that we derive the best possible performance from any mach- ine that uses this type of energy. Rising gas prices must be countered with decreased consumption and increased conservation. This is what Aerovent had in mind when designing the Air Makeup Heater. Air Makeup Heaters are direct-fired (no heat exchangers or vents) and, because of this, are up to thirty percent more efficient than conventional heaters. You use every BTU of gas that you pay for. And because it is designed by the "air-systems" people at Aerovent, you can bet that it's the best heater you can buy for controlled environment housing. Whatever the spec- ific application, from broilers on litter to calves in racks, from pullets in cages to pigs in pens, the Aerovent Air Makeup Heater is the most efficient gas-fired unit you can choose. . But efficiency isn't all the Air Makeup Heater has to offer. It mounts outside the building - out of your way and off your mind as far as fire hazard is concerned. Built to last with a rugged, all-welded frame and pre-painted steel cabinet. The Air Makeup concept also means that there is hardly any difference in temperature from one part of the building to the next. And, if you're still not convinced, consider these Aerovent featu res: 1. Complete package of electronic safety devices with six built-in monitor lights to simplify service 2. Electric spark ignition system eliminates pilot flame. 3. Safety shut-down stops blower if flame fails - no chilling. 4. Simplified gas hook-up - regulator and Y strainer included with each heater. 5. Dual gas solenoid valves provide double margin of safety. Cover removed from intake e d of heater to show burner and gas control.. Note welded frame construction, accessib'lity to burner and housing liner and easy t see pressure gauge. Control box as iewed from discharge end of heater. See-thr ugh control box cover for observation of onitor lights without remov- ing cover. Extended eave or Simlla~ over heater. CD .... .L Control Thermostat: I" A 101 -- Model No. AG75G3 AG150G3 AG280G3 Wall opening 8112" x 14" for all three models. Accessories Mounting Brackets: Heavy angle iron brackets bolt to wall to support heater - simple assembly and installation. Outlet Ducts: Attach to heater discharge chute. Available in T's, V's, and L's (not shown). T's and V's available with manually adjusted damper to proportion airflow as it leaves the outlet duct. Remote mounted near fan controls for proper coordination with low-volume airflow. Heavy duty line voltage contacts. a@ aer-event Fan & Equipment, Inc., 929 Terminal Road Lansing, MI48906 Phone 517-323-2930 H.P. Max. Heat Output 1/4 75,000 BTU/HR. 1/2 150,000 BTU/HR. 3/4 280,000 BTU/HR. Airflow 450 CFM 800 CFM 1300 CFM A 48" 56" 70" . Motor Operated Outlet Ducts: Allow servicing two rooms with one heater. . AMH June 1984 . TELEPHONE RATES PER L .NE Elk River Anoka Buffalo Monticello $66.74 59.53 43.54 20.00 .