City Council Minutes 09-23-1976 Special I MONTICELLO CI Y COUNCIL SPECIAL METING September 23, 19 6 - 4:00 P.M. Members present: Dick Martie Denton Erickson, Gene Walters. Members asbent: Con Johnson Stanley Hall. In attendance: Civic Center Johnson, and ommission members Sheldon aren Hanson. Herb Ketcham and an associate reviewed with the council some design variations and in erior layout that could be used on the previously sel cted building scheme. Some minor variations to the oof design and council chambers seating arrangements were chosen. A meeting was scheduled for 4 P.M. on September 27, 1976 to review more detailed drawi gs along with a detailed model of the city hall. I Meeting adjourned. ~fs~7:~ Administrative Assistant RWjmjq I