City Council Minutes 07-21-1977 Special I I ( I SPECIAL MEEI'ING {l{)NTICELLQ ITY COUNCIL July 21, 197 - 7:30 P.M. Members present: Members absent: D. Blonigen, A. Grimsm , G. Walters. C. Johnson, P. White. Acting Mayor, Gene Walters, chaired the eeting in the absence of Mayor Johnson. Purpose of the meeting was to review wit representatives of the Monticello Masonic Lodge the possible acquisition 0 Riverside Cemetery as requested by the Lodge. City Attorney, Gary Pringle, reviewed th following legal questions involved: 1. City has statutory authority to perate cemetery. 2. It is not incumbent upon the Cit to take over cemetery. 3. All land owned by Riverside Ceme ery Association must be transferred to City according to Minnesota Statutes if the transfer of existing cemetery is to take place. Additionally, all funds of the Association are to be transferred to City. 4. If cemetery is abandoned, Minnes ta State Statutes indicate the county may take over the operati ns of the cemetery. There is no reference to a city's authority 0 take over an abandoned cemetery. Acting Mayor Walters indicated that it w s council consensus that the City would not take over Riverside Cemetery less the land owned to the east was also given to the City. He also sta ed that his intent would be to utilize additional land as park land unt 1 necessary for future expansion and felt that was the feeling of the co cil as a whole also. Masonic Lodge representative, Doug Pitt, indicat d the Lodge would not agree to those terms. Acting Mayor Walters requested that both parties give further consideration to the matter and the item be placed on he August S, 1977 City Council agenda for a final decision. Meeting adjourned. <7< tJ~ Gary wi(;dr'7- City Administrator Gw/ns