City Council Minutes 07-26-1976 I REGULAR MEETING OF THE 'MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL July 26, 1976 7:30 P. M. Members present: Con Johns Erickson, Dick Martie, Gene Walt Member absent: Stanley H 11. 1. Consideration of Condit onal Use Permit and Variance - James Teslow. James Teslow, of Teslow ditional use permit to the north east corner 0 zoned B-4. Auto Sales, requested a con- stablish a used car lot on Linn & Broadway, an area I In addition to the cond tional use permit, Mr. Teslow also requested e from the outside sales area limitations of 30% of t e gross floor area of the building, which would l'mit the used car sales area to approximately 4-5 ca s. Attorney Jim Metcalf, representing Jim Teslow, informed the council that his reading of the ordi ance indicates that auto sales are a permitted e in a B-4 district and that Mr. Teslow should not n ed a conditional use permit. The council reviewed a eport prepared by city planner, Howard Dahlgren, who feels that the ordinance is valid and requires a conditio al use permit for a used car sales operation. A motion was made by G. and unanimously carrie conditional use permit next regular meeting i to provide a legal opi Zoning Ordinances. Walters, second by D Martie to defer any action on the and variance request until the order for the city attorney ion on the validity of the I The plat will consist and light industrial 1 D. Martie made a motio , second by D. Erickson, and unanimously carried to approve the preliminary plat of Lauring Hillside Te race contingent upon the city obtaining all necessa, y utility easements. of Ro 2. Consideration of A Terrace Preliminary Mr. Roy Lauring propos proximately 45 acres c supplement 7/26/76 #1) d a subdivision plat of ap- nsisting of 19 lots. (See family residences Regular Meeting of City Council July 26, 1976 Jim Powers, of the Wright County Sheriff Dept., discussed with the council the police protection and patrolling procedures in Monticello. I 3. Discussion on Police Protection. Areas of discussion included patrolling of city streets leading to the NSP softball fields, parking problems in residential areas, including truck parking and patrolmen taking breaks at the same time. 4. Consideration of Right Turn Only on Hwy. #25 at Intersection of Hwy. 25 and County 75. The State Hwy. District Traffic Engineer, Mr. Ed McCulloch, had reviewed the present traffic situation at the inter- section of Hwy. 25 and Broadway, and indicated the following were possibilities: A. Making a right turn lane only with the left lane being either straight or left turn. B. Making the left lane a left turn only with the right lane being either straight or right turn. (See supplement 7-26-76 #2). I After discussion on the above possibilities, the council decided to request that the state re-time the stop lights for a longer green on Hwy. #25 to see if this would help the traffic flow before attempting to mark the individual lanes. 5. Consideration of Street Lighting on County Road #75. Mr. Earl Smith and Mr. Bernal Daggett, both of whom live in Hillcrest Addition requested that a street light be installed at the intersection of Cty. Road #75 and the road leading to Hillcrest 2nd Addition. The Council consensus was that other areas recently annexed should also be studied for possible street lights. A motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by D. Martie, and unanimously carried to have the P.W. Director report back to the council within 30 days with a list of areas that should have street lights installed. I I I I Regular Meeting of Council July 26, 1976 6. Consideration of Settlement f Kjellberg's Carpet and the ci y of Monticello were each to obtain independent inspect"ons of the newly installed carpet at the Municipal Liquor Store. (See supplement 7-26-76 #3.) Mr. Kjellberg's representativ , Bigelow Carpets, indicated that the plaid design was fou d to be within normal tolerance, but they did indicate that a irect glue-down installation is not recommended on a pattern carpet. The city's representative, Se vice Master, Inc., indicates the variance of the pattern (3/4") appears to be excessive and additionally comments tha the installer used poor judg- ment by continuing the installation of the carpet and recommends a 20-30% adjustment. ded by G. Walters and unanimously arpet a 20% reduction from the D. Martie made a motion, seco carried to offer Kjellberg's original contract amount. 7. Consideration of A ointee to Senior Citizens Center Board. Mr. Harry Stokes had been Senior Citizen's Board by mmended as an appointee to the Board itself. D. Erickson made a motion, se ond by D. Martie and unanimously carried to appoint Harry Stokes to the Senior Citizens Board. 8. Consideration of Pro osed Bandstand Reservation Guidelines. On a motion by D. Erickson, second by D. Martie and unanimously carried the proposed bandstand reservation guidelines were adopted. (See supplement 7-26-76 #4). 9. Review of Li uor Store Financial Statements. Mark Irmiter, liquor store ma ager, reviewed with the council the financial statements for the first six months of 1976. Included in his presentation was a report on the first six weeks of~eration at the new store location, which showed approximately a 35-40% increase over the same period last year. Regular Meeting of Council July 26, 1976 10. Approval of Bills. D. Martie made a motion, second by D. Erickson and unanimously carried to approve the bills for July as presented. (See supplement 7-26-76-#5). 11. The minutes of the council meeting held July 12, 1976, stand approved as read. 12. Consideration of Obtaining Options on (3) Parcels of ~~. G. Walters made a motion, second by D. Erickson and unanimously carried to authorize the city to obtain options from the follow- ing land owners for $200 each: A. Charles Peterson - B. Ruff Auto Parts - C. Nancy & Roy Lauring - $19,900 $10,800 $10,000 I Purchase of these (3) parcels would give the city a 165' x 165' site for a new city hall. The options will expire Sept. I 15, 1976. Denton Erickson made a motion, seconded by D. Martie and unan- imously carried to adjourn. RW/mjq I