City Council Minutes 01-26-1976 I I I REGULAR MEETING OF THE MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL January 26, 1976 - 7:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, Dent n Erickson, Stanley Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. 1. Hearin - Community Develo ment Block Grant Application. A public hearing was held and t e following were discussed as possible projects the City 0 Monticello could apply for: A. Senior Citizens Cent r. B. Lighting system from Interstate 94 interchange into Monticello. C. Land acquisition for future city hall. D. Ground storage reser oir to upgrade present distribution system 0 satisfy fire demands. Another public hearing is to be and at that time the above item will be more specifically discu decision would be forthcoming t jects for which funds will be a 2. Consideration of Amendments to held February 9, 1976, plus any additional projects sed and ultimately a council designate the project or pro- plied. tate Building Code. he amendments and possibility e matter was tabled until the 3. Review of final lat Doerr states. Historical society member, Don events planned for the Monticel Review by Mr. Smith included a that would commence July 1 and 5. Consideration of Resolution er Ste 1 Grant Facilities Plannin After a discussion relative to of increasing the permit fee, t February 9, 1976 council meetin Motion was made by Denton Erick on, seconded by Dick Martie and unanimously carried to approve inal plat as presented. 4. U date on Monticello BiCentenni I Celebration. Motion by Dick Martie, seconded carried to adopt resolution whe Step 1 Grant are on fixed price required by the U. S Environme 1-26-76 #1.) Agreement with Or that fee is contingent upon app be owed if grant were not appro mith, reviewed the scheduled oBi-Centennial celebration. entative agenda of activities nd July 4, 1976. fees for by Gene Walters and unanimously eby engineering fees for the basis not to exceed $102,690 as tal Agency. (See supplement -Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc. is oval of grant and nothing would ed. Regular Meeting of the Council January 26, 1976 - cont'd. Consideration of City of Monticello representative relative to union negotiations. I 6. Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by Stan Hall and unanimously carried to retain Mr. Michael O'Connor, attorney-at-law, as legal consultant in its negotiation with the employees union representative. 7. Approval of bills. Motion by Gene Walters, seconded by Denton Erickson and unanimously carried to approve bills as presented. (See supplement 1-26-76 #2) . 8. Approval of minutes. There being no objections, the minutes of January 12, 1976 stand as presented. Motion to adjourn made by Dick Martie, seconded by Denton Erickson and unanimously carried. tJ,L,., I GW/mjq I