City Council Minutes 09-13-1976 I I I September 13, 1976 REGULAR MEETING OF THE MNTICELLO CITY COUNCIL 7:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson,. Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. 1. Public Hearin - Vacation of 11 of Cedar Street lying south of 7th Street. J's Restaurants, Int'l., Street and west of Cedar Stre vacate the undeveloped Cedar Street. In addition, they re street be deeded to them. The consensus of the council Cedar Street would probably b city actually owns all street Erickson, seconded by Walters obtain an appraisal value of ing to an abutting property 0 then be offered to abutting p value. 2. Consideration of Defeasible D Pat & Mary Donahue requested half of the previously vacate for them to obtain financing clinic. of the land south of 7th t requested the city to treet lying south of 7th uested that a portion of the as that this portion of vacated, but since the , a motion was made by and unanimously carried to he street before actually deed- er. The vacated street would operty owners based on the appraisal to Pat and Mar Donahue. he city to deed the remaining Oak Street to them in order or their proposed medical A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie to grant a defeasible deed to Pat & Ma y Donahue for a period of (2) years for $1.00 plus legal co ts. The council discussed possible inconsistency in deeding some streets for $1.00 while obtai ing appraisals on other vacated streets before deeding. The motion was withdrawn and .a new motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie and unaniously carried to obtain an appraisal on the vacated east half of 'ak Street between Broadway and River Street. The appraisal will be reviewed. at the next council meeting before offering the property to the Donahues. Regular Meeting of Council September 13, 1976 3. Consideration of Petition for Sunday Liquor Referendum - Al Joyner. Mr. Al Joyner presented a petition requesting the council to place a referendum on the general election ballots re- garding issuance of Sunday liquor licenses. (See supplement 9/13/76 #1.) A motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to put the question of Sunday liquor before the voters on November 2, 1976. 4. Consideration of Resolution ordering Feasibility Report and Public Hearing Relative to Sewer and Water Extensions . Petitions were received requesting the following sewer or water extensions in Monticello: Area Imp. Requested Petitioners 6th & Vine to 6th & Elm Water Mrs. Laura Rowland West side of Pine & 7th St. to Cedar & 7th Street Chelsea Road & Cty 117 to Hwy. 25 & County 117 Sewer Texaco, Inc. J's Restaurant Water Fox Inns, Inc. (S. Hoglund) Robert Mosford A sewer repair project on 4th Street between Cedar & Pine was also discussed. It would appear that these can be added as change orders to the contract with Orfei & Sons and still be completed in 1976. A motion was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson and unan- imously carried to adopt resolution ordering feasibility re- port on the four areas and set Sept. 27, 1976 as the date for a public hearing. (See Resolution 1976, #20.) 5. Consideration of Type of Residential Street Lighting. At the August 23, 1976 council meeting, the installation of 16 residential street lights were approved. I I; I I I I Regular Meeting of Council September 13, 1976 Discussion centered on the ty e of lights that should be installed. N.S.P. officials, along with the city engineer, John Badalich, recommend the 'se of high pressure sodium. A motion was made by Martie, high pressure sodium lights i In favor: Erickson, Hall, Mar econded by Erickson to use the new residential areas. ie, Walters. Opposed: Johnson. 6. Consideration of Ac uisition f Riverside Cemetery. Doug Pitt, representing the M sonic Lodge, proposed to the council that the future opera ion of Riverside Cemetery be taken over by the city. Citi g financial problems as the primary reason, Mr. Pitt felt that the city could provide the care and maintenance of the" ommunity" facility. (See supple- ment 9-13-76 #2.) Discussion was also held on w to the east of the cemetery w along with the cemetery. Mr should eventually be controll as a gift. The council consensus was to city administrator Gary Wiebe the association's proposal, a within 30 days. ether or not property adjacent uld also be donated to the city itt indicated that this property d by the city, but not necessarily ppoint councilman Stan Hall, , and Doug Pitt to further study d report back to the council 7. Consideration of Joint Recreation Program Payment. A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie and unan- imously carried to approve pa ment of $2,000.00 to the Monti- cello School District for the city's share of the Joint Rec- reation Program for 1976. 8. Consideration of Hirin CETA Em 10 ee for P.W. De artment. A motion was made by Martie, imously carried to hire Bria program for the Public Works employee to be reviewed afte seconded by Johnson and unan- Meier under the CETA funded Department. The position and 6 months. 9. Consideration of Resolution n Violation of Public Nuisance Ordinance. Motion was made by Erickson, seconded by Walters and unan- imously carried to adopt res lution authorizing Wright County Attorney's office to prosecute violations of Monticello City I Ordinance relative to Public Nuisances. (See Resolution 1976 #19.) 10. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment - Variances. Motion was made by Hall, seconded by Martie to adopt Ordinance Amendment eliminating written notices to property owners within 3501 of proposed variance requests pertaining to yard setbacks, except those abutting property in questions. (See Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 #18.) In favor: Johnson, Martie, Erickson, Hall. Opposed: Walters. 11. Consideration of Bingo Ordinance. Motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie and unan- imously carried to adopt ordinance requiring the licensing of bingo games. (See Ordinance Amendment 9-13-76 #19.) 12. The minutes of August 23, 1976; August 25, 1976; September 8, 1976 stand approved as read. 13. Discussion on Street Lights. John Badalich, city engineer, updated the council on the proposed installation of street lighting on Highway #25 between the interchange and Broadway Avenue. The estimated costs of installing 24 new lights with high pressure sodium would run $29,200.00. I To replace the existing lights on Broadway to high pressure sodium would cost approximately $325.00 each for a total of $11,050.00. A motion was made by Hall, seconded by Martie and unanimously carried to table any decision on the type of lighting for Highway 25 until the next meeting. The council will be visiting other communities who recently installed high pressure sodium lights to get a better idea of how they look and perform. 14. Discussion on Possible City Hall Land Purchase. The consensus of the council was to have the Asst. Administra- tor negotiate with Red Michaelis on the possible purchase of his lot located on Broadway Avenue between Red's Mobil and I the future City Hall site, and report back to the council. I I I 15. Regular Meeting of Council September 13, 1976 Discussion - Warming House. John Badalich, city engineer, rough sketches and designs for next council meeting. Meeting adjourned. ~-:f:s~~~ Assistant Administrator RW/mjq as instructed to prepare some the councils review at the