City Council Minutes 08-08-1977 REGULAR MEETING OF MONTI ELLO CITY COUNCIL I August 8, 1977 - Walters. :30 P. M. Members present: Johnson, Grim mo, Blonigen, White, 1. Public Hearing - Variance f om Permitted Home Occupation Uses within an R-l (Single amily Residential) Zone. Mrs. Bettilou Christopher w s considering the purchase of a 5.29 acre parcel of la d with a home and buildings on Prairie Road in the nort western part of Monticello. I Mrs. Christopher would like in one of the garages that to selling antiques on a Ii Monticello ordinances do aI' permitted accessory use in Christopher requested the f home occupation definition: 1. No stock in trade sh 2. No more than one (1) home occupation use. 3. No home occupation s results in or genera car for off-street in time. to hold some paint classes xists on the site in addition ited scale. ow home occupations as a R-l zone, however, Mrs. llowing variances from the 11 be kept or sold. room shall be devoted to At their last meeting, the lanning Commission recommended that the necessary variance be granted with a stipulation that the variance would be nly temporary and expire after 5 years at which time the variance could be re- viewed for renewal or the property owners comply with current ordinances. all be permitted which es more traffic than one (1) rking at anyone given point P. White made a motion, see nd by D. Blonigen and unan- imously carried to approve the variances requested with the stipulation that the v riance would expire in five years at which time the variance could be reviewed for renewal or the property owners comply with current city ordinances. (See supplemen 8-8-77 #1). 2. Update b Housing & Redevelopment Authorit Chairperson. I Jean Powers, chairperson of the Monticello HRA, informed the council on the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency's Grant Program progress locally. The Monticello HRA was allocated $15,000 by the State to distribute locally to low income homeowners for home repairs. To date, all of the money has been committed to (5) local homeowners and all projects should be completed by August 31, 1977. After reviewing the matter Mr. Kranz proposed to the c (west) 30 feet (1200 sq. ft $235 per month plus utiliti option to terminate the lea leasehold improvements Dave against the $235 monthly pa Dave that the improvements cost about $6,500. Following is a list of impr vements Dave has indicated he would like to make: Paneling - 3 walls Painting - 1 wall Electric heater Insulation - ceiling an exterior walls Concrete floor Vents for insulation Electrical wiring and 1 Paint and sheetrock cei ing Install sink Plus allowance of $7.50 hr. for Dave's labor Regular meeting I Under this Grant program, t senior citizens as the prim and if the home owner keeps years, none of the money h 3. Consideration of Leasing a Moon Motors Building. At the council's last meeti operator of Monticello Prin consider the lease of a por building acquired from Dent the council requested that regular meeting and make a matter beforehand with the I If the actual improvements 27 months of the lease woul months of the 5 year lease A. Grimsmo made a motion, s mously carried to approve t Kranz to rent a portion of $235 per month with credit hold improvements and autho prepare a lease. I 2J~/lf-' ncil - August 8 - cont'd. e local HRA targeted the ry recipients of the grants the improved property for 5 s to be repaid. ortion of the Newly Acquired g, Mr. Dave Kranz, owner and ing, requested the council ion of the Moon Motors n Erickson. At that meeting ave come back to the next roposal and review the ity administrator. ith the city administrator, uncil to lease the back total) of the building for s for five (5) years with an e after two (2) years. Any makes would be credited ments. It was estimated by e would like to make would fluorescent lights ould come to $6,500, the first be zero, with the remaining o be $235.00. cond by P. White and unani- e proposal presented by Mr. he Moon Motors building at eing given for any lease- ,ize the city attorney to I Regular meeting - August 8, 1977 - cont'd. 4. Consideration of Adopting REsolution Approving Plans & Specifications and Directin~ the Advertisement for Con- struction Bids on the 1977-1 Sanitary Sewer, Streets and Watermain Improvement Proje<t. John Badalich, city engineer, reviewed the plans for constructing sewer, water ard street improvements for Oakwood Industrial Park and along Matthew Circle in Ritze Manor. The estimated cost of the improvements was placed at approximately $57C ,000. Gene Walters made a motion, second by P. White and unani mously carried to adopt a rEsolution approving plans and specifications and advertis ng for bids on the 1977-1 Sanitary Sewer, Streets and Watermain Improvement Project. The bids would be returnable be awarded at the September (See resolution 1977 #11). September 8, 1977 and could 12, 1977 council meeting. I 5. Consideration of Setting He ring Date for Assessments on '76 Sewer and Water Cons ruction E!oject. P. White made a motion, seCt nd by A. Grimsmo and unani- mously carried to set Augus 24, 1977 at 7:30 P. M. as the hearing date to review he proposed assessments for the 1976-1 Sewer and Water mprovement Project. 6. Consideration of Taking Ove Riverside Cemetery. At a special council meetin; held July 21, 1977, with representatives of the Maso ic Lodge, it was the council's consensus that the city wou d not take over the operation of the Riverside Cemetery u less the land owned to the east was also given to the ity. Mr. Doug Pitt informed the ouncil that the Masonic Lodge would be willing to o-fer the additional property to the city for $65,000. G. Walters made a motion, s~cond by D. Blonigen to take over the operation and maincenance of the Riverside Cemetery provided the Mason.c Lodge turned over all property and assets owned t) the city with no additional compensation. In favor: C. Johnson, G. Walters, A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen. Oppnsed: P. White. 7.Consideration of Advertising for Bids for Carpeting City Hall. The council previously disc~ssed the possibility of deleting the carpeting from the city hall construction contract and advertising for bids separately on the carpeting in an effort to reduce this portion of the contract costs. I August 8, 1977 - Regular me ting - cont'd. I P. White made a motion, sec nd by A. Grimsmo and unani- mously carried to advertise for bids for carpet at the new city hall. The bids will be compared to the general contractor's price to deter ine if there would be a dollar savings. of Present Senior Citizens 8. Consideration Center. Since the city has recently decided to purchase the Moon Motors building as the site for the senior citizen center, the council discussed the a ternatives available for dis- position of the present sen'or citizen center. A motion was made by P. Whi unanimously carried to seek molishing and removing the buildings - both the center in the rear. e, second by A. Grimsmo and bids or estimates for de- resent senior citizen and the small cottage located The council will review the estimates at the next council meeting. I 9. The minutes of the council eetings held July 21, 1977, July 27, 1977 and July 28, 1977 stand approved as presented. 10. Due to the large volume of ouncil tapes currently being stored at city hall, C. Joh son made a motion to have the council meeting tape record~ngs erased after the city council approves the minute of each meeting. Motion died for lack of a second. C. Johnson then entered a m tion, seconded by P. White to have the council tapes eased six months after the council approves the minute . In favor: C. Johnson, P. Wh"te, A. Grimsmo. Opposed: D. Blonigen, G. W lters. I 11. Consideration of Selling a ortion of Chestnut Street between Broadway and 3rd St eet. Mr. H. Wehmann of Annandale, MN. offered to purchase the east 16' of Chestnut Street between Broadway and 3rd Street for between $80 and 200. He would like to use this portion of the street s a driveway for a new house proposed for Lot 10, Block 2. The property does now have access from County Roa #75 (Broadway) for a driveway. I D. Blonigen made a motion, carried to reject Mr. Wehma 16' of Chestnut Street. econd by Walters and unanimously nls proposal to buy the easterly August 8, 1977 - Regular me ting - cont'd. I 12. Miscellaneous. Council consensus was to ha e the city administrator inform the owners of the v cant house on the corner of 3rd and Cedar that the b ilding must be either boarded up or torn down within 2 we ks. The public works director w to the council on possible problems occurring along We Mayor Con Johnson, on behal Mrs. J. C's for the 3 park for the Bridge parks. Meeting adjourned. tBof!s~ Adm. Assistant ~I RW/lg _I s instructed to report back olutions to the drainage t Broadway right-of-way. of the city, thanked the enches they recently donated