City Council Minutes 01-12-1976 I ., January 12, 1976 REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL 7:30 P.M. Members present: Denton Erick on, Stanley Hall, Con Johnson, Dic Martie, Gene Walters. 1. Sale of Li uor Store Reven e Bonds. I I Bids were opened on the $2 0,000.00 Liquor Store Revenue Bonds and the foIl wing bids were received: Net Interest Cost $88895.00 87705.00 Net Interest Rate 6.9722 6.878824 Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood Inc. A,u,... . v.,) \ U:....... C... Mr. Bob Pulse her of Spring recommended awarding bid t motion was made by Martie, unanimously carried to ado the sale of bonds to Allis supplement 1-12-76 #.) 2. Discussion on distinction government. Bob pulscher of Springsted differences between a Plan Mr. Pulscher had served as Rapids, where charter prov ment similar to a plan B g Mr. Pulscher stated that a rigidly controlled by stat duties and authority of a plan A. government results trolling general affairs 0 the administrator to repor on any deviations from spe viewing the resolution Mon the city administrator pro than he has seen in a plan ted Inc., Bond Consultants, Allison-Williams Co. A seconded by Walters and t a resolution awarding n-Williams Co. (See etween Plan A and Plan B Inc., reviewed the major A and a Plan B government. city manager in Coon des for a form of govern- vernment. plan B government is more law which spells out the ity manager. He stated a n the administrator con- the city, but necessitates back to the city council ific authority. In re- icello adopted, he said ably has more authority A government. Regular Meeting of the Council January 12, 1976 - cont'd. 3. Goal and objectives for 1976. I Mayor Johnson stated he felt the city council was doing a good job in that they do not hesitate to makea decision, the city administrator is carrying out the policy set by the council, the city employees are performing their duties and the commissions are fulfilling their respon- sibilities. At this point Mayor Johnson reviewed the year of 1975 in terms of projects accomplished by the city and asked the following proposals be studied and if possible im- plemented: A. Expanded cooperation with Monticello Township and other government bodies. B. Extension of sewer and water lines where feasible and desirable. C. Review and consideration of Comprehensive Utilities Plan. D. Street improvements and maintenance should be on scheduled basis. E. New facilities for city hall and senior citizens center. F. Park Development plan. G. Assist and cooperate with new industry and businesses in order to increase available jobs in community and to a lesser degree this will increase the tax base of the city. H. Propose that a referendum be put to the people to go from a Plan A to plan B government. I. Application and studies for new airport facility be pursued and continued. I Mayor Johnson also announced that Mark Irmiter has been hired as the new liquor store manager, effective February 1, 1976. 4. Appointment of commission members for 1976. A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to appoint the following members to the commission noted: Planning Commission: Dr. C. D. Bauer James Ridgeway Henry Doerr Howard Gillham Fred Topel J. W. Miller - Ex-officio non-voting member I I I I Regular Meeting of the Council January 12, 1976 - cont'd. Housing and Redevelopment Authority: Vic Vokaty Leo Nelson - permanent appointment for Father Sipe. Business & Industrial Lowell Schrupp Lloyd Lund John Poirier Development Commission Lois Schoepf Kenneth Maus Liquor Commission: Dr. C. Erlandson Don Doran Streets & Park Commission: Arve Grimsmo Robert Rierson Harvey Kendall Airport Commission: John Bondhus Roy Lauring C. D. Bauer Recycling Commission: Nancy Cassano Jim Maus Civic Center Commission: Sheldon Johnson Ruth Senness 7~Ka ren Hanson 7~Ex-officio Lawrence Clausen on Schlief Dale Lungwitz Milton Olson Nick Flynn Gene Walters Kermit Benson Bob Brown Dick Martie 7~Gary Wieber non-vot'ng members, Historical Society: Ro bert Brown Hazel Kotilinek Gary Pringle Jim Herbst Julie Lewandowski Don Smith 5. Annual a ointment of cit off ces duties, functions, etc. Motion by Walters, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to approve the following: Regular Meeting of the Council January 12, 1976 - cont'd. Position/Function Acting Mayor Official Newspaper Official Depository Health Officer Civil Defense Director City Attorney Building Inspector City Auditor (for audit 12-31-75) Official regular meetings 2nd month - 7:30 P.M. I Denton Erickson Monticello Times Wright County State Bank Dr. Maus Douglas Pitt Gary Pringle J. W. Miller Gruys, Johnson, & Assoc. and 4th Mondays of For the record, Mayor Johnson has indicated he is on the Board of Directors of Wright County State Bank. 6. Approval of member to Senior Citizen's Center Board of Directors. Motion by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried to approve of Jay Morrell as a member of the Senior Citizen's Center Board of Directors. I 7. 1976 Fire Contracts with Townships of Otsego and Silver Creek. Motion by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried to approve 1976 contracts with Otsego and Silver Creek Townships calling for standby charges of $200 and any amount past due to be paid by March 1, 1976. 8. Resolution requesting Minnesota State Highway Department allow snowmobiles to use crosswalk on the State Highwa 25 brid e. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to adopt resolution. (See supplement 1-12-76 #2.) 9. Consideration of amended public nuisance ordinance. Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters and unanimously carried to amend public nuisance ordinance as presented. (See supplement 1-12-76 #3.) I I I I 10. Regular Meeting of the Council January 12, 1976 - cont'd. Consideration of amended ce on len th of do licenses. Motion by Hall, seconded by Eri to amend section 6-2-3 of the dog licenses permanent rather kson and unanimously carried nticello City Ordinance making an requiring annual renewal. Communit 11. Schedulin Grants. ublic hearin s Motion by Walters, seconded by artie and unanimously carried to make application for Community Development Block Grant Funds and set public hearings for January 26 and February 9, 1976. 12. Approval of minutes. 13. 14. There being no objections, the minutes of December 30, 1975 and January 5, 1976 stand as p esented. ablishin Governing Body d subdivision regulations 462.357 and 462.358. and unanimously carried 1-12-76 #4.) Motion by Walters, seconded by to adopt resolution. (See sup Special Meeting - January 28 976 - 2:00 P.M. Special meeting set to review omprehensive Utilities Plan. Meeting to be held in Mayor Jo snon's office and open to public. 15. Streets and Parks Commission t formulate concept. Council consensus was to have treets and Parks Commission review park system and come up with ideas and concepts prior to Howard Dahlgren's presentat"on with City Council at January 26th meeting. 16. Consideration of Garden Tracto In reviewing various quotes an types of equipment the city administrator recommended the purchase of a John Deere 400 Tractor. Motion by artie, seconded by Hall to purchase tractor, snow thrower, weight and adaptors for $3535.00 from Dehn's Four Seasons and to purchase cozy cab and flasher from Moon Motors for $531.75; voting in favor: Johnson, Hall, Martie, Walters; abstain: Erickson. Regular Meeting of the Council January 12, 1976 - cont'd. Motion to adjourn by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unanimously carried. I ~ fA)J-- Gary ~ber, City Administrator GW/mjq I I