City Council Minutes 01-24-1977 I I I REGULAR MEETING 0 THE MONTICELLO CITY CO NCIL January 24, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. Members pres ent: Con Johnson, St n Hall, Gene Wal ters, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo. 1. Review of Re lations Relative to Monticello as a result --- of a ortion of the Mississi pi River bein designated a component of the Wild Scenic & Recreational Rivers System. Mr. Wayne Sames of the DNR b iefly outlined the provisions of the Wild & Scenic Rivers ct and the affect it would have on MontCello. He indic ted that the cities along the Mississippi River will be re uired to adopt the Municipal Shoreline Regulations by Apr"l 15, 1977. General Develop- ment Regulations would apply to Monticello and should not cause much change in our cit ordinances. The most notice- able effect of these regulat ons would be in lot size areas of newly platted subdivision requiring: 1. 2. 3. 20,000 sq. ft. for un 15,000 sq. ft. for se 10,000 sq. ft. for al distric ts ewered lots ered lots abutting the river other lots within the boundary The setback requirements for non-sewered lots would be 100' and 75' for lots served by p blic sewer. The current city ordinances equire 12,000 sq. ft. for residential lots, but since ost of the property located along the river within the city has already been platted, the square footage requirem nts of the new regulations would not have much affect on Mon icello since all previously platted lots are grandfathered in. Council consensus was to ha e Mr. Sames present a model ordinance prepared by the D to the planning Commission for their review. The Planning Commission rec mmendations on the new regulations would then be presented to he city council for adoption. 2. Consideration of Change Ord r and Payment Request - Orfei & Sons on 1976 Sewer a d Water Project. S. Hall entered a motion, s carried to approve the chan extras to the 1976 Sewer an Sons and payment voucher #6 the amount retained to 5%. conded by D. Blonigen and unanimously e order #3 for $8,746.27 in Water Contract with Orfei & for $47,434.13 which reduces 3. Consideration of Payment Approval - Step 1 Facilities Plann- ing Report. John Badalich of OSM briefly outlined the completed Facilities Planning Report to the council. The report will be reviewed in more detail at the February 14, 1977 council meeting. I Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates requested payment of $86,836.73 based on 85% completion of the Step 1 Facilities Planning Report. Monticello has received an approval from the EPA for this billing. A. Grimsmo made a motion, seconded by G. Walters and unani- mously carried to approve the payment of $86,836.73 to OSM for the 85% completion of the Step 1 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities Planning Report. 4. Consideration of Landscaping Ordinance Amendment. S. Hall entered a motion, seconded by D. Blonigen and unan- imously carried to amend the landscaping ordinances by adding the fOllowing provisions: 1. All buildings shall be finished on all four sides with consistent architectural quality, materials and design. I 2. Three percent of the service area within an off- street parking area shall be landscaped with grass and/or decorative surface treatment - trees and shrubbery for all developments except single family dwellings. 3. One percent of the development costs, or $1500, which- ever is greater, as determined by the building permit valuation shall be devoted to landscaping exclusive of sod and walkways. A bond shall be re- quired for 100% of said landscaping not completed at the time of the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. This bond shall be for one year at the end of which the city has the authority to complete the necessary landscaping. 4. The city coucil may waive any portion of the pro- visions of items 2 and 3 if the developer can demon- strate justification for exemption and the planning commission has reviewed the request. (See Ordinance I Amendment 8-15-75 #27.) I I I I - ,) ii -. 7 7 5. Consideration of A ointment 0 Senior Citizens Center Board. Due to poor health, Mr. CharI Senior Citizen's Board. D. by A. Grimsmo and unanimously Schaffer to the Senior Citize Mr. Plotnik. 6. Approval of Bills. Motion made by S. Hall, secon carried to approve the list 0 presented. (See supplement 1 s Plotnik resigned from the onigen made a motion, seconded carried to appo~nt Harry IS Center Board to replace ed by A. Grimsmo and unanimously bills for January, 1977 as 24-77 #1.) 7. The minutes of the council me'eting held on January 10, 1977 stand approved as read. 8. The council discussed the recent number of freezing water lines in the city. Council c nsensus was to refer all property owners to private cO' tractors when their waterlines freeze with the homeowner or business establishment assuming all costs involved in thawing the line. Motion by G. Walters, seconded by S. Hall to adjourn. 1f:!wor:i~ Administrative Assistant RW/mjq