City Council Minutes 11-23-1976 I I I November 23, 1976 REGULAR MEETING OF THE M TICELLO CITY COUNCIL 7: 30 P. M. Members present: Con Johnson, D nton Erickson, Stan Ha~l, Dick Martie, G ne Walters. Citizens Comments: (A) Lawrence Clausen presented business owners requesting the c regards to the overhanging sign December 31, 1976. The petition be added to the ordinance allowi grandfathered in as long as they supplement 11/23/76 #1.) Vance Florell of Vance's Standar Cafe, Marn Flicker of Flicker's All Sports, spoke in opposition the hardships it would cause. petition signed by seventeen uncil to issue a variance in rdinance that is effective rs requested an amendment g all present signs to be are in good repair. (See , Stella Schneider of Stella's and Milt Bothum of Season's o the current ordinance and S. Hall made a motion to table ay enforcement of the over- hanging sign ordinance for six m nths to enable the council to review the ordinance for poss ble revisions. Died for lack of a second. A motion was made by D. Erickson unanimously carried to table any until the next regular meeting. (B) Joe Nelson requested a side erect a utility shed. The Ordin back in a residential district, concrete slab for the building I line. G. Walters made a motion, second carried to grant a 2! foot sidey River Terrace, to build a utilit seconded by D. Martie and action on the petition request ard variance of 2! feet to nces require a 10 foot set ut Mr. Nelson already has a cated 7! feet from the property d by S. Hall and unanimously rd variance on Lot 2, Block 5, shed. (C) The V.F.W. Club requested p rmission to move a building onto their property on south Ced r Street. Council consensus was that this Planning Commission with a site parking requirements and landsca equest should go through the Ian including building layout, Planning Commission I I I Regular Meeting Nov. 23, 1976 S. Hall made a motion, seconded carried to have a completion dat for the warming house. 2. Consideration of additional Y D. Martie and unanimously of 1-20-77 in the contract urchase for Cit Hall. Red Michaelis has now indicated parcel of land he owns to the ci with a possession date of July 1 is 49! feet by 165 feet. A motion was made by C. Johnson, unanimously carried to authorizel E. ! of 12, B~ock D, Monticello, to city upon payment of purchase Red Michaelis will keep possessi on lot as long as it is removed landscaping rights prior to 7-1- 3. Review of Li uor Store Financi Financial statements for the fir statements for the 5 months of were reviewed by the council. e would be willing to sell the y of Monticello for $20,000 1977. The size of the lot seconded by D. Erickson and the purchase of Lot 11 and for $20,000 with deed transferred price. of the existing building 7-1-77, and city to have if desired. Statements. of 1976, including the new location Motion was made by S. Hall, seco ded by D. Martie and unani- mously carried to accept the Ii or store financial statements as presented. (See supplement 11/23/76 #2.) 4. Consideration of A roving S ecifications for Industrial Tractor and Advertisement for Bids. D. Martie made a motion, second carried to advertise for bids f ing to the specifications prepa Bids to be returned on Monday, (See supplement 11/23/76 #3.) 5. Review of preliminar After review and discussion by motion, seconded by D. Martie a the budget as presented for 197 $596,226.00. Levy wou~d result supplement 11/23/76 #4.) d by S. Hall and unanimously r an industrial tractor accord- ed by the public works director. ecember 13 1976 at 2:00 P.M. 1977. he council, G. Walters made a d unanimously carried to adopt and authorizing a levy of in a mill rate of 14.60. (See Regular Meeting Nov. 23, 1976 6. Approval of Bills. I S. Hall made a motion, seconded by D. Martie and unanimously carried to approve the bills for November as presented. (See supplement 11/23/76 #5.) 7. Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the council meeting held November 11, 1976 were approved as presented. 8. Consideration of Dog Pound Construction. A motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Martie, and unanimously carried to have the city engineer and city admin- istrator review the dog pound plans and specifications for possible costs savings revisions and negotiate with the low bidder, J. Miller, for a revised bid proposal. The new proposal to be reviewed by Council at next meeting. Motion was made by D. Erickson, seconded by G. Walters, to adjourn. II RW/mjq I