City Council Minutes 12-27-1976 I I I REGULAR MEETING OF THE M NTICELLO CITY COUNCIL December 27, 1976 - 7:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, Denton Erickson, Stan~ey Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. 1. Consideration of Rezoning Howard Gillham Property. Howard Gillham requested rezoning a portion of his land approx- imately 45 acres in size situated just south of West County Road 39 and north of the free ay from R-1 to B-4, (regional business) . The consulting planner, Howar dicated that the proposed com orderly annexed area will rec commercial. Dahlgren & Associates, in- rehensive plan for the city mmend usage of this land as and The Planning Commission, at t eir December 21, 1976 meeting also recommended this parcel 0 be rezoned to B-4. A motion was made by D. Erick on, seconded by S. Hall and unanimously carried to rezone approximately 45 acres located south of West County Road 39 nd north of 1-94 from R-1 (Residential) to B-4 (Regiona Business). (See Zoning Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 # 3.) 2. Consideration of Sign Ordinan e Amendment. Because of various requests f r sign ordinance variances, Howard Dahlgren & Associates has rev:iewed the present sign ordinances in regards to heig t and size requirements. The Planning Commission, at t eir last meeting on December 14, 1976, recommended that th zoning ordinance relative to signs be amended to allow 'freeway standard signstl (200 sq. ft. and 32' high) in a co ercial or industrial zone to all businesses within 800' of a freeway but do not abut a freeway. The Planning Commission also ecommended that area and height regulations be amended provid"ng for a slightly larger sign on a 40-50 MPH thoroughfare a d 55 MPH freeway classification. S. Hall entered a motion, se onded by D. Martie and unan- imously carried to amend zon~ g ordinance 10-3-9-E-2-B-4 to allow larger signs and height regulations on a 40-50MPH thoroughfare and 55 MPH freeway and also allow "freeway standard signs" (200 sq. ft. and 32' high) in a commercial or industrial zone to all businesses within 800 feet of a freeway. (See Ordinance Amendment 8-15-75 #24.) 3. Consideration of Landscaping Requirements. The current zoning ordinances relative to landscaping re- quirements indicate that grass, sodding, shrubs or other acceptable vegetation used in general landscaping is re- quired. This section does not require any specific portion of the landscaping be devoted to shrubbery or trees. The Planning Commission recommended amending the current landscaping requirements by adding the following provisions: 1. All buildings shall be finished on all four sides with consistent architectural quality, materials and design. 2. Three percent of the service area within an off street parking area shall be landscaped with grass and/or decorative surface treatment - trees and shrubbery for all developments except single family dwellings. Two percent of the development costs as determined by the building permit valuations shall be devoted to landscaping, exclusive of sod and walkways. A bond shall be posted for twenty percent of said two percent for two years to insure ordinance com- pliance. This requirement applies to all develop- ment except single family residential. 3. The council discussed whether a bond for 20% of the land- scaping costs was intended to insure maintenance and up- keep of the landscaping or was to insure the actual in- stallation of the grass, shrubbery, etc. Council consensus was to table any consideration of amend- ments in order to study the bond posting requirements of provision #3. 4. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Street Lighting Bids. Ten bids were received on 12/20/76 for the construction of 250 watt high pressure sodium lights for Highway 25 between I-94 and River Street. I I I I I I D. Martie made a motion, seco ded by G. Walters and unani- mously carried to award the s reet lighting contract to the low bidder, Electric Repa~r and Construction Co., Inc. of Minneapolis, for the base id "B" of $28,660 with the alternate of $700 for a total of $29,360.00. 5. Consideration of Awarding Con ract on Industrial Tractor Bids. The following four bids were received for a new industrial tractor on 12/20/76: 1- Arnold's Equipment (" 76 International 2510) $10,995 2. Case Equipment (" 76 Case 580c) $ 9,386 3. Long Lake Ford ('77 Ford 420) $ 6,738 4. Valley Equipment ( '77 John Deere 302A) $12,616.98 The Public Works Director reco '76 International 2510 because the bid specifications in a nu horse power and because of the accessibility for service and ment 12/27/76 #1.) A motion was made by S. Hall, unanimously carried to award t trial tractor to Arnold's Equi with a one week trial period. ended the purchase of the it conformed to or exceeded ber of areas including more automatic transmission, epairs, etc. (See supple- econded by D. Martie and e contract for the indus- ment Co., for $10,995.00 6. Consideration of 1977 Maintena ce Agreement - Wright Count. G. Walters entered a motion, s conded by D. Martie and unanimously carried to approve the maintenance agreement with Wright County relative to 3.876 miles of County State Aid Highway Maintenance in the City of Monticello for 1977. (See supplement 12/27/76 #2.) 7. Consideration of Approval of P ment to Wright County on Montissippi Park Road. The Montissippi Park Road Impr vement Project recently completed by Robasse Construct'on Co., was a joint venture between the City and Wright Co nty. The total cost of the road imp ovement was $22,655.71 including engineering fees wit the city's share being 25% of the total or $5,663.93. The City of Monticello has paid the engineering fees of $3,823.91 directly to OSM and a motion was made by S. Hall, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried to approve the final payment balance of $1840.02 to Wright for the Park Road Improvement. I 8. Consideration of Street Names. A committee consisting of Mayor Con Johnson and councilman G. Walters submitted a list of 15 street names for the unnamed public roads in Monticello. (See supplement 12/27/76 #3.) S. Hall made a motion, seconded by D. Erickson, and unani- mously carried to name the street in front of the Monticello- Big Lake Hospital, Hart Boulevard. D. Erickson entered a motion, seconded by D. Martie and unanimously carried to name the public road east of Hill- crest Additon, Prairie Road. D. Erickson made a motion, seconded by D. Martie, and unan- imously carried to rename West County Road 39, Golf Course Road and approve the balance of the street names as pre- sented by the committee. (See Ordinance Amendment #26.) I 9. Approval of Bills for December. D. Martie entered a motion, seconded by D. Erickson and unanimously carried to approve the bills for December as presented. (See supplement 12/27/76 #4.) 10. The minutes of December 13, 1976 stand approved as presented. 11. Consideration of Joint Airport Study with Maple Lake and Monticello. A motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Martie and unanimously carried to enter into a contract with Ralph Burke and Associates to prepare a joint airport feasibility study for the cities of Monticello and Maple Lake. The cost of the contract is $16,000 with phase I totaling $7500 and phase II $8500. It is expected that the FAA will finance 90% of the contract I with each city's share amounting to 5% or $800 for both phases of the study. I Councilmen G. Walters and S. H committee to meet with the cit to study and review possible c Councilmen G. Walters and S. H meet with members of the Monti to discuss skating activities Park. Meeting adjourned. ~~ Administrative Assistant RW/mjq I I 11 were appointed to a hall project architects st reduction alternatives. 11 were also appointed to ello Youth Hockey Association nd procedures at the 4th Street