City Council Minutes 04-06-1976 Special I SPECIAL MEETING OF MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL April 6, 1976 - 1:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, Erickson, Dic tanley Hall, Denton Martie, Gene Walters. Members absent: None. 1. 1976-1 Pro Pro.ect. Consulting engineer, John B dalich, recomputed estimated assessments for sanitary se er, water extensions and road improvements for the p oposed 1976-1 Proposed Improvement Project by plac ng all park and public prop- erty on an ad valorem basis This resulted in 62.8% of the project assessed and 37 2% being placed on ad valorem taxes with the resulting pr jected assessments: I Area Basi Street Total Ass es s ent Assessment Assessment Ritze Manor $3,276. 0 $524.00 $3,800.00 Hillcrest Addition $3,276. $418.00 $3,694.00 Hoglund Addition $3,276. $478.00 $3,754.00 Others $3,276. $ $3,276.00 Council consensus gutter in all new developme city would eventually be do street improvements were ne! uire concrete curb and ts and other areas of the e on a scheduled basis when essary. Motion by S. Hall, seconded by D. Martie and unanimously carried to adopt resolution ordering 1976-1 Improvement Project including sewer and water extensions, street improvements and the groun storage water reservoir system, and ordered John Badalich to prepare plans and specifications for same. Motion by C. Johnson, seco ded by G. Walters and unan- imously carried to adopt r solution calling for a public hearing on the ground stor ge water reservoir system portion of the 1976-1 Impr vement Project for April 26, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. (See su plement 4-6-76 #2.) I Special Meeting of the Council April 6, 1976 - continued. 2. Storm sewer and street improvements. Consensus was to table decision on any improvements at this time. 3. Color of Liquor Store heat ducts. Motion by S. Hall, seconded by D. Martie, to have ducts painted yellow. Voting in favor: S. Hal], D. Martie, D. Erickson. Opposed: C. Johnson, G. Walters. Motion carried. 4. Signing and shrubbery for Historical Informational Center. Motion by G. Walters, seconded by S. Hall and unani- mously carried to have Historical Society recommend signs for both buildings and confer with D. Martie for approval. Signs to be flush with building; D. Martie also to work with Jay Miller on shrubbery plan for the site. 5. Proposed sites for city hall. Following were sites to be sent to Civic Center Commission for their consideration: Monticello Development Corporation site on River Street Monticello Ford site Parcels east of Red's Mobil on Broadway Present city hall site 6. Selection of architect for city hall and Senior Citizens Center. Motion by D. Erickson, seconded by G. Walters and unan- imously carried to have Civic Center Commission make recommendation of one architect to work on the project. 7. Increase in police protection. Motion by D. Erickson, seconded by D. Martie and unan- imously carried to approve increase in contract with Wright County Sheriff's Department contract for 16 additional hours of protection on Friday and Saturday nights pending discussion with Jim Powers at next meeting. Approval is for six month trial period I I I I I I Special Meeting of Council April 6, 1976 - continued 8. Calling for bids on bandstand. Motion by G. Walters, seconde by D. Martie and unan- imously carried to call for bids at 2:00 P.M. on April 26, 1976 on the bandstand. 9. Invitation to Ma Ie Lake and uffalo on consideration of Regional Airport. Motion by D. Martie, seconded by G. Walters and unan- imously carried to have lette sent to city councils of Maple Lake and Buffalo req esting a meeting relative to the consideration of a regional airport be set up with respective council representa ives Copies of letter to be sent to state and federal aviation officials and state and U.S. Senators and Represe tatives 11. Harve Cormier assessment - 1 74-1 Parkin 10. Public Works Director intervi Consensus to interview candid 7 : 30 P. M . Consensus of council was not Cormier's request to reduce i Monticello Liquors, Inc on April 15, 1976 at rovement. o adjust assessment per Mr. to same assessment as 12. Notice on public nuisances. Council consensus was to have notice in Monticello Shopper on public nuisance ordinance. 13. Waterin of flower ots in do town area. Consensus of council was to h ve city maintain watering of flower pots, provided Mont'cello Rotary agrees to painting pots and planting fl wers. Meeting adjourned. . ,A" GW / mj q