City Council Minutes 07-27-1977 I I I REGULAR CITY C UNCIL MEEI'ING July 27, 1977 7:30 P. M. Members present: C. JOMson, A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen, G. Walters, P. White 1. Consideration of Site for Senior Cit' zens Center. At the last council meeting held Jul 11, 1977, A. Grimsmo and P. White were appointed to a committee to re 'ew the proposed plans to expand the present city hall for both Senior Ci izens and the Fire Dept. use. The Fire Dept. personnel had requested t at they be allowed the use of the entire city hall rather than sharing the facility with the Senior Citizens. After reviewing the situation, the CI mmittee recommended that the city council approve the purchase of Dent; n Erickson's Moon Motors building for $44,600 as a Senior Citizens cen er as opposed to the expansion of the present city hall. P. White made a motion, second by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the purchase of the Moon Mot rs building for $44,600.00 for use as the new Senior Citizens Cente , with a possession date of October 1, 1977. G. Walters then made a motion, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to pqy cash for the Moon Motors building as opposed to possible financing over a few years. Citizens comments: Dave Kranz of Monticello Printing, would be interested in renting a po building for his business if the sp senior citizens. Council consensus next council meeting a written prop possibly an agreement could be reac roposed to the council that he ion of the new senior citizens ce was not needed entirely by the as to have Mr. Kranz present at the sal outlining his intentions, as ed on a 5 year lease. Permit - Cedarcrest Housin 2. Consideratinn of A roval of Buil ' for the Elderly. rcrest Housing for the Elderly, permit for his thirty-eight Construction is expected to Mr. JOM Bergstad, developer of Ced is requesting approval of a buildin (38) unit apartment on Fourth Stree . start in August. It appears that all ordinances incl ding landscaping provisions are adhered to including the requiremen that elderly housing projects provide one (1) parking space for e ery two units with future ex- pansion of parking lot on a one-to- ne ratio. A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by G. Walters and unanimously carried to approve the building permit for he 38 unit elderly housing project to Mr. JOM Bergstad. Because Mqyor Johnson had to attend the O. A. A. Board Meeting at 8:00 P.M., the meeting was turned over to Acting M or Gene Walters. I I I 3. Consideration of Amendin Ordinance for Certain Subdivisions. Monticello ordinance 11-1-7 relative to subdivision requirements reads as follows: 11-1-7: EXCEPTIONS: When re either of the two fo the City Administrator shall br' attention of the Planning Commis review said request and exempt t, with any inappropriate requireme A) In the case of a request to of a recorded plat where the adding of a parcel of land t create two lots and the newl not cause the other remainin in violation with this Ordin B) Such division results in par (5) acres or more with front measuring three hundred (300 division does not necessitat right-of-way; or if a lot wh in the office of the Registe is to be divided and such di structure on the lot to be ' ordinance or said new portio ordinances. 1. Review by the Planning by the City Council. esting a subdivision, if lowing conditions exist, g the request to the ion whereupon, they shall e subdivider from complYing ts of this ordinance. 'vide a lot which is a part division is to permit the an abutting lot or to created property line will portion of the lot to be ce of the Zoning Ordinance. els having an area of five ge on a public right-of-way feet or more and when such the dedication of a public ch is part of a plat recorded of Deeds of Wr~ght County 'sion will not cause any violation of the zoning s of lots to be in violation of city The Planning Commission had recommen ed that when a subdivision request falls under either Section A or B, t e following requirements would be appropriate: 2. Certificate of Survey. and review and approval 3. Park dedication requirements as spelled out in Ordinance Section 11-6-1 through 11-6-5. It is recommended that all othE?r req 'rements such as soil surveys, public hearings, topographic mapping, etc. will be eliminated in these cases. Howard Dahlgren, the ci y's planner, has reviewed the proposed amendments and concurs. P. White made a motion, second by D. lonigen and unanimously carried to amend ordinance Section 11-1-7 rel tive to subdivision regulations to require Planning commission review, City Council review and ap- proval, a certificate of survey and pi k dedication requirements for any subdivision request that falls un er A or B of the section. (See Ordinance amendment 8-15-75 #32. I I I 4. Consideration of A roval of John S East Mr. John Sandberg owned a parcel of east side of Highway 25 that was originally 4.28 acres an has sold a parcel of approxi- mately .89 acre for a home site. No plat or subdivision was ever approved on this sale. Addi tionally, Mr. Sandberg would now like to subdivide the remaining 3.39 acres into two parcels, one of 1.36 cres and one of 2.03 acres. Mr. Sandberg is seeking to fall unde Section 11-1-7 as amended and has agreed to the requirements propo, ed, including calculating the park dedication on the entire 4.28 a res. P. White entered a motion, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the subdivision of the 3. 9 acre parcel owned by John Sandberg into (2) parcels consisting of 1.36 and 2.03 acres. Park dedicati0n requirements would be bas d on the original 4.28 acre parcel. 5. Review of Su lemental Re ort on Per anent Street I l'ovement. City Engineer, John Badalich, review d with the council a supplemental report on a permanent street improve ent project recently presented. Mr. Badalich estimates that the cost of a 2" bituminous overlay would be $342,000 compared with a cost of 2,557,600 for a permanent street program. (See supplement 7-27-77 #l . By eliminating portions of storm sew r improvements in the permanent improvement proposal, the original c st estimate could be reduced from approximately 3 million to 2.56 million. At a previous meeting, the council d cided to order plans and speci- fications for a 2" overlay. In orde to provide the council more time to review the supplemental repo t, consensus was to table any decision at the present time on a pe manent street program. The council also instructed Mr. Badalich to delay preparing the pre- viously ordered plans and specs for 2" overlay until a final de- cision can be reached. 6. Review of 11 uor Store Financial Sta ements. The Liquor Store financial statement for the ~ year ended June 30, 1977 was reviewed by the liquor stor manager, Mark Irmiter. (See supplement July 27, 1977 #2). It wo d appear that sales will meet the projected 1977 figure of $475,00 and operating income should approach approximately $32,000, or $ ,000 more than originally projected. The financial statements were accept d as presented. 7. Approval of Bills. Blonigen and unanimously as presented. Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, secon carried to approve the bills for Jul (See supplement July 27, 1977 #3). I I I 8. The minutes of July 7, 1977 and July 11, 1977 council meetings were approved as read. 9. Review of John Sandber 's Prelimin Plat. Mr. John Sandberg requested approval of his preliminary plat consisting of 30 lots. The plat is located jus west of Hillcrest and south of Prairie Road. The plat has been reviewed and appro ed by the city planner and Planning Commission with minor alterations. John Badalich, city engineer, review d with the council some minor requirements still needed and recomm ded that a small portion of storm sewer be added to the drainage plan, rather than overland drainage of the entire plat. A. Grimsmo made a motion, second by . Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve the preliminary plat as p esented with the city engineer's recommendations being implemented by Mr. Sandberg. 10. Review of NPDES Permit Renewal b A meeting was recently held with the MPCA in regard to MOnticello's renewal of its NPDES permit. A repo t was prepared by the city engineer recommending that the city ould be willing to treat the raw sewage with chemicals in an effo t to reduce the current effluent levels to an acceptable level. The hemical treatment would be the most cost effective method as an int rim solution. The MPCA has agreed to the chemical reatment process as an interim solution and has set a new BOD5 limi ation of 60 in the summer and 80 during the winter months. G. Walters made a motion, second by . Blonigen and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution approving the hemical treatment of the sewage as an interi m solution and agreeing to the new NPDES effluent levels of 60/30 and 80/40 for summer and wi ter months as recommended by the PCA. (See Resolution 1977 #10). The MPCA has also indicated that app oval would be granted to future sewer extensions in Monticello if th chemical treatment process was implemented. John Badalich also reviewed with the council the current status of MOnticello's application for upgra . g the treatment plant and in- stallation of sewer lines under the acili ties Planning Grant program. The MPCA has reviewed and eliminated portions of the proposed sewer lines from the interceptor classific, tion which would have been eligible for 9Cf/o Federal funding. us the city can now expect its share of the costs to rise to about 1,000,000 as compared to previous estimates of $351,000. Federal and State grants for construction and upgrading are still anticipated for approximately $2 mil ion of the costs. I I I 11. Miscellaneous. Paul Klein, fire chief, reported tha he had inspected a vacant house at the corner of Cedar Street & 3rd d recommended to the council that the city consider informing the owners to clean up the building or tear it down. The Administrator as instructed to contact the owners and inform them that the buil . g must either be cleaned and boarded up or the city will cond mn the building. Motion to adjourn by P. White and se ond G. Walters and unanimously carried. ~if1.1idld- Adm. Asst. RW/ns